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India. China prepare for another joint military excercise

getting ready? Is there anything about Indian technology that does not include the term "getting ready" Such as India is getting ready to shoot down a satellite? Is India going to shoot down a satellite during the joint military exercise? If so, who's satellite? Maybe a ROC satellite?

Thats really nice ..you just jumping in to one topic to another ..good going..
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Hey man, Don't think that we are worst than china. China might have some extra roads and bridges. They are holding more US debt than us.

If US does not take any item from china for 2-3 months there will be riots in entire china. China does not have any IP nor any quality product which world trust. All they have is factory assembler/slaves for multinational company sub contractor.

US economy and China's economy are tie together. Also, China's GDP is almost 4 times that of India. With a population of roughly equal. I would say that the standard of living in China is higher than that of the US. Sure, China is poor and many are in poverty. But the rate of poverty is lower than that of India.

China build bad quality products and its well known. I do not like to compare but India have not start its mass manufacture advancement or infrastructure development. We do not know when India will start. It just build roads here and there. I also noticed that India exports less than Taiwan, a country of only 23 million. China is the number exporter and the world's 2nd largest consumer. Its also the 3rd largest importer nation. I do not even remember where India ranks in these categories. Can one of you remind me?
US economy and China's economy are tie together. Also, China's GDP is almost 4 times that of India. With a population of roughly equal. I would say that the standard of living in China is higher than that of the US. Sure, China is poor and many are in poverty. But the rate of poverty is lower than that of India.

China build bad quality products and its well known. I do not like to compare but India have not start its mass manufacture advancement or infrastructure development. We do not know when India will start. It just build roads here and there. I also noticed that India exports less than Taiwan, a country of only 23 million. China is the number exporter and the world's 2nd largest consumer. Its also the 3rd largest importer nation. I do not even remember where India ranks in these categories. Can one of you remind me?

Sir, your country is communist....... ours is democratic. Shouldn't we be expecting that as an obvious result?
Sir, your country is communist....... ours is democratic. Shouldn't we be expecting that as an obvious result?

My country is now socialist under Obama. I really doubt many people here have trouble distinguish cultural heritage vs nationality. But its understandable as India is a country realized by its Hindu religion heritage. I'm not saying that India is a country with an official religion. By law, India definitely allow other religion to exist. However, the government does actively prevent other religions from preaching in India.

Finally, all the states in India is tie together as a country by its shared Hindu heritage and the British colonialization heritage. I add the British colonialization part is because India as a nation was created by the British. India as a culture have been in existance for thousands of years but not the nation of India.

So in a sense, each Indian state is like a European state. The western European states share a cultural heritage originated from Greeco Roman culture with Christianity. Each state is independent and has its own language but it still share a same background. The same can be said of the Indian states except that the British united India. Whereas no foreign force ever united Western Europe.

US and China has a different view of a nation and culture. These two countries believe that a nation is compose of many cultures. Chinese taught that China has 56 different ethnic groups and US emphasized multi-ethnicity. That is why you see many Chinese coming to America and adopt western names while Indian never change their names. Also, an Indian living outside or even born outside of India has a higher affinity to India because the nation of India represents it culture. China and the Us are multi-cultureal or at least has less 1 to 1 representation
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My country is now socialist under Obama. I really doubt many people here have trouble distinguish cultural heritage vs nationality. But its understandable as India is a country realized by its Hindu religion heritage. I'm not saying that India is a country with an official religion. By law, India definitely allow other religion to exist. However, the government does actively prevent other religions from preaching in India.

Finally, all the states in India is tie together as a country by its shared Hindu heritage and the British colonialization heritage. I add the British colonialization part is because India as a nation was created by the British. India as a culture have been in existance for thousands of years but not the nation of India.

So in a sense, each Indian state is like a European state. The western European states share a cultural heritage originated from Greeco Roman culture with Christianity. Each state is independent and has its own language but it still share a same background. The same can be said of the Indian states except that the British united India. Whereas no foreign force ever united Western Europe.

