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India cannot become a global power via arms buildup


Nov 29, 2010
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India’s military has used China’s rising comprehensive strength as a cover for its non-stop military buildup in the recent years. India has sought to be a “military power” through active military buildup and budget increases in an attempt to continue to cement its leading position in South Asia and around the Indian Ocean, and develop from a regional power to an influential “global power”.

India has already become the world’s largest arms importing country. India will spend 30 billion U.S. dollars purchasing advanced arms by 2012, including 126 advanced fighters for its air force, Russian-made aircraft carriers and ship-borne weapons for the navy, and main battle tanks and anti-tank missiles for its land force.

India has so far refused to sign the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” and its strategic missile capacity has markedly improved. India has developed “Agni” strategic missiles that have three ranges of 700 kilometers, 2,500 kilometers and 3,500 kilometers and can cover all of its neighboring regions. India also started building its 25th nuclear power reactor in July 2011 and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. plans to put the new nuclear power reactor into commercial operations by June 2016.

India decided at the end of 2010 to spend up to 5 billion U.S. dollars buying four long-range patrol aircraft and four amphibious warships, and purchase 250 to 300 fifth-generation jet fighters from Russia. India’s second independently developed stealth frigate “INS Satpura” commenced service on Aug. 20, 2011, marking a substantial improvement in the combat capacity of India’s navy. The third stealth frigate “INS Sahyadri” is expected to be put into service in 2012 and will be equipped with domestically made and imported weapon systems and sensors. The development and service of Shivalik-class frigates have marked that India has been among a few countries that can build stealth frigates.

In addition, the navy of India is also planning to cope with future emergencies by building two aircraft carrier battle groups and equipping itself with several stealth battleships, submarines and long-range reconnaissance planes. Currently, India has mastered the technology of producing high-quality ship-body steel and therefore do not depend on foreign resources as much as before.

The navy of India already possesses an aircraft named “Virat” bought from the United Kingdom, and is rebuilding and upgrading another named “Vikramaditya”, which will be completed and launched in December of 2012. In August of 2011, the Defense Minister of India A.K. Anthony said that, in addition to the six submarines being built, the navy of India would purchase another six “seventy-five plan” submarines to strengthen the battle effectiveness of its submarine force. Recently, Russia said that it would deliver the Akula-class nuclear-powered attack submarine named “Cheetah” to India at the end of 2012. According to the contract, India will rent the submarine for 10 years.

Now, India is still a big regional power and its political influence and military strength are limited in the world. Taking the so-called "China Threat" as an excuse, India is expanding its military strength, but it is still uncertain that whether India will realize its dream of being a leading power, because India's weak economy is severely unmatched with the image of a leading military power.

In addition, international communities and India's surrounding countries are all suspecting and even being on guard against this kind of unbalanced development mode. Considering it in the viewpoint of geopolitical strategy and regional security, international communities do not want to see a severe military imbalance in South Asia. International communities generally believe that a relatively balanced military situation in the South Asia and the normalization of the India-Pakistan relations are helpful for the stability and development of the Asia-Pacific Region.

India cannot become a global power via arms buildup - People's Daily Online
what do you think is required to be a "global power" ?
These weapons were acquired with the sole purpose of modernization. No where did we claim that we are preparing the recipe for becoming world power. Irrespective of how much I am nationalistic or what other countries may say in their senate reports about us, the truth always will be that we are far from being global power. Until the indigenous levels reach atleast 80% in every military field we can't even claim as a true power. We have long way to go.
India will need to come out of petty squabbles.. and first and foremost.. change its internal dynamics.
it cannot follow the China model, it wont work here..simply because desi folk think different.
They need a different carrot and stick as compared to the Chinese.
Most of all, if India can reduce corruption drastically.. and focus on expanding.. and improving the bar for its middle class..
increasing the attraction of the blue collar industry.
It can then start asserting itself globally with the potential it possesses.
Our current arms buildup is nothing more than the much needed and postponed modernization plan , also investing in improving indigenous capability.
Go to Jaipur in Rajastan.

See for yourself what the true India looks like.

Then come to even Guiyang in China, capital of the poorest province, and compare Jaipur, and Guiyang.

