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India bats for Russia interests

Don't think so much about morality. In this age it's all about national interests, good to see India supporting Russians, they have saved our *** many a time

are we saying Russian *** this time ?

It is not about morality ...Stand taken by India goes against its long stated position .

Most important we have taken stand when it was not needed and it does not make difference to anybody involved on the contrary it weaken our position vis a vis Pakistan on Kashmir .

what about the when Pakistani militia in garbs of civilian clothes that occupied Kargil ?

The NSA statement seems to justify Russian position which is not right thing to do .

We have no reason to take sides in this game between West and Russia that is being played on turf of Ukraine .

Did you ignore my entire post and then come to conclusion that its an occupation ??? Stop cherry picking my posts and read the entire 2-3 posts to understand the context of my statements

You did Drag Kashmir without understanding whats going on ..... Azad Kashmir has been Pakistani territory for 60 years , demographics have changed thats not the case of Crimea or Ukraine . Referendum is will of the people , if people decide to vote in favor of Russia who the heck is anyone else to interfere ? The Entire situation is completely different and is in no way similar to whats going on in Ukraine .. Pakistani Army is there by force unlike the Russians who came in after the request of the Crimean govt.

Your opinions are based on ideas you do not have a clue about , sorry but the fact that you equate Azad Kashmir to Crimea proves that you neither know whats going on in Kashmir nor you know whats going on in Crimea ...

My position is such that the referendum conducted with Russian militia presiding over the referendum can't be valid it is only an exercise to legitimse the Russian occupation .

will Russia agree to hold referendum under eyes of UN observers ? will it withdraw its personnel from Crimea to allow referendum under free and fair basis ?
are we saying Russian *** this time ?

NO..we are supporting them as we are in the BRICS and we are also showing a middle finger to the west

It is not about morality ...Stand taken by India goes against its long stated position .

this long state position will get India nowhere , its time to pick sides , and west is definitely not the one from past experiaces

Most important we have taken stand when it was not needed and it does not make difference to anybody involved on the contrary it weaken our position vis a vis Pakistan on Kashmir .

Don't speak about things you do not understand , you still have not replied to my post

what about the when Pakistani militia in garbs of civilian clothes that occupied Kargil ?

They also shot at Indian troops and tortured them unlike the Russians and Unlike the Crimean it was Kashmirs who gave away their position

The NSA statement seems to justify Russian position which is not right thing to do .

Your openion , in my openion they should justify it

We have no reason to take sides in this game between West and Russia that is being played on turf of Ukraine .

If we don't pick sides now, we will end up nowhere in the future , playing a balancing game is very dangerous .. Russia has all rights to act in Ukraine considering western intervention ...

My position is such that the referendum conducted with Russian militia presiding over the referendum can't be valid it is only an exercise to legitimse the Russian occupation .

will Russia agree to hold referendum under eyes of UN observers ? will it withdraw its personnel from Crimea to allow referendum under free and fair basis ?

Why should it withdraw from Crimea since Russia has a Base of 26,000 troops in Crimea which they are authorized to have till 2040 . And why should they with draw if the govt. of Crimea ASKED for their help ...

The referendum is very much valid as it is NOT AN OCCUPATION FORCE ...
the west has been propagating all sorts of bullshit , please stop believing in them
NO..we are supporting them as we are in the BRICS and we are also showing a middle finger to the west

I find this comment rather immature ...

this long state position will get India nowhere , its time to pick sides , and west is definitely not the one from past experiaces

It is my opinion that our stand should be consistent .

Don't speak about things you do not understand , you still have not replied to my post

I reply to all points if I think they are relevant and valid

Your openion , in my openion they should justify it

Fair enough ! You are entitled to your opinions.

If we don't pick sides now, we will end up nowhere in the future , playing a balancing game is very dangerous .. Russia has all rights to act in Ukraine considering western intervention ...

There was no need to pick sides this time .
Neither Russia nor west cares about what India feels .

India has to strengthen itself to the point when what it says will matter to world . we are far away from that point .
I find this comment rather immature ...

Your opinion

It is my opinion that our stand should be consistent .

Then you clearly aren't aware of India's stance since 2008 :p

I reply to all points if I think they are relevant and valid

not really ....i clearly proved it to you how comparing Kashmir with Crimea of all places is stupid and Bizarre ..

