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India carried mutiny mayhem: Nizami

You still support them and we (Pakistan & China) support Srilankan Govt. Your Rooting Out LTTE had made LTTE even more stronger and Headache for Srilankan Govt. Now when Srilankan Govt is close to root out this menace your FM Mukhergee is having Headaches. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

India doesnt give a **** about terrorist org like LTTE which is banned in india,but its does care about the fate of Tamils living in SriLanka.So dont mix these two separate issues.
Lets forget about Pakistan army & navy for some time. Isn't it accepted by your government that attack came from Pakistan's soil? And elements from Pakistan, whoever they may be, did it?
And since then nothing has happened. Masterminds are under 'custody'. I am sure they will be having their favorite chicken biryani daily.

Excuse me ! Mr PeacefulIndian, don't tell the Half truth, half truth is even more dangerous than a Lie.

Pakistan has claimed that Mumbai attacks were "Partially" i will say again Partially Planned in Pakistan and there are more than 8 countries who's resources were utilized in Planning and execution of Mumbai attacks. Today even the Chief of Interpol Uttered the same words.

Have look at this


Pakistan is waiting for Indian answers to 30 Pakistani Questions. All the Accused are under Custody of Pakistani agencies. We want to Punish them but India instead of Co-operating is showing attitude so what we can do ?
Yes they did get it right in the sense whole world even pakistani govt now fully agrees that Kasab is pakistani national, its LET was behind 26/11 and Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi/Rahman chacha was the mastermind.:chilli:

Also indian govt dont rule out official pak involvement as they have some evidence of it.So u cant blame indian media for putting out the truth .
Now its time for pakistani media/govt to present some strong evidence to back up there claim which even india have to admit, till then dont make noise of indian involvement.

Making Noise and Propaganda is your Job.

Did Indian Media got all the evidences and proofs after just one hour of attacks ? Your Media started Blaming Pakistan but the Official statement by Indian authorities came Much later so why didn't Indian media Stopped Making noise about Pakistan Involvement in the attacks unless they had Solid evidence and proofs.

We have Evidence and Many people involved in Lahore attacks have been arrested and Soon you will see the official Statements by Govt of Pakistan.
The Indian defence against this argument (presented by some of us already in this forum and now Nizami) is very weak.
Wish someone else said it though.he's not a popular public figure.
Did Indian Media got all the evidences and proofs after just one hour of attacks ? Your Media started Blaming Pakistan
Falcon, our media catered to the public sentiments and started accusing its favourite villain ie; ISI. Just as your media started blaming RAW for 3/3 without any proof's. To sum it up, Its the same workings for media in both country. So why are you blaming "Indian Media" as if it is some entity in control of our central government! They are in the business of selling NEWS. Take it or leave it.

but the Official statement by Indian authorities came Much later so why didn't Indian media Stopped Making noise about Pakistan Involvement in the attacks unless they had Solid evidence and proofs.
Simple. Indian government does not own the media. Its a free world out here.

We have Evidence and Many people involved in Lahore attacks have been arrested and Soon you will see the official Statements by Govt of Pakistan.
Great. Hopefully culprits are brought to justice soon.
You still support them and we (Pakistan & China) support Srilankan Govt. Your Rooting Out LTTE had made LTTE even more stronger and Headache for Srilankan Govt. Now when Srilankan Govt is close to root out this menace your FM Mukhergee is having Headaches. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You do realize, that without Indian consent, Sri-Lanka would NEVER have dared to attack LTTE in the manner they did, and even if they did, they would never have been able to batter them the way they have. And that is an understatement.

It has been IN consistently blocking arms delivery and shipment to LTTE and preventing them from sailing out!

India just cannot supply Sri-Lanka with offensive weapons because of political compulsions. There are sensitivities in South India on the issue. But it has become muted after Rajiv Gandhi was assasinated.
You do realize, that without Indian consent, Sri-Lanka would NEVER have dared to attack LTTE in the manner they did, and even if they did, they would never have been able to batter them the way they have. And that is an understatement.

It has been IN consistently blocking arms delivery and shipment to LTTE and preventing them from sailing out!

That is overstretching the facts about Indian influence, which is ingrained in typical Indian bully lingo.

