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India bats for Russia interests

That still not justify killings of innocents in jerusalem by the templar knights .I m not insulted your religion but im telling you that christ never believe in the concept of murder for murder did he? I dont think so.i admire jesus and his teachings So is of budha. @Markus S you if really beleive in bible and jesus you woudn't justified The crusades:(:(

Evryone has the right for selfdefense. Thats a basic, natural law.

In both world wars, Germany and Russia were forced to fight against each other by forces interested in weakening and even the destruction of both Russia and Germany.
Germany became united country in the late 20th century thanks to the goodwill of the USSR. West was against the move - Britain and the United States do not need a strong and independent Germany.
I can not describe to you the specific mechanism, because I simply do not know it - it is the prerogative of special services and diplomats. However , Russia has substantial experience in the liberation of various countries from foreign occupation . In addition, Russia could provide Germany and whole Europe protection from nuclear attack .
At the expense of Putin nothing I can say - I do not know his feelings, it is his own business

And in all honesty, you believe that germany would profit? We are an economic worldpower and you think we would do better isolated from rest of the world?

In both world wars, Germany and Russia were forced to fight against each other by forces interested in weakening and even the destruction of both Russia and Germany.
Germany became united country in the late 20th century thanks to the goodwill of the USSR. West was against the move - Britain and the United States do not need a strong and independent Germany.
I can not describe to you the specific mechanism, because I simply do not know it - it is the prerogative of special services and diplomats. However , Russia has substantial experience in the liberation of various countries from foreign occupation . In addition, Russia could provide Germany and whole Europe protection from nuclear attack .
At the expense of Putin nothing I can say - I do not know his feelings, it is his own business

no need to give europe protection.they will keep bickering with one other. stick to csto and central asia build irrigation and desalination facilities in pacific and water lines to central asia.at same time bring in immigrants to siberia like dutch boers,balkan,albanian,japanese,indian etc. and develop siberia and east which is too underpopulated. Also russian should move the capital from Moscow.
Evryone has the right for selfdefense. Thats a basic, natural law.

And in all honesty, you believe that germany would profit? We are an economic worldpower and you think we would do better isolated from rest of the world?
why were women and childerns were threat to knights which are trained warriors at the time of seige of jerusulem during First Crusade nothing. look there things i know you cant justify like there was some jews who have been killed during the fall of jerusalem who are natives of that place.jesus christ himself was a jew.you can't explain that these are cruelity against humanity. Same what soviets commited after Ww2 to the german girls was nothing less.Be human first!! before anything that is what jesus said:):)
why were women and childerns were threat to knights which are trained warriors at the time of seige of jerusulem during First Crusade nothing. look there things i know you cant justify like there was some jews who have been killed during the fall of jerusalem who are natives of that place.jesus christ himself was a jew.you can't explain that these are cruelity against humanity. Same what soviets commited after Ww2 to the german girls was nothing less.Be human first!! before anything that is what jesus said:):)

Nazi troops did a lot more atrocities on slav people .Not that I am justifying.But wars lead to blood vengeance and russians are a people known for vengeance .That is why they successfully crushed islam and almost all those who attacked them.
why were women and childerns were threat to knights which are trained warriors at the time of seige of jerusulem during First Crusade nothing. look there things i know you cant justify like there was some jews who have been killed during the fall of jerusalem who are natives of that place.jesus christ himself was a jew.you can't explain that these are cruelity against humanity. Same what soviets commited after Ww2 to the german girls was nothing less.Be human first!! before anything that is what jesus said:):)

We had the right to protect our lands against muslim invasion. As i said, bad things happened too, but that is sad side effect of war.
We had the right to protect our lands against muslim invasion. As i said, bad things happened too, but that is sad side effect of war.
War lost its cause when knights killed the innocents in jerusalem and god left there cause same moment thats why its became the worthless cause and that is why crusades failed
War lost its cause when knights killed the innocents in jerusalem and god left there cause same moment thats why its became the worthless cause and that is why crusades failed

I agree with that. But at least it gave us freedom and secured our well being.
Ukraine was peaceful and slowly emerging as a major outsourcing work destination despite the dire state of European countries. It was quietly going about its way before NATO countries started funding its opposition and started creating instability in the country. It was progressing on technological and military front by signing multiple cooperation agreements with Russia, like An-70 that challenged Airbus Military.

