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India basks in a nuclear afterglow

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Originally posted by SATAN@Mar 20 2006, 12:51 AM
Iran can always use the argument, if a country like india can get Nukes, then surely Iran has a right to produce nukes for self defense. Iran signed the NPT and the CTBT....india has not !!!

Plus, Iran faces a Nuclear Threat from Israel. Also now with US forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Persian gulf...Iran is surrounded.
[post=7340]Quoted post[/post]​

Btw, if the nuce deal with India goes thru, the powerful jewish lobby in Washingtom would want to have a similar deal.
Once that happens, consider Pandoras box to be open...
The article posted by SATAN means exactly what it says. There are no 'mistakes' in it. Some of the posts made by certain people (basically irrelevant one-liners) were deleted due to non-compliance with the rules of this forum. If you don't have any real arguement against the article or you lack the ability to engage in a meaningful discussion; it is useless to post sarcastic one liners. The basic idea behind the rules of the forum is, put up or shut up!
Originally posted by Neo@Mar 21 2006, 01:33 AM
Btw, if the nuce deal with India goes thru, the powerful jewish lobby in Washingtom would want to have a similar deal.
Once that happens, consider Pandoras box to be open...
[post=7437]Quoted post[/post]​

Man, Iran has accepted to remain a NON-NUCLEAR STATE by signing the NPT.

You,we and Israel have not signed the NPT therefore we have EVERY RIGHT to produce and test nuclear weapons.Iran DOES NOT have that right because they said they did not want it and now are eager go against their word.

NPT matters ONLY to those states that have SIGNED it.
Iran has.

And why would Israel want such a deal?
Originally posted by Neo+Mar 21 2006, 01:30 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Neo &#064; Mar 21 2006, 01:30 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Its just another lame excuse Hammer.
Russia holds world largest proven Gas reserves and third largest oil reserves but they are building more reactors.
Every country should have the right to diversify its resourses, including Iran.
[post=7436]Quoted post[/post]​

And thats exactly what I am trying to say.But comparing Russia to Iran is a bit too far fetched. History is always written by the winners, along with the rules.

@Mar 21 2006, 01:33 AM
Btw, if the nuce deal with India goes thru, the powerful jewish lobby in Washingtom would want to have a similar deal.
Once that happens, consider Pandoras box to be open...
[post=7437]Quoted post[/post]​
I dont think Israel would want such a deal.Their economy is already running smoothly.And AFAIK they are not hungry for power.
For the sake of debating the “claims” in the article posted by SATAN….

The Indian government has taken the Americans for a ride in Afghanistan and has used the art of deception to take refuge behind them while aiding and assisting acts of terrorism.

For its part, the government of Pakistan provided irrefutable evidence to its "American friends" who according to senior officials were simply "stunned" and have reportedly asked for some time to evaluate the evidence before they try to "rein in" the Indians in Afghanistan.
The groups carrying out attacks in Afghanistan are the Taliban. The Taliban were formerly supported and backed by the Pakistani Army/ ISI as their strategic depth. Now if there is some other group carrying out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan then the article should have stated some thing about them, since they have “proof” that has “stunned” the Americans.

No doubt the Americans are stunned, and Bush in particular, during his recent visