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India begins use of Chabahar port in Iran despite international pressure

Shelly - If you want Balochistan come and take it.. Who is stopping you? Come and take it. At best it Pakistani territory and no one has influence except Pakistan. Balochistan will finally be developed once we get the resources from it

Dude RAW can't even do anything to BLA your RAW is so inefficent that it's useless. Meanwhile ISI is cashing in in Kashmir :lol:

@ indians

yeah iran can provide resources to afghanistan but remember that iran hates america and america is controlling india so very likely that iran won't help india. plus punjabimunda i don't where you heard that but saudi arabia does not need india every country in the world is buying from SA. and iran doesn't need india eother

Dude Cb4 u will see once Americans leave Afghans indians will start fleeing and then it's ISI's jobs to take care of the fleeing rats

why would i wnat BL. india also doesnt want BL. we only want to support the oppresed people their and return it to Iran . it will be Pak territory only for next few years.
now you are sitting and waiting for america to leave. you think they will leave completely.. let see.
all that isi is doing is kiling civilians and feeling proud of its chievements. it cant see that by doing so its digging pakistans grave and quicly. ISI will acuse the breakup of Pak very soon. watch that..
You have seen Gwadar? Wth you haven't been there.

Port Tower Complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like Dubai, when is India ever going to build something like this?


Looks better than any Indian city.

Offical website for Gwadar development

Gwadar Development Authority - GDA

well ,If it was up to me I'd have made one of the best Tourist attraction on the earth out of this area . there is no doubt it have the potential to become one of the most beautiful attractions on the earth , but honestly in that picture there is no sign of construction and infrastructure that imply it's going to be a busy port with infrastructure to support large ocean going ships .

by the way if what it's said is true and Chinese till today only invested around 200m Dollar on this project I believe they are a little slow on this matter . and it's strange because as I have seen if they want to finish something they are usually much faster .

another matter is the potential of commerce with Central Asia is to the extent that if they are tapped in then we need several more ports like Chabahar and Gwaddar to answer the demand , so I think there is no meaning in saying this port is better and that's worse .
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