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India creating problems in anti-terror war:Pakistan's Ambassador to Afghanistan Sadiq

I believe you want to say covincing zardari alone because all the related govt. functionaries agree to this point.
How dare you refuse it once your regular soldiers are found fighting Pak army, your wepons and organ removing surgical equipment is confiscated from TTP not to mention common objective.

What? Are you in dream or lost your mind? Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know what does that mean?

This is something never said even by Zaid Hamid. Do you understand the seriousness? Such a thing can break all Indo-US ties. It will give a brush in Pakistan's hands to paint India in whatever colors they like.

Wake up. Such ignorance from a senior member.... pathetic. :disagree:
Dear friend, I really appreciate your views on these touchy issues but everyone has a different opinion and point of view. I know about the Taliban and the Al Qaeda very well. They were formed during Soviet-Afghan War by CIA and ISI to push back the Russians. After the war a power vacuum was created which was then filled by the Taliban after a long civil war. Al Qaeda was headed by Osama bin Laden, who is also known as Tim Osman (top CIA agent). He was working with the CIA for a long time. As for the JuD, they were never involved in Mumbai Attacks and if you know then they are one of the largest humanitarian groups in Pakistan. They also received International Recognition for the humanitarian efforts in rebuilding earthquake affected areas. Mumbai Attacks Investigations have too many flaws and unanswered questions.

I've started enjoying this game now. OK Mr. Inspired-from-Zaid-Hamid, I'll answer your questions.

1)Ask your gov of why Hemant Karkare was killed who was probing links between extremist hindus and Israel ?

He was killed by the terrorists who came to India from Pakistan, and because he was doing his duty by trying to stop them.

On a side note, I'd like to add some facts -
A. By the time he was killed, the investigation was almost complete
B. These investigations are not secrets limited to one person, but are recorded and shared with authorities
C. These authorities (at that time) were from Congress party (political opponent of Shiv Sena), so there was no reason to conceal anything
D. The suspects have got clean cheats, please note Congress still rules the country
E. A death of an officer cannot be planned in such a way. This has many possibilities and only 5-6% chance to be successful.

2)Why Ajmal Kasab was wearing a hindu saffron band ?

Probably to provoke conspiracies.

3) Why the Indian dossier contains toothpastes, shaving creams, pickles, milkpack tins and other day to day usage commodities ? ( Were the attackers on a vacation. Its ridicluous)

Yes, it is. Tell terrorist group leaders not to send their people with such things next time.

4) Why did the attackers buy liquors and drank them? ( True Muslims don't drink alcohol)

As said by Muslims all over the world (including Pakistani members here) terrorists are not true Muslims.

On a side note, criminals do drink alcohol to keep mind stable while doing something barbaric. May be, the terrorists thought that making a small sin for great cause is not haram.

5) Why Mr. Abdul Rehman Antulay was silenced on expressing rightful and justified questions about Karkare's death ?

He preferred to be silent because of raising anger about his doubts on Karkare's intentions and patriotism.

6) Why the Mumbai Police was not taking swift action against these terrorists? (I mean people were begging them on the spot to retaliate but they sat like cowards)

You are living in dreams, then. Dozens of policemen were killed. Ajmal Kasab was caught with bare hands by Const. Tukaram Ombale. He lost his life as he was sprayed with bullets from AK-47 in Kasab's hands.

The reason they were not effective was they neither had proper weapons, nor proper training.

7) Why did the Indian Coastal Guards and Navy not spot the terrorists before they embarked on India Gate ?

Because terrorists used a hijacked Indian boat for that purpose.

8) How did the ammuntions for the attack get to Taj Hotel room before the attacks took place ?

What are you talking about? Please make yourself clear.

8) Why did the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC make contact with these terrorists in Nariman House ?

Where do you learn from this? BS.

9) Why were these terrorists speaking in Hyderabadi/Marathi accent ? (Pakistanis do not speak in such manner. They don't pronounce zabardasti as jabardasti or zulm as julm.)

Again a myth. All they talked were few (2-3) Marathi sentences. It's not at all difficult.

10) Why did the Indian government not take immediate action and said that the attacks were a surprise when it was already informed by US Government of a possible attack from seaside in October 2008?

RAW too, informed police about such possibility. But we have a pathetic system for processing things here. Also, there are too much alerts these days, to the extent that they have lost the seriousness in them.
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