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India builds tunnels connecting Kashmir with the strategically important region of Ladakh

In 1948 Pakistan "secretly" occupied Kashmir
That was not secret. It just took sometime after your terrorists invaded for Hari Singh to finally sign on the papers and Indian army to fly in for the fight back.

In 1962 China secretly occupied Kashmir and brave endian army could've freed tibet and shat on the street in Beijing but didn't because Nehru was busy begging for a ceasefire
It was a failure of Nehru's foreign policy that when China occupied the neutral Tibet, India did not raise any objections. This emboldened Chinese to secretly occupy the desolated land of Aksai Chin.

In 1965 Pakistan secretly occupied Kutch and Kashmir and brave endian army could've had breakfast in Lahore gymkhana but Nehru was busy begging for a ceasefire
Nehru was not alive in '65. So I can see your knowledge is NILL on this matter and I dont need to comment further.

In 1999 Pakistan secretly occupied Kargil and brave endian army could've broken Pakistan into 4 billion pieces but only shot at unilaterally retreating Pakistani soldiers while Mushy was having a camping trip on the Indian side of the LoC. This was because Nehru's party (congress) was in power.
BJP was in power. Again you show your zero knowledge.
You don't know that China high speed railway had already reached Indian border this year?
So what? India has 700 k troops posted within 100 to 200 km from Chinese border and now we are investing in last mile connectivity
If China wants to become a superpower, it would have to form reliable alliances of its own.

This here is China's Achilles heel, just like it was USSR's. Not having strong and prosperous allies is where the West has always had the edge over rising Eastern powers. The same was true for Germany. Such states rely on their muscle but are ultimately overpowered by allied forces in the hot or cold conflict. China needs a string of strong allies, and Pakistan can become one if Chinese assistance is extended to develop its domestic manufacturing capabilities (in limbo CPEC 2.0). There are other prospects in the far East, but China has to show flexibility there and abandon some of the claims on South China Sea waters in its own larger strategic interest. Otherwise, these states could decisively tilt towards the QUAD-led states, and China could lose potential allies.

As for the post itself, if there is any collusion behind the scenes between the Pakistani and the Chinese state, I cannot understand why both have allowed India to develop strategic infrastructure at breakneck speed and arm itself to the teeth replenishing exhausting war stocks. India has been on a buying spree since Feb 2019 humiliation, whose pace was quickened after the Chinese build-up along the LAC. Similarly, the infrastructure development on the Indian side has also seen a shot in the arm since the LAC becoming mildly hot.

As Asfandyar rightly pointed at that 5-10 years down the lane, India could be extended similar technologies like the ones that have been offered to Australia under AuKus. In these circumstances, it makes no sense to keep waiting and let India put its house in order and fight a much stronger foe.
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In 1965 Pakistan secretly occupied Kutch and Kashmir and brave endian army could've had breakfast in Lahore gymkhana but Nehru was busy begging for a ceasefire
In the 65 war, Shastri was the Indian PM.
Is there any point in replying to low IQ comments made by people victim of their own fake propaganda factories. Indians live by the theory of , running with Rabbits and hunting with Hounds.
For same Nationals were convinced by Nawas Shareef that he was virtually oblivious to the Kargil operation but yet when he was spreading disinformation about Pakistani casualties, same Indians believed it like words of Gita. Anyways, this is same Nawas Shareef visiting troops during the Kargil crisis.
And Indians should catch up on their history as before Nawas Sharif's visit to Washington, what did Vajpaye wrote in his letter to the American President.

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But question is still not answered.
- Why would Nawaz Sherif has to visit USA in the middle of conflict
- Why would Musaraf has to agree with Nawaz Sherif's decision

Will the honorable Nawaz Mafroor cut the ribbon at the opening event?

This here is China's Achilles heel, just like it was USSR's. Not having strong and prosperous allies is where the West has always had the edge over rising Eastern powers. The same was true for Germany. Such states rely on their muscle but are ultimately overpowered by allied forces in the hot or cold conflict. China needs a string of strong allies, and Pakistan can become one if Chinese assistance is extended to develop its domestic manufacturing capabilities (in limbo CPEC 2.0). There are other prospects in the far East, but China has to show flexibility there and abandon some of the claims on South China Sea waters in its own larger strategic interest. Otherwise, these states could decisively tilt towards the QUAD-led states, and China could lose potential allies.

