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India carried mutiny mayhem: Nizami

If you subscribe to Awami media and Indian stooges propaganda that's what has been propagated.

Previously you have brought up stories that ARMY could have acted without PM/govt authorization turned out to be Awami propaganda as leaglly that is not possible.

So you did with SQ Chowdhury and since SQC filed lawsuit Indians and their Awami stooges went quite on them.

So what next, leon?

Have you not seen investigation details came into media, BDR intel was infiltraed and was involed in the massacre. As far as DGFI Awami govt changed the DGFI chief and officials just 2 weeks before the massacre. Get an explantion from Awami govt why and how that contributed to the intel failure?
Your fiery response could be supplemented by asking LEON to reveal his Voter ID No. and the center's name that he has claimed to caste vote. Although I have asked him due to his repeated claim, he deliberately hasn't answered them but continued frothing about casting vote for AL. Furthrmore, he has asked me how has MUA and FUA gangs caused $20 B loss for BD, which apparently hasn't been answered by me due to the fact that BDR's mutiny has been taken over its immediacy. Now, here is the math for Mr. Leon (BTW he has to understand it though):

Our GDP has dropped from 6.8 to 5.5 and we have around 165 Million people.
Now 1.3 (6.8-5.5) * 165000000 * 3.5 ( PPP $2200/Nominal $665) * 2 ( AROUND 2 YEARS FROM 1/11 TO 2/09) is = $1.5 B (Around)

So, $I.5 B is last 2 years loss only on GDP and this will continue over the years as it has been forecatsed by Global economists.

Similarly Exasperiates remittence are falling due to Mid Eastern GOVT's showing back to FUA/MUA/HASINA and yesterday they have said that it would be significently lower and it wouldn't rebound soon. So, count around $1 B annual loss (at least).

Furthermore Garment export is falling and in the upcoming quarter it would be around $500 Million less. So, around $2 B less in the next fiscal year.

Also FDI has fallen from 650 Million to next to nothing.

So, total tangible loss of MUA/Fua take over is $5,15 B ($ 1.5+ $1 + $2 +$.65). And multiply it by AWAMY 5 years of upcoming loss. Does it make at least $20 B? Have I made it up like MUA's claim on BNP's theivery of $20,000
crore on electricity and AWAMY on 186,000 crore on BNP's tenure?
We armed and trained mukhti bahani, would that be another reason for us to be called a terrorist nation?

Yes India is a terrorist nation because you helped to break up a sovereign nation and we clearly know now what was your intention. It was clearly to weaken Pakistan and not because of some love for east Pakistani. You belong to sick nation that wants to destroy it neighbors. What if we armed separatist groups in Assam that wants separation from India. We would be terrorist country too because Assam is part of India not disputed territory. East Pakistan was part of Pakistan not disputed territory like Kashmir. You started this sick game so expect some one else to finish it in the future and don't cry when that happen.
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So was it India or Indian stooges?
By Indian stooges, I assume you mean the Govt of Sheikh Hasina who was elected by 75% of the people in Bangladesh !!

hahahahahahahaha, :rofl: why am i not surprised that u beleive that cz ur gov'ts pawns, the Awami League won by 75%???....who told u that...have u even talked to a Bangladeshi who went to vote??? They'll tell you that it's not what the media showed.
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I personally don't like this man Nizami at all.But whatever he is saying have a very high possibility.

In fact,some here in Bangladesh also suspect Jaamat e Islami and Jaamatul Mujahedien Bangladesh(JMB) to be behind this.

Now I have a question,Is the news of Indian commando infiltration really true?We know that outsiders were involved,as the survivors said but to this extent?
Then I would say execute our Intel chiefs first for this failure.Forget DGFI and NSI,what was BDR internal Intel doing?

Or they reported but someone from the govt. hid it?

I don't like Nizami either but I have cousins in the military one of them a top officer who could've gotten killed on that day. Lt. Colonel Alam. Alhumdulillah he's alive along with his wife and kids since they were re-assigned outside of Dhaka.

And some of the BD army officers protects Jamaat-i-Islami because BD Army overall are Islamic influenced...so it wouldn't make sense of Jammati-I-Islami people killing their protectors for the crimes of being rajakars in 1971. Only a fool would do that and Jamaat-I-Islami are no fools otherwise they would've been dead long time ago.

What does make sense of India behind it. Because how the hell does India media knew about the events before the Bangladeshi media? And why do people ask New Dehli about the events of Dhaka and not Dhaka people themselves.