This Ukraine revolution seems like a sabotage attempt at weakening Ukrainian industrial complex.

Victor Yanukovych had a choice: A choice to decide whether the country wants to join EU or CU by Russia. After a mandate, Yanukovych chose Russia.

What is wrong with that?

Funding and financing "popular, democratic revolt" is as unethical as invading any other country without reason which even NATO has done (ahem ahem Iraq).

Russia single-handedly stopped all hell from breaking loose in Middle East and saved a lot of global upheaval.

And now what it is doing in Ukraine is also important.

Whether Crimea goes to Russia or not, it is the Ukrainians' decision. But to prevent a fake-democratic revolt from happening, Russian troops are very much needed there.
We had the right to protect our lands against muslim invasion.

Your grasp of history is flawed.

The Crusades were not intended to save Europe from Muslim invasion. They were started by Pope Urban II because the European knights -- far from being virtuous -- were bandits plundering the countryside and getting into trouble.

The Pope wanted to send them far, far away where they could stop making trouble in Europe.
...and they say Indians are an emotional lot. One statement and we have an Italian seizing up with anger and hubris. If they say Parsi thy name is charity, then one can also say Italian thy name is fervent.
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West can fund anarchy in any country including India. India has a concern. There are no countries including India which do not have dissatisfied groups
I find it amusing that you blame us for evrything. Western ukraine was always pro EU and against russia. So same principle. if westerm ukraine want be associated with us they have the right to split off.
I do not refuse that India and Russia share close relationship and accord priority to each other .
India and Russia also have interest in Central Asia .
India however maintained its independent foreign policy at the height of Cold war even as soviet Russia supported us at crucial junctures .

However Russia has also conducted itself keeping its interests.
Russia had no qualms in selling , transferring crucial arms systems to China which it had also supplied to India . Russia looked after its own interests over and above India's interests ( which is a practical thing to do ) .

all I am saying that Indian's opinion does not count .

In such situation where what India says does not make any difference to anybody involved , we should have kept quite rather than blurt out .

True player keep its cards close to its heart ( especially when it does not have those 'magic' cards which can change the course of game ) .

We should learn from China . despite its close relations with Russia and obvious opposition to Western attempt to dominate world politics ,....China has taken neutral position instead of throwing its weight behind Russia . Why ?

Sometimes it is better to keep quite and watch the developments ....

India has handled this issue in probably the best way it could have. No statements from either the PM or the Foreign Affairs Minister in favor of the Russian aggression, which probably would go well with the West and not compromise our economic interests.

And at the same time, a somewhat supportive statement by our NSA, just to tell the Russians they are not completely isolated. We owe them that much.

And that is exactly the reason you cannot compare China's stand with India's. For Chinese leadership, they just need to eye their economic interests. But for us, its pay back time.

Its true, at times, Russia has taken steps which are in their interests, but detrimental to ours. But so has India. Our growing defense ties with the West, and a number of other occasions too.

That said, I actually applaude India's foreign policy. Having strong ties with both Russia and US (ok not that much strong yet but still reasonable) at the same time, sustaining a relationship with both Israel and the Arab world, is not something every country has been able to achieve.
India has handled this issue in probably the best way it could have. No statements from either the PM or the Foreign Affairs Minister in favor of the Russian aggression, which probably would go well with the West and not compromise our economic interests.

And at the same time, a somewhat supportive statement by our NSA, just to tell the Russians they are not completely isolated. We owe them that much.

And that is exactly the reason you cannot compare China's stand with India's. For Chinese leadership, they just need to eye their economic interests. But for us, its pay back time.

Its true, at times, Russia has taken steps which are in their interests, but detrimental to ours. But so has India. Our growing defense ties with the West, and a number of other occasions too.

That said, I actually applaude India's foreign policy. Having strong ties with both Russia and US (ok not that much strong yet but still reasonable) at the same time, sustaining a relationship with both Israel and the Arab world, is not something every country has been able to achieve.

Agree with your analysis to large extent .
Now that I rethink the NSA statement has been quite balanced one .
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