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India closing in on Dawood


Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
By Udayan Namboodiri

A poster of Yasin Bhatkal, an alleged co-founder of the Indian Mujahideen, burns after being set on fire by demonstrators celebrating his arrest in Bangalore on August 29th. Bhatkal is one of several high-profile terrorists to be arrested recently and authorities are hoping information he provides leads to the capture of Dawood Ibrahim. [Manjunath Kiran/AFP]

The alleged terrorist kingpin has eluded Indian police for over 20 years, who is being sought for organising the 1993 Bombay blasts that killed more than 250 people. But Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told reporters recently that it is only a matter of time before Dawood Ibrahim is arrested and tried.

"We will bring them one by one. All will come. Just wait," Shinde said September 1st when asked whether India's recent spate of success with wanted terrorists would be capped with Dawood.

The back-to-back arrests of Abdul Karim Tunda and Yasin Bhatkal last month led to the exposure of many previously unknown facts about Dawood, officials say.

Tunda, an explosives expert for Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) who allegedly planned and executed several deadly bombings in the 1990s, was found under mysterious circumstances near the Nepal-India border on August 16th. Though the one-armed alleged terrorist is thought to have been sidelined by LeT in recent years, the authorities nevertheless consider him a treasure trove of intelligence concerning the terror network.

Bhatkal, the co-founder of Indian Mujahideen (IM), was also arrested near the Nepal-India border. The Indian government was frustrated by repeated close calls as the 35-year-old had mastered the art of disguise and adhered to minimal telephone use.

Soon, experts say, it may be Dawood's turn.

"For a long time Dawood was considered beyond the arm of Indian law6 and Bhatkal," recently retired Home Secretary R.K. Singh told Khabar South Asia.

Although its role has not been corroborated, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been cited in Indian media reports as having played a hand in the recent captures. If so, the assistance would represent another striking example of Arab countries' increasing exasperation with terrorist groups, and a growing willingness to help keep them in check.

"In the past despite extradition treaties we got no co-operation from the Arab world," former diplomat and current Congress party MP Mani Shankar Aiyar told Khabar. "Things are changing now thanks to patient diplomacy and changed geopolitical realities."

Co-operation with Saudi Arabia reportedly led to the June 2012 extradition and arrest of Abdul Sattar, Sayed Zabiuddin Ansar alias Abu Jindal and Abu Hamza. In October of the same year, Riyadh also extradited suspected Indian Mujahideen operative Fasih Mahmood.

Meanwhile, several countries in South Asia are keen to see Dawood in custody. His apparent links to al-Qaeda resulted in his being placed on a UN watch list. He is also believed to be running a variety of cross-border crime operations in the region.

"He is at the root of many of the criminal operations which undermine the economies [of South Asia], Nepal Home Secretary Navin Kumar Ghimire told Khabar.

Dawood has also been named in connection with a huge illegal betting ring that has tainted the popular sport. Three top cricketers, who were arrested after Delhi Police wiretapped their phones, made confessions which led to several bookies being nabbed, most of whom revealed links with Dawood's "D Company" gang.

"The D-Company is into real estate deal making, drug running, cricket betting, film financing and a host of other operations. Getting Dawood would not only help close the 1993 bomb blast case but also end various other illegal rackets in the country," Mumbai Police Commissioner Satyapal Singh told Khabar.

India closing in on Dawood - khabarsouthasia.com

All good stuff, India is systematically bringing these scum to justice thanks to help from once terrorist-havens. Too bad the biggest terror-haven of them all is still up to its old tricks and this pretty much free from Indian hands.
It is next to impossible catching a fugtive,especially when fake ids,fake passports are not a problem amongst the criminal communities.
I doubt pakistan will hand over dawood...

Of course they won't. But that's not what the article is pointing to sir. Rather if he was to travel to the UAE say (which many Pakistani members like to claim he does regularly) then India can expect some co-operation from local authorities to arrest him and hand him over to Indian agencies.
What about the mumbai muslim mafia?you know about them,half of indias smuggling and hawala is run by them,even if dawood is out of the picture,the karim lala gang will take up most of the mafia industry as he was already at war with dawood.
When you catch him, then I'll see :sleep: :girl_wacko:

I'm of the same mind madam. Dawood is a whole different kettle of fish.

What about the mumbai muslim mafia?you know about them,half of indias smuggling and hawala is run by them,even if dawood is out of the picture,the karim lala gang will take up most of the mafia industry as he was already at war with dawood.

Most of the "Mumbai MaFia" was decimated in the 90s thanks to "encounter specialists".

It is next to impossible catching a fugtive,especially when fake ids,fake passports are not a problem amongst the criminal communities.

That and when they are given all the relvent fake IDs and sanctuary by a State.
And secondly dawood is just a name now,the whole gang is being run my tiger memon his junior aid,dawood underwent a cardiothoracic surgery and doctors have said his heart is only working at one third capacity.The whole industry has shifted to tiger memon,and there are many wannabe criminals in mumbai ready to take a drug empire run on hawala to the next level.So catching a person will not solve your crime problems.

Mumbai mafia can be seen to the level that the major underworld drug money market is still run by people who have links to different factions some as hindu and some as muslim,but its true that the crime market will remain even if dawood leaves the picture,he is blown out of propotions i feel,and also that he isnt that big a fish that the world has been shown,there are other fish who are running the show much bigger than dawood.
If you have heard the name Karim lala you will also know that he was ten times more powerful than dawood,and dawood was like a small time criminal infront of his likes,so its a messed up world really.
If you have heard the name Karim lala you will also know that he was ten times more powerful than dawood,and dawood was like a small time criminal infront of his likes,so its a messed up world really.

difference with dawood is he has been convicted in a terror act by court... not many mafia .. including karim lala.. tiger memon etc do that.. these mafia have politicians in their pockets.

besides.. a lot of mafia bosses have run away after mumbai police turned heat on them
And secondly dawood is just a name now,the whole gang is being run my tiger memon his junior aid,dawood underwent a cardiothoracic surgery and doctors have said his heart is only working at one third capacity.The whole industry has shifted to tiger memon,and there are many wannabe criminals in mumbai ready to take a drug empire run on hawala to the next level.So catching a person will not solve your crime problems.

Mumbai mafia can be seen to the level that the major underworld drug money market is still run by people who have links to different factions some as hindu and some as muslim,but its true that the crime market will remain even if dawood leaves the picture,he is blown out of propotions i feel,and also that he isnt that big a fish that the world has been shown,there are other fish who are running the show much bigger than dawood.
It's not simply about breaking the back of his orginsation but symbolically taking out this guy. It's a similar case to OBL- The actual role OBL played in his final years in running AQ is questionable. But getting him was of serious significance.
In the world we live in names dont matter,its about who is fianacing the whole scenario,and i am sure the fianacers are the mumbai underworld not dawood,he is just a name.
In the world we live in names dont matter,its about who is fianacing the whole scenario,and i am sure the fianacers are the mumbai underworld not dawood,he is just a name.

he is among big fish... he was a small guy but rose to top quite fast..
obviously mumbai is big city ..there are many gangs..
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