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Featured India Claims the Completion of 255 km Darbuk-Shyok-DBO Road,Vital for the Defence of DBO Enclave

I'm sure you are fully aware of the US foreign policy vis-a-vis China and how India is considered a very close partner. We have designated them as a non-nato ally. I'm also sure you know how we feel about china. I think Trump puts it out there eloquently and often.

The bottom line is, India is a close partner, a QUAD partner in the Indo_pacific region in taking on the menace of China. Both Trump and Pompeo have stated support for India against China's expansionism to their north and quite vocally. We are providing logistics, intelligence, and all kinds of military support to them specifically against your country,china.

That brings it full circle on my attitude towards Chinese Americans here, who support China's expansionism and are against our allies.

your post smell like Tiki masala miles away. Nice try. Have some self respect and put up your Saffron Indian flag.

You are clearly Indian and there is no need to hide.
Look forward to your reply.
your post smell like Tiki masala miles away. Nice try. Have some self respect and put up your Saffron Indian flag.

You are clearly Indian and there is no need to hide.

LOL, okay. Glad you gave me a chance to spell it out clearly what both, the US govt & a now a majority of Americans, think of you guys and our partnership with India. I will confess chicken tiki curry is superb and virus free:rofl:
Look forward to your reply.

LOL, okay. Glad you gave me a chance to spell it out clearly what both, the US govt & a now a majority of Americans, think of you guys and our partnership with India. I will confess chicken tiki curry is superb and virus free:rofl:
Look forward to your reply.

LOL, okay. Glad you gave me a chance to spell it out clearly what both, the US govt & a now a majority of Americans, think of you guys and our partnership with India. I will confess chicken tiki curry is superb and virus free:rofl:
False flagger. Other Indians here at least are proud of your country India. You are the lowest of low for trying to pretend that you are not an Indian. Be proud of your Indian heritage.
Judging by this map, the first logical thing to do in the war would be for a joint Pakistan-China assault to cut off Indian forces in the Siachen.
for that china has to pay pakistan , nothing is free in this world.
False flagger. Other Indians here at least are proud of your country India. You are the lowest of low for trying to pretend that you are not an Indian. Be proud of your Indian heritage.

LOL, okay. Chinese American's fetish of seeing Indians in everyone here does not change our attitudes and foreign policy towards your country. America and Americans have actively supported our President in his actions against you. Your actions here of supporting Chinese expansionism and attacks on our stated allies confirm our American outlook about you.
PLA had infrastructure built in DBO sector, far earlier than the Indians came to know.
BRO races against time to make all-weather road near India-China LAC at 17,000 ft.
The arm of a giant excavator perched precariously on the mountain slope drills a hole into the mountainside. Standing at an altitude of almost 17,000 feet, Lt Col Ajay Chauhan says a silent prayer under this breath as the drill of the excavator bores into the mountain. This is a zero error exercise as a tiny mistake could send the 20-ton machine hurtling down into the raging Shyok river 50 feet below.

Engineers of the Border Roads Organisation are racing against time to make an all-weather blacktop road to quickly move men and material from Leh to Daulat Beg Oldie at the base of the mighty Karakoram Mountain at an altitude of 16,696 feet. “This is an extremely risky task. There are always chances of an accident. The operators risk their lives. But we are preparing an alternate axis with a gentler gradient so that heavy trucks and equipment can be moved quickly between Durbuk and Daulat Beg Oldie,” says Lt Col Chauhan, officer commanding Road Construction company.

The army has declared the 255 kilometre-long Durbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie road its top priority for completion. The road starts at Durbuk at an altitude of a little over 14,000 feet and snakes along the Shyok river before climbing up to 18,000 feet near DBO. “DS-DBO road runs parallel to the LAC and connects the DBO Advanced Landing Ground to Durbuk.


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