There was no need to pick sides this time .
Neither Russia nor west cares about what India feels .

India has to strengthen itself to the point when what it says will matter to world . we are far away from that point .

India picked sides the very second it joined BRIC nations . the very goal of BRIC is to undermine the west and its economies . India China and Russia has been making deals to bypass the Dollar for ages now ... Side has been picked already...
Why should it withdraw from Crimea since Russia has a Base of 26,000 troops in Crimea which they are authorized to have till 2040 . And why should they with draw if the govt. of Crimea ASKED for their help ...

The referendum is very much valid as it is NOT AN OCCUPATION FORCE ...
the west has been propagating all sorts of bullshit , please stop believing in them

if referendum is to be conducted in free and fair manner , you will understand that Russian militia should leave Crimea .

in 1992 Crimea agreed to stay within Ukraine ...with much expanded autonomy .

Now if Crimea wants to join Russia ...at least the referendum should be allowed to take place under conditions free from any external influence and coercion ...
if referendum is to be conducted in free and fair manner , you will understand that Russian militia should leave Crimea .

in 1992 Crimea agreed to stay within Ukraine ...with much expanded autonomy .

Now if Crimea wants to join Russia ...at least the referendum should be allowed to take place under conditions free from any external influence and coercion ...

Russia has abase in Crimea, it cannot leave Crimea .. It can only leave Crimea if the Govt.. of Crimea asks it to leave.
The Details of the referendum is not in place yet , so no point in speculating.. rest assured Russia wont be leaving Crimea till 2040

NATO has been taking out Russian allies one by one Iraq, Libya, Syria wants to take out Iran ... you think Russia would just sit and watch while NATO uses its bloodied hand to attack his allies ?
Then you clearly aren't aware of India's stance since 2008 :p .

what is india's stance since 2008 ? please enlighten me ....

Russia has abase in Crimea, it cannot leave Crimea .. It can only leave Crimea if the Govt.. of Crimea asks it to leave.
The Details of the referendum is not in place yet , so no point in speculating.. rest assured Russia wont be leaving Crimea till 2040

Nobody has asked Russian to leave its base in Crimea.
only the Russian militia outside its base should leave ....

That's other point whether Russia will or will not leave Crimea .

My stand is India had no reason to jump in or to support Russian action for reasons I explained in post above.

not really ....i clearly proved it to you how comparing Kashmir with Crimea of all places is stupid and Bizarre .. ...

where did I compare Kashmir with Crimea ?

I just said that India's stand in this regard will negate its position in Kashmir .

Can you understand the difference between comparing two things and talking one thing in context of other ???
Contrary to the hyped up headline, India has done nothing of the sort.

India's statement is just as wishy-washy as anyone else's

All India said is that Russia has "legitimate" interests -- any country which has investment in Ukraine has "legitimate" interests.

Did India come out and say that Russia has the right to send troops into Ukraine to protect its "legitimate" interests?
what is india's stance since 2008 ? please enlighten me ....

Already did ...the second India joined the BRIC nations its stand was crystal clear .. BRIC nations wants to undermine the west and its economies, India has been constantly moving against the west in every decision except once case of Iran .. India has been constantly making deals since 2008 to bypass US dollar and trade with local currencies just like China and Russia ..

where did I compare Kashmir with Crimea ?
I just said that India's stand in this regard will negate its position in Kashmir .
Can you understand the difference between comparing two things and talking one thing in context of other ???

IF you did not compare situation in Kashmir to that of Crimea then how does it make sense to whine about India's position on Kashmir being undermined ?
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West sanction Russia will directly affect everyone involves in Ukraine mess, the West still the economy powerhouse compare to anyone or any group in this world. Their GDP over 26 trillions dollars combine for the population not over 1 billions people in the West, compare to BRICS population over 3 billions but BRICS nations GDP not over 13 trillions with China GDP a little over 9 trillions. Not the best move to have a economy warefare with the West over Crimea when BRICS don't have enough chips to go all in with the West over Ukraine.
Already did ...the second India joined the BRIC nations its stand was crystal clear .. BRIC nations wants to undermine the west and its economies, India has been constantly moving against the west in every decision except once case of Iran .. India has been constantly making deals since 2008 to bypass US dollar and trade with local currencies just like China and Russia ..

