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India China war in October again?

Simple reason not because of indo-US relationship...bcoz of the1 billion population
Simple reason not because of indo-US relationship...bcoz of the1 billion population

You are forgeting the US need for control over far east, which lately is threatened by the Chinese rise.

Also the 2 tril USD held by the Chinese which will begin floating into the world market and the resulting depreciation of the USD and US assets which a debt and consumption economy cannot afford. The reasons that prevented Indians from paying back to the Pakistan in its own coin are also the reasons that prevent Chinese from esclating with the Indians. That is why the Chinese are planning for a short sharp war and I say we give them a long drawn defensive+covert fight. And just the way Pakistanis try level best to esclate, we should too.

Oh forgot the caveat - to be done only in the case of a Chinese war against India. Till then just provide the best of economic opportunities to Tibetans in India to help them keep their nationalism alive till Buddha comes again to lead them into Shambala. And did i forget the Uyghurs that the Muslim Ummah of Pakistan and BD seem to have left for the ...
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^^^ I agree with you. For China, a short sharp armed conflict (which technically would not even be termed "war") followed by occupation, BEFORE the world jumps in to broker a cease fire and dialogue, would be the way to go. The location of course would be based on strategic decisions on which bite of the Indian pie looks tastiest to the Chinis ..... with red herring troop deployment and so called "escalations/incursions" on other likely fronts.

India knows this and has been preparing for it for some time now ..... added to the fact that it is impossible in today's world to achieve a Pearl Harbour type tactical surprise.

And China also well knows the Pandora's Box it will be opening up once and if it ever takes the above step.

Dragons may breathe fire, but Elephants have really long memories.

So the Chinis will have to decide between risking a nuclear war to try to gain a tactically superior status quo today, but at the cost of setting a hostile precedent and disturbing the largely peaceful existing status quo of the past almost 5 decades, from which they realise it would be difficult to ever set the clock back again.

Cheers, Doc
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China gave a piece of land to Burma.

China shared Hexiazhi island with Russia.

China gave a small piece to NKorea.


When can your freaking politicians say, one day, proudly: "we, Indians, peacefully resolved land disputes with Pakistan (or Nepal, or Bangladesh)"?

Never in your jingoistic brain!

I'm telling the facts.

Yes, China like India in that it has its ambitions. Unlike India, China's ambition is to develop a better life for all Chinese, including Tibetan Chinese and other minority Chinese; India wants to boast Democracy and entertain jingoism, while leaving illiteracy nearly unchanged and malnutrition persistent.

How pathetic is your mentality. You are telling us that Russia can't stand up to China so Russia yielded HeXiazhi Island to China?? :rofl:

Your kind of mentality will surely put your nation in a greater danger. Serious!

Don't bring in Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't say in October India will invade Pakistan.

Bring in Pakistan only shows more your sick and weak mentality!

All i can see is you are highly insecure about india as an enemy.Too many enemies is bad and thats the problem with China.

Sorry to say you wont be able to fight to the last pakistani anymore:cheers::cheers:
India may not be on equal footing with China, but we have the right to try and defend ourselves.

evrery country has this right so indeed India has right to defend itself in case of any war. The article is merely an assesment of the situation which i think in case of every country, is valid to do so.
^^^ I agree with you. For China, a short sharp armed conflict (which technically would not even be termed "war") followed by occupation, BEFORE the world jumps in to broker a cease fire and dialogue, would be the way to go. The location of course would be based on strategic decisions on which bite of the Indian pie looks tastiest to the Chinis ..... with red herring troop deployment and so called "escalations/incursions" on other likely fronts.

India knows this and has been preparing for it for some time now ..... added to the fact that it is impossible in today's world to achieve a Pearl Harbour type tactical surprise.

And China also well knows the Pandora's Box it will be opening up once and if it ever takes the above step.

Dragons may breathe fire, but Elephants have really long memories.

So the Chinis will have to decide between risking a nuclear war to try to gain a tactically superior status quo today, but at the cost of setting a hostile precedent and disturbing the largely peaceful existing status quo of the past almost 5 decades, from which they realise it would be difficult to ever set the clock back again.

Cheers, Doc

Sir,see China's neighbourhood and you will get the answer.Just look at its neighbours
evrery country has this right so indeed India has right to defend itself in case of any war. The article is merely an assesment of the situation which i think in case of every country, is valid to do so.

Nepali maoists have an axe to grind regarding India don't read too much into the article
China will not win any war against India....China even can't afford to have any minor clashes with indian army. Both countries have the fastest growing economy and have more responsibilities in the region. BUT if china wages a war .....

India will probably be dragged into the war... on America's side.

