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India census exposes extent of poverty

We all know this. Shinning Bharat is nothing but concentration of wealth in Delhi, Mumbai and other major cities for the benefit of high caste Hindu.

Bharat can built 100 metro rail but it means nothing when there is 1 billion destitute poor living in villages.
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We all know this. Shinning Bharat is nothing but concentration of wealth in Delhi, Mumbai and other major cities for the benefit of high caste Hindu.

Bharat can built 100 metro rail but it means nothing when there is 1 billion destitute poor living in villages.

What does caste or religion has to do with money?
Do you know Azim Premji? -- Muslim, Chairman Wipro
Do you know TATA's? -- Parsi, Tata Group
Do you know Malvinder Mohan Singh? - Sikh, Chariman Fortis, Ranbaxy etc.
Do you know Ashok Khade? - Dalit backgroud, builds offshore oil rigs.

Across the globe the wealth centers are generally the ubran areas and not rural areas, so being concentration of wealth in Delhi, Mumbai should not come as surprise unless the education has gone wrong...

And if there are 1billion poors living in villages then why are your beloveds doing pole jumping practices?
1/2 poster rich from other religion means nothing.

India's criminal concentration of wealth have something to do with caste, religion,state etc.Why do the lower caste state like Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha are so much poorer than high caste state of Punjab, Haryana or Delhi? Do you want to say punjabi brahman are more deserving than odisha adivashis?

No Bangladeshi is going to jaat-paat infested rat-hole called India champion of Rape, Communal riot, AIDS, Naxali chaos and endless other hazards.
What does caste or religion has to do with money?
Do you know Azim Premji? -- Muslim, Chairman Wipro
Do you know TATA's? -- Parsi, Tata Group
Do you know Malvinder Mohan Singh? - Sikh, Chariman Fortis, Ranbaxy etc.
Do you know Ashok Khade? - Dalit backgroud, builds offshore oil rigs.

Across the globe the wealth centers are generally the ubran areas and not rural areas, so being concentration of wealth in Delhi, Mumbai should not come as surprise unless the education has gone wrong...

And if there are 1billion poors living in villages then why are your beloveds doing pole jumping practices?
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One.. Where did i gloat about India's poverty ? Two. If Sri Lankans are barely able to put food on the table how come the Lankans have much higher nutritional levels than Indians and much much less hungry, Malnourished people on average ? Basically the whole country has HDI rating of a developed nation not in pockets

Also given that Sri Lanka has a purchasing power parity per capita of $11,000 and India $5800 as of 2014, How does an average Sri Lankan struggle to make ends meet worse than a Indian ?

About the middle class in India according to the WB majority are living just close to the $2.40 dollars per day and given that 29% still live under the poverty line.. It's 6.4% in Sri Lanka.. Also Abject poverty exists in India one of the very few countries outside sub Saharan Africa that does.. In Sri Lanka it does'nt.. So how does that equate to your assumption that a poor person has a better lifestyle in India than an average middle class Sri Lankan ?

Maybe one day you need to travel the world and see how starkly different it is to the one that you may have in your mind

Note: All numbers provided from WB 2014

Indian's nutritional levels have much to do with the food preferences than affordability of food. The fact that majority are voluntarily vegetarians and not given to gluttony should explain this more than anything else.

As stated, it does not take much to develop a city sized population that Sri Lanka has than a continent sized country. HDI is also a hogwash except for the measure of life expectancy.

If Sri Lanka has a purchasing power parity higher than India, then certainly it is not what your citizens are reporting.

Finally, just look at the income to price ratio in India. A liter of milk costs 167 rupees in Sri Lanka while it costs only 41 rupees in India. This differential exists for every consumable good between SL and India. That should tell you why a poor person in India is able to afford to live better than a Sri Lankan middle class, even the one in the slums.

As to where you are gloating, it is barely concealed given your express interest in Indian poverty figures.
Indian's nutritional levels have much to do with the food preferences than affordability of food. The fact that majority are voluntarily vegetarians and not given to gluttony should explain this more than anything else.

As stated, it does not take much to develop a city sized population that Sri Lanka has than a continent sized country. HDI is also a hogwash except for the measure of life expectancy.

If Sri Lanka has a purchasing power parity higher than India, then certainly it is not what your citizens are reporting.

Finally, just look at the income to price ratio in India. A liter of milk costs 167 rupees in Sri Lanka while it costs only 41 rupees in India. This differential exists for every consumable good between SL and India. That should tell you why a poor person in India is able to afford to live better than a Sri Lankan middle class, even the one in the slums.

As to where you are gloating, it is barely concealed given your express interest in Indian poverty figures.

I did not post the OP.. So i dont have an undue Interest on Indian poverty to gloat at, On the other hand you seem to suffer from an acute case of insecurity..