As for the post itself, if there is any collusion behind the scenes between the Pakistani and the Chinese state, I cannot understand why both have allowed India to develop strategic infrastructure at breakneck speed and arm itself to the teeth replenishing exhausting war stocks. India has been on a buying spree since Feb 2019 humiliation, whose pace was quickened after the Chinese build-up along the LAC. Similarly, the infrastructure development on the Indian side has also seen a shot in the arm since the LAC becoming mildly hot.

As Asfandyar rightly pointed at that 5-10 years down the lane, India could be extended similar technologies like the ones that have been offered to Australia under AuKus. In these circumstances, it makes no sense to keep waiting and let India put its house in order and fight a much stronger foe.
For an effective long term alliance, you need to have a democratic mindset where you accomodate even conflicting opinions and come up with a common acceptable agenda. This is easier done by democratic nations.

It is a lot harder for dictatorial nations such as Nazi Germany, Cold war Soviet, China etc. They can still have short term alliances but eventually their allied partners start to feel bullied by the hegemon and the alliance loses cohesion.
But question is still not answered.
- Why would Nawaz Sherif has to visit USA in the middle of conflict
- Why would Musaraf has to agree with Nawaz Sherif's decision
Dude since you don't know the background to the story then no point discussing it.
Musharaff was with some of his commanders in Murree.....a hill station some 50 Kms from Islamabad.
The next thing he knew was to reach the airport to see off Nawaz Sharif who was travelling to Washington.
Why else do you think they fell out with each other.
I don't think they will dare to, they have too much on their plate ATM. Their Elite mountain divisions are deployed mostly near the LAC.
I can feel it. I know it sounds crazy but now they are completely changed. Even peace deal with India is useless because BJP can't be trusted. Punjab plains support Tank attack and they frequently discuss it. We have to buy many weapons on emergency basis. They are buying everything. from drones to rifles, i mean everything. Where they will use all this new stuff? Pakistan shares border with Afghanistan. This is also very important topic in Indian forums. You can see their mentality. infrastructure work near border is suspicious.
For an effective long term alliance, you need to have a democratic mindset where you accomodate even conflicting opinions and come up with a common acceptable agenda. This is easier done by democratic nations.

It is a lot harder for dictatorial nations such as Nazi Germany, Cold war Soviet, China etc. They can still have short term alliances but eventually their allied partners start to feel bullied by the hegemon and the alliance loses cohesion.
What you just noted is being done quite frequently by the US since the Trumpian era. Interestingly, it continues to this day under democrats (AuKus). Your hypothesis is interesting and may have held till USSR was around, but it seems to have lost relevance in the new world where ideologies are taking a back seat more or less.
What you just noted is being done quite frequently by the US since the Trumpian era. Interestingly, it continues to this day under democrats (AuKus). Your hypothesis is interesting and may have held till USSR was around, but it seems to have lost relevance in the new world where ideologies are taking a back seat more or less.
Who said that any alliance US enters into is due to ideology. What ideology combines US (Christian democracy) and Gulf countries (Islamic monarchies)?

AUKUS is not driven by ideology but by business interests and against China.
Who said that any alliance US enters into is due to ideology. What ideology combines US (Christian democracy) and Gulf countries (Islamic monarchies)?

AUKUS is not driven by ideology but by business interests and against China.
Are Gulf sheikhdoms members of NATO? All present and past alliances have had a hegemon, and that hegemon is the one who gets to dictate terms to other states in the coalition. Democratic club or not, West has been led by the US as the hegemon and its say has been finalized. QUAD is dubbed as the alliance of democracies. EU alliance with the US was also premised on a coalition of like-minded democratic nations. All charade. Contrary to what you were selling, the hegemon gets to dictate terms.
So Indian occupied Kashmir is more than 3 sides enlosed by China and Pakistan and only one narrow side connects with India, this narrow side can be easily cut off by a pincer movement by China and Pakistan, geographically this location is extremely bad for India.

That narrow piece of land is called the Siachen Glacier. When idiots have no idea what they talk they make idiotic statements like these. 😂😂😂

High luck trying to conquer Siachen.
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