Russia will NOT be on China's side in a war against the India.

Now, if it's just the India versus China, then it's a toss-up.:flame:

But with the COMBINED forces of the US, NATO, Japan and South Korea and that is exactly what will happen in the scenario of a confrontation between the India and China, there is no way in hell China will not be defeated.:usflag:

:) Let us stuff one thing in our heads all of you that with changing scenario there is no concept of wining a war, rather the main thing which any would consider as advantage would be how much strategic harm one has inflicted on the other in terms of economy, and in terms of international opinion.

And lolzz why you think in case of Indo-China war US< NATO, Japan and South Koera would side with India ???

Generally speaking, India do not have good relations with their immediate neighbors - what ever answer India's neighbors have for this peculiar turn of events, Indians, I find generally, are very comfortable with ascribing motivations to their neighbors that, to me, seem dangerous to India. In other words, Indian society lacks the capacity to exaime it's attitude and behaviours in such a manner that it can effect itself, asa result of that critical reflection.

Really?We lack self criticism.Do you think we have survived and beginning to flourish since 60 years without that
Chinese - can not afford a full scale war. neither cna india.

we are tow countries on paths of development and have bright future ahead. now china will think about it - what will they gain so special to ruin their economy so bad that it will turn them back to 1900.

yeh a few small battles are possible and there we will see who wins - based on the stretagies , it will nt abotu number of equipment but based of stratagie and alley on your side.

like united states can give us a big favour by denying chinese gps , in case of battles , and their strategic space technology - just like russians and israeli.

Biggest favour we have is - we are far better in diplomatic and strategic relations .
Chinese - can not afford a full scale war. neither cna india.

we are tow countries on paths of development and have bright future ahead. now china will think about it - what will they gain so special to ruin their economy so bad that it will turn them back to 1900.

yeh a few small battles are possible and there we will see who wins - based on the stretagies , it will nt abotu number of equipment but based of stratagie and alley on your side.

like united states can give us a big favour by denying chinese gps , in case of battles , and their strategic space technology - just like russians and israeli.

Biggest favour we have is - we are far better in diplomatic and strategic relations .
terrain doesn't allow them to deplou tanks and the tibetian geography
is such that PLAAF is useless and India is in a position is such that they
can't come into IOR
Man ! With all those countries get involve, it will be a world war

scenario. Tell me the reason for them to fight a war against China ?

For India ? Please do wake up from your wet dreams. :smitten:


Actually today Chinese are suffering because of the incompetent and weak Communist government. Here I support the Taiwanese Nationalist government which accused Beijing's Communist government for abandoning the claims over Chinese territories in NEFA in the late 1950s to India.

Honestly speaking the Chinese people have been deceived by their own authoritarian weak Communist regime. Communists are not nationalists and that is what I always emphasize. Without patriotism and nationalism, no country can survive long. The Communist government of China needs to develop its spine while dealing with others to secure national interests.

Can you tell me, what the hell is it?

Global Times - Bollywood glamor to hit Shanghai

Traitors should not be allowed to rule the nation.
Actually today Chinese are suffering because of the incompetent and weak Communist government. Here I support the Taiwanese Nationalist government which accused Beijing's Communist government for abandoning the claims over Chinese territories in NEFA in the late 1950s to India.

Honestly speaking the Chinese people have been deceived by their own authoritarian weak Communist regime. Communists are not nationalists and that is what I always emphasize. Without patriotism and nationalism, no country can survive long. The Communist government of China needs to develop its spine while dealing with others to secure national interests.

Can you tell me, what the hell is it?

Global Times - Bollywood glamor to hit Shanghai

Traitors should not be allowed to rule the nation.

Calm down mate; I know you were upset from the attack from your

country man for being honest, No need to feel shame for that.

But because i respect you being a honest Indians, i will let it go.

Take it easy buddy. :cheers::pakistan::china:
"Rather than concentrating on further irritating smaller neighbors like Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, India should learn on how to “behave” with sovereign nation’s in the neighborhood."

tell em one thing...which country barring China is stable in our neighborhood?
Pakistan has never had a democratic govt for long...it's founding principles have been toyed with often...it has been many times refered to as one of the most dangerous places...and a failed state,etc
Nepal has had years of civil wars...they blame us...for their own state of misery...their citizens are allowed free employment in India...and they flood the country with fake currency...
Sri Lanka...considers a significant population as alien...and this alienation plunged the country into decades of civil war...

You can very well point fingures to India...but the fact of the matter is...that the neighbors of India haven't been as stable or as progressive and as prosperous as India....you can either form "we hate India clubs" or do something about your condition.
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