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India calls for Pakistan's blacklisting by FATF

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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India calls for Pakistan's blacklisting by FATF
By Reuters
Published: May 2, 2019

Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. PHOTO: REUTERS

NEW DELHI: India will ask Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to put Pakistan on a blacklist of countries that fail to meet international standards in stopping financial crime, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on Thursday.

UN blacklists JeM chief after Kashmir struggle delinked

The global money laundering and terror finance watchdog already has Pakistan on its “grey list” of countries with inadequate controls over curbing money laundering and terrorism financing.

But India wants Pakistan blacklisted, which would likely result in sanctions, Prime Minister Imran Khan said last month.

“We want Pakistan downgraded on the FATF list,” Jaitley told reporters adding that the Paris-based FATF was due to meet in mid-May and India would make its request then.

The call came a day after India claimed a diplomatic victory with a UN Security Council committee blacklisting the founder of the banned Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) group, Masood Azhar.

Pakistan’s ally China had repeatedly opposed efforts at the United Nations by Western powers to directly sanction Azhar, even though the group had already been blacklisted by the UN Security Council in 2001.

India’s foreign ministry welcomed the sanctioning of Azhar as “a step in the right direction to demonstrate the international community’s resolve to fight against terrorism and its enablers”.

“The core issue is that he has been declared an international terrorist,” Jaitley said, referring to Azhar.

Pakistan needs diplomatic push to clear FATF hurdle

In February, the Paris-based FATF had claimed that Pakistan “does not demonstrate a proper understanding” of terrorism financing risks posed by militant groups, including the JeM.

The organisation can make recommendations to any of the countries that have signed a membership charter, as well as other nations, but it has no power to impose sanctions.
India, a pathetic and coward nation which is obsessed with Pakistan day and night and plans new evil ideas each and every day to harm Pakistan a true coward enemy which tries to fight a battle with these BS evil ideas rather then facing one in the eye on the battle field which they piss in their paints … here is a middle finger to you india now, then and for the future its all you are worth bitch lolz.
What else can you expect from a nation that got its ar$e kicked by a much smaller neighbor. India will always bark to the others to help her do her job. Because she knows she can't do it alone.
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India, a pathetic and coward nation which is obsessed with Pakistan day and night and plans new evil ideas each and every day to harm Pakistan a true coward enemy which tries to fight a battle with these BS evil ideas rather then facing one in the eye on the battle field which they piss in their paints … here is a middle finger to you india now, then and for the future its all you are worth bitch lolz.
We are your enemy nation, do you think we will miss the chance... Now the game has started.... This is called Astadigbhandhanam....
What about RAW and NDS rats financing terror in Pakistan ? How are RAW and NDS able to financing his terrorists activities in Pakistan? Does it means that India and Afghanistan too should be in FAFT coloured lists ?

Forget RAW one moment. What are doing CIA, MI6, Mossad, FSB, DCRI (formerly known as DGSE), and others which I don’t know names ?

What did Powell Rumsfeld and co who destroyed countries ? What about Bernard Henry Levy who incited France to launch attack on Lybia ?

Someone should ask all those questions to FAFT.
We are your enemy nation, do you think we will miss the chance... Now the game has started.... This is called Astadigbhandhanam....

Being a enemy is one thing, however being a bitch is another and that's what your country is plain out simple I care less for its called in your hindi speak English if anything and what game all your pathetic nations game have ended already with ashamed lies which the whole world witnessed lolz.
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What we will achieve with peace with India if they are doing everything against our interest? We have to hit them hard.this is our only option.war will happen soon.we should teach them a lesson.we must find their weakness and hit them hard.they have lots of weakness like naxals,khalistan, kashmir.someone should tell our pm that peace with India is not possible.they are fighting a diplomatic war and with Americans on their side,they are using every technique to harm pakistan.pakistan should use old tricks.india care about indian population.you can't hurt your enemy in kashmir.war should reach to indian cities.this is their vulnerability.
india is stupid if we been put in black list then what leverage west have on us ? we will be freed
West will not blacklist Pakistan rather FATF will be pressure tactic to achieve their objective in Afganistan from Pakistan..

India is a minor player who is happy as Pakistan is in difficult situation..But that does not mean,West will take into account of our interest while deciding about Pakistan
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