Well arnt you being contradictory to your other post here ? How can HDI be hog wash to the status of hunger and malnutrition of the population.. A healthy population is directly correlated to it's income and affordability of food and medicines

Sri Lanka's GDP (PPP) is indeed $11,000.. Can you pls post a verified stat other wise.. And you basically agree with my point inadvertently.. Cost of living is higher in Sri Lanka than in India, But all verified census shows that Sri Lanka has a much lower percentage of poverty, And way better living standard and can afford a liter of milk that costs more than double in India

So how does an Indian living in a slum be better off than a middle class Sri Lankan with better housing, Food, Health, Education, expendable income and environment ? I fail to see what you're trying to imply or like i said before your attempt with flawed stats just backfired ?
Well arnt you being contradictory to your other post here ? How can HDI be hog wash to the status of hunger and malnutrition of the population.. A healthy population is directly correlated to it's income and affordability of food and medicines

No, it is not. Medicines and food are definitely cheaper and available in India, but medical treatment facilities could be lacking which is reflected in the life expectancy status of Indian viz a viz Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka's GDP (PPP) is indeed $11,000.. Can you pls post a verified stat other wise.. And you basically agree with my point inadvertently.. Cost of living is higher in Sri Lanka than in India, But all verified census shows that Sri Lanka has a much lower percentage of poverty, And way better living standard and can afford a liter of milk that costs more than double in India

No, the ground realities do not bear it out. Here is comparison between India and Sri Lanka, and India easily beats Sri Lanka both in income as well as cost of living.

Cost Of Living Comparison Between India And Sri Lanka

So how does an Indian living in a slum be better off than a middle class Sri Lankan with better housing, Food, Health, Education, expendable income and environment ? I fail to see what you're trying to imply or like i said before your attempt with flawed stats just backfired ?

An Indian living in a slum still earns 15 k to 20 k in India every month. Even an auto rickshaw driver earns that much every month. So food affordability is not a problem, Indians have house ownership of 80%+, so housing is taken care, in slums they virtually live for free given the low rents. Given the cost of living/income disparity between Sri Lanka and India, it is a given an Indian has more expendable income and environment.

The stats for Sri Lanka are taken from http://www.statistics.gov.lk/HIES/HIES2012_13FinalReport.pdf

Though I did not find a source from which numbeo assessed Indian figures except all the prices they have mentioned seems to reflect the prices as they are.
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1/2 poster rich from other religion means nothing.

India's criminal concentration of wealth have something to do with caste, religion,state etc.Why do the lower caste state like Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha are so much poorer than high caste state of Punjab, Haryana or Delhi? Do you want to say punjabi brahman are more deserving than odisha adivashis?

No Bangladeshi is going to jaat-paat infested rat-hole called India champion of Rape, Communal riot, AIDS, Naxali chaos and endless other hazards.

1/2 poster rich from other religion means nothing.

India's criminal concentration of wealth have something to do with caste, religion,state etc.Why do the lower caste state like Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha are so much poorer than high caste state of Punjab, Haryana or Delhi? Do you want to say punjabi brahman are more deserving than odisha adivashis?

Champion of idiocy?
People from Bihar, Jharkand, Odisha were service oriented, highest number of IAS come from same region, where as people from Gujarat, Rajastan where business oriented, people from Punjab were agriculture and automotive oriented, people from south india went into english dominant or education dominant service industry. It has nothing to do with caste or religion, its has to do with what kind of development environment was available to a given area. In a democratic country everyone has been given same opportunity and in country like India the backward people are given higher opportunities there general ones. Only if you would had common sense, you would have grown up into better human being.

No Bangladeshi is going to jaat-paat infested rat-hole called India champion of Rape, Communal riot, AIDS, Naxali chaos and endless other hazards.

Just remember the drinking/cooking/bathing water that you use contains shit of same people. Enjoy it :P

@Others: The above comment is only meant for the @Doyalbaba, hence please dont take the offence
People from Bihar, Jharkand, Odisha were service oriented, highest number of IAS come from same region, where as people from Gujarat, Rajastan where business oriented, people from Punjab were agriculture and automotive oriented, people from south india went into english dominant or education dominant service industry. It has nothing to do with caste or religion, its has to do with what kind of development environment was available to a given area. In a democratic country everyone has been given same opportunity and in country like India the backward people are given higher opportunities there general ones. Only if you would had common sense, you would have grown up into better human being.
And people from all part of India is Jaat-paat oriented.:lol::lol:
Just remember the drinking/cooking/bathing water that you use contains shit of same people. Enjoy it :P

@Others: The above comment is only meant for the @Doyalbaba, hence please dont take the offence
We don't drink river water unlike you Indian. To Indian like you that filthy water is Pavitra Ganga jol which make you pure.:lol:
No, it is not. Medicines and food are definitely cheaper and available in India, but medical treatment facilities could be lacking which is reflected in the life expectancy status of Indian viz a viz Sri Lanka.