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Yes India is a terrorist nation because you helped to break up a sovereign nation and we clearly know now what was your intention. It was clearly to weaken Pakistan and not because of some love for east Pakistani. You belong to sick nation that wants to destroy it neighbors. What if we armed separatist groups in Assam that wants separation from India. We would be terrorist country too because Assam is part of India not disputed territory. East Pakistan was part of Pakistan not disputed territory like Kashmir. You started this sick game so expect some one else to finish it in the future and don't cry when that happen.
So basically you are ruing the fact that you have a country to call your own. Good going genius.

... how the hell does India media knew about the events before the Bangladeshi media? And why do people ask New Dehli about the events of Dhaka and not Dhaka people themselves.
So Indian media is being blamed for being more efficient and professional than BD media and the govt. Nice.
And some of the BD army officers protects Jamaat-i-Islami because BD Army overall are Islamic influenced...so it wouldn't make sense of Jammati-I-Islami people killing their protectors for the crimes of being rajakars in 1971. Only a fool would do that and Jamaat-I-Islami are no fools otherwise they would've been dead long time ago.
5U24ACBF5i4[/media] - Bangladesh mutiny spreads
Let me debunk the myth that JI has more influence over army than AL/India leaning Lefties. In any litmas tests of the history of recognized past army has lined up for Western/Indians agenda than JI/Islamic causes (Be it 71 or 1/11). Aug 15 of 75 had nothing to do with JI's influence either. Since the creation of PAK, it's army's top brass has been infiltrated and brain washed by West whereas Indians have successfully disallowed themselves to be Western pawn by alligning with NAM but being treachous, they have switched in US led band-wagon after Soviet's fall and have been Using/leveraging U.S's power to get to the head of COASes (Mushe and MUA). If army's elite/top brass has understood the reason for its secularistic-creation at the first place then it would know Islam is only cosmetic and never been a WAR CRY for them. After 47s division, Indians threw BRITS out promptly but PAK was initially ran by BRIT general and prepared AYUB to continue their legacies. Although he snatched the power in 1958, the preparation started from 1948 (Please note that Zinnah didn't get treatment for recovery from TV and Liakot Ali Khan's murder remained mystery). See, the militarism was left in former colonies to continue Westren interest and be it Pakistan or Turkey or Indonesian or B'desh, they made sure that it didn't get reversed. Any honest historic prove would reveal that all the military interventions in the Muslim world has got tacit Western supports and West being inherrently anti-Islamic wouldn't allow JI or Muslim Brother hood or Justice Party to take control over Mils. Unless entire scripture of militarism is re-written, that secularistic institution's primary mission wouldn't change. Once Kissinger commented like Military Generals were dumb, uneducated and foreign policy tools. I guess hardly anyone of his rank would honestly differ with his views. Islamic outlook of Pakistani or BD mils are just cosmetic and Lal Masjid massacre and 180 Degree turn by Mushe on one phone call or MUA gangs sold out bear that testimony. And the fact is that Indian Mil is 100 times more of Hinduistic than PAK, BD's Islamic one.
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Other than your blatant LIE, show the statement where I called any name?

If you start lie and run propaganda against any people be that Nizami or for that matter Hasina, one should call it. If you dont like to put you on spot don't run cheap lie. It is as simple as that.

There is a place for running cheap propaganda namely bdmil be happy running that.

Rest of your rant doesn't even worth anyone time.

Getting back on topic......

So what next, leon?

This is the statement.

What lie?I said many here(in BD) suspect jamat also,because while discussing with others these things comes up,so what's wrong here?

Now don't order me sitting in USA as if you know and are talking to every Bangladeshis.If you don't believe,then get a ticket and talk to people in the streets and they will give their suspicion list which will include Nizami and JMB.Now does this mean he is a convict?
May I know what cheap lies?Talk specifically,don't just use gross adjectives.

Rest of your rant doesn't even worth anyone time

I guess you realised your fault at misunderstanding my post.But as your EGO kicks in,you continue to rattle on.:lol:

Some your posts aren't worth replying,that's why you call member's names to provoke them to reply your posts.Pathetic.I am not saying you type bullshit all the time,as I saw few good posts from you too and I don't regret accepting that,as I want to tell the Truth but you don't want to hear.

I suggest you go and read my very first post again and then read your posts.

Otherwise don't waste my valuable time.

Back to topic,although you were the one going off the topic.
Your fiery response could be supplemented by asking LEON to reveal his Voter ID No. and the center's name that he has claimed to caste vote. Although I have asked him due to his repeated claim, he deliberately hasn't answered them but continued frothing about casting vote for AL.

Why should I do that?Why do i need to prove I am a voter or not?Who are you to ask me that?When did you ask me this before?Please show,as I may have not read your post.

