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India cancels plans to buy 48 Mi-17 V5 helicopters from Russia

If India agrees west can help westernize its Russian fleet making them more capable and non reliant on Russia.
This is an oversimplification.

First problem I see is that Western equipment is that it is more expensive than Russian gear. Indian armed forces require weapon systems in large volume. Most of the defense budget is spent of non-capex expenses and therefore western equipment is not practical.

Second problem is that Indian politicians (across the spectrum) want to encourage local defense manufacturing and this requires transfer of technology in key areas. Western companies have no incentive to cooperate with India in this space unlike Russians. From Russian perspective, India is a prize customer with whom Russia is more flexible. This is not the case for the west. Although, lately the French are likely to shown more leeway in technology transfer area thanks to AUKUS.
LOL, Indian sources are as credible as farts in the wind... Even that Scumbag Hamid Mir was reporting from the site the next day, showing the dead crow.
BTW, whatever happened to Tejas Spokesperson. :lol:
This is an oversimplification.

First problem I see is that Western equipment is that it is more expensive than Russian gear. Indian armed forces require weapon systems in large volume. Most of the defense budget is spent of non-capex expenses and therefore western equipment is not practical.

Second problem is that Indian politicians (across the spectrum) want to encourage local defense manufacturing and this requires transfer of technology in key areas. Western companies have no incentive to cooperate with India in this space unlike Russians. From Russian perspective, India is a prize customer with whom Russia is more flexible. This is not the case for the west. Although, lately the French are likely to shown more leeway in technology transfer area thanks to AUKUS.
There is also the Bofors precedent, that turned out so well. The entire Dhanush project is based on that transfer of technology.
Pakis obsession to maintain parity with us was expected after we developed uttam aesa radar ,we should take your claim at face value rather then arguing about authenticity which can't be independently verified infact your obsession help you guys to keep begging, your haste purchase of chink HALE drones ,SAMS & j-10 after rafale & s400 deal lays bare your insecurities ,if we achieve our stated aims like that of 42sqd ,3k 155mm howitzers or 200 odd ships you really can't play numbers game hence the nuclear tactical ballistic missiles NASR & threats to launch them as a first use weapon but with upcoming ERADS ,BMD phase 2 & s400 such threats would look even hollow on paper ,our main aim should be to take out your delivery mechanisms as well as warheads after that even in a war of attrition & your famed strategic depth we would finish you guys easily.
Pakis industrial, educational and R&D base is primitive but still inbreds can directly develop GaN radar, towed array, project hazam, lauda lassan etc..

I guess these all things will be pindigenous just like your missiles. Don’t know why do these Pakroaches think that whatever India can do Pakshitstanis can also replicate the same, these coomerfags don’t even have expertise in building basic motorcycle engines let alone advanced avionics, and the dream of building advanced Active Electronically Scanned Array radars that will require compound semiconductor (Gallium Arsenide or Gallium Nitride) fabrication plants is nothing more than a joke.

Your avionics R&D is so primitive that Porkis have to do Joint Ventures which CAC China (openly accepted on PAC Kamra website and I’ve mentioned it before) for local assembly of avionics used in JF-17 Blunder. We know the industrial capabilities of this pre-industrial shithole when it comes to manufacturing of engineering goods.

Now please don’t tell me that Fuckistan is going to build an advanced air-to-air BVRAAM without importing semi-knocked down kits from China. Porkis should better start finding excuses to tell their jahil awaam that they are and will remain backward bcz within a decade gap will become so large that no monkey balancing will work
If you dot heads were worth the shit that you believe and post, you and other Bakhtiras wouldn't need to crawl on our forums to have a voice. The fact is no one cares or visits your echo chambers so GANGUS need to have a platform to crawl out of their skin.
We are jointly manufacturing the JF-17 for example, we are marketing it, displaying it all over the world and have secured some orders with more in the pipeline... All you creatures can do is boast every time you put a nut to the bolt.... If you had any credibility or shame, you would have retaliated after unlike your Agni Pankh Patils, we visited you in Broad daylight.
Your penny worth was laid bare when even after having 250 SU-30s and dozens of Mirages and MiG-29s, your Modi was crying out for Rafales and your weekend warriors were crying to America about AMRAAMS... this is your whole worth.. Did PAF complain to Russia or France.... So come upto our standards before blabbering nonsense.. Better for you to go back to your Bharti Ratshit forums and play blind leading blind and feel good about it.
Now please don’t tell me that Fuckistan is going to build an advanced air-to-air BVRAAM without importing semi-knocked down kits from China. Porkis should better start finding excuses to tell their jahil awaam that they are and will remain backward bcz within a decade gap will become so large that no monkey balancing will work
Oh ho.

@Windjammer - looks like you got the best of this one. [Dil pay lay le ees nay]

He actually is confusing a REAL Forum like [PDF] with a sh!tbox like

Hindutva Watch.jpg
There is also the Bofors precedent, that turned out so well. The entire Dhanush project is based on that transfer of technology.
Ironically, unearthing a scam in India is more detrimental for India's strategic interest than the scam itself :laugh:
Cute Article, did your mommy write it for you.
43 days is really a mystery. 😜
3 years 1 months 17 days is an even bigger mystery that we've never heard from Abhi-Nandos & too from Attention-seeking Nation.

Oh well.
India can easily ask for America anything and they will provide just to undermine Russian stuff
At what price? If I know I am the only supplier. Surely, I will ask for daylight robbery prices.

Air Force version



Army Version

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Nice renders.

Ask them to install a stronger lifting winch this time, I remember the glue gave way last time in an Army ALH and injured a rappeler who fell off. :-)

First time I ever heard of this happening in ANY HELI. Ever.

Same deal with ALH's sold to Ecuador, they sold off their whole fleet in fact after four crashes. Embarrassing. Pujaris going to Wiki and trying to hide these incidents....

Altogether there has been sixteen crashes for ALH since 2002, they should correct those fundamental flaws first before enlarging and making IMRH out of it.

And what's with the LCH versions for army. navy, AF all having the same equipment and just having different camo?
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