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India, China focus on civil nuke cooperation

David James

Aug 23, 2012
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India, China focus on civil nuke cooperation


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang talks to the media as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh looks on after his ceremonial welcome at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

The joint statement issued by India and China following the talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his visit Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang here on Monday underscored the need for bilateral cooperation in the field of civilian nuclear energy since the two countries had the largest nuclear power programmes in the world.

“As large developing countries committed to promoting the use of clean energy, India and China believe that expansion of the civilian nuclear energy programme is an essential component of their national energy plans to ensure energy security. The two sides will carry out bilateral cooperation in civilian nuclear energy in line with their respective international commitments,” said the joint statement.

The 35-paragraph communique also noted that the peace talks in Afghanistan between the Hamid Karzai Government and the Taliban should be “Afghan-led”, with the regional stakeholders helping to stabilise the war-ravaged country.

New Delhi and Beijing recently held their first standalone dialogue on Kabul, where the two Asian giants have considerable economic interests, besides major security concerns. While India has won a contract for the largest Iron ore mine in Afghanistan, China had started oil extraction there in addition to working on a copper mine. While India believes that the precarious situation in Afghanistan will have a direct security impact, China is worried about terror camps which give shelter to militants from its restive Uyghur minority.

In fact, Afghanistan was the only international matter which was specifically addressed in the joint communique.

“Both sides agreed that the Afghanistan issue concerns regional security and stability. As two important countries in the region, they reiterated their support for an “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned” reconciliation process and their commitment to working with regional countries and the international community to help Afghanistan achieve its objective of peace, stability, independence and development at an early date,” it said.

Besides, the joint statement noted that there was “enough space” for the development of India and China and “the world needs the common development of both countries”.

“Both countries view each other as partners for mutual benefit and not as rivals or competitors,” it asserted.

Stressing on the need to address the trade imbalance in bilateral trade,which New Delhi believes is skewed in Beijing’s favour, there was a lot of emphasis on economic cooperation, both bilaterally and regionally.

The joint statement noted that border trade will be strengthened at the Nathu-la pass, with a joint study group to be established for an economic corridor in the BCIM (Bangladesh China, India, Myanmar) region.

A simplified visa regime is also in the works, to expand trade and people-to-people contacts.

The joint statement again reiterated that China backed India’s aspiration to play a greater role in UN, including the Security Council (UNSC), but as usual, it stops short of an endorsement of New Delhi’s candidature for the UN high table.

India, China focus on civil nuke cooperation - The New Indian Express
Its will be a good Idea if it works.
P.S.Any body here missing Chinese trolls today???Guess they might have got orders from CCP.
China lost it's credibility among common Indian, it might cost Manmohan his seat if he cozies up with them after the border incident.

It doesn't matter whichever govt comes. It should, and it would increase bilateral ties/cooperation on various issues with China.
rather than uranium, we should concentrate on thorium ! and we'll be nuclear suppliers then !
SOrry we don't want made in china nuke plants :rolleyes:

LMAO :omghaha:

Embassy Of India, Beijing

China’s exports to India for 2012 China touched a total of US$ 47.75 billion, recording a decline of more than 5% over the figure for 2011. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery; electric machinery, sound equipment; organic chemicals; fertilizers; articles of iron or steel dominated the Indian import basket from China.
I am in awe of chinese diplomacy and leadership. Traditional Indian leaders could take a few lessons from this. Turning a hostile situation into a mutually beneficial one is a great art, that the chinese have displayed here with so much flair. Nevertheless, we can work together with chinese and grow mutually, but not let our gaurd down. We, as Indians, have a long road to tread before being a developed country in every aspect and for that we need uninterrupted and sustainable growth. Such a growth can be achieved only by keeping peace and so, tactfully handling hostile situations for our own benefit in the long run. This is good foresight by the chinese.

PS: For those who get pi$$ed by the idea of friendship with China, I recommend reading the book- On China by Henry Kissenger . We need to think beyond our self-educated beliefs.
LMAO :omghaha:

Embassy Of India, Beijing

China’s exports to India for 2012 China touched a total of US$ 47.75 billion, recording a decline of more than 5% over the figure for 2011. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery; electric machinery, sound equipment; organic chemicals; fertilizers; articles of iron or steel dominated the Indian import basket from China.

What kind of OS do you use, made a mistake in simple copy pasting?

From your link:
Commodity-wise, bilateral trade was dominated by reactors, boilers, machinery, etc.; electric machinery, sound equipment, etc.; organic chemicals; ores and cotton.

It is just reactor, not a nuclear reactor. India doesn't imports nuclear reactor from China!! Before you say reactor to be a nuclear reactor, it has multiple usage. One common use for industries is:

What Is A Reactor:

Let’s first define what a reactor is. Essentially a reactor is an inductor. Physically it is simply a coil of wire
that allows a magnetic field to form around the coil when current flows through it. When energized, it is an
electric magnet with the strength of the field being proportional to the amperage flowing and the number
of turns. A simple loop of wire is an air core inductor. More loops give a higher inductance rating. Quite
often some ferrous material such as iron is added as a core to the winding. This has the effect of
concentrating the lines of magnetic flux there by making a more effective Inductor.
so basically india wants nuclear cooperation with China USA canda Australia and Russia....
What India intends ti acheive from so many contracts with so many countries?
That is on top if Indian home grown nuclear program...

I am happy to see all that as this will make India even more confuse than they already are and go nowhere.
so basically india wants nuclear cooperation with China USA canda Australia and Russia....
What India intends ti acheive from so many contracts with so many countries?
That is on top if Indian home grown nuclear program...

I am happy to see all that as this will make India even more confuse than they already are and go nowhere.

Just a means to achieve 20000 MW goal by 2020. Nuclear cooperation can be anything, parts of reactor, tech, entire plants, etc. Doesn't mean trying to learn from all. If you think have cooperation with many countries is confusing, you are free to believe that.
so basically india wants nuclear cooperation with China USA canda Australia and Russia....
What India intends ti acheive from so many contracts with so many countries?
That is on top if Indian home grown nuclear program...

I am happy to see all that as this will make India even more confuse than they already are and go nowhere.

What is this new obsession with North Korean Flags ???

Is it a new trend in PDF or people are really crazy for North Korea??

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