US and China has a different view of a nation and culture. These two countries believe that a nation is compose of many cultures. Chinese taught that China has 56 different ethnic groups and US emphasized multi-ethnicity. That is why you see many Chinese coming to America and adopt western names while Indian never change their names. Also, an Indian living outside or even born outside of India has a higher affinity to India because the nation of India represents it culture. China and the Us are multi-cultureal or at least has less 1 to 1 representation

r u in race for biggest troll on PDF...:smokin:
90% of ur posts are am atttempt to bring 'off topic' discussions..

p.s: keep ur chinese propaganda off. No need for me to go into ur cultural aspects....
i know sorry world knows enough of ur Tibetan/Xixjiang cultural and native ppl manslaughter....but my sincere advise to u...STAY ON TOPIC.....UR EVERY SECOND POST IS OFF TOPIC....
My country is now socialist under Obama. I really doubt many people here have trouble distinguish cultural heritage vs nationality. But its understandable as India is a country realized by its Hindu religion heritage. I'm not saying that India is a country with an official religion. By law, India definitely allow other religion to exist. However, the government does actively prevent other religions from preaching in India.

Finally, all the states in India is tie together as a country by its shared Hindu heritage and the British colonialization heritage. I add the British colonialization part is because India as a nation was created by the British. India as a culture have been in existance for thousands of years but not the nation of India.

So in a sense, each Indian state is like a European state. The western European states share a cultural heritage originated from Greeco Roman culture with Christianity. Each state is independent and has its own language but it still share a same background. The same can be said of the Indian states except that the British united India. Whereas no foreign force ever united Western Europe.

US and China has a different view of a nation and culture. These two countries believe that a nation is compose of many cultures. Chinese taught that China has 56 different ethnic groups and US emphasized multi-ethnicity. That is why you see many Chinese coming to America and adopt western names while Indian never change their names. Also, an Indian living outside or even born outside of India has a higher affinity to India because the nation of India represents it culture. China and the Us are multi-cultureal or at least has less 1 to 1 representation

Mate, If u speak good about China and Its traditions and even say its superior to any country say India we may humble accept it.

But , as ur post suggests, im extremely sorry to mention that u r quite ignorant about India and the Reality of India.

Your info seems to be from some "Hindu Bashing" source.

Please NOTE it - India is NOT Synonymous to HINDU.

This co existance has been for Years and will continue for Years.

Now coming to You.

However, the government does actively prevent other religions from preaching in India.

Govt of India ?

Who is according to you the Govt of India ?

Govt of India is the Govt of a country where we have had ...
  • A SIKH Prime Minister
  • Who is given this position courtesy of a CHRISTIAN Lady
  • And Sworn in as a Prime Minister by a MUSLIM President
  • In a Country where 80% are HINDUS.

Did u ever know That ?
And what better proof can u consider to get ur Perception Falsified ?

Finally, all the states in India is tie together as a country by its shared Hindu heritage and the British colonialization heritage. I add the British colonialization part is because India as a nation was created by the British. India as a culture have been in existance for thousands of years but not the nation of Ind

British had just one policy - Divide and Rule. The reason why u see Pakistan as it Exists.

You Dont Know the History of India :
Let me Show u INTEGRATED INDIA under various Rulers
( Rulers,Kings which existsed in Every part of the world at that Time ) :




As You can Judge yourself The whole of India has been UNITED under several Rulers..
You Have to call the Part under each ruler a NATION and That makes India a Nation - Even Before British.

This is the very reason why Hindus, Muslims and Christians are found in every City of India.

So in a sense, each Indian state is like a European state. The western European states share a cultural heritage originated from Greeco Roman culture with Christianity. Each state is independent and has its own language but it still share a same background. The same can be said of the Indian states except that the British united India. Whereas no foreign force ever united Western Europe.

This is the Most vulnarable part of ur perception.
You are comparing a CLOSED Society of India with a Completely OPEN WESTERN Culture ?

I must humble advise you , PLs have some read of Indian History/Geography if u want to post correct Info.

