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India building biggest Nuclear Plant of 10,000 MW with France US$ 20 billion project

Abhishek -

I dont see this as a danger to indegenious program. I rather see it as a DAE win win by just bying foreign techs to invest in indegenoues houses. Some sort of TOT we have for defense. but thats just me.

The most important thing our military nuclear program is not affected by this pact.

Dash i too hold the same idea as u see the other reason countries accepted the waiver for us in NSG (the primary being our unblemished non-proliferation record) is the resultant business that is going to be generated from such waiver (the only one of its kind as we know).

India is simply performing on its side of the bargain as promised or should i say expected. Regarding the corruption angle hell we even have corruption in building roads or a small nullah too, i expect there will be corruption as this is India we are speaking about :lol:

Regarding our indigenous programs while Abhishek's concerns are very valid what we have to remember here is that while our indigenous programs are very good technologically we were left out of global trends in developments for a long time and particularly our Thorium based programme is very unique as only very very few countries have it. If u remember once it was Xinix and also ganimi kawa who posted very valuble info on this subject.

What i am trying to say is that our government while slowly working on this project wants to hand over the major work to others till our programme matures. We are speaking of nuclear reactors here, for power generation remember Reliance Power went for Chinese boilers since we don't have such products here. I think there is no danger to our indi programe.
wish all these things of urs cud have stopped CWG and Telecom Scandals ! Did They ?

Things arent as simple as they look !

Nuclear business is worth 100s of billions.....there wud be super duper corruption in this..... lets hope with growth and transparency, india will be less corrupt as in case of china.....(at one time best in da world for corruption but today that factor has come down drastically)

I have never said that corruption will be abolished completely --- But with the recent exposures and the scathing attack unleashed by the media,Opposition baying for blood etc in future any one will think thrice before accpeting a bribe.

I am only saying that with companies like L&T already dis-satisfied that they not being used effectively will spare no effort in exposing any fraudulent means employed by the French companies.

Also Like it or not French have the latest,safest and most efficient Nuke power technology.his coupled with the fact that France has been one of the most reliable suppliers of nuke tech,the arguments in favour of them far outweigh any cynicsm on their means.
russians are lagging in getting the deal done
koodangulum in tamil nadu can host four more reactors
so around 6000 mw for south grid...
Like in most cases, we are on the same page :tup:

I personally think that french becoming the sole supplier (as in case of china) is quite difficult since many nations have already signed contracts with India. But the danger of crushing indigenous nuclear industry still stands.

well said sir. i believe we have multiple contracts for multiple sites with multiple countries forthcoming? each with stipulations that we have learned from follies made by other countries?
10 Giga watt power plant will Launch India's economy in orbit and beyond..

Hope Pakistan Learns something and at least as a competition builds half as big power plant..
Pakistan has considerable support of powerful countries like China, Turkey. A Q Khan chapter is closed. Pakistan will lobby in EU and USA against India's proliferation. Pakistan will not allow such plant if Pakistan do not get one.

What will you do to stop India and France? :tongue:
Not sure but we are not over producing power. Which should try to have policy of distribution. Also, we can help Pakistan to get our left out Electricity. Check Below news where Gujarat would need to cut its power production because of over capacity (50%). Currently production is of 12000 MW, while req. is just 5000 MW in Gujarat. While another 8,000 MW undercontruction. (so around 20K MW capacity and requirement just around 5K).

The state government’s decision to sell surplus power to power-deficient states did not find any takers on account of the high tariff demanded. The government has now decided to cut down the power generation from 12,000 5,400 megawatts.

When the power demand in the state went down, chiefly in the agriculture sector, due to unseasonal rains in the last one month, the government approached the power deficit states to sell the surplus power. The government also floated advertisements in various newspapers in those states.

The government had approached the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh for sale of the surplus power, but they expressed their inability to buy power on grounds of deficient funds. They said the Gujarat government was selling them power at a premium and they were not in a position to pay for the same.

Incidentally, the state government had made a profit of Rs 1,000 crore in the last financial year by supplying power to distribution companies (discoms) in Gujarat at the same rate it had offered to the power deficit states.

Minister of State for Power Saurabh Patel said Gujarat was able to reduce its transmission and distribution losses to almost 20 per cent from the previous 32 per cent by initiating several measures like bifurcation of feeders in the agricultural sector and rural areas.

Since agriculture power supply is subsidised, bifurcation of agriculture and rural power greatly checked the subsidy bill thus reducing the financial burden on consumers who were earlier charged for these losses.

But this has not been the case with the other states. Most of the states have transmission losses running up to 30-35 per cent. Added to this is the high subsidy to the agriculture and rural sectors which account for another 30 per cent. As such, the recovery of the losses is passed to the remaining 35-40 per cent of the consumers.

Patel said that these things had raised the financial burden on these states and they had expressed their inability to pay the rates quoted by the Gujarat government. As such, power companies in Gujarat had to cut down on power generation.

He said this problem will resurface when the private power generation companies being set up in the state begin operation as they will find it difficult to get buyers for the surplus power generated.

Patel said a solution to this is that the Centre should now concentrate on distribution of power to take care of the surplus power generated. At present, the Centre only focusses on power generation and not on distribution.

At present, Gujarat generates 12,000 MW power per day. Patel said another 8,000 MW will be added when the power plants under construction go operational in the next two to three years.
arihant said:
where Gujarat would need to cut its power production because of over capacity (50%).
arihant said:
The government has now decided to cut down the power generation from 12,000 5,400 megawatts.

:woot: This is just insane.

The government had approached the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh

Why not approach Rajasthan ? Actually I'm seeing a pattern...all Congress ruled states having silly ego issues.
:woot: This is just insane.

Why not approach Rajasthan ? Actually I'm seeing a pattern...all Congress ruled states having silly ego issues.

Send it to TN man ---- We need that fvcking power.:confused:
Send it to TN man ---- We need that fvcking power.:confused:

Well the transmission losses would be huge.

But seriously I think it's an ego issue for Cong ruled states. Look at Maharastra for instance, there are 4-5 hour power cuts in the Vidharba region (Mumbai/Pune gets all the power)!
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What Gujrat has achieved is unbelievable considering the fact that Congress govt. in center leaves no stone unturned to block any possible development in the states ruled by BJP..
We in Bihar are suffering from chronic power shortage and yet plan of generating hydroelectricity from Ganga was blocked by center on the accounts of International water treaty with Nepal and Bangladesh.
We can not build Dams and generate Electricity from Koshi which brings havoc to major parts of Bihar in Monsoon.
A minimum of 4 Such plans were blocked.
Thats why i respect Narendra Modi ..
Lets see when my deprived state gets its slice of development...
10 Giga watt power plant will Launch India's economy in orbit and beyond..

Hope Pakistan Learns something and at least as a competition builds half as big power plant..

Even I hope something like that will happen and will give Pakistani economy a kick start.
Send it to TN man ---- We need that fvcking power.:confused:

Machi, Now you are getting greedy...we already have 2 nuclear power sites...one in Kalpakkam and other in Koodankulam. Yes I accept we dont have rivers for HE projects...but taking all the reactors to TN is like asking for a lot.

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