And by stretching Indian influence on LTTE you have admitted Indian involvement in LTTE. Don’t flatter yourself there are already documented proofs India financed, trained, armed and literally created LTTE terror organization.

Besides, when Srilanka gets arms why India repeatedly bully Srilanka on what to do and what not do?

No matter how Indian try to spin and twist the truth, everyone knows India is behind all South Asian terrors.
Now back to the topic of the thread....

Facts that there were 300 calls from BDR HQ cell tower to (and from India) during the massacre of army officers proof enough that plot of BDR HQ massacre was planned and carried out by India.

Indian also used and presented call records as evidence for Mumbai killings.

And here are detail plan (posted in other thread) how Indian executed BDR massacre.

Horrendous discovery

All that being part of history now, one wonders how it all happened, who did it, and why? While that is precisely the undertaking of the investigators who will unearth the real intent of the carnage and identify the culprits, the incident demonstrates a serious lapse in military intelligence. The following facts, gathered from over a dozen of reliable sources, further corroborate that fact.

One: Investigators have learnt that a team of 25 trained foreign commandos entered Bangladesh illegally from India through various bordering areas on or within January 11, 2009. They were received and sheltered in Dhaka by individuals working under cover as diplomats.

Two: At the same time, a small group of 10-12 BDR members, including two Deputy Assistant Directors (DADs), were recruited as the internal moles and coordinators to provide precise information to the foreign team via three senior political leaders of the country until the hours of the carnage.

Three: The occasion for the operation was chosen carefully to ensure availability of all senior BDR officers who had gathered in Pilkhana for the annual BDR day celebration. Over 3,000 extra troops also came to Pilkhana for various administrative duties as well as to launch a tattoo show for which the BDR has been historically famous.

Four: The mutiny was slated for February 24, while the PM was in Pilkhana to take salute in the BDR day parade. In consideration of likely collateral harm to the political personalities and other dignitaries who accompanied the PM, the date was changed. However, final coordination and reconnaissance were done that day by some guests who attended the parade, masquerading as VIPs.

Five: Upon conclusion of final reconnaissance, at about 10.30 PM, on February 24, a segment of the foreign killing squad and over 25 BDR soldiers - plus three young - leading politicians of the country - met in a briefing in one of suburban Dhaka residences. The precise timing of the operation and the responsibilities of each small group were decided in that meeting.

Six: As per plan, one of the DADs ensured that members of the BDR cell would be posted on duty on gate number 4 that morning when the DG would sit for the slated Darbar in the Darbar hall.

Seven: On February 25, the D-day, the foreign commando team entered the Pilkhana compound through gate number 4, at 8.10 AM, using a BDR vehicle (Bedford) which the designated DAD had arranged to send for them about an hour ago. Dressed in sports gear (long camouflage trouser, vest, and PT shoe) - in order to be able to quickly change into civil clothes while fleeing after the massacre - the killers entered the Pilkhana compound undetected.

Eight: The BDR vehicle that carried the killers was followed by an ash-colour pick up van which carried initially used arms and ammunition from outside. In order to begin the massacre, one of the Bengali speaking commandos, armed, was ordered to enter the Darbar hall without permission to engage the DG into a provoking altercation.

Nine: Once the DG was shot, other officers, all unarmed, tried to obstruct the lone killer. Within seconds, the action group of the killer team entered the Darbar hall and started killing other officers while the cover up group cordoned the area.

Ten: In the following hours, part B of the mission began by inducting other troops into the team under gun point and the armoury - as well as the intelligence equipments - was looted. The foreign killers and their local henchmen used BDR soldiers on gunpoint to show the locations of other officers, their families, and the offices where vital national security documents remained preserved. Highly classified border security maps, troop deployment plan and initial action plan, etc. were taken away by the foreign commandos.

Eleven: Eyewitnesses say, two of the last foreign commandos - one male and one female - left the BDR compound in the afternoon on February 26, following the surrendering of arms by BDR members who knew nothing about the mutiny even a minute before. These two are presumed to be the leaders of the foreign commando team.

None of the above could have been materialized if the two main national intelligence outfits of the country (DGFI and NSI) have had prior clues about what was being conspired to destroy the armed forces of the country. The foreign commandos took control of BDR's own intelligence outfit, RSU, at the initial stage and used RSU equipments to communicate among themselves during the mutiny. The commanding officer of RSU too was assassinated during the carnage.

