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India, China focus on civil nuke cooperation

It must be some parts of nuclear reactor, like electrical supply or something. India has not imported a nuclear reactor as a whole from China till date. Nor is there any trade of critical nuke tech between India and China in my knowledge. If you look at the list carefully, you would find that it is on both import and export list. That is India is exporting AND importing nuclear reactors from China. But none of the Indian plants is based on Chinese tech. As far as I know, India imported/was helped by US/Canada.

Water boiler units for reactors can probably be imported from China. The link doesn't describes anything.

No idea, it says clearly nuclear reactors. Look carefully at the link I provided. There are two tables there.
In post 8 among the items India exported to China
Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery Etc.; Parts at listed with values of 478 million dollars for 2011 and 469 for 2012.

Those items are also listed in the basket China exported to India during 2011 and 2012.
The values are 12341 millions for 2011 and 11123 millions for 2012.
No idea, it says clearly nuclear reactors. Look carefully at the link I provided. There are two tables there.
In post 8 among the items India exported to China
Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery Etc.; Parts at listed with values of 478 million dollars for 2011 and 469 for 2012.

Those items are also listed in the basket China exported to India during 2011 and 2012.
The values are 12341 millions for 2011 and 11123 millions for 2012.

nuclear reactors are not vegetables that you export like that.. No country exports reactors without a strict agreement !
No idea, it says clearly nuclear reactors. Look carefully at the link I provided. There are two tables there.
In post 8 among the items India exported to China
Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery Etc.; Parts at listed with values of 478 million dollars for 2011 and 469 for 2012.

Those items are also listed in the basket China exported to India during 2011 and 2012.
The values are 12341 millions for 2011 and 11123 millions for 2012.

wtf? 12341+11123 millions? i can see you randomly typed the amount... :cheesy::cheesy: do you know what it means? If India spending that much amount for just boilers etc, the cost of the project could be 50 billions a year...lol
Three Possibilities :

#1. Safriz Has Been Brainwashed by ISI
#2. Safriz is Suffering from Split Personality Disorder
#3. Is NOT Safriz AT ALL ( Account Hacked / Used by Some one Else ) << MOST PROBABLE >>

None of them are even remotely probable. I have always had him figured for a dumbass. Dumbass then, dumbass &#8207;now.
No idea, it says clearly nuclear reactors. Look carefully at the link I provided. There are two tables there.
In post 8 among the items India exported to China
Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery Etc.; Parts at listed with values of 478 million dollars for 2011 and 469 for 2012.

Those items are also listed in the basket China exported to India during 2011 and 2012.
The values are 12341 millions for 2011 and 11123 millions for 2012.

It doesn't even makes sense. Nuclear reactor can be built by some country in other, but exported? Even Chinese manufacturing is not that advanced yet, let alone Indian!

This looks like some fraud, where some Indian sells Chinese a reactor, and than imports back at higher cost. The difference is shared by all!

On a serious note, it must be not-critical parts, like boiler and electrical. Chinese manufacturers have expertise in them, and can be exported to India freely.

Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery Etc.; Parts 12819 11592 17 17 -10

Nuclear reactor and related machinery making bulk (17%) of Indo-China trade! May be the Indian embassy is trolling us!
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