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Featured India Claims the Completion of 255 km Darbuk-Shyok-DBO Road,Vital for the Defence of DBO Enclave


Sep 26, 2018
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Running almost parallel to LAC this road provides IA year long access to all border areas around the hot spots with China.

This road is clearly part of the problem between PLA and Indian Army. Important for everyone to see what all the fuss is about in the clip below.
IAF has a functional airstrip at DBO to provide urgent supplies to the military.


DBO road will provide IA with year round supplies in most of the hotspots along the LAC, and lower the vulnerability factor slightly of the DBO enclave. In the event of hostilities if DBO is lost to the PLA, the gateway to the entire Eastern Ladakh will be open for the invading army/armies.:pakistan::china:
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Indian strategy was not to build any highway along the border. Now, India’s new offensive mindset is to reach Beijing starting with this road. A very aggressive posture.

No wonder Jun 15th happened, as that was India’s initial invasion probe. Guess it didn’t work out well.
Thank you thaiwan for supporting bus against the evil China :-).
Does this mean Daulat Beg Oldie is now ripe for the invasion?
It has been since 2013, the Chinese are now more serious as they claim it is their territory. They are holding positions on the previously Indian held Raki Nala in the Depsang plains.
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Running almost parallel to LAC this road provides IA year long access to all border areas around the hot spots with China.

This road is clearly part of the problem between PLA and Indian Army. Important for everyone to see what all the fuss is about in the clip below.
IAF has a functional airstrip at DBO to provide urgent supplies to the military.


DBO road will provide IA with year round supplies in most of the hotspots along the LAC, and lower the vulnerability factor slightly of the DBO enclave. In the event of hostilities if DBO is lost to the PLA, the gateway to the entire Eastern Ladakh will be open for the invading army/armies.:pakistan::china:
Judging by this map, the first logical thing to do in the war would be for a joint Pakistan-China assault to cut off Indian forces in the Siachen.
Judging by this map, the first logical thing to do in the war would be for a joint Pakistan-China assault to cut off Indian forces in the Siachen.
Indian strategy was not to build any highway along the border. Now, India’s new offensive mindset is to reach Beijing starting with this road. A very aggressive posture.

No wonder Jun 15th happened, as that was India’s initial invasion probe. Guess it didn’t work out well.

One thing for sure, we have allowed some Chinese nationalists into the US. cheerleading Chinese expansionism against us and our allies. :china:

One Chinese has India going all the way into Beijing and the other Chinese has a joint war offering. :rofl:
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Running almost parallel to LAC this road provides IA year long access to all border areas around the hot spots with China.

This road is clearly part of the problem between PLA and Indian Army. Important for everyone to see what all the fuss is about in the clip below.
IAF has a functional airstrip at DBO to provide urgent supplies to the military.


DBO road will provide IA with year round supplies in most of the hotspots along the LAC, and lower the vulnerability factor slightly of the DBO enclave. In the event of hostilities if DBO is lost to the PLA, the gateway to the entire Eastern Ladakh will be open for the invading army/armies.:pakistan::china:
Once India loses air superiority all the traffic on this road will be like the sitting ducks - thanks to the drones by droves....
One thing for sure, we have allowed some Chinese nationalists into the US. cheerleading Chinese expansionism against us and our allies. :china:

One Chinese has India going all the way into Beijing and the other Chinese has a joint war offering. :rofl:

Ok, Indian. The goal of the US foreign policy is not to satisfy your country India.

BTW, how do you like the Indian Supa Powa movie?

Well thanks for the road but I think India would be better off using all that money for foreign toys and beligerence towards all its neighbours, on fixing starvation, poverty, infra, education and healthcare in mostly rural or slumlike India. Just because China does it doesnt mean India cant.
Ok, Indian. The goal of the US foreign policy is not to satisfy your country India.

BTW, how do you like the Indian Supa Powa movie?

I'm sure you are fully aware of the US foreign policy vis-a-vis China and how India is considered a very close partner. We have designated them as a non-nato ally. I'm also sure you know how we feel about china. I think Trump puts it out there eloquently and often.

The bottom line is, India is a close partner, a QUAD partner in the Indo_pacific region in taking on the menace of China. Both Trump and Pompeo have stated support for India against China's expansionism to their north and quite vocally. We are providing logistics, intelligence, and all kinds of military support to them specifically against your country,china.

That brings it full circle on my attitude towards Chinese Americans here, who support China's expansionism and are against our allies.
I'm sure you are fully aware of the US foreign policy vis-a-vis China and how India is considered a very close partner. We have designated them as a non-nato ally. I'm also sure you know how we feel about china. I think Trump puts it out there eloquently and often.

The bottom line is, India is a close partner, a QUAD partner in the Indo_pacific region in taking on the menace of China. Both Trump and Pompeo have stated support for India against China's expansionism to their north and quite vocally. We are providing logistics, intelligence, and all kinds of military support to them specifically against your country,china.

That brings it full circle on my attitude towards Chinese Americans here, who support China's expansionism and are against our allies.

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