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India Cannot Win War against Pakistan, say Indian security experts

So now you believe Pakistani media but when they tell you that you rape kids as little as 10 month babies then you don't believe them. Now I know you are a real Indian.

And proud to say it
No matter where I go in the world be it Europe or USA and will be welcomed with open arms
Are your Politicians Pakistanis ?

If they are selfish and coward then why are they ruling Pakistan ?

Don't you have anyone better to lead you ?

Till you find someone fit to rule Pakistan, at least stop critisizing Indian rulers :D

Indian Internet Analysts Vs Indian Book Authors..

Don't know why we Pakistanis want to justify what we can do..
That's where national strength comes into play my friend

National strength meaning a wopping $400 billion forex reserve and ecomomy to flex muscle to prepare for a war quickly and efficiently .,,,,,,,, You make sure you are ready for war

anddddddddddddd u forget 1.2 billion mouth to feed ? now do the math with mighty 400$ billion then talk about war :blah::blah:
Both India and Pakistan can not win any war completely. But the larger question should be, how do we define the win or loss of any war?? Are we expecting India or Pakistan will roll over with tanks in Delhi and Islamabad and start having Bollywood dance to celebrate the win, or we are talking about keep on attacking each other at LOC without any definite objective in our policy? If our objetive is the 1st one, then it is not going to happen..If India or Pakistan have the capacity to win on each other, the Kashmir issue would have been resolved since long time...Pakistan would have taken over remaining part of Kashmir since long time, same theory goes for India too...

So this is completely an useless topic when any one ask us, who will over in the war...Rather, someone should define and educate us, why would India or Pakistan attack each other and what will be the long term tangible benifit in case any one get a complete win on each other....

For India, i do not find any reason to attack Pakistan from our side to occupy any terrortory in Pakistan...I wish Pakistan members also feel the same. But what can be the reason, Pakistan would like to India??? Nothing to gain except to manage another huge population in addition to your current one.
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Pakistan cant even stand for 3 days against india conventionally. This is why your politicians blabber abt nukes.

So if what you are saying is true then what happened after mumbai 2008 and uri 2016? :azn:

Oh pls ... We got more pakistani territory in 1965 war but still we went back to same position.

We had enough ammunition in 1971 war and again, we dint take inch of pakistan.

We were ready to open international border in kargil war but we dint.

Reason for all --> Our P.M's have never been aggressors unlike indira gandhi.

No body wants ppl of pakistan here like we dont want rohingya here. So there is no point of occupying pakistan.

This is a notion which has been fed to you by your army to keep its worth alive.

You are obviously getting your info from athe same indian bollywood source that vehemently proclaimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance..........lol......lol........:lol:

Your media is telling us

Your in dire straights diplomatically , financially, yiou cant fight a war for mote than 4 days.

AND YOU BOYS telling us ewe will send you to stone age.

I know who I believe

YES yes

I EXPECT THAT from you

but FACTS suggest other conclusions

If the americans are unable to attack North Korea than india cannot defeat Pakistan in a war now. That and the fact that india was too weak, harmless & powerless to do anything to Pakistan after mumbai 2008 & uri 2016 is evidence of this. All else is just another indian bollywood fantasy.
No one can win a war against a nuclear power and in case of India - Pakistan, the distances are so short and border is so long that no ADS can be effective especially when Pakistan has working MIRVs, MARVs missiles, CM, SLCMs ...MAD has been established between the two.
Pakistan cant even stand for 3 days against india conventionally. This is why your politicians blabber abt nukes.
No doubt India is conventionally stronger but Pak can hold for a lot longer. Don't base ur judgement off of ur media...read up on Pak's conventional war capacity and do an analysis with a neutral point of view.

Oh pls ... We got more pakistani territory in 1965 war but still we went back to same position.

We had enough ammunition in 1971 war and again, we dint take inch of pakistan.

We were ready to open international border in kargil war but we dint.

Reason for all --> Our P.M's have never been aggressors unlike indira gandhi.

No body wants ppl of pakistan here like we dont want rohingya here. So there is no point of occupying pakistan.

This is a notion which has been fed to you by your army to keep its worth alive.
Lol u r the one that's been fed the narrative of a peaceful India. U r telling me that all this time India could've taken Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan and India didn't?

Even if I was to believe u that India is not interested in taking Pak territory, surely India still would've taken(if u could) those two regions since u guys claim it as urs(akhand bharat). India didn't hesitate to take Goa/Hyderabad/Junagadh/etc. U r telling me that a nation with a track record of invading/annexing other territories CHOSE not to take the territory it claims? :rofl:
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So if what you are saying is true then what happened after mumbai 2008 and uri 2016? :azn:

You are obviously getting your info from athe same indian bollywood source that vehemently proclaimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance..........lol......lol........:lol:

If the americans are unable to attack North Korea than india cannot defeat Pakistan in a war now. That and the fact that india was too weak, harmless & powerless to do anything to Pakistan after mumbai 2008 & uri 2016 is evidence of this. All else is just another indian bollywood fantasy.

1) mumbai or uri are too short to bring any major event b/w india and pakistan. Afaik, one of our wing( may be navy or army) were not ready for full fledged war when asked.

if i ask you same qn, india too is financing terror in pakistan, what did you do to stop it ? why dint u directly punish india ?

2)You became a nuclear state by chinese help and under the eye of U.S.

3)India wont attack pakistan until she manages to take war inside pakistan totally. Till then..no war.
Both India and Pakistan can not win any war completely. But the larger question should be, how do we define the win or loss of any war?? Are we expecting India or Pakistan will roll over with tanks in Delhi and Islamabad and start having Bollywood dance to celebrate the win, or we are talking about keep on attacking each other at LOC without any definite objective in our policy? If our objetive is the 1st one, then it is not going to happen..If India or Pakistan have the capacity to win on each other, the Kashmir issue would have been resolved since long time...Pakistan would have taken over remaining part of Kashmir since long time, same theory goes for India too...

So this is completely an useless topic when any one ask us, who will over in the war...Rather, someone should define and educate us, why would India or Pakistan attack each other and what will be the long term tangible benifit in case any one get a complete win on each other....

For India, i do not find any reason to attack Pakistan from our side to occupy any terrortory in Pakistan...I wish Pakistan members also feel the same. But what can be the reason, Pakistan would like to India??? Nothing to gain except to manage another huge population in addition to your current one.


2 things to note here.

1. Who has the stomach for war ?

2. Whose war is it anyway ?
Only a very naive person would imagine this is a India Pakistan issue,
This is a China Vs USA war,
more clearly it is a " don't let them access to warm waters" war.
First USA prevented USSR, through Afghanistan,
now it is against China

Same pieces, same game
different lines !
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