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India Begs US Not To Leave Afghanistan

As far as pakistan is concerned India is behind these attacks in India, directly or indirectly.

What a lovely deduction! And what, may I ask, do you base your summation on?

The US is talking about withdrawal in 2011, You are thinking the US will keep a force in Afghanistan, then you Sir,.....have no knowledge of how Afghans work, they will not stop fighting untill ALL foreigners are out. Hence the fighting will not end until they are out.

US wont be withdrawing. That much we can be assured of. They understand the tremendous morale boost AQ et al will get in that event and the cost that they may end up paying. Iraq is the only theater where they may exit. Whether US likes it or not, it has no option now.

Nonetheless, an attack on Pakistan's West border will be minimised. And Pakistan has many many cards it can then use against the Afghan government to bring them in line also, economic being one of them where Pakistan can freeze its supplies into Afghanistan as it is a landlocked country.

Any economic "card" has least chances of success. As if Afghani Economy is top performing. Remaining, all you can do is further fuel a war there. Thats it! Nothiing constructive can be done by Pakistan in near terms as its own economy is reeling with escalating costs of its own Counter-terror efforst as also trying to maintain a conventional parity with India.

On the if, IF the ISI decide to pay back India in full for the "cut" we have suffered, do you realistically think India can take that many "cuts". Indian economy would suffer hugely and India will have two options, War or Talks to (a) save its economy (which may I add China will be all too happy to undermine also and exploit) (b) go for War which nonetheless will destroy its economy anyway.

Better not hope for war as an option. And we have the wherewithall to outlast you. Thats the amazing part of this nation. We can take a hit and still move on ....... cant say much the same for your side
Actually the land now know as india has a history going back many 1000s of years. It is apparent that India has not learned from Pakistan's mistakes. Say India goes for hard power in Afganistan as a result of promised American or western support. This is a similiar situation to the East Pakistan war when Pakistan thought or was lead to believe of American Intervention on its behalf in the war. America backed out. The same thing will happen to India in Afganistan as soon you start losing your people the Americans and Europeans will look the other way. Russia may support you just enough to maintain a stalement but your economy will be the biggest loser. The West promised aid and treasure to Pakistan to fight the taliban (TTP) in Pakistan but the Pakistani forces have committed to the fight but the propmises have not been even been half fulfilled.

In the long run it is better to negotiate with Pakistan sort out all outstanding issues. Once true peace and trust is established the Pakistanis will accept Indian interaction with open arms and allow India access to Afganistan and central Asian markets.

Then an Era of peace and stability will bring prosperity to the people of South Asia.

I dont know what you meant by initial lines. Am sure you are aware that India existed long before any of the nations in the Indian sub-continent came into being. However, let us not go into historical discourse here.

India has no option. Since you drew attention to history, historically if any nation became powerful in Central-Asia/Middle East, it was Indian landmass which paid the price. And its a lesson well remebered till date now.

If push comes to a shove, India may enter Afghanistan, and if shove becomes strong enough to bring grave danger to the nation, Pakistani security may also be in jeopardy if any complicity is found on the front.

I again reiterate, India has the military, economic, national will to get the thing done, only the political will is forever lacking, but in face of a national will the same has no scope.

We are taking casualties in J&K and NE and yet maintaining a level of violence there that is not threatening the nation. And its been now 2 decades in J&K and more than 5 in NE.

Regular casualties are being sustained, costs are bing incurred in these conflicts/operations, yet the armed forces have the support of the nation and the armed forces believe in the task allotted.

Indian army is mentally prepared to enter Afghanistan/Pakistan if called upon, the import of any such move is well understood by the men and women of this nation's defence forces. Be rest assured, no casualty figure will be too great for Indian Armed forces and its citizens if the question of nations security is at stake.

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