BRICS was invention of some Goldman sachs ...which has proved disastrous. Only China among all BRICS nations have survived the market crunch.

BRICS without China have no capability to take on West .

India is just like any other country trying to stabilize its market .

This has got nothing to do with support to Russia .

IF you did not compare situation in Kashmir to that of Crimea then how does it make sense to whine about India's position on Kashmir being undermined ?

Lol you do not even understand the difference between comparing Crimea and Kashmir and my referral to Kashmir in context of Crimea .

all I am saying that justifying or legitimizing aggression by non uniformed i.e guerilla Russian military goes against Indian position on Kargil.

Tomorrow Pakistan can again use the same tactic .

what stand will India take then ?

The Russian excuse to intervene in Crimea on pretext of protecting rights of Russian speaking people also augurs well for long stated Pakistani stance to support militancy in Kashmir to protect rights of Kashmiri muslims .
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BRICS was invention of some Goldman sachs ...which has proved disastrous. Only China among all BRICS nations have survived the market crunch.

BRICS without China have no capability to take on West .

India is just like any other country trying to stabilize its market .

This has got nothing to do with support to Russia .

You are startlingly ignorant it seems , does not matter who invented the term, the fact that such an organization exists and all 5 members of the organization are taking steps to undermine western economies is quite obvious...
This is a lot more than stabilizing the market , But has to do with having less dependence on the west ..

Russia is taking on the entire west right now and doing fine , so stop talking BS . Seriously if you are not aware ,the leverages Russia holds on Europe is like Russia holding Europe by its balls

Why not do a little research yourself ? India has not supported the US ever , not in Iran, not in Iraq, Not in Libya not in Syria add to that you have Countries bypassing the Dollar and openly trading with Iran despite the sanctions which have been imposed and also increasing oil imports quite openly just proves India doesn't give a rats *** what US says....
What did Russia do in 1962 against China ? What has Russia doesn't to prevent Chinese incursions into India recently ? What has Russia done to force Pakistan to shut down terror activities against India ?

In fact USA has done more in this regard. I too like Russia and support Russia in this like most Indians but this ultra-emotional melodramatic talks from some Indian members , I don't understand.

We should support or not support them depending on what we get out of it. This is how they have dealt with us always. They are not emotional fools like us Indians.
Are you :crazy:? Never expected this response from you.....Russia stand behind us when everyone were against us and my frnd that is d real deal...about terrorist act and 1962, you got to take something by your own....we never wanted Russia to fight beside us we just wanted to help us out in difficult time which it did very well. Hope my views reach to u in good and right manner.
You are startlingly ignorant it seems , does not matter who invented the term, the fact that such an organization exists and all 5 members of the organization are taking steps to undermine western economies is quite obvious...
This is a lot more than stabilizing the market , But has to do with having less dependence on the west ..

Russia is taking on the entire west right now and doing fine , so stop talking BS

Why not do a little research yourself ? India has not supported the US ever , not in Iran, not in Iraq, Not in Libya not in Syria add to that you have Countries bypassing the Dollar and openly trading with Iran despite the sanctions which have been imposed ....

I do not see why you are so obsessed with BRICS thing .

as @Developereo has made it clear .

This is not about India even having had supported Russia on the issue .

NSA has just issued general statement ..with intention to please Moscow .

Nothing more than that.

stop building castles in air about BRICS .

there is long way to go for that .
I do not see why you are so obsessed with BRICS thing .
as @Developereo has made it clear .
This is not about India even having had supported Russia on the issue .
NSA has just issued general statement ..with intention to please Moscow .
Nothing more than that.
stop building castles in air about BRICS .
there is long way to go for that .

India said Russia has legitimate interests in Ukraine , which clearly means what ever Russia is doing in Crimea and Ukraine is legitimate as per India;s views which is a direct backing to Russia...stop hiding behind someone else's comment . Why should i not talk about BRICS ? you asked me where is the proof i showed it to you , now you are telling me to not talk about things which prove you wrong ? Am not sure why you are so desperate ...

The very second you brought in Kashmir, it was crystal clear your comments where based on your lack of knowledge of the situation

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