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India capable of fulfilling its own defence needs: Modi


Jun 10, 2012
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Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has called for framing a holistic policy to make India self-reliant in defence production for the security forces alongside training skilled human resources. He said India is capable of fulfilling the defence needs of smaller and developing nations too.

Delivering the valedictory address at an International Conference on ‘Defence Offsets’ organised as part of 6th Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors’ Summit in Gandhinagar, he said that India spends a huge amount of foreign exchange in importing arms which required to be curtailed. Research in developing and manufacturing latest sophisticated defence equipment is the crying need of the day.

While seminars are being held on as many as 123 topics at the summit this year, he said he deemed it fit to devote a full day’s brain-storming session dedicated to country’s defence needs.

Modi invited entrepreneurs with engineering background to set up their defence equipment units in Gujarat. He said the State has already a large manufacturing base of small and medium scale units which could be gainfully deployed in defence production in cluster form as well.

Prominent among those present at the conference were FICCI Chairman Ashok Kanodia, FICCI Defence Sub-Committee Chairman Jayant Patil and delegates.

India capable of fulfilling its own defence needs: Modi | Niti Central
no,i think he is wrong.i think it will take us minimum of 20 yrs to be self reliant.

ohh yeah..so u had worked out & finally it will take 20 yrs to produce all our defence needs endogenously..let me remind you that Tejas took fu**ing 30 yrs & more which was a flagship project in the name of self reliance gutted multifold money & time beyond its schedule with full attention of Govt....and u know what its still under evaluation..
I have lot of respect for him...but as far as defence production is concerned its not his cup of tea. Even US can't produce its 100% defence requirements itself.

True, just a statement from a politician. I doubt he is a defense expert.
ohh yeah..so u had worked out & finally it will take 20 yrs to produce all our defence needs endogenously..let me remind you that Tejas took fu**ing 30 yrs & more which was a flagship project in the name of self reliance gutted multifold money & time beyond its schedule with full attention of Govt....and u know what its still under evaluation..

man,i said minimum 20 yrs.now i have to be a bit optimistic about my own country,everyone is.arent u?
Ghosh.. if every other country imposes sanctions on India, next day we'll be 100% self-reliant.

eh.. 20 years.. so, you expect after 20 years, everybody else will impose sanctions.. ? :laugh:

On a serious note, our motive (as I believe it already is) should be to achieve effective defence preparedness at least cost.

We may need to produce 500 LCA tejas with Kaveri engine (however flawed) to achieve "same level" of defence preparedness, what we could achieve with 150 LCA with GE 414. And building those additional 350 LCA would be more costly..than the second option.

Therefore, no sanctions actually permit us to buy "cheaper" defence.. as against say china, which has only the option to put AL-31 in J-10s but not a better engine.

Indigenous should be (i) world class (which means among the best in the world), and (ii) cost-effective.

Hence, indigenous is good .. if it is good, in "value delivered" and cost. If not, then lets save money for better things. :tup:
India is capable of R&D and production of defence goods. The real problem lies at quality control of such goods. A low tech equipment like INSAS fresh out of factory, has to go to platoon's gunsmith to be made serviceable. All thanks to work ethics of Sarkaari Karamchaaris at OFB our soldiers have to survive with such shi tty rifles because they have no other choice.
I can see some noob posts here, I don't wanted to mention any one as all of you have less than 2000 posts, and I don't reply to one who has less number of posts... Now coming to point....

1. Who told it??? NaMo:
2. Can he deliver it?? Yes he can
3. Where he is saying it??? Global investor meets.
4. Does it mean private he is thinking of private players (Like TATA, Mahindra) to be part of defence production? YES...

Some one mention here its not possible in 20 years, Boss unless we start how can we know whether we can reach the destination or not????
India can be self sufficient in pretty much all areas of defence production in 20 years apart from engines.
I can see some noob posts here, I don't wanted to mention any one as all of you have less than 2000 posts, and I don't reply to one who has less number of posts... Now coming to point....

1. Who told it??? NaMo:
2. Can he deliver it?? Yes he can
3. Where he is saying it??? Global investor meets.
4. Does it mean private he is thinking of private players (Like TATA, Mahindra) to be part of defence production? YES...

Some one mention here its not possible in 20 years, Boss unless we start how can we know whether we can reach the destination or not????

Dear senior member, with all due respect does if anyone have lesser post, means he's talking in air. It has been almost 10 yrs when defence sector was opened for private players with restriction. what happened in these years except some cool looking PAV's & some armored trucks. We are just trying to be realistic. However I appreciate your positive approach.
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