No, the ground realities do not bear it out. Here is comparison between India and Sri Lanka, and India easily beats Sri Lanka both in income as well as cost of living.

Cost Of Living Comparison Between India And Sri Lanka

An Indian living in a slum still earns 15 k to 20 k in India every month. Even an auto rickshaw driver earns that much every month. So food affordability is not a problem, Indians have house ownership of 80%+, so housing is taken care, in slums they virtually live for free given the low rents. Given the cost of living/income disparity between Sri Lanka and India, it is a given an Indian has more expendable income and environment.


Dude you're just going around in circles..Please explain to this forum in simple terms with valid stats NOT on your assumptions, How a person with $11,000 to sustain himself with his/her daily needs be worse off than a person with $5800 ? So how does an average Indian beat Sri Lankan in income ? And i'm not arguing with you about the higher cost of living in Sri Lanka, I actually agree

Now on top of that 29% of Indians are under the poverty line, As oppose to 6.4% Lankans with no abject poverty, And even that 6.4% have better Health care and nutrition than the 29% according to all multitude of international consensus and agencies because unlike India, Sri Lankan poor does not suffer from abject poverty

Now given much lower rates of malnutrition in an average Lankan to that of a Indian means even with much higher costs of living an Average Sri Lankan can afford it.. Just imagine the dire straits an Indian would be if he/she has to purchase goods at the rate a Sri Lankan would have to

Now if we're to go with your argument on Cost of living comparison to living standards, Shouldn't..

1. A average Lankans purchasing power parity be lower than an Indians
2. Given the unaffordability of basic food and nutrition Sri Lankans health and malnutrition would be far worse than Indians

Now given that neither is true and actually the opposite

Could you pls explain how an Indian slum dweller be better off than a middle class Sri Lankan.. You should have given this a thought before you posted such articles

Btw still going on with your argument this is the cost of living comparison to the US with India

Cost Of Living Comparison Between India And United States

I suppose the poor Americans are so worse off than Indians.. Actually they're even worse off than Lankans.. :lol:
Where is Pakistan census.....and making fun of India census...you guys are funny
Dude you're just going around in circles..Please explain to this forum in simple terms with valid stats NOT on your assumptions, How a person with $11,000 to sustain himself with his/her daily needs be worse off than a person with $5800 ? So how does an average Indian beat Sri Lankan in income ? And i'm not arguing with you about the higher cost of living in Sri Lanka, I actually agree

What is so difficult about this assumption? If person A's income is just twice as big as person B's but every thing A purchases costs 4 times the amount of B's purchase of the same goods then of course A is worse off than B. Got it?

Here is how much of their income Indians spend on food.

As per this link http://www.statistics.gov.lk/HIES/HIES201213BuletinEng.pdf Sri Lankans spend 38% of their income on food.

So that should tell you who is left with more money for discretionary spending. Also that should tell you if Indians are malnourished, a much abused word given even the obese are categorized as malnourished, it is by choice.

I would take those figures about poverty in India with a huge pinch of salt given the size of our black economy and the massive under reporting of incomes across all spectrum of the society.

As to how does a slum dweller also in India can live like a middle class in Sri Lanka, it is simple even a slum dweller earns upwards of 20 K in India. Food and other expenses are much cheaper and given that slums are an urban phenomenon, the slum dweller neither lack access to hospitals or educational institutes in India.

Btw still going on with your argument this is the cost of living comparison to the US with India

Cost Of Living Comparison Between India And United States

I suppose the poor Americans are so worse off than Indians.. Actually they're even worse off than Lankans.. :lol:

Actually, you should re-look at the numbers once again. While the cost of living is much lower in India compared to USA, USA has an income that is 487.49% higher than India which makes its purchasing power 60.73% higher than India whereas Sri Lanka has no such luck. So my argument still holds and your reading ability of given data sucks.
What is so difficult about this assumption? If person A's income is just twice as big as person B's but every thing A purchases costs 4 times the amount of B's purchase of the same goods then of course A is worse off than B. Got it?

Here is how much of their income Indians spend on food.

As per this link http://www.statistics.gov.lk/HIES/HIES201213BuletinEng.pdf Sri Lankans spend 38% of their income on food.

So that should tell you who is left with more money for discretionary spending. Also that should tell you if Indians are malnourished, a much abused word given even the obese are categorized as malnourished, it is by choice.

I would take those figures about poverty in India with a huge pinch of salt given the size of our black economy and the massive under reporting of incomes across all spectrum of the society.

As to how does a slum dweller also in India can live like a middle class in Sri Lanka, it is simple even a slum dweller earns upwards of 20 K in India. Food and other expenses are much cheaper and given that slums are an urban phenomenon, the slum dweller neither lack access to hospitals or educational institutes in India.

