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India, China should cast off shadow of history, move forward: Dai

Stress on the Indians of course
I wonder how they can sleep easy knowing the power awaiting them if they dare to recover their losses

It is more to india benefit than us that india accept their loss and learn to work with us.
But it wont happen until the indians accept that they try to trouble us and stop doing all they works in us.

Unlike USA hegemony, we dont wanna take Pakistan as a hired gun to deal with India. The priority is , use any possible way to make sure India will make peace with Pakistan. Chinese want to protect Pakistan and don't hurt Indian in the same time. As long as the bi-lateral relationbship between India and Pakistan improve, China could build something new to all these three countries.
india follows the policy of Arthashastra, which basically says a country must continuously expand by being hostile to its neighbors and befriending far off countries. As long as hinduism influences india, india will always be aggressive and evil.

Dai is just a sweet talking diplomat. China already declared our intention to take back southern Tibet by force with our new passport.
Not this time, Sinochallenger.

Lol another troll :lol:. Make some sane comments next time.
He is not trolling, just express what he has in his mind.
Unlike USA hegemony, we dont wanna take Pakistan as a hired gun to deal with India. The priority is , use any possible way to make sure India will make peace with Pakistan. Chinese want to protect Pakistan and don't hurt Indian in the same time. As long as the bi-lateral relationbship between India and Pakistan improve, China could build something new to all these three countries.

Pakistan as a hired gun r u serious?? :cheesy:
Their own chance against India is nuke they are not capable to fight with force..

On topic this is what we did for them : India allows direct investments from Pakistan | Asia | DW.DE | 02.08.2012

Have not got the same treatment yet. Indian policy is simple. There is no prosperous India without a prosperous neighbour. We need to make most trade with neighbours. But they dont seem to accept that.
It was british design make you guys killing each other, do you understand?

Not India, get your facts right, we have been rejecting foreign influence from the start. Our freindly relations with the Soviets is testimony to that. Even at the height of the cold war, we preferred staying which cant be said about Pakistan. Even now we have been refusing any moves that will harm our relations with you, we will always look out for our interests and discuss with China on a bilateral basis.
india follows the policy of Arthashastra, which basically says a country must continuously expand by being hostile to its neighbors and befriending far off countries. As long as hinduism influences india, india will always be aggressive and evil.

Dai is just a sweet talking diplomat. China already declared our intention to take back southern Tibet by force with our new passport.

Who gives a cr@p what china wants? you want better relations with India then come and talk or else china can take a hike.

May be India needs reminding of the number of times it has lost to us and China.
We all know China will punish India if it tries to dare com near our border.

Relations cannot become normal, China will not agree to it without discussing with us.
We have a say too in relations with the indians I am sure.

I hope China Pakistan and India could hold some Forum event for Civillians like us to talk the future of these three countries relationship. Instead of quarelling here day and night.
Stress on the Indians of course
I wonder how they can sleep easy knowing the power awaiting them if they dare to recover their losses

It is more to india benefit than us that india accept their loss and learn to work with us.
But it wont happen until the indians accept that they try to trouble us and stop doing all they works in us.

it's all greed to abtain more land which is stopping them to hav normal relation with anyone of their neighbouring countries....
Don't let this one become a place for ventilating, please bloo
You expect the world to believe that?

Actually its the whole world that is making us believe that.

When the whole world knows the illegal operations by indians.

keep on crying but we all know what the real deal is and,
"In South Asia, the United States has been increasingly concerned about reports of Pakistani support to terrorist groups and elements active in Kashmir, as well as Pakistani support, especially military support, to the Taliban, which continues to harbor terrorist groups, including al-Qaida, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan."

Why Pakistan Keeps Exporting Jihad - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Pakistan must not be allowed to promote export of terror, says David Cameron | World news | guardian.co.uk

It's both a victim and exporter of terrorism - Economic Times

Why Muslims and Chinese hate Pakistan | Russia & India Report

Lets deal with truths please.

do you know the past history and the wars fought?
Learn it please.

Our powerful army is alert to this trickery and will keep defeating you on the battlegrounds.

I don't want India to commit for any relations with China, and it'll be better for India if we subsequently decrease our trade volume with them.
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