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India can do nothing if there is another Mumbai

Helping India does not mean allowing surgical strikes that is an absurd analogy.No matter how much pressure does the international community exert(which i doubt because it has been establish that Pakistan as a state was not involved) and no matter what government is in place, none will allow India a surgical strike and if it happens no matter how small it really is, will be responded with full force and within the next 5 minutes and these are not my words, its the words of the COAS. And the same has been acknowledged by various defense analyst in India.
ps: But I think that would be the end for armed support for Kashmir resolution. LeT and their kind would be history.

i highly doubt it. In fact such an attack by India would only increase their support.
Helping India does not mean allowing surgical strikes that is an absurd analogy.No matter how much pressure does the international community exert(which i doubt because it has been establish that Pakistan as a state was not involved) and no matter what government is in place, none will allow India a surgical strike and if it happens no matter how small it really is, will be responded with full force and within the next 5 minutes and these are not my words, its the words of the COAS. And the same has been acknowledged by various defense analyst in India.
People make all sorts of belligerent noises, but strange are the ways of diplomatic relations, my friend. Of course there will be a huge hue and cry about this and even nuclear threatening posturing, but I presume such an action will be taken with the Pak govt and PA's complicity. Long term, Pakistan will gain a lot by 'letting' India destroy a couple of camps in "Azad" P. 0. Kashmir.
i highly doubt it. In fact such an attack by India would only increase their support.
I doubt it. You fail to see the larger picture and long term Pak interests. Why do you think Gen. Kiyani is keeping his hands off politics? Should an attack occur, Pakistan may lose a lot short term, but long term, you will see some gains. Now its really in Pakistan's interest to not let LeT/HM plan an attack on Indian soil.
If another attack originates from Pak soil, Pakistan will lose whatever international ear it might have had for Kashmir conflict, including that of China. If nothing happens, God willing, then Kashmir will be relegated to the backburner and CBM's will be worked on. Either way, that would sound a death knell for the likes of LeT.
You got to look at the larger picture, my friend. International diplomacy is a very tricky, complicated tightrope walk not to mention fragile gargantuan egos!!
Point is that even with 'continuous striving' they have not been completely eliminated and therefore you cannot guarantee against their actions - the same case with Pakistan, and hence a refutation of your argument that somehow Pakistan should be able to completely prevent all this in Sindh and Punjab.
Point is that 'continuous striving' is more cosmetic and India has not even seen a minimal improvement in results on the ground level
I disagree - groups and elements involved in terrorism in India, liek the LeT cadres invovled in Mumbai, have been arrested and their infrastructure dismantled.
LeT became JuD with the infrastructure and cadre inact.A case of
What has not been dismantled possibly are the groups and individuals supporting the Kashmiri freedom movement - two different issues from Pakistan's perspective, though I understand that India does not see a distinction.
Technicality AM ,A Technicality exploited by the GoP establishment
Source of weapons, explosives and expertise.
What about the terrorist attacks prior to 2001?.Before the insurgency in FATA and NWFP.I heard that there was always a weapons bazaar in Peshawar since 1980's

Sorry AM ,I was on a vacation so it took time to respond
People make all sorts of belligerent noises, but strange are the ways of diplomatic relations, my friend. Of course there will be a huge hue and cry about this and even nuclear threatening posturing, but I presume such an action will be taken with the Pak govt and PA's complicity. Long term, Pakistan will gain a lot by letting India destroy a couple of camps in "Azad" P. 0. Kashmir.

I doubt it. You fail to see the larger picture and long term Pak interests. Why do you think Gen. Kiyani is keeping his hands off politics? Should an attack occur, Pakistan may lose a lot short term, but long term, you will see some gains. Now its really in Pakistan's interest to not let LeT/HM plan an attack on Indian soil.
If another attack originates from Pak soil, Pakistan will lose whatever international ear it might have had for Kashmir conflict, including that of China. If nothing happens, God willing, then Kashmir will be relegated to the backburner and CBM's will be worked on. Either way, that would sound a death knell for the likes of LeT.
You got to look at the larger picture, my friend. International diplomacy is a very tricky, complicated tightrope walk not to mention fragile gargantuan egos!!

