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India creating problems in anti-terror war:Pakistan's Ambassador to Afghanistan Sadiq

Dear friend, I really appreciate your views on these touchy issues but everyone has a different opinion and point of view. I know about the Taliban and the Al Qaeda very well. They were formed during Soviet-Afghan War by CIA and ISI to push back the Russians. After the war a power vacuum was created which was then filled by the Taliban after a long civil war. Al Qaeda was headed by Osama bin Laden, who is also known as Tim Osman (top CIA agent). He was working with the CIA for a long time. As for the JuD, they were never involved in Mumbai Attacks and if you know then they are one of the largest humanitarian groups in Pakistan. They also received International Recognition for the humanitarian efforts in rebuilding earthquake affected areas. Mumbai Attacks Investigations have too many flaws and unanswered questions.
1)Ask your gov of why Hemant Karkare was killed who was probing links between extremist hindus and Israel ?
2)Why Ajmal Kasab was wearing a hindu saffron band ?
3) Why the Indian dossier contains toothpastes, shaving creams, pickles, milkpack tins and other day to day usage commodities ? ( Were the attackers on a vacation. Its ridicluous)
4) Why did the attackers buy liquors and drank them? ( True Muslims don't drink alcohol)
5) Why Mr. Abdul Rehman Antulay was silenced on expressing rightful and justified questions about Karkare's death ?
6) Why the Mumbai Police was not taking swift action against these terrorists? (I mean people were begging them on the spot to retaliate but they sat like cowards)
7) Why did the Indian Coastal Guards and Navy not spot the terrorists before they embarked on India Gate ?
8) How did the ammuntions for the attack get to Taj Hotel room before the attacks took place ?
8) Why did the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC make contact with these terrorists in Nariman House ?
9) Why were these terrorists speaking in Hyderabadi/Marathi accent ? (Pakistanis do not speak in such manner. They don't pronounce zabardasti as jabardasti or zulm as julm.)
10) Why did the Indian government not take immediate action and said that the attacks were a surprise when it was already informed by US Government of a possible attack from seaside in October 2008?

You have completely deviated, mate. This thread is not about 26/11. By deviating this thread, you are doing injustice to the case of Pakistan.

26/11 was done by Pakistan's LeT/JuD and they were handled by some ex-major after the orders were given at the highest level in Rawalpindi. Dont assume that Pakistanis and Indians are stupids, this is a complex game. And Pakistanis did 26/11, because they saw it as essential. Of course, India has retaliated and the effects are seen all over Pakistan.
You have completely deviated, mate. This thread is not about 26/11. By deviating this thread, you are doing injustice to the case of Pakistan.

26/11 was done by Pakistan's LeT/JuD and they were handled by some ex-major after the orders were given at the highest level in Rawalpindi. Dont assume that Pakistanis and Indians are stupids, this is a complex game. And Pakistanis did 26/11, because they saw it as essential. Of course, India has retaliated and the effects are seen all over Pakistan.
So you admit that India is terrorizing Pakistan. If that is the case then it is a very cheap and disgusting way to wage a proxy war and I again say that JuD is not involved in Mumbai Carnage. Kindly answer my questions about Mumbai Attacks if you have any.
Dear friend, I really appreciate your views on these touchy issues but everyone has a different opinion and point of view. I know about the Taliban and the Al Qaeda very well. They were formed during Soviet-Afghan War by CIA and ISI to push back the Russians. After the war a power vacuum was created which was then filled by the Taliban after a long civil war. Al Qaeda was headed by Osama bin Laden, who is also known as Tim Osman (top CIA agent). He was working with the CIA for a long time. As for the JuD, they were never involved in Mumbai Attacks and if you know then they are one of the largest humanitarian groups in Pakistan. They also received International Recognition for the humanitarian efforts in rebuilding earthquake affected areas. Mumbai Attacks Investigations have too many flaws and unanswered questions.
1)Ask your gov of why Hemant Karkare was killed who was probing links between extremist hindus and Israel ?
2)Why Ajmal Kasab was wearing a hindu saffron band ?
3) Why the Indian dossier contains toothpastes, shaving creams, pickles, milkpack tins and other day to day usage commodities ? ( Were the attackers on a vacation. Its ridicluous)
4) Why did the attackers buy liquors and drank them? ( True Muslims don't drink alcohol)
5) Why Mr. Abdul Rehman Antulay was silenced on expressing rightful and justified questions about Karkare's death ?
6) Why the Mumbai Police was not taking swift action against these terrorists? (I mean people were begging them on the spot to retaliate but they sat like cowards)
7) Why did the Indian Coastal Guards and Navy not spot the terrorists before they embarked on India Gate ?
8) How did the ammuntions for the attack get to Taj Hotel room before the attacks took place ?
8) Why did the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC make contact with these terrorists in Nariman House ?
9) Why were these terrorists speaking in Hyderabadi/Marathi accent ? (Pakistanis do not speak in such manner. They don't pronounce zabardasti as jabardasti or zulm as julm.)
10) Why did the Indian government not take immediate action and said that the attacks were a surprise when it was already informed by US Government of a possible attack from seaside in October 2008?

Bro JUD was banned by International bodies and and UN considered it as the alias of LeT..

