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India can do nothing if there is another Mumbai

FATA,NWFP and Baluchistan were never under the Goverments Judistriction sice british times fine leave it there.

But don't say the GoP does not have effective writ over Punjab and Sindh.The attacks were plotted in Karachi and Lahore and it would be hilarious If you say GoP does not have control over them.
The terroist infrastructure is mainly in Pujab,Sindh and *** when it comes to India-centric terrorism.

IF the GoP had the will they can easily dismatle the India-specific infrastructure .They neither have the will nor the intention to do it

Saying that the GoP's writ is not enforceable in Punjab and Sindh is hilarious AM

Your point make sense. Now lets turn the mirror the other way. Indian government, who always tries to prove it has bigger d!ck than Pakistan, has control over almost entire India, Including Jammu and Kashmir and are more willing, determined and resourceful to eliminate any threat posing them? Right? if Yes, then why is SIMI functional? Why are Naxalites at this strength? Why more than 80% of terrorists attacks in India are originated because of internal factors? This is your own country with more resources, more manpower, more control and more reasons to eliminate them. Why dont we see India being able to eliminate all those threats? Is that lack of will or lack of capacity to do so or would you again like to deny that they ever existed?

Stop using bums to make your National and Foreign Policy and realize what is practically achievable. Even 26/11 came out of nothing and Pakistan never knew if something was being planned. If something such happens again, India would have no choice but to cooperate and assist Paksitan in eliminating these factors. You can keep expecting such attempts as long as Issue of Kashmir stays unresolved. Contrary if India tries to retaliate instead of cooperating, remember you will face war from more than one direction this time. This is not to offend but to Indicate what options India has now.
In the recent past, twice to my recollection, Pakistan and Indian have failed each other and have been outplayed by forces (in particular Al-qaeeda) - whenever it seemed that we may have real progress made between Pakistan and India, a terror attack unhinges the progress - and if as it seems from news, that Pakistan and India may once again try to effect a paradigm change, forces hostile to this notion will act - so a posssiblity of another terror attack, unless Pakistan and India and others cooperate more closely to prevent it, is strong.

Yes that is true...it does not take a brilliant mind to figure out that to prevent the Pakistani army from employing full force in the west the easiest way to distract them would be to conduct a terrorist strike in India. As long as the Pakistani state is not involved the Indian govt will do nothing as happened after Mumbai attacks.

I fear a terrible attack on India in the near future as it looks like the pressure in the west is at the highest point on the militants.
You can help your deprieved Kashmiri Brothers, you can support them by arming them to funding them, we will not bothered of it but the main pain is that your citizens are getting involved in terrorist attacks on Indian cities by killing innocent people instead of fighting Indian Army.. By killing innocent Indian, if you can take Kashmir then all de best....

If anybody attacks innocent people there terrorist and should be shot on the spot.........nobody agrees with the mumbai attacks or any other attack on normal people in india.
:yahoo: Our neighbors have nothing to fear now! They can openly massacre innocent women and children and nobody will do anything.

All hail the "martial race" in our neighboring country. After all, it takes guts and sheer strength to shoot at unarmed civilians.

Non-state actors feel the need to highlight their grievances to your sleeping public once in a while of the oppressive treatment their men women old and young receive in Jammu Kashmir by none other than your STATE actors. therefore i am sure it takes a lot of guts forming a state policy that allows direct containment and oppression of an ethnic civilian population. afterall, experience speaks for itself.
The article is terribly written. From an academic point of view, its written to inflame the Indian population into a anti-Pakistan bashing mode. The reaction of many Indian members here are evident of what the article aspires to achieve.

Lets analyze the headline. The headline attempts to create fear in the mind of Indian readers of another "Mumbai-like" attack, and then makes implication that Pakistan assumes Indian cowardice may not allow it for a counteract due to Nuclear threat. Thus, making Pakistan an aggressor and India the defender in an imaginary scenario. Najam Sethi is not a policy maker or govn't official but a mere journalist, the article turns him into a big figure as if he represented the GoP.

A more suitable and better worded headline would be "India can do nothing about militants if there's another Mumbai" as its a known fact that nothing unites Indians more than their collective hatred for Pakistan.
The article is terribly written. From an academic point of view, its written to inflame the Indian population into a anti-Pakistan bashing mode. The reaction of many Indian members here are evident of what the article aspires to achieve.

Lets analyze the headline. The headline attempts to create fear in the mind of Indian readers of another "Mumbai-like" attack, and then makes implication that Pakistan assumes Indian cowardice may not allow it for a counteract due to Nuclear threat. Thus, making Pakistan an aggressor and India the defender in an imaginary scenario. Najam Sethi is not a policy maker or govn't official but a mere journalist, the article turns him into a big figure as if he represented the GoP.

A more suitable and better worded headline would be "India can do nothing about militants if there's another Mumbai" as its a known fact that nothing unites Indians more than their collective hatred for Pakistan.