Just don't become an illegal immigrant.

Jaipur is a beautiful city, full of joy and happiness. They, the Rajputs hates to be slaves like you to a party. Becoming illegal immigrants may be an achievement for you because there are thousands of chinese in India while no one goes to China to be illegal or legal immigrant. who want to be slave of CPC?
sir indias ambition was never to become a super power(military )but to be like no body dares to harm us we indians are very resiliant and self satis fied pepole some body like na kahu se dosti na kahu se bair
These two communist party mouth pieces chinadaily and globaltimes are always there to write these BS. pity! :lol:
Jaipur is a beautiful city, full of joy and happiness. They, the Rajputs hates to be slaves like you to a party. Becoming illegal immigrants may be an achievement for you because there are thousands of chinese in India while no one goes to China to be illegal or legal immigrant. who want to be slave of CPC?


Jaipur is colorful, but because there's trash everywhere and the wrappers are different colors.
Jaipur is happy, because the caste system tells them its destiny for their daughters to be ill from preventable disease, for maggots to feed on their flesh when they're still alive, and they're too poor for health care.

Jaipur has no rain gutters. It floods when the monsoons come. There's no trash service. People sh!t on the street. The rickshaw drivers try to rip you off. The slums are called "sector 1" "sector 2" etc because the government does not care enough about the people to give them a proper name. Of course, government workers drive past in BMWs on pothole filled roads, as regular people crawl in starvation.

People compare China and India. I think there is only 1 comparison: India 2011, to China 1930.
Now, Delhi is top class. The airport at Delhi is just as good as Hongqiao, Shanghai.

I was amazed, of course, by the difference between Delhi, and Jaipur.

The airport at Jaipur is a small, ugly Soviet style concrete slab. When you get off the plane, you have to walk in the sun, across the runway, to the airport, instead of walking through a tunnel into the terminal. The luggage just sits there in a pile, instead of being on conveyer belts. The company that sends a car to pick you up? They're 1 hour late.

Monsoons start. The roads flood and your taxi is stuck. Why? Because Jaipur has no sewers, and the water just builds up. Finally, you get to your residence, and want to go online. Sorry, the internet's down! Then, rolling blackouts come, and you lose all your saved work.

That's the life most urban Indians live, and I don't even want to talk about rural.

Jaipur is colorful, but because there's trash everywhere and the wrappers are different colors.
Jaipur is happy, because the caste system tells them its destiny for their daughters to be ill from preventable disease, for maggots to feed on their flesh when they're still alive, and they're too poor for health care.

Jaipur has no rain gutters. It floods when the monsoons come. There's no trash service. People sh!t on the street. The rickshaw drivers try to rip you off. The slums are called "sector 1" "sector 2" etc because the government does not care enough about the people to give them a proper name. Of course, government workers drive past in BMWs on pothole filled roads, as regular people crawl in starvation.
Jaipur is colorful because there are lives not slaves. Jaipur is happy because there are joys not dictatorship. Living under thrash and dirtymindess has destroyed your thinking process. Whatever you see is dirty and stinking. Your mind is destroyed by the enslaves of CPC. Do not ever think of getting outside china or you will have a heart fail alaong with brain stroke when you see that there are people in this world who live without being saves and ruled like inhuman.

People compare China and India. I think there is only 1 comparison: India 2011, to China 1930.

:rofl: No it is India 2011 and China 1500. You are still living under middle ages and will never get rid of your masters.
Go to Jaipur in Rajastan.

See for yourself what the true India looks like.

Then come to even Guiyang in China, capital of the poorest province, and compare Jaipur, and Guiyang.

Just don't become an illegal immigrant.

Y should i come to Guiyang in china?? im happy with my jaipur?? Are u chinese paying for jaipur so that ur complaining?? i will do wat ever i feel like with my hard earned money, who r u guys to tell me wat to do?? i will make nuclear missiles and sit in open farms for loo or have the luxirious toilets but be a slave to the 5 foot CPC is my wish who are u guys to decide.. Just because the white imperial masters have donated u chinese the veto power it doesnot mean u can impose ur will on the rest of the world..ha
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