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India can’t defeat Pakistan or China in war

China will be blown collapsed by the collective Indians big mouths
lol...India has already collapsed with CCPs Cent Warriros in PDF...the same warriors compared India with Indonesia few years back...lol... do what you can to to earn your cheap chinese made wine...you will only and only see rising India...and PDF is not the real world!! but its okay, go on...you and CD are few of the best entertainers and rays of getting peaceful sleep to fellow PK members ;-)
US and USSR were both desperately wanted to destroy China back then. but they didn't dare. Now Russia is a friend and US just can't do anything cause China is overtaking them in almost everything.

Thats wrong my friend.You should study history not from CCP's perspective,rather from World's perspective.

Each country used China as per their desire.You should ask yourselves,how China has become what it is now??If USSR and USA wanted to destroy China,they'd leave it totally untouched??But rest assured,you'll know what it means within next few decades as US and China is going in a collision course.

Nobody wanted to destroy China.If they wanted,China would get destroyed much before USSR did.Rather China provided a unique opportunity.A country of communism which desires to become more capitalist than USA itself.
I can't explain much but the entire NATO, U.S.A and middl east were supporting whom back then ?? Certainly not India for sure. :p:

Now please read the following link if you can;

For the same very reason, US and NATO won't support India if it fights with Pakistan and China. US promises a lot but never delivers. We've come to this conviction hence we rely on China and have strengthen our relationship with Russia. If you think you'll be backed by US and NATO, you're fooling yourself. In case of a war, India will be disintegrated between Pakistan and China.
I couldn't understand your post. Look, a lot has changed since 1971. If you're still living in 1971, it makes me feel good and I want whole India think the way you think.
China has become very strong economically. With CPEC, their economy will boost exponentially and so would our economy. China's technology has lessened its gap with western powers. We get TOT on each and every project which would strengthen our country to a level where India won't stand a chance in front of us as well. Its a fact specially considering your recent switch towards US from Russia.

Your post is more of if's and but's, it is all assumptions like China's economy will grow exponentially and that will help us, all that comes in future. Talk about the present my friend. :)

While you grow technologically and economically, do you expect India and the world to sit idle during the same period ?? :)
india can't beat Pak alone it needs help from another country despite having numerical advantage.

My dear Pak Friend,

You are wrong. indians have bra-mooz and it can attack both China and Pak simultaneously.

Sino-Pak Axis is doomed now. I say better surrender and become part of indian empire!

There are arjun and tejas as well....so I guess game over.

No one can ever win any war of words from indians.

You take care.

Everybody can have an opinion. China is unable to reclaim Taiwan and waited like a good boy in the corner till UK and Portugal handed HK and Macau back to them. The only notable achievement of the Pakistani Army in India has been building that Kanpur road as PoWs. So best of luck to them.
Chinese people don't want to fight Chinese, the government knows that, there's no benefit doing that cause Chinese people in Taiwan also created great success and prosperity which both sides don't want to destroy, we Chinese are pragmatic people, as for Hong Kong we can take it back in 1949 but the government chose not to, one thing is because China wants to leave this only window to west so it can be served as a channel to the outside world is needed and Hong Kong provide China with hard currency and China didn't want to kill a chicken that lays golden eggs. Do you seriously believe that China didn't take Hong Kong back is because she couldn't? Then you really know nothing about the politics.
For the same very reason, US and NATO won't support India if it fights with Pakistan and China. US promises a lot but never delivers. We've come to this conviction hence we rely on China and have strengthen our relationship with Russia. If you think you'll be backed by US and NATO, you're fooling yourself. In case of a war, India will be disintegrated between Pakistan and China.

Well all the very best in that case. :-)
Is it?? :lol::lol:

Sometimes I wonder,what purpose Defense.pk serves in our lives.Gathering knowledge or providing an alternate reality(aka Propaganda).

I can assure you,Afghanistan,Nepal,Bhutan,Bangladesh and Sri Lanka is still Pro India and not Pro China(in fact,most only started having warm relationship in the last decade only).