If you don't believe that I am a voter,its none of my headache.

I never claimed I am 40 year old,but always said I was the first time voter.Do try to realise the difference.

I can also ask whether you are another ID of Idune or not,as I have never seen you two online at the same time,but I don't really care.

Now before jumping in from nowhere,you should read what I actually said.

I personally don't like this man Nizami at all.But whatever he is saying have a very high possibility.

In fact,some here in Bangladesh also suspect Jaamat e Islami and Jaamatul Mujahedien Bangladesh(JMB) to be behind this.

Now I have a question,Is the news of Indian commando infiltration really true?We know that outsiders were involved,as the survivors said but to this extent?
Then I would say execute our Intel chiefs first for this failure.Forget DGFI and NSI,what was BDR internal Intel doing?

Or they reported but someone from the govt. hid it?

Now tell me what's wrong in it?

Did I say majority here thinks JMB and Nijami behind mutiny?
I said "some here in Bangladesh"also suspect Jaamat e Islami and Jaamatul Mujahedien Bangladesh(JMB) to be behind this..Now isn't it true?

What was wrong here as Idune quickly went off topic to claim I was spreading cheap lies.
Now as you seem to be religious man,be honest when you reply my question.Only if you have the courage to do so.

Furthrmore, he has asked me how has MUA and FUA gangs caused $20 B loss for BD, which apparently hasn't been answered by me due to the fact that BDR's mutiny has been taken over its immediacy. Now, here is the math for Mr. Leon (BTW he has to understand it though):
Our GDP has dropped from 6.8 to 5.5 and we have around 165 Million people.
Now 1.3 (6.8-5.5) * 165000000 * 3.5 ( PPP $2200/Nominal $665) * 2 ( AROUND 2 YEARS FROM 1/11 TO 2/09) is = $1.5 B (Around)

So, .5 B is last 2 years loss only on GDP and this will continue over the years as it has been forecatsed by Global economists.

Similarly Exasperiates remittence are falling due to Mid Eastern GOVT's showing back to FUA/MUA/HASINA and yesterday they have said that it would be significently lower and it wouldn't rebound soon. So, count around $1 B annual loss (at least).

Furthermore Garment export is falling and in the upcoming quarter it would be around $500 Million less. So, around $2 B less in the next fiscal year.

Also FDI has fallen from 650 Million to next to nothing.

So, total tangible loss of MUA/Fua take over is $5,15 B ($ 1.5+ $1 + $2 +$.65). And multiply it by AWAMY 5 years of upcoming loss. Does it make at least $20 B? Have I made it up like MUA's claim on BNP's theivery of $20,000
crore on electricity and AWAMY on 186,000 crore on BNP's tenure?

And multiply it by AWAMY 5 years of upcoming loss. Does it make at least $20 B?

I was reading with a lot of interest,but here your expert knowledge comes to a halt.This is what your explanation?
It seems you like Prudence concept very much.I won't talk with you in this matter any more.We shall see and Inshallah talk after 5 years about this.

Previously,in the other thread you said in last two years we lost 20bilion in GDP.Now from where does the forecasting comes from?

As you claimed you could not give the answer due to BDR mutiny,but I remember asking you long before the mutiny.

Anyways I won't go more deep into this.
So Indian media is being blamed for being more efficient and professional than BD media and the govt. Nice.

hahahahaha :rofl:, oh man, you're funny. The question should be how do Indian media get intel about what's happening in Dhaka before Bangladeshis, overall??? Professionalism has nothing to do with this.
Leon,idune,M_Saint: It is not the time--and perhaps will be never--to get entangled in infighting for personal and that,too, on so triffle issue.

Issue at hand is to subtantiate, if true, the current suspicion in many Bangladeshi minds---about India being behind the carnage---with available facts & figures.

My Indian freinds: We are not here to convict anyone---as a judge does---with hard evidence---particularly from Govt sources as you appear to demand. As is expected from open minded members, we all should analyse the various circumstantial evidences (and elements that lead to these), and should sincerely and truthfully accept & express whatever is indicated from those.

Suspicions had been and are on 2 parties:

1. Islamic Militants (generally thought to be assisted by ISI or local pro-Pakistan agents). Now, such possibility has been denined by RAB officials 2 days earlier, and even today. See the Daily Star @ 12-03-09 :"When asked about the involvement of the religion-based militant organisations and the United Liberation Front of Assam (Ulfa) in the mutiny Rab DG averted the query and said: “The religious militancy is now under complete control of the law-enforcing agencies.”

