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India Begs US Not To Leave Afghanistan


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India unprepared and unwilling to defend democracy: Rediff.com India News

India unprepared and unwilling to defend democracy
February 04, 2010 15:40 IST

With the American declaration of an exit from Afghanistan, Beijing [ Images ] and Islamabad [ Images ] are upbeat. This leaves India [ Images ] in the lurch as it is ill prepared to face the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalists and the Chinese Communists argues Bharat Verma.

The creeping invasion by authoritarian regimes will engulf Asia by 2020 as democracies continue to retreat. India is unprepared and unwilling to safeguard the Asian democratic space.

The growing clout of totalitarian regimes coupled with non-State actors is set to shrink the democratic space in Asia. If the onslaught is not reversed by the end of the next decade, Islamic fundamentalist regimes, Communist dictatorships, military juntas and non-State actors will redraw the international boundaries and largely govern Asia.

The squeeze on the democratic space in India will increase once the American forces begin to exit Afghanistan in July 2011. Islamic fundamentalists with the assistance of the sympathetic Pakistan army [ Images ] will take over Afghanistan and Pakistan. This Taliban [ Images ] stronghold will operate on a 'hub and spoke' principle to expand influence and territory. To begin with, India will lose $1.5 billion (about Rs 6,900 crore) worth of investment in Afghanistan, as it is unwilling to defend it.

Islamic fundamentalism will sweep into Central Asia once the American wall holding the spread disappears from Afghanistan. Gradually, the resource rich area will come under the spell of the dark forces. Russia [ Images ] will feel threatened. Americans and the International Security Assistance Force are in many ways fighting Russia's war.

Unlike New Delhi [ Images ], Moscow [ Images ] is always willing to fight its way out!

Islamabad aims to create a caliphate with the help of the Islamic regimes running from Central Asia to West Asia and Southeast Asia. India stands in the way. Beijing desires to unravel India into multiple parts based on the pre-British model as it cannot digest the challenge to its supremacy offered in Asia by a liberal union of multi-religious and multi-ethnic States.

The simple truth is that Indian democratic values contradict and thereby pose a threat to the authoritarian philosophy of both, the Communists in Beijing, and the Islamic fundamentalists in Islamabad. Similarly, many regimes in Islamic West Asia feel uncomfortable with India's ability to generate unprecedented soft power. Regression to medieval times helps keep these autocratic regimes in the saddle.

The all-pervading Indian soft power, therefore, poses a serious challenge. Hence, Pakistan is supported by the petro-dollars dished out on a Wahabbi checkbook to neutralise the threat posed by liberal India.

It is obvious that if the Indian model wins, autocratic regimes like China and Pakistan lose.

Primarily, there have been no terrorist attacks on India after Mumbai [ Images ] 26/11 on two counts. First, the raging civil war within has kept Pakistan preoccupied. Second, the intervention of the American forces has forced diversion of the Pakistan army and its non-State actors's resources away from India. The stated exit of the Western forces beginning July 2010 from the ****** region will render India extremely vulnerable.

The truth is that American forces in many ways are fighting India's war too. However, New Delhi's expectation that they will continue to fight such a war without India chipping is being naive.

While China and Pakistan have joined hands against India and bide their time for the American forces to leave, New Delhi has appealed to Washington not to exit from Afghanistan, but is unprepared and unwilling to assist. The Catch-22 is that neither the West led by America can win without Indian help nor can India prevail without a concrete alliance with the West.

New Delhi's strategic incoherence continues to encourage Beijing and Islamabad's designs of destabilising the Union. Militarily, India remains underprepared due to the huge equipment shortages on land, sea and air, created by the ministry of defence over the last two decades.

Shirking its primary responsibility of equipping the military leaves it ill equipped to cope with the increasing intensity of the threat once the Western forces retreat.

The stalemate in Afghanistan predominantly occurs on two counts. First, superior technology in a guerrilla war where motivational level of the adversary is very high, unless combined with adequate boots on the ground cannot deliver victory.

The West does not have a large reservoir of manpower to mitigate the situation. Thus, the under-manned war for past nine years has produced difficult-to-reverse battle fatigue despite the most modern technology on display.

The result is the resurgent Taliban and Al Qaeda [ Images ] in the region. To win, a fair share of the soldiery needs to be drawn from Asian stock with equally high motivation and equipped with Western technology to surmount the challenge posed by Islamic fundamentalists.

Second, to defend Afghanistan, the war machinery should focus on Pakistan. However, the American strategy in Afghanistan is similar to the Indian fortress mentality.

Despite multiple attacks and infiltrations by the terrorists, New Delhi continues to fortify itself internally in futile attempts to repulse the attacks. Washington's approach is similar in Kabul for the past nine years.

The Americans and the allied forces keep defending against the irregular guerrilla forces launched in to Afghanistan from Pakistan, clandestinely trained by the Pakistan army and its Inter Services Intelligence. The ghost forces from Pakistan, when attacked, disappear almost unscathed. They reappear in Kabul at will.

