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India cancels hockey series with pakistan

Admin can easily ban Indians by placing a country specific lock/IP ban but I guess there are not enough grey cells in your peanut sized brain to absorb this simple fact.

What the hell does that have anything to do with anything? A stupid and meaningless point, from a stupid and meaningless person.

And I am pretty sure not every single Indian on here, lives in India. You Indians who come here to only spew hatred and racism, are proving my point. You cockroaches seem obsessed with racism, hatred and Pakistan. You see it online, and you see it in the way you treat sports.

Only an Indian retard would cheer the cancellation of something that you would obsessively watch and enjoy. You're literally cheering against something you would like and enjoy, because you are a brainwashed monkey who cannot think for himself. So sad. So pathetic.
Well, among all the Indian cockroaches on this website, almost none of them seem to be normal.

The YouTube channels for Pakistani drama serials and Pakistan Coke Studio music have lot of Indians and Pakistanis happily discussing dramas and music are now being attacked by Hindutva fascists. These Hindutva don't even want Indians and Pakistani (both mostly girls) discussing their common interests in music and dramas and use profanity to drive them away.
The YouTube channels for Pakistani drama serials and Pakistan Coke Studio music have lot of Indians and Pakistanis happily discussing dramas and music are now being attacked by Hindutva fascists. These Hindutva don't even want Indians and Pakistani (both mostly girls) discussing their common interests in music and dramas and use profanity to drive them away.

Interesting. These disgusting Hindu fanatics should all be banned from this website, at the very least.
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