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India bats for Russia interests

We are not talking military or financial support here , diplomatic support is also important to give a view that Russia is not isolated in their actions and there are countries backing it . It also gives a message that in case of sanctions imposed on Russia it is highly unlikely India will abide by those Sanctions .. If more countries follow through the west looses in their ability to claim "International community" is opposed to Russia . I don't think they can claim it now either...
If India doesnt abide by the sanctions then West will impose sanctions on both Russia and India,what we will do in that case??
Russian constitution is irrelevant outside Russia's borders.
Crimea is outside Russia's borders and within Ukraine's borders.

Constitution is irrelevant here , The real reason behind this is the Oil and gas found in the Crimean Coast few months back , and suddenly you end up with a western back coup in Ukraine . Keep in mind Exon Mobile had plans to get access to those reserves... IF Crimea joins Russia, Russia gets access to those energy reserves .

As for India , India would prefer if Ukraine was established as
1. Ukraine is a major competitor to India when it comes to IT outsourcing
2. Ukraine exports the cheapest wheat , any problems there and India will gain ...

If India doesnt abide by the sanctions then West will impose sanctions on both Russia and India,what we will do in that case??

You cannot just impose Sanctions on India and Russia , Russia is an energy supplier , hell Sanctions has not worked on Iran its not gonna work on Russia.. Placing Sanctions on India means western corporates will loose Billions of Dollars and a massive consumer market , that is not going to happen either . You cannot just impose Sanctions .. Any Sanctions imposed right now will have massive consequences on the American and European economy... Imposing Sanctions on Russia will be completely stupid France/Britain/Germany will not abide by the Sanctions which is crystal clear . EU is torn apart ... Any Sanctions on Russia will also increases gas prices which in the end benefits Russia....
Constitution is irrelevant here , The real reason behind this is the Oil and gas found in the Crimean Coast few months back , and suddenly you end up with a western back coup in Ukraine . Keep in mind Exon Mobile had plans to get access to those reserves... IF Crimea joins Russia, Russia gets access to those energy reserves .

That's exactly right.

Neither the West nor Russia care about the ordinary people. It's all about their power games.
That's exactly right.

Neither the West nor Russia care about the ordinary people. It's all about their power games.

There is considerable Russian support in Eastern Ukraine , i don't know about the non Russian speakers which are the minority , but Russian speakers definitely seem to like the Idea of joining Russia....
@Indo-guy the stand taken by India on Ukraine do not support Russian armed invasion of Crimea but India is supporting Russian interests in Crimea.

India hopes there is a diplomatic solutions for this standoff and Russian interests in Crimea are protected. Do not forget there are agreements between Russia and Ukraine for stationing 15000 armed troops in Crimea until 2025.
@Indo-guy the stand taken by India on Ukraine do not support Russian armed invasion of Crimea but India is supporting Russian interests in Crimea.

India hopes there is a diplomatic solutions for this standoff and Russian interests in Crimea are protected. Do not forget there are agreements between Russia and Ukraine for stationing 15000 armed troops in Crimea until 2025.

The fact that Russia leased Crimean base from Ukraine is not contested . Neither do I contest Russian interest ( legitimate or otherwise ) .

Russia had itself foregone Crimea to Ukraine 6 decades back. Now if it wants to rewrite history ...I am not sure if that's fair . But then International politics is not about right or wrong or moral or immoral ....

My point is that India has had good relations with both Russia and Ukraine in past .

Current imbroglio in Ukraine is result of power games between Russia on one side and US,EU on other side ...

what stake do we have in this power game ?

There was no need for India to be vocal about its stand .

It does not matter to anyone of the 3 parties involved .

we are too lower down on ladder to support Russia or oppose EU and US ...especially when it does not directly concerns us .

Russia used same tactic to take control of Crimea ....which was used by Pakistan to take control of Kargil .

Russian assertion that it has right to protect Russian majority areas also may sound rhyme with Pakistan's perennial musing of supporting ethnically similar population in Kashmir.

It is for this reason I feel it would have been better for us to keep quite especially when our voice does not count ....

Actually they got rid of Singapore because of ethnicity.

and it has proven to be historic blunder ....

speaks volumes about divisions and creations of country on merely ethnic basis ....!

If India doesnt abide by the sanctions then West will impose sanctions on both Russia and India,what we will do in that case??

True . But they can't impose sanctions on India .

It's unthinkable ....they have done it once and seen the result .

Frankly speaking, I feel India should not follow any such west initiated sanctions on Russia .
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@Indo-guy Fully agreed with you ,India is nowhere in the leagues of China and Europe,We should STFU or be ready to face dire consequences which will undermine our economic devlopment which is our ultimate goal.
However we should also be among the first ones to support Russia through backchannels financially or whatever it wants.
@Indo-guy Fully agreed with you ,India is nowhere in the leagues of China and Europe,We should STFU or be ready to face dire consequences which will undermine our economic devlopment which is our ultimate goal.
However we should also be among the first ones to support Russia through backchannels financially or whatever it wants.