Same applies to u also.. and Indian hatred will increase with more terrorsit attacks on Indian cities.. I still don't understand the exact motive of 26/11.
Were they fighting for Kashmir cause? NO
Its only b'coz of hatred for India? and Y GoI is not taking action against them? are they helpless against these non state actors? NO
if they can kill TTP leader and can fight against more dangerous elements than these so called non state actors, then they can also fcuk these b@st@rds.. So what is the cause stopping them to take action? It's b'coz one is responsible for attacks on Pakistan while second is only interested in attacks on Indian cities... so again its hatred for India..
if they can kill TTP leader and can fight against more dangerous elements than these so called non state actors, then they can also fcuk these b@st@rds.. So what is the cause stopping them to take action? It's b'coz one is responsible for attacks on Pakistan while second is only interested in attacks on Indian cities... so again its hatred for India..

you have completely missed the points made by previous posts on this thread, your question has been answered by All-Green before in post 106.
Same applies to u also.. and Indian hatred will increase with more terrorsit attacks on Indian cities.. I still don't understand the exact motive of 26/11.
Were they fighting for Kashmir cause? NO
Its only b'coz of hatred for India? and Y GoI is not taking action against them? are they helpless against these non state actors? NO
if they can kill TTP leader and can fight against more dangerous elements than these so called non state actors, then they can also fcuk these b@st@rds.. So what is the cause stopping them to take action? It's b'coz one is responsible for attacks on Pakistan while second is only interested in attacks on Indian cities... so again its hatred for India..

Self interest comes first however that does not mean in any manner what so ever that these non state actors are given a free hand or that we did so because we hate India. We have severely limited their capabilities and are doing whatever we can to prevent the occurrence of events such as 26/11. However do not attempt to dictate us, because that will only complicate matters further. A little faith in each other will help us not just in preventing events such as 26/11 but also the situation that was arisen after the attacks. Any surgical attacks on the country will be seen as an act of war and will be dealt with full force.
The whole article talks about attitudes however the title of Rediff suggests that they have fixated on the fact that "What can India do".

So Indians are more fixated on the fact that what can they do, rather than fixing the attitude.
Ice cold i think ouiouiouiouiouioui

is suggesting wat i stated earlier.

Any mumbai style attack which originates from pakistan (if proven of course) will have serious repurcussions from GOP from the United Nations the West and globally

i dont actually think people realise how the west is genuinely concerned about terror organisations in this part of the world ( ie Afghan pak border)

Attack on india will not be a localised issue

India will again play the victim card seeking support sanctions and action globally

Thats why the article is utter nonesense in the first place the GOP will not and can,t let this happen again
Ice cold i think ouiouiouiouiouioui

is suggesting wat i stated earlier.

Any mumbai style attack which originates from pakistan (if proven of course) will have serious repurcussions from GOP from the United Nations the West and globally

i dont actually think people realise how the west is genuinely concerned about terror organisations in this part of the world ( ie Afghan pak border)

Attack on india will not be a localised issue

India will again play the victim card seeking support sanctions and action globally

Thats why the article is utter nonesense in the first place the GOP will not and can,t let this happen again

I don't think we would wait long for a universal condemnation of the GoP is another mumbai was to take place....the GoI would be under tremendous public pressure to take military action...which sadly would be counter productive as far as the bigger picture is concerned.
As even though the GoI under Manmohan singh has done a great job in marketing the mumbai issue globally...the common man would not comprehend a diplomatic victory....people would want action.
I don't think we would wait long for a universal condemnation of the GoP is another mumbai was to take place....the GoI would be under tremendous public pressure to take military action...which sadly would be counter productive as far as the bigger picture is concerned.
As even though the GoI under Manmohan singh has done a great job in marketing the mumbai issue globally...the common man would not comprehend a diplomatic victory....people would want action.

Too bad if this is the kind of thinking that previals into the mindsets of Indians. Does anyone realize the disastrous consequences of it? Pakistan nor its institutions are in any manner responsible nor complicit with any non state actor responsible for an attack on India. It is the duty of India itself to protect its citizens and tighten its security control more over if India did had any information why in the hell did they not share before hand so inorder to prevent the occurence of mumbai incident.
Point being made here is to avenge 100, India is willing to loose God knows maybe 10000 or even more.Think rationally
I don't think we would wait long for a universal condemnation of the GoP is another mumbai was to take place....the GoI would be under tremendous public pressure to take military action...which sadly would be counter productive as far as the bigger picture is concerned.
As even though the GoI under Manmohan singh has done a great job in marketing the mumbai issue globally...the common man would not comprehend a diplomatic victory....people would want action.

The public's memory, fortunately, is short lived. And our IAS/IFS bureaucrats and the politicians are far more pragmatic than we give them credit for! A knee jerk reaction is not what our authorities are known for.
Yes, there will be a tremendous public pressure, but the Govt of the day will not initiate a military action. A military action to achieve what? What would be the goals for the action? What would be the repercussions? What about the unnecessary casualities? A lot of questions arise demanding immediate answers.
No, we would end up looking like Israel following the 2nd Lebanon war of 2006, where their military kept moving the goal posts and achieved nothing finally. Hezbollah still stands strong and armed!! So would be the case for the Taliban/LeT/ and other scumbags. The Indian Army and the Pakistani army would suffer a lot, the latter more so.
Not that our govt will not do anything. Though the common man cannot comprehend a diplomatic victory, we will save ourselves and Pakistan a lot of trouble by not going to war.
Though, I would not rule out a limited skirmish (unlikely) or even a couple of so called "surgical strikes" on LeT camps in P0K (more likely), just to placate our outraged populace, but with the Pak govt's covert complicity - under tremendous international pressure and lots of goodies later!
Not an impossible scenario given the cry for blood from a 1 billion population and the west's fears of Pak losing its focus from Afghanistan's taliban and engaging India militarily, possibly going even nuclear. I think, in the event of a terrorist strike (given it originated in Pakistan), Pak govt will help India, either on its own good will -I really hope - or due to international pressure under the threat of sanctions/alienation!
Feel free to counter my viewpoint, but considering the mess the whole region is in right now, it seems there would be a lot of closed door understandings and co-operation between India and Pakistan, all the while maintaining a belligerent tone.

ps: But I think that would be the end for armed support for Kashmir resolution. LeT and their kind would be history.
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