My God coming this out from a senior member, what can i say. Dude do you even realize what in the hell are you talking about......fragile gargantuan egos haaa really?
You all the time talk about public pressure in India, how come you forget the same in Pakistan and does not consider its importance and how it can impact GOPs decision making. Do you seriously believe that even if the GOP complies (according to you) the opposition will stay quiet and as for the army, you seriously believe it will take on another embarrassing moment after 71 in its proud history.You better think again because this kind of underestimation about Pakistan can result into a war.
Let me tell you some plain hardcore facts India attacks on Pakistan, there will be no hue cry about that nor any noises, only weak makes such noises, you will not hear anything of that sort, what however you will hear is when your bases lit up in fire and from there we can predict what will happens after, a full-fledged war because India wont take on embarrassment either.

And please don't bring in the nuclear factor every time we talk about India Pakistan conflict, our nuclear threshold isn't that low.
I heard that there was always a weapons bazaar in Peshawar since 1980's

The weapons bazaar has always been there and that is because of the traditions and culture of pathans and has nothing to do with India. You dont understand the dynamics so please refrain from commenting on something you cant understand.
Long term, Pakistan will gain a lot by 'letting' India destroy a couple of camps in "Azad" P. 0. Kashmir.

:eek: :hitwall:

Nothing will be gained, this will be seen as an act of war by the population of Pakistan and the armed forces will be forced to give a befitting reply.
:eek: :hitwall:

Nothing will be gained, this will be seen as an act of war by the population of Pakistan and the armed forces will be forced to give a befitting reply.

killing terrorists as an act of war against people of Pakistan????????????????????????????:woot:

No one is going to kill innocents these are terrorists which are creating problems within India...:cool:
killing terrorists as an act of war against people of Pakistan????????????????????????????:woot:

No one is going to kill innocents these are terrorists which are creating problems within India...:cool:

Spare us the BS analogy alright. Attack and then it will be for Pakistan to see whether it was to kill innocents or terrorists on an Indian misadventure.
In the modified bill for the aid it says that Pakistan needs to co-operate with neighbours for the elimination of terrorism if I am not wrong.

So will it be possible that Indian forces will be fighting with Pakistani forces to eliminate these camps if India is able to proove the presence of such camps. I dont think that Pakistan should have problem after that.

Anyways India is also the potential candidate for WOT in Afghanistan
In the modified bill for the aid it says that Pakistan needs to co-operate with neighbours for the elimination of terrorism if I am not wrong.

So will it be possible that Indian forces will be fighting with Pakistani forces to eliminate these camps if India is able to proove the presence of such camps. I dont think that Pakistan should have problem after that.

Anyways India is also the potential candidate for WOT in Afghanistan

Another super power in the making asking to sink in quick sand :rofl:
Thats some really funny **** you wrote right there :lol:
The bill hasnt been accepted, there will be debate over its shady conditions in the parliament. Zardari alone cant accept it. That's one thing however what you are saying is like saying US and Pakistan working jointly in Pakistani areas. If you know the answer to that and remember US is a ally, you can predict what will be the answer to an indian who thinks in this fashion(Hint have a look at my avatar).
Another super power in the making asking to sink in quick sand :rofl:
Thats some really funny **** you wrote right there :lol:

Check out for the news man. Talks have already been started in this regard.


Here the light green are the nations which are expected to join WOT in coming days.

Regarding the bill. Anyways the aid button is with US to curb down the enforce the decisons but no way India would let its soil to be used for terrorism in India. Pakistan is neither ready to take actions nor wants Indians to take the action...

So what are the options left?
Good so India has decided to enter grave yard of great empires, every now & then Indian come up with this theory, people do u know that there will be retaliation by Taliban & u expect ISI to leave u people free on grounds on which it has operated for last 30 years & kicked soviets, ur welcome & India is welcomed to Join WoT....
Good so India has decided to enter grave yard of great empires, every now & then Indian come up with this theory, people do u know that there will be retaliation by Taliban & u expect ISI to leave u people free on grounds on which it has operated for last 30 years & kicked soviets, ur welcome & India is welcomed to Join WoT....

anyways this off topic.....

We also have a organization glorified by you and fellow mates RAW. And ISI and Pakistan will be helping us with aids and intelligence dont worry after the latest aid bill. :P

Of course there will be retaliation from Taliban else why the hell would be India invited to join.

You kicked the soviets because US was behind you or do you expect to fight the USSR of 80s. Heard of its arsenal.

Anyways Afghanistan is of stratergic importance for us.
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