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India begins use of Chabahar port in Iran despite international pressure

at this point they want feedom.. what 1 baloch candidate candidate says cannot be given any wightage. so india which has so far kept out of Baluch should enter and support BLA. Hyderabad is in india so it had to be unionized. further it was hindu majority area.

Cannot be given any whitage? Okay, well our President right now is Balochi.

Balochistan was near Pakistan and also it was a Muslim majority.
Cannot be given any whitage? Okay, well our President right now is Balochi.

Balochistan was near Pakistan and also it was a Muslim majority.

but it did not belong to india as you only said, so you cannot go occupy a foreign country.
What Gwadar? Balochistan has never belonged to India, dear.

Even before 1947.

lol @ Indians. They think all of Pakistan was part of India... Maybe we should remind them now that it was the British who ruled us and not the Indians.
lol @ Indians. They think all of Pakistan was part of India... Maybe we should remind them now that it was the British who ruled us and not the Indians.
if it was not then india has as much rights over BL as pak.. so we can support the freedom movment there
but it did not belong to india as you only said, so you cannot go occupy a foreign country.

So? Without Pakistan, Balochistan would be worse off than what it is right now.
So? Without Pakistan, Balochistan would be worse off than what it is right now.
Nope.. it wouldnt be worse of. you have sold it to the chinese and stripping off all the wealth from there and people get nothing.
BL belongs either to india or iran.
More of Gwadar...









Nope.. it wouldnt be worse of. you have sold it to the chinese and stripping off all the wealth from there and people get nothing.
BL belongs either to india or iran.

Sold it to the Chinese... Wow... Pretty much shows Indian mentality.
Kid we haven't even started stripping the wealth from there. French, Russian and American countries are begging to mine there. When we do strip it of it's wealth I assure you Balochistan will be the richest province in Pakistan. Balochistan belongs to Pakistan, if an Indian sets foot on Balochistan it will be gruesome for the Indian
How are they justified? If you read history you can see a Balochi candidate actually asking Pakistan at that time for annexation.

Opressed BLA. :woot: We all know RAW supports BLA, but now sad for you BLA is literally gone thanks to our PA. We are glad to dump BLA people's body's in the sewer.

How am I admitting if it's written in history.

Btw, your Hyderabad was annexed :woot:

yes we agree raw supports bla. but whats wrong with it???
if you thought that India could not get access to Afghanistan because of Pakistan being in the way well guess what Chabahar is for? a great way to supply our "people" in Afghanistan via Iran.
we need to break balouch and then make it an ally of india. afghan is already in our hands, iran is our kid, saudi want our money for oil, dam pak is getting so alienated.
Sold it to the Chinese... Wow... Pretty much shows Indian mentality.
Kid we haven't even started stripping the wealth from there. French, Russian and American countries are begging to mine there. When we do strip it of it's wealth I assure you Balochistan will be the richest province in Pakistan. Balochistan belongs to Pakistan, if an Indian sets foot on Balochistan it will be gruesome for the Indian
trust me only the punjabis will get rich.. everyone will be holding the bowl. unfortunately Pak although it started of as a place for all indian muslims has become a punjabi mslim colonized state.
as of now, i think india should start helping bla to achieve their freedom, as BL does not belong to pak. It is more indian or iranian at best.
if you thought that India could not get access to Afghanistan because of Pakistan being in the way well guess what Chabahar is for? a great way to supply our "people" in Afghanistan via Iran.

Dude Pakistan is kicking NATO's a$$ in Afghanistan by using the Taliban. Once the U.S leaves that region, you guys too will have to flee pretty soon.
Chabahar is useless. The world doesn't want any shipment from Iran...
Shelly - If you want Balochistan come and take it.. Who is stopping you? Come and take it. At best it Pakistani territory and no one has influence except Pakistan. Balochistan will finally be developed once we get the resources from it

Dude RAW can't even do anything to BLA your RAW is so inefficent that it's useless. Meanwhile ISI is cashing in in Kashmir :lol:

@ indians

yeah iran can provide resources to afghanistan but remember that iran hates america and america is controlling india so very likely that iran won't help india. plus punjabimunda i don't where you heard that but saudi arabia does not need india every country in the world is buying from SA. and iran doesn't need india eother

Dude Cb4 u will see once Americans leave Afghans indians will start fleeing and then it's ISI's jobs to take care of the fleeing rats
trust me only the punjabis will get rich.. everyone will be holding the bowl. unfortunately Pak although it started of as a place for all indian muslims has become a punjabi mslim colonized state.
as of now, i think india should start helping bla to achieve their freedom, as BL does not belong to pak. It is more indian or iranian at best.

BLA strength: 10,000
Balochistan Population: 13,162,222

No point in talking about Balochi freedom. Most Balochis are not interested.

Btw, are you mad? How is Balochistan part of India? Stop living in lalal Bollywood land.
Its totally in the Middle East and India is totally South East

And how is it Iran's? We hold 2/3 of the region. 90% of Balochis in Iran are oppressed. There is total freedom in Pakistan. There would be no BLA if it we didn't give them freedom of speech....
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