Washington and New Delhi cannot win since both refuse to face the fact that Pakistan is the problem.

To lend stability to Afghanistan, the threat from Pakistan covertly backed by China must be neutralised. Similarly to secure India, the joint threat from Pakistan and China needs to be resolved. In both, Pakistan is the common factor.

Beijing's Communists back the Islamic fundamentalists in Islamabad to expel the American influence and subdue the Indians, even as Pakistan draws oxygen for sustenance from the economic bailouts from the West.

Logic dictates that to defend Kabul, with the intention of expanding influence of democracies in Asia, the focus must shift to Islamabad. However, an exit by the American forces set for July 2011 from Afghanistan will herald the process of colouring Asia in a dark hue.

With the declaration of the exit time frame, Beijing and Islamabad are once again upbeat.

This leaves India in lurch, as it is ill prepared to face the threat jointly posed by Islamic fundamentalists that includes the Pakistan army and the ISI, and the Chinese Communists. Both support the Maoists in Nepal and the non-State actors including the Maoists in India.

New Delhi therefore faces a simultaneous three-dimensional threat, -- the external war on two fronts, worsening internal front aided by external actors, and lack of governance.

Bharat Verma is editor, Indian Defence Review
For those who dont know Bharat Verma, well he is india's Zaid Hamid-rather to a superlative degree and with worse thoughts.
and why would you change the name thread when link has different title specially when you already know the caliber of B. Verma is equivalent with Z. Hamid and both do not represent either nation?
Well, indians have a valid fear over America's exodus out of Afg. They know they would be abandoned soon. They have invested some money and they have fingered way to many neighbors on the basis of their misconceived notion that the US is there to support them till the time the yanks stay in Afg.

They day the US leaves, india would be back to square one and then things might not be pretty!
and why would you change the name thread when link has different title specially when you already know the caliber of B. Verma is equivalent with Z. Hamid and both do not represent either nation?

And that's the best analysis you have come up with over this issue?
Sir Xeric,

You are think tank, and such low life title is generally expected from a full member or in the worst case Senior member. If it just suffice you then please keep it..

Secondly, India doesn't have to worry or care about Bharat Verma, in fact many don't even know him.

Thirdly very low life intentions to start a thread..

when you already know the caliber of B. Verma is equivalent with Z. Hamid and both do not represent either nation?

Not exactly.

(Un)fortunatley Bhart Verma is the editor of Indian Defence Review a publication that is “India’s best known military publication.” - India Today and “a premier strategic affairs think tank.” - Hindustan Times.

Verma takes an official pedestal in india where as ZH is just another over enthusiastic Pakistani, who doesnt hold any official demeanor.

You are assuming too much Sir,

As if Pakistan and China are going to Invade us the day US leaves afghanistan..
Sir Xeric,

You are think tank,

i am more than a TT, believe me ;)
and such low life title is generally expected from a full member or in the worst case Senior member. If it just suffice you then please keep it..
Low life?

Lolz..well the title would go by my chioce, and it exactly represents the crux of the article written by Verma, so what's there to worry?

Refute it of you can, with logic, or else dont bother.

Secondly, India doesn't have to worry or care about Bharat Verma, in fact many don't even know him.

You need to read my post about B. Verma and IDR :)

Thirdly very low life intentions to start a thread..


Well yes, that was one of the reasons. i'll use the phrase 'a reality check over ill-founded notions' instead. :)

BTW, would you people please mind talking about the piece itself?
You are assuming too much Sir,

There's only one person who is assuming too much and the gem is B. Verma.
As if Pakistan and China are going to Invade us the day US leaves afghanistan..

No we wont do that. Aggression and to antagonize is an indian trait, we'll just sit and see what would happen on auto mode. :agree:

Thanks for the eye opener..

But Sorry to break the bubble..

Afghan-Pakistan border modern epicentre of jihad: US

Calling the Afghan-Pakistan border as the 'modern epicentre of jihad', the US has made it clear that it's not leaving Afghanistan as a Taliban takeover of the country would empower the Al Qaeda terrorist network.

India eNews - Afghan-Pakistan border modern epicentre of jihad: US

By Arun Kumar. Washington, United States, 02:30 PM IST


Hey kiddo, did you bother to check the date? The piece was written on "Tuesday, October 06, 2009". i know it is hard to live in the present, but believe me, it is much revealing and refreshing :)
India's history begins from 1947 not 2001. We have faced so much problems than this, If you look closely these islamic fundementalism and terrorism have started in early 80's and in that days it was in its peak and our words to the world always rejected. Till we managed it effefctively alone isn't it?... It was only after 2001 US intervened..

For those who dont know Bharat Verma, well he is india's Zaid Hamid-rather to a superlative degree and with worse thoughts.

What's the point of thread title ? Is that an official request from GOI ?
Please select an appropriate title.
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