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India buying back onions from Pakistan after exporting tonnes

Import by India pushes onion rates up in Pak

Rising import of onion by India has flared up prices of the commodity in Pakistan by 25-30 per cent, which would jack up the cost of new import orders from India, traders said on Tuesday.

“Because of increased import by India, the rates of onion in the domestic markets of Pakistan have also shot up in the range of 25-30 per cent ... and these new rates will have bearing on new import orders,” Amritsar-based vegetable trader Rajdeep Uppal told PTI.

Vegetable traders imported onion at USD 400 a tonne (around Rs 18,000 a tonne) from Sindh provision in Pakistan. .

“The size of crop in Pakistan is also not very huge… therefore rising demand from India has pushed up the rates, which will result in higher payment for imported onion,” he said.


There was a statement that India had banned Onion export few days back so now prices are stable in India.

I would say Pakistan should also put a ban on export of Onions to stop further hike here as we are already getting onion at high price here per Kg
Hahaa... the "Onion Wars" have started officially then! :lol:

Food is tasting different out here in the past few days.

:) well we should care more for our public than yours simple as that
:) well we should care more for our public than yours simple as that
I am sure your onion businessmen are laughing their way to the bank (and so are ours).
It is the aam aadmi who are at the receiving end as always. :cheers:
I am sure your onion businessmen are laughing their way to the bank (and so are ours).
It is the aam aadmi who are at the receiving end as always. :cheers:

very right. but the businessmen are nobody's friends they are only friends to theirself and thats why i dont trust them for any suggestion to give India free hand trade route
Good news is we can trade from each other. This part is the best.
Dont get me started on UPA and sonia gandu the less said the better!

For gods sakes, think before being so crass and uncouth. You're mocking not just Sonia but even Mohandas Gandhi in this way.

I don't know about you guys, but the collective shortfall in onions and tomatoes from India and Pakistan's floods this year is actually burning a hole in my pocket.

I mean earlier we used to buy regular tomatoes for AED 3/kg and now its its hitting AED 10/kg from Oman. Local markets are blaming the shortfall in India and Pakistan so I can imagine how bad it is in those countries.

Onions can be preserved for a long time, much like rice. The latest trends have been to horde any food item whenever it becomes cheaper in any place and then release them when they are at a higher price.

India did the same to Pakistan with its rice, last year and Pakistan responded in a similar way. Of course India did it intentionally after the Mumbai attacks it was looking for a financial war against Pakistan.
Are these the same onions tht our indians were boasting about selling us during the floods?
For gods sakes, think before being so crass and uncouth. You're mocking not just Sonia but even Mohandas Gandhi in this way.

You do know that Sonia, Rahul, Rajiv, Indira, Jawahar et al were not related to Gandhi in any way, right? Anyways, abusing one does not automatically mean abusing their ancestors as well.

Onions can be preserved for a long time, much like rice. The latest trends have been to horde any food item whenever it becomes cheaper in any place and then release them when they are at a higher price.

Not really. India, Pakistan do not possess the technology to store such bulks of onions for a long time. Onions go bad after a couple of months. These prices shall come down, don't worry.

Are these the same onions tht our indians were boasting about selling us during the floods?

Nope, you ate them all. These are different onions. :lol:
bwahahaha. i heard someone from your side touchy about giving Indian leaders respect :D

Jana im not shy to pay a complement :angel: it was just a honest keypad error :azn:
Jana im not shy to pay a complement :angel: it was just a honest keypad error :azn:

With due respect, you could have avoided such silly things in an international defence forum.

I'm really losing confidence on the current UPA govt, it seems second innings gonna be a duck out for UPA.
For gods sakes, think before being so crass and uncouth. You're mocking not just Sonia but even Mohandas Gandhi in this way.

I don't know about you guys, but the collective shortfall in onions and tomatoes from India and Pakistan's floods this year is actually burning a hole in my pocket.

I mean earlier we used to buy regular tomatoes for AED 3/kg and now its its hitting AED 10/kg from Oman. Local markets are blaming the shortfall in India and Pakistan so I can imagine how bad it is in those countries.

Onions can be preserved for a long time, much like rice. The latest trends have been to horde any food item whenever it becomes cheaper in any place and then release them when they are at a higher price.

India did the same to Pakistan with its rice, last year and Pakistan responded in a similar way. Of course India did it intentionally after the Mumbai attacks it was looking for a financial war against Pakistan.

Good point :frown: i never meant to abuse the great mahatma its true what you say about onions if you put them in vinegar they last for ages.

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