You can post some article blaming India for their poor condition or waving Chinese flag and dancing,but believe me,in that aspect,CPM cadres in India are much more Pro China than all the other neighbours combined.:lol:
Ok let's quote some Bangladeshis here and see what they have to say?
@Maira La
Ok...will see to it when China attacks us or ACTUALLY prepares to attack us... And Mr, if u ve not read my comment, do read it again...I said if not now that doesnt mean never looking at the growth and future of India...its okay if u ve purposely ignored the lines abt future of Pak..but why r u taking abt what china can do to us? dont u ve anything ? leave it! U joined just 2 months back?
Yes, China is strengthening our economy and technology. I said in one of my comments that in near future, India won't even stand a chance against Pakistan so you guys can forget about China. India isn't growing. India is only sealing its fate which has been doomed.

And you think after a war with India, China will be left with a very good shape as well ?? LOL :p:
I'm sorry to say, China's war against India won't have any bad affects on them, specially if Pakistan is fighting too. China will come out of that war, unharmed. However, India won't be on the phase of earth. China has always been a super power, it lost its way but see, they're there. True dragon :)
Thats wrong my friend.You should study history not from CCP's perspective,rather from World's perspective.

Each country used China as per their desire.You should ask yourselves,how China has become what it is now??If USSR and USA wanted to destroy China,they'd leave it totally untouched??But rest assured,you'll know what it means within next few decades as US and China is going in a collision course.

Nobody wanted to destroy China.If they wanted,China would get destroyed much before USSR did.Rather China provided a unique opportunity.A country of communism which desires to become more capitalist than USA itself.
Actually I learned that from US not CCP , declassified documents show that both US and USSR had plan to nuke China and they almost carried it out. but last moment they gave up fearing the consequences. Do some study before you talk, check more related document and history book will help you.
Chinese people don't want to fight Chinese, the government knows that, there's no benefit doing that cause Chinese people in Taiwan also created great success and prosperity which both sides don't want to destroy, we Chinese are pragmatic people, as for Hong Kong we can take it back in 1949 but the government chose not to, one thing is because China wants to leave this only window to west so it can be served as a channel to the outside world is needed and Hong Kong provide China with hard currency and China didn't want to kill a chicken that lays golden eggs. Do you seriously believe that China didn't take Hong Kong back is because she couldn't? Then you really know nothing about the politics.

Yes - China was incapable of taking back Hong Kong militarily - whether in 1949 or in 1997. If you believe China could take on the might of the Allied Forces in 1949 or NATO or even Britain all alone - then clearly you know nothing about pretty much anything.
Your post is more of if's and but's, it is all assumptions like China's economy will grow exponentially and that will help us, all that comes in future. Talk about the present my friend. :)

While you grow technologically and economically, do you expect India and the world to sit idle during the same period ?? :)
I haven't said China's economy needs to grow to beat India. As is, its strong enough to fight any war for at least 3-4 years non stop. China is an economic giant. Yes, I did say when Pakistan's economy grows and it gets modern weapons from China with TOT it would be strong enough to handle India all alone and take it to the cleaners. Right now, neither India can conquer Pakistan nor Pakistan can do that (If its only India and Pakistan). If nukes are used by both of them then nothing would be left.
So, please be clear, China can conquer India within 2-3 days with its current economy and weaponry. India will surrender within a day or so. It would be German (China) invasion of France (India) of WWii.

Well all the very best in that case. :-)
Thanks mate :) no disrespect meant. It's just a discussion.
It's tough to argue that Pakistan's military needs to dominate the government and national budget when, with reports like this one, it can be seen that India has little or no serious interest in building a military capable of expanding India's rule beyond its current borders.
They tried in 1965 and 1999 :D :D :D while in process lost an important glacier :P
A simple question ? If you are so sure about the capabilities of India forces, what is stopping Pakistan from liberating Kashmir (with or without Chinese help) ?? After all we are the aggressors/occupiers as per you guys. :p:
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