That aside, there were other intelligence lapses during the mutiny. In the more than 30 hours while the mutiny prolonged, neither the NSI, nor the DGFI, had any clue about who were being shot at and what exactly went on inside. They also ignored SMS messages from fellow officers, on ground that there was no order from the government to do anything.

In reality, these two agencies were too busy, as they often are, in ensuring security to the VVIPs and VIPs; not the country and its vital institutions that they are oath-bound and mandated to serve and protect.
Now back to the topic of the thread....

Horrendous discovery

The following facts, gathered from over a dozen of reliable sources, further corroborate that fact.

Thanks for your valuable inputs. Can you share with us which "Reliable Source" or government agency has provided this report?. A URL will help as well.
Lets forget about Pakistan army & navy for some time. Isn't it accepted by your government that attack came from Pakistan's soil? And elements from Pakistan, whoever they may be, did it?
And since then nothing has happened. Masterminds are under 'custody'. I am sure they will be having their favorite chicken biryani daily.

It is very easy for India to blame on smaller countries without any evidence but not as easy for smaller ones vice versa. BD government will have to be 100% certain before they put a blame of that magnitude to any country. I am sure they will when the time comes. If you come and see the the psycho of everybody which is pointing towards nobody but India. This is the first time in Bangladesh when people are openly talking about strengtheing our defence from all across the board. If it were India, then India is the one who will be the looser.
What useless nonsensical conspiracy theories. Foreign female commandos infiltrating your precious BDR?

Give it a break.

The mutiny was probably politically motivated, like all the other the coups and rebellions that happen in this country. Or perhaps it really was a mutiny over poor conditions.

We\'ll probably never know the truth, if the past record is anything to go by.
YouTube blocked over mutiny tape

AFP, Dhaka

The video-sharing website YouTube has been blocked in Bangladesh for hosting a recorded conversation between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the army officers, officials said yesterday.

Internet users were unable to have access into the site after it hosted the audio tape, which appeared to show angry officers shouting at Sheikh Hasina over her handling of a bloody mutiny that has threatened Bangladesh's recent return to democracy. The bloodshed in the capital Dhaka 10 days ago left at least 74 people dead, including 56 army officers who were butchered and buried in shallow graves by mutinous border guards.

"Internet users have no access to YouTube. We understand that it has been blocked by the authorities," said Sabbir Ahmed, a director of the country's leading Internet service provider, BDCom.

A senior government official told AFP the site has been blocked after it hosted "contents subversive to the state."

"The government can block any site that contains anti-state or subversive contents, which may cause unrest. We took the measure temporarily. It will be lifted soon," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The mutiny raised fears for Sheikh Hasina's government, which won elections two months ago to replace an army-backed administration.

The New Nation - Internet Edition
No matter how Indian try to spin and twist the truth, everyone knows India is behind all South Asian terrors.

:) obviously you've taken RAW's propoganda prowess theories by Ann Coulter (Bangladesh) too seriously and started to attempt your own.

All the best, you are gaining in credibility day by day.

Any evidence ( i mean not the theory AS evidence, but REAL evidence supporting the theory)? Oh, who am i kidding?
Anything goes wrong in the sub-continent, members here are jump to blame India. Truth will eventually come out eventually and all of these India basher will have to eat thier own words.
Foreign female commandos infiltrating your precious BDR?
Give it a break.
where did he write FEMALE?and it doesn't have to be 'commandos'.BTW Idune what source is this from?

The mutiny was probably politically motivated, like all the other the coups and rebellions that happen in this country. Or perhaps it really was a mutiny over poor conditions.

We\'ll probably never know the truth, if the past record is anything to go by.

It's hard for some of us to believe that they will be killing some 62 officers for pay and food.It wasn't like they weren't getting paid.I admit we didn't know they were killing officers at first.

It could be anyone,like I said.It's just that NDTV reporting Shakil and all the sector commanders' death even before our govt/media knew about it makes the whole thing suspicious.

Most of the retired defence officers are thinking about smugglers.BDR's strength was increasing and it doesn't have to be BD or IND govt elements who planned this thing.

I hope the investigation goes well and the one who was really behind this faces the gallows.
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