Actually, you should re-look at the numbers once again. While the cost of living is much lower in India compared to USA, USA has an income that is 487.49% higher than India which makes its purchasing power 60.73% higher than India whereas Sri Lanka has no such luck. So my argument still holds and your reading ability of given data sucks.


What kind of warped logic is that ? A person earns more than twice the amount of another but have to spend more on food but end up worse than the person that earns half as less ?

So if a Indian slum dweller earns earns more than a average middle class Sri Lankan how come there is more average of poor people in India.. My gosh by your calculations India is a veritable first world country !! So this 20,000 figure you came up with.. Is it your imagination or do you have any verified source to prove it, If not it holds no validation but of a made up figure to prove a false point

You're accusing me of giving data that sucks but mate the only data you have given just shows not even half of the point.. Americans spend less on food because they have many other luxuries to spend on , Luxuries Indians can ill afford to spend on.. That graph proves nothing.

Again please explain to the forum, How does an average person that has a purchasing power of $11,000 be worse off than somebody with $5800.. When all indications show that the person with the high income has way much less malnutrition because of his ability to buy food despite the higher prices, Is healthier Because he has expendable income to get required medication, Better educated because he can afford schooling, Better standard of living because he can afford better standard of accommodation and afford to pay for amenities clean pipe born water, Sanitation and electricity

The only argument you have is Indians spend less on food therefore they are better off than an average Lankan.. Infact a poor Indian is better off than a middle class Sri Lankan

This is a very simple question mate.. Pls do enlighten us

Btw i just need verification on your claim of a slum dweller in India is better off than a middle class Sri lankan because they earn 20,000( i'm not sure if your claiming USD or Rupees here) :D

@nair , @Bang Galore.. A little clarification guys
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What does caste or religion has to do with money?
Do you know Azim Premji? -- Muslim, Chairman Wipro
Do you know TATA's? -- Parsi, Tata Group
Do you know Malvinder Mohan Singh? - Sikh, Chariman Fortis, Ranbaxy etc.
Do you know Ashok Khade? - Dalit backgroud, builds offshore oil rigs.

Across the globe the wealth centers are generally the ubran areas and not rural areas, so being concentration of wealth in Delhi, Mumbai should not come as surprise unless the education has gone wrong...

And if there are 1billion poors living in villages then why are your beloveds doing pole jumping practices?

Explaining stuff (that frankly, needn't be explained) to complete morons with no more than a madrassah education for a degree and horribly poor upbringing to boot, is nothing but a waste of your time :)
What kind of warped logic is that ? A person earns more than twice the amount of another but have to spend more on food but end up worse than the person that earns half as less ?

Putting up multiple smilies does not make up for lack of an argument.

A person earning more than twice the amount of other if he ends up spending four times other spends on all basic utilities of life, then obviously is not better off than the other.

Here, once again look at the chart.


Do you see? The richer the country, the less it is spending on food. Since Sri Lankans obviously have to spend a larger portion of their income just for food, their discretionary expenditure as compared to an Indian is much reduced.

So if a Indian slum dweller earns earns more than a average middle class Sri Lankan how come there is more average of poor people in India.. My gosh by your calculations India is a veritable first world country !! So this 20,000 figure you came up with.. Is it your imagination or do you have any verified source to prove it, If not it holds no validation but of a made up figure to prove a false point

I do not have to come up with anything, these are the real figures. Ask anyone, they will tell you any auto rickshaw guy makes at least 15 to 20 K a month. Being an auto rickshaw driver is what one does when one is not qualified for anything else. Ditto for all others in the living in the slum, anything less than that and it is virtually impossible to afford living in an urban slum too.

You're accusing me of giving data that sucks but mate the only data you have given just shows not even half of the point.. Americans spend less on food because they have many other luxuries to spend on , Luxuries Indians can ill afford to spend on.. That graph proves nothing.

Americans spend less on food not because they have other luxuries to spend on, but because food is cheaper compared to their earnings. Also given their health status, they just cannot stuff any more food even if they wanted to. Learn to use logic, or perhaps you are incapable of it.

When all indications show that the person with the high income has way much less malnutrition because of his ability to buy food despite the higher prices, Is healthier Because he has expendable income to get required medication, Better educated because he can afford schooling, Better standard of living because he can afford better standard of accommodation and afford to pay for amenities clean pipe born water, Sanitation and electricity

The point for all your argument is as borne out by stats across cities in Sri Lanka, they have way less purchasing power than in India. They are not healthier because they are eating more food as compared to India, but because they have better access to healthcare facilities in which terms India is more constrained given how our population is still rural and a lot of them spread out in very remote locations.

It is not because an Indian cannot afford piped drinking water or sanitation or electricity that he cannot access it, but simply because the govt has not invested in these public infrastructure to the amount needed.
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