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India China war in October again?

Calm down mate; I know you were upset from the attack from your

country man for being honest, No need to feel shame for that.

But because i respect you being a honest Indians, i will let it go.

Take it easy buddy. :cheers::pakistan::china:

How can the government of any country allow the hostile enemy country's brainwashing tool to enter its territory and perform and carry out bull$hit brainwashing agenda?

Why did the Communist regime allow such tools from a hostile enemy country to conduct cultural hegemony over the Chinese population? Why should not the politburo leaders be considered traitors who are backstabbing their own nation?

China needs to learn from Taiwan and build a strong Patriotic Nationalist Party. Enough with the communist clowns. :angry:
How can the government of any country allow the hostile enemy country's brainwashing tool to enter its territory and perform and carry out bull$hit brainwashing agenda?

Why did the Communist regime allow such tools from a hostile enemy country to conduct cultural hegemony over the Chinese population? Why should not the politburo leaders be considered traitors who are backstabbing their own nation?

China needs to learn from Taiwan and build a strong Patriotic Nationalist Party. Enough with the communist clowns. :angry:

Buddy; Hope you will take a look and digest your post again,

Looks like you got it too much into your head, just go to sleep,

tomorrow will be a better day for you. If thats not helping ,

you might need some help from a doctor.:smitten:

First of all, let's clear this misconception that the Indians have. The West is not favoring India because of democracy, shared values, or any of that nonsense. Purely and simply, China is recognized as an upcoming threat to Western dominance, and a contender for scarce resources. India is not viewed as a credible power in the foreseeable future, but is strong enough to be used as a thorn in China's side.

If India had been far ahead of China, the West's posture and alliances would have been the reverse.

Japan and Russia don't share this agenda, and probably wouldn't mind the West being taken down a peg or two, so they are likely to sit out any disputes involving China, India and the West.

In any armed conflict between India and China, neither the West, nor Japan/Russia will get involved. Does anyone honestly believe any of these countries will put their civilians at risk to defend India?
We need a world , We need a United world... United with strong bonding.. If China and India go in war, Its a known fact that it will be the end of World, and will be the worst nightmare for both countries..

Peace is all we want
All i can see is you are highly insecure about india as an enemy.Too many enemies is bad and thats the problem with China.

True that to have too many enemies is bad.

In 60 years, a nation "with many enemies" in your mind (aka China) has peacefully resolved its land disputes with 13 of its 14 neighboring countries, except with that of India.

In 60+ years, an "enemy-less" nation in your mind (aka India) never resolves its land disputes with any of its neighboring countries, and makes nearly all of its neighbors its enemy.

Now please tell us who has more enemies in its neighborhood

Sorry to say you wont be able to fight to the last pakistani anymore:cheers::cheers:

Me? Pakistani? :lol: I’ve been accused of being a Communist, a Pakistani, a person living Pakistan… by too many insecured Indians. No longer a news, not any more, mate!
Sorry to say you wont be able to fight to the last pakistani anymore:cheers::cheers:

You are assuming that Pakistan is fighting India on China's behalf.

The fact is, generally speaking, most of India's neighbors don't really need any external prodding to hate India. ;)

Just kidding!
You are assuming that Pakistan is fighting India on China's behalf.

The fact is, generally speaking, most of India's neighbors don't really need any external prodding to hate India. ;)

Just kidding!

Assumption it is the truth.You are yet to answer me about this in the other thread regarding

China needs to learn from Taiwan and build a strong Patriotic Nationalist Party. Enough with the communist clowns. :angry:

Indians are lucky that Chinese communist party is very soft since CCP only starts a war when they have to.

On the contrary, if China were indeed to biuld a strong Patriotic Nationalist Party tomorrow, then be prepared, and fast, cuz the war would break out the day after - A strong Patriotic Nationalist Party will do that just for the fun of it.:lol:
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In any armed conflict between India and China, neither the West, nor Japan/Russia will get involved. Does anyone honestly believe any of these countries will put their civilians at risk to defend India?

hmmm, maybe not exactly true...:undecided: e.g After the war starts, Brits might well send Blair boy to give an inspiring speech to Indian Parliament :cheesy:
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You can very well point fingures to India...but the fact of the matter is...that the neighbors of India haven't been as stable or as progressive and as prosperous as India....you can either form "we hate India clubs" or do something about your condition.

Exactly! :cheers:

In a Chinese saying, we call this: A thief yelling "catch that thief !" :azn:
Chinese Attack Helicopters Enter Indian Air Space and Deployed Troops in Leh
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God. Sick on seeing this kind of "news".
Neither India nor China will benifit from this kind of wars. So why war between them again?

Yeah!!Someone posted earlier that the West would like nothin more than both India and China go down a notch or two!Come on!Instead of these totally pointless standoffs,all these neighbours should strenghten their ties and form an Asian Union.Well be unstoppable....Mehh its pointless!Too many numbskulls around for this to happen!:hitwall:

Me? Pakistani? :lol: I’ve been accused of being a Communist, a Pakistani, a person living Pakistan… by too many insecured Indians. No longer a news, not any more, mate!

You can be whoever you want, it's the argument that counts.

But if you wish not to be acknowledged as Pakistani, or for that matter from South Asia (as the twin US maps in your profile suggest), then you shouldn't make the typical grammatical errors made by South Asians.
Its suicide for India to go to war with China, it'll be the worst move for any country, especially a 3rd world country like India, to go to war with China.

If India was smart it would be improving relations with China.

Buddy, India is smart, it's just that you don't know it yet. India doesn't need to improve ties with China, we do have very good ties with Russia, US and Israel. Oh and also, if India is a 3rd World country, what should I make of Pakistan then?

God's fault, he made tongue without a bone. See everyone can rattle :argh:
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