Many Indian members here are getting emotional .

we have to be practical.

India should rather focus on developing itself .

The same Russia which has helped us ....also has armed China ...which has so many implications for our security.

If we remember the debacle of 1962 and Tashkent agreement , we would know how Russia has at times left India in the lurch .

Russia has been practical ...not emotional fool like India .

It would be better for India to keep quite aside .

and that does not mean we are being ungrateful to Russia . but we have to keep our national interests above all .

I do not see what national interests are sub served by openly supporting Russia on this issue .
True . But they can't impose sanctions on India .

It's unthinkable ....they have done it once and seen the result .

Frankly speaking, I feel India should not follow any such west initiated sanctions on Russia .
Well i respectfully disagree.Sanctions will affect us very badly.They may not affect us in an economic way but they will adversely affect us in all our R&D projects.
We dont have high altitude engine testing facility and scramjet engine testing facility.Where we will test Kaveri engine and TSTO,AVATAR devloped by ISRO.We still import critical parts of nearly all fighters like SARAS,NCAP,Tejas(engines,radars)e.t.c
Same is the case with engines our navy uses in warships,How we will cope at time of sanctions?? All our projects will be delayed further.
Well i respectfully disagree.Sanctions will affect us very badly.They may not affect us in an economic way but they will adversely affect us in all our R&D projects.
We dont have high altitude engine testing facility and scramjet engine testing facility.Where we will test Kaveri engine and TSTO,AVATAR devloped by ISRO.We still import critical parts of nearly all fighters like SARAS,NCAP,Tejas(engines,radars)e.t.c
Same is the case with engines our navy uses in warships,How we will cope at time of sanctions?? All our projects will be delayed further.

Yes sanctions will affect us deeply but they will also affect US and EU economy .
Imagine loss of billion plus consumers ....

Sanctions on India are therefore unthinkable ....

that's the precise reason why despite sanctions on Iran ....there were some leeway provided to India and China .

So sanctions on India are out of question .

It's like cutting ones own nose to make bad omen for others ... US and EU won't cut their noses for showing bad omen for India !
India made its stand clear and Russia is sensitive towards its borders,particularly towards Ukraine where most of the trade activities are going to happen including oil pipe lines. Leave about whether India has the stature of Russia or China, India is supporting Russia because India is an ally of Russia.

In Asia Russia and India have common and strategic interests and these two nations are going to work in central, Asia, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia's eastern borders. India is the top most foreign priority for Russia as Putin stated and India also views Russia as a priority nation.

Indian statement is legitimate considering the relationship between the Russia and Ukraine in the past and Ukraine is a territory of former USSR.

I no referendum is not valid ....that's the point after occupation the referendum can't be valid .

will Russian agree for referendum under UN observers ?
will it withdraw its forces from Crimea ?

If not ...then talks of referendum are as empty as talks of referendum in Azad Kashmir .

My intention is not drag Kashmir .,. but just to show how India stand can be exploited by other party and how it can boomerang on us .

besides for all our principled stand in international politics ...it is not good for us to support Russian action even in mere statements.

We should have kept quite ...

It was uncalled for ...
India made its stand clear and Russia is sensitive towards its borders,particularly towards Ukraine where most of the trade activities are going to happen including oil pipe lines. Leave about whether India has the stature of Russia or China, India is supporting Russia because India is an ally of Russia.

In Asia Russia and India have common and strategic interests and these two nations are going to work in central, Asia, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia's eastern borders. India is the top most foreign priority for Russia as Putin stated and India also views Russia as a priority nation.

Indian statement is legitimate considering the relationship between the Russia and Ukraine in the past and Ukraine is a territory of former USSR.

I do not refuse that India and Russia share close relationship and accord priority to each other .
India and Russia also have interest in Central Asia .
India however maintained its independent foreign policy at the height of Cold war even as soviet Russia supported us at crucial junctures .

However Russia has also conducted itself keeping its interests.
Russia had no qualms in selling , transferring crucial arms systems to China which it had also supplied to India . Russia looked after its own interests over and above India's interests ( which is a practical thing to do ) .

all I am saying that Indian's opinion does not count .

In such situation where what India says does not make any difference to anybody involved , we should have kept quite rather than blurt out .

True player keep its cards close to its heart ( especially when it does not have those 'magic' cards which can change the course of game ) .

We should learn from China . despite its close relations with Russia and obvious opposition to Western attempt to dominate world politics ,....China has taken neutral position instead of throwing its weight behind Russia . Why ?

Sometimes it is better to keep quite and watch the developments ....
Before the onset of winter, all the EU countries will fall in line. The west can do anything to the Russian economy. Antagonising the Chinese and Russians together will result is serious blow back to the Americans, in Syria, Iraq, Iran and the entire Central Asian region.
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