UN declares Jamaat-ud-Dawa a terrorist front group - The Long War Journal

Jama'at-ud-Da'wah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As you know LeT is behind most of the terror attacks done in India and changing the name dont change the intentions of an organisation.
as for the other coments we are discussing it in another thread and you feel free to post it there ..I will try my level best to answer you :cheers:
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So you admit that India is terrorizing Pakistan. If that is the case then it is a very cheap and disgusting way to wage a proxy war and I again say that JuD is not involved in Mumbai Carnage. Kindly answer my questions about Mumbai Attacks if you have any.

all nations use covert and overt abilities to further their national interests. International realpolitik is not bachchon ka khel, its a very serious business were nations are required to kill or take losses if required. Both Pakistan and India do it. Only, that of late, India has started to win this game.

As for your questions on Mumbai attacks, they are mostly silly and inconsequential. Pakistan is not stupid to face all the flak for a murder they have not done. Mumbai was done by them, India very cleverly recorded the sat phones, compiled dossiers and supplied them to every worthwhile country in the world. India has put enormous pressure on Pakistan. In many ways, India has been successful in portraying Pakistan as a terrorist nation. Soon, this image creation will reap rewards. The things are already moving in that direction.

Pakistan's nukes are the objective here.
Bro JUD was banned by an International bodies and and UN considered it as the alias of LeT..

UN declares Jamaat-ud-Dawa a terrorist front group - The Long War Journal

Jama'at-ud-Da'wah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As you know LeT is behind most of the terror attacks done in India and changing the name dont change the intentions of an organisation.
as for the other coments we are discussing it in another thread and you feel free to post it there ..I will try my level best to answer you :cheers:

what all you have said is true, but it is also true that JuD was involved in humanitarian work in Northern Areas when earth quake occured. Of course, they did siphon off a lot of funds.
what all you have said is true, but it is also true that JuD was involved in humanitarian work in Northern Areas when earth quake occured. Of course, they did siphon off a lot of funds.

Soon India will be split into few smaller countries, InshaAllah!
Soon India will be split into few smaller countries, InshaAllah!

See, buddy, once there was a great possibility of it happening. At that time, ISI was winning the game. There was a Khalistani movement, Kashmiri movement, UlFAs, BODOs, Naxals......etc the list is long. But for some reason, luckily for India, ISI got involved in domestic politics of Pakistan. The focus was not completely on India, this time was well used by India to quell most secessionist movements and make them irrelevent. Also, in the past Pakistan was more developed and ahead financially compared to India. The situation has reversed. US was once supporter of Pakistan. We now know, whose side it is on. Talibs were once controlled by PA/ISI. Today, talibs are split into many smaller gangs, many of which are infiltrated by CIA/RAW. So, while there was in the past a reaslitic chance of India splitting, it is not anymore. Today the scene has reversed, thanks to the intelligence and hardwork of RAW over the years.
Originally Posted by jupiter2007 View Post
Soon India will be split into few smaller countries, InshaAllah!

o great prophet from pakistan i beseech thee to enlighten me about what else shall happen in the world in the future.

also enlighten me as to how india probably splitting up in the future is relevant to this thread?
Hypocrite indian leaders lose no chance to blame Pakistan. I dont know why our leader hesitate to speak the truth. Indian is creating alot of problem in Pakistan
Hypocrite indian leaders lose no chance to blame Pakistan. I dont know why our leader hesitate to speak the truth. Indian is creating alot of problem in Pakistan

There is atleast a semblence of patriotism in Indian leaders. Thats the difference.
Pot calling the kettle black??The whole world knows the truth what pakistan and its diplomacy is all about..why pakistani diplomats and politicians make such stupid statements and prove their stupidity again and again??This is probably the reason why pakistan has become a laughing stock across the world
Pot calling the kettle black??The whole world knows the truth what pakistan and its diplomacy is all about..why pakistani diplomats and politicians make such stupid statements and prove their stupidity again and again??This is probably the reason why pakistan has become a laughing stock across the world

Do you think they do not know what they are talking about. I think they do, there is clearly a plan by GOP into this. They want to shift focus of their own failure by blaming it on India. You can clearly see in this forum itself, while so many poster blame bombing in Pakistan on India, no one questions their own establishment (which irrespective of Indian support or not is at fault and major fault). They are also thinking that if they will lie too many time people will belive it, again proof can be found here.
Do you think they do not know what they are talking about. I think they do, there is clearly a plan by GOP into this. They want to shift focus of their own failure by blaming it on India. You can clearly see in this forum itself, while so many poster blame bombing in Pakistan on India, no one questions their own establishment (which irrespective of Indian support or not is at fault and major fault). They are also thinking that if they will lie too many time people will belive it, again proof can be found here.

yes... Govt of Pakistan is trying to hide it's failures by making such ridiculous anti-india statements..but they are repeating their mistakes and only god knows when they will learn from their mistakes??
yes... Govt of Pakistan is trying to hide it's failures by making such ridiculous anti-india statements..but they are repeating their mistakes and only god knows when they will learn from their mistakes??

Right now all they want to do is make people believe that everything is done by India. I have umpteen videos by Pakistani saying this is not true, it seems they are on propogonda war.
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