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India builds tunnels connecting Kashmir with the strategically important region of Ladakh

You don't know that China high speed railway had already reached Indian border this year?
Although a great feat no doubt(for commuters) , the HSR is only good for troops , no heavy armaments and eqp will move on the HSR , how is it better than airlift again ? Which is largly faster and more versatile and has better capability to take hits as Heavy lift dont even need much of a runway too.
lol, when did they have problem defending JK with half a million soldiers..
After this good connectivity, we might not need to station so many troops in J&K. As we will be able to swiftly transport troops when needed.
it's amazing that Pakistan's leadership meeting with Clinton at the time where US Pakistan client relationship was not even that starined by WoT, and being forced to end the war is somehow seen by Pakistanis as Clinton "saving" India. It was your war, should have ignored Clinton and pounded India anyway na.:cheesy:
That question, no one from pakistan will answer.
After this good connectivity, we might not need to station so many troops in J&K. As we will be able to swiftly transport troops when needed.
haha ! i am positive that you will never change it. you will be dislodged (k)
haha ! i am positive that you will never change it. you will be dislodged (k)

They were relying upon similar kind of assumptions and analyses, even before October 1962, when China pounced upon them and thoroughly screwed them. :lol:
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it's amazing that Pakistan's leadership meeting with Clinton at the time where US Pakistan client relationship was not even that starined by WoT, and being forced to end the war is somehow seen by Pakistanis as Clinton "saving" India. It was your war, should have ignored Clinton and pounded India anyway na.:cheesy:
There are ones who win in a conflict and that’s how they win it.
There are others who create a narrative later on to get a win.
We know who is who in this saga.😜😜
There are ones who win in a conflict and that’s how they win it.
There are others who create a narrative later on to get a win.
We know who is who in this saga.😜😜

Yes. Of course. We know. :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Before 1962 war, also, Nehru was assuring, again and again, to the pliable Indian public, that India is very strong viz a viz China. Those assurances only stopped after November 1962. :lol: :lol:
Before 1962 war, also, Nehru was assuring, again and again, to the pliable Indian public, that India is very strong viz a viz China. Those assurances only stopped after November 1962. :lol: :lol:
The scenario in '62 was very different. When India learnt that China has secretly occupied Aksai Chin, India wanted to retake it. Nehru was under the false confidence that if Indian army tries to retake Aksai Chin, China wont retaliate.
There were many other mistakes too which India made such as not using Airforce in the conflict.

Today, we are merely trying to defend the territory we are holding right now. In the mountains, defence is always much easier than attack.
It was 20000 IA vs 80000 Chinese a ratio of 1:4 let's see what happens
Kargil war taught us that in mountains, it takes a ratio of 1:10 to dislodge opponent from a peak. If China wants to enter our territory and dislodge us, they will need to bring 10 times our numbers.
The scenario in '62 was very different. When India learnt that China has secretly occupied Aksai Chin, India wanted to retake it.

There was nothing secret or covert, in China occupying Aksai Chin, from 1950 onward. It was an overt operation. That is another thing, that India didn't know about it, owing to it's non-presence in that area.
India is building more and more infrastructure near both Chinese and Pakistani side. This clearly means that Indians are clearly planning to take out Pakistan first. Indian ambition to destroy Pakistan under current BJP government is a serious issue for Pakistan. India has shown capability through feb 26. Events like Feb 26 actually never happened before. This is a new track or path created by India with unlimited possibilities. One possibility is all out war which will happen anyway.
India will never attack China on it's own. India needs allies and allies can definitely help but India can attack Pakistan for so many reasons. Connectivity, warm ports, Afghanistan etc. Pakistan is located in a strategic position. India is growing bigger and becoming much better economically. Pakistan and china doesn't have any plans. China knows importance of Pakistan. Without Pakistan, China will become an easy target for allies. India wants a situation where China will be left without Pakistan so that they can humiliate China.
Pakistani policy is to fight alone and face India. I believe this a wrong policy. India is much bigger. We need assistance. External assistance can change things dramatically but policy makers and think tanks thinks otherwise. Whole policy is flawed.
The scenario in '62 was very different. When India learnt that China has secretly occupied Aksai Chin, India wanted to retake it. Nehru was under the false confidence that if Indian army tries to retake Aksai Chin, China wont retaliate.
There were many other mistakes too which India made such as not using Airforce in the conflict.

Today, we are merely trying to defend the territory we are holding right now. In the mountains, defence is always much easier than attack.

Yeah, ever noticed how somehow the whole world secretly "occupies" Indian territory and it's all Nehru's fault?

In 1948 Pakistan "secretly" occupied Kashmir and brave endian army could've broken Pakistan into 4 billion pieces but didn't because Nehru was begging for a ceasefire

In 1962 China secretly occupied Kashmir and brave endian army could've freed tibet and shat on the street in Beijing but didn't because Nehru was busy begging for a ceasefire

In 1965 Pakistan secretly occupied Kutch and Kashmir and brave endian army could've had breakfast in Lahore gymkhana but Nehru was busy begging for a ceasefire

In 1971 Pakistan when secretly occupied Bangladesh, Chamb, Hussainiwala, etc and bombed half of India, brave endian army could've broken pakistan into 4 billion pieces and taken Kashmir but Gandhi (daughter of Nehru) was nice and returned 90,000 POWs, all the territory the brave endian army captured, and ceded Chamb to Pakistan. Jai Hind.

In 1999 Pakistan secretly occupied Kargil and brave endian army could've broken Pakistan into 4 billion pieces but only shot at unilaterally retreating Pakistani soldiers while Mushy was having a camping trip on the Indian side of the LoC. This was because Nehru's party (congress) was in power.

In 2020 China secretly annexed 1000s of square kilometers in Ladakh and brave endian army could've broken China into 42 billion pieces but returned with spiked bats up their @ss and can't blame this on Nehru so this incident never happened. Jai Hind.

In 2019 PAF secretly outnumbered IAF 24:1 in broad daylight, launched 6 airstrikes in India, shot down 2 jets as well as causing India to shoot down its own helicopter. This was also Nehru's fault. Don't question how, fact ij the invention of Mujlim invadarz. Jai Hind.
India is building more and more infrastructure near both Chinese and Pakistani side. This clearly means that Indians are clearly planning to take out Pakistan first.
I don't think they will dare to, they have too much on their plate ATM. Their Elite mountain divisions are deployed mostly near the LAC.
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