China is a Great Nation. China has a Great Culture - Indians Accept it .. as They know how to respect Truth.
The statement by our PM Nehru - "Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai" [ Indian and Chinese are Brothers" ] was a symbolic acceptance of this fact.

But, Do Chinese Dont have Respect for Truth ?

Nationalism is Very Good My Friend ; But Blind Faith and Mis Information is Dangerous.
I bet he will come up with the same rant with in another thread..earlier skeptic or some one else shows these maps to make him clear that India was a country not found by British..he dont even bother to read it and came with same rant here too ..
My country is now socialist under Obama. I really doubt many people here have trouble distinguish cultural heritage vs nationality. But its understandable as India is a country realized by its Hindu religion heritage. I'm not saying that India is a country with an official religion. By law, India definitely allow other religion to exist. However, the government does actively prevent other religions from preaching in India.

Finally, all the states in India is tie together as a country by its shared Hindu heritage and the British colonialization heritage. I add the British colonialization part is because India as a nation was created by the British. India as a culture have been in existance for thousands of years but not the nation of India.

So in a sense, each Indian state is like a European state. The western European states share a cultural heritage originated from Greeco Roman culture with Christianity. Each state is independent and has its own language but it still share a same background. The same can be said of the Indian states except that the British united India. Whereas no foreign force ever united Western Europe.

US and China has a different view of a nation and culture. These two countries believe that a nation is compose of many cultures. Chinese taught that China has 56 different ethnic groups and US emphasized multi-ethnicity. That is why you see many Chinese coming to America and adopt western names while Indian never change their names. Also, an Indian living outside or even born outside of India has a higher affinity to India because the nation of India represents it culture. China and the Us are multi-cultureal or at least has less 1 to 1 representation

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Chill out, guys. I never said that India was not a great culture. What I'm saying is that the land of India consist of many states through out most of its history. The people of Indian subcontinent speak different language but share roughly the same culture and exist in various states. However, the people of India subcontinent does not have the tradition that the entire subcontinent must be united in one nation like the modern day India. And that through out its hisotry with the existence of the various states, these states doesn't have the urgency or need to united the whole India.

For instance, if a few states in India decide to break away today. Most Indians would know that India has been divided as a nation and there would be an urgency to united this states. Even some Indians want to unite India with Pakistan and Bangladish. This kind of feeling nationalist feeling doesn't exist for most Indians prior to the British occupation as people generally refer to themselves as subject of a particular kindom or state or ethnic group.
Chill out, guys. I never said that India was not a great culture. What I'm saying is that the land of India consist of many states through out most of its history. The people of Indian subcontinent speak different language but share roughly the same culture and exist in various states. However, the people of India subcontinent does not have the tradition that the entire subcontinent must be united in one nation like the modern day India. And that through out its hisotry with the existence of the various states, these states doesn't have the urgency or need to united the whole India.

For instance, if a few states in India decide to break away today. Most Indians would know that India has been divided as a nation and there would be an urgency to united this states. Even some Indians want to unite India with Pakistan and Bangladish. This kind of feeling nationalist feeling doesn't exist for most Indians prior to the British occupation as people generally refer to themselves as subject of a particular kindom or state or ethnic group.

its not his fault friends..... really...

he only understands han chauvinism..... for him one country means====one race.....

the idea of different ppl living as one country....the idea of Unity in Diversity...
.. is something he can never comprehend.....

if the chinese could undstnsnd it, there would be no Tibet/Xinxiang ethnic cleansing.....
its not his fault friends..... really...

he only understands han chauvinism..... for him one country means====one race.....

the idea of different ppl living as one country....the idea of Unity in Diversity...
.. is something he can never comprehend.....

if the chinese could undstnsnd it, there would be no Tibet/Xinxiang ethnic cleansing.....

Chill out, being in America, there are many ethnic groups in one country and we have and respect people of different culture and group. But that is not what my post was about. What I did was explained how India was not a nation prior to British occupation. The land of India today consist of people of similar backgrounds that believe in Hinduism plus some Muslims.