2. RAW (generally thought also to include local Pro-Indian agents) Now, this is the only available option as far as Bangladesh theater is concerned. Also see points raised by Ahmad (Page 49) and Zainal (Page 49) at Bangladesh Gunfight thread in this forum---particularly the news @ Pranab, and SMS coming from BSF

Now, #1 cleared by RAB DG, only and most strongest set of elements (news/event) indicates to certain circumstantial evidences.

Does those ring any bell to you ? Are you 'sincere-to-yourself' enough to give any credence to above ? Pending any final verdict by any judge, can we accept that RAW's involvment is by far the highly probable missing link to the carnage ?
Straight;324330]Leon,idune,M_Saint: It is not the time--and perhaps will be never--to get entangled in infighting for personal and that,too, on so triffle issue.

I agree with straight 100%. Brothers let us respect our difference and reconcile toward friendship. We should work together and be vigilant against our common enemy.:cheers:
Originally Posted by karnivore
So Indian media is being blamed for being more efficient and professional than BD media and the govt. Nice.

:lol::rofl::lol::rofl: I am not laughing because you made a extra ordinary joke rater laughing at you for being a laughable joker......
Leon,idune,M_Saint: It is not the time--and perhaps will be never--to get entangled in infighting for personal and that,too, on so triffle issue.

Issue at hand is to subtantiate, if true, the current suspicion in many Bangladeshi minds---about India being behind the carnage---with available facts & figures.

My Indian freinds: We are not here to convict anyone---as a judge does---with hard evidence---particularly from Govt sources as you appear to demand. As is expected from open minded members, we all should analyse the various circumstantial evidences (and elements that lead to these), and should sincerely and truthfully accept & express whatever is indicated from those.

Suspicions had been and are on 2 parties:

1. Islamic Militants (generally thought to be assisted by ISI or local pro-Pakistan agents). Now, such possibility has been denined by RAB officials 2 days earlier, and even today. See the Daily Star @ 12-03-09 :"When asked about the involvement of the religion-based militant organisations and the United Liberation Front of Assam (Ulfa) in the mutiny Rab DG averted the query and said: “The religious militancy is now under complete control of the law-enforcing agencies.”

2. RAW (generally thought also to include local Pro-Indian agents) Now, this is the only available option as far as Bangladesh theater is concerned. Also see points raised by Ahmad (Page 49) and Zainal (Page 49) at Bangladesh Gunfight thread in this forum---particularly the news @ Pranab, and SMS coming from BSF

Now, #1 cleared by RAB DG, only and most strongest set of elements (news/event) indicates to certain circumstantial evidences.

Does those ring any bell to you ? Are you 'sincere-to-yourself' enough to give any credence to above ? Pending any final verdict by any judge, can we accept that RAW's involvment is by far the highly probable missing link to the carnage ?

Really good post Straight. Good to have you on board. We should all be sensible and not fight amongst each other.
Leon,idune,M_Saint: It is not the time--and perhaps will be never--to get entangled in infighting for personal and that,too, on so triffle issue.

Issue at hand is to subtantiate, if true, the current suspicion in many Bangladeshi minds---about India being behind the carnage---with available facts & figures.

My Indian freinds: We are not here to convict anyone---as a judge does---with hard evidence---particularly from Govt sources as you appear to demand. As is expected from open minded members, we all should analyse the various circumstantial evidences (and elements that lead to these), and should sincerely and truthfully accept & express whatever is indicated from those.

Suspicions had been and are on 2 parties:

1. Islamic Militants (generally thought to be assisted by ISI or local pro-Pakistan agents). Now, such possibility has been denined by RAB officials 2 days earlier, and even today. See the Daily Star @ 12-03-09 :"When asked about the involvement of the religion-based militant organisations and the United Liberation Front of Assam (Ulfa) in the mutiny Rab DG averted the query and said: “The religious militancy is now under complete control of the law-enforcing agencies.”

2. RAW (generally thought also to include local Pro-Indian agents) Now, this is the only available option as far as Bangladesh theater is concerned. Also see points raised by Ahmad (Page 49) and Zainal (Page 49) at Bangladesh Gunfight thread in this forum---particularly the news @ Pranab, and SMS coming from BSF

Now, #1 cleared by RAB DG, only and most strongest set of elements (news/event) indicates to certain circumstantial evidences.

Does those ring any bell to you ? Are you 'sincere-to-yourself' enough to give any credence to above ? Pending any final verdict by any judge, can we accept that RAW's involvment is by far the highly probable missing link to the carnage ?

You are right but what should I do if they Gang up on me with off topic subjects?Hope they understand the matter like you.
People can relax, ringleaders like Touhid Alam have been captured, FBI and Scotland Yard are assisting investigations. The truth will soon be out.
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