So its an area that share the same original background and culture. But there was not a nation named India with a single government. There were rulers that occupied most or all of the Indian subcontinent at one time or another. However, the people of Indian subcontinent associate themselve to either their state, principalities or communities rather than as a nation called India. The nation known as India today was created by the British. How come its so difficult for you to accept this fact of the history? Its just a history of South Asia and its not mean to put any one down. Why be ashame of that history and attack me. I do not mean to put anyone down by making this statement.
its not his fault friends..... really...

he only understands han chauvinism..... for him one country means====one race.....

the idea of different ppl living as one country....the idea of Unity in Diversity...
.. is something he can never comprehend.....

if the chinese could undstnsnd it, there would be no Tibet/Xinxiang ethnic cleansing.....

Also, where in my posting do I talk about one nation==1 race????

I'm not even talking about the racial composition of India but more about how I understand how the nation of India come about because of the British colonialism. So the people of India should thank the British for create the nation of India. Otherwise, India would still consist different states with princes fighting each other. And most like, India would have a muslim ruler like the mughal empire.
Chill out, being in America, there are many ethnic groups in one country and we have and respect people of different culture and group. But that is not what my post was about. What I did was explained how India was not a nation prior to British occupation. The land of India today consist of people of similar backgrounds that believe in Hinduism plus some Muslims.

So its an area that share the same original background and culture. But there was not a nation named India with a single government. There were rulers that occupied most or all of the Indian subcontinent at one time or another. However, the people of Indian subcontinent associate themselve to either their state, principalities or communities rather than as a nation called India. The nation known as India today was created by the British. How come its so difficult for you to accept this fact of the history? Its just a history of South Asia and its not mean to put any one down. Why be ashame of that history and attack me. I do not mean to put anyone down by making this statement.

half knowledge is bad for health....Look u r entitled to ur opinion...
we have heard it....REJECTED IT...MOCKED AT IT....HAD LAUGH....

now move on and better stick to topic....

Also, where in my posting do I talk about one nation==1 race????

I'm not even talking about the racial composition of India but more about how I understand how the nation of India come about because of the British colonialism. So the people of India should thank the British for create the nation of India. Otherwise, India would still consist different states with princes fighting each other. And most like, India would have a muslim ruler like the mughal empire.

also supported it up with sufficient proof(though that is not what u want or undstnd...).... look at xinix post above.....but u dont need informed opinion....but just want to stick to ur nonsense....

now move on with topic of thread.....
Also, where in my posting do I talk about one nation==1 race????

I'm not even talking about the racial composition of India but more about how I understand how the nation of India come about because of the British colonialism. So the people of India should thank the British for create the nation of India. Otherwise, India would still consist different states with princes fighting each other. And most like, India would have a muslim ruler like the mughal empire.

Chill out, being in America, there are many ethnic groups in one country and we have and respect people of different culture and group. But that is not what my post was about. What I did was explained how India was not a nation prior to British occupation. The land of India today consist of people of similar backgrounds that believe in Hinduism plus some Muslims.

So its an area that share the same original background and culture. But there was not a nation named India with a single government. There were rulers that occupied most or all of the Indian subcontinent at one time or another. However, the people of Indian subcontinent associate themselve to either their state, principalities or communities rather than as a nation called India. The nation known as India today was created by the British. How come its so difficult for you to accept this fact of the history? Its just a history of South Asia and its not mean to put any one down. Why be ashame of that history and attack me. I do not mean to put anyone down by making this statement.

half knowledge is bad for health....Look u r entitled to ur opinion...
we have heard it....REJECTED IT...MOCKED AT IT....HAD LAUGH....

now move on and better stick to topic....

well, if you want to reject facts. Than I can't help you. If you want to mock me, you are just mocking the historical fact of India and how it come about. Look, there is nothing to be ashame of when India was created by England. America, like India, was also created by India. America, like India, consist of different state that came together after the American revolution. So Indian should be proud of the fact that the nation of India come about because Britain united India and created the nation.

Go ahead and reject/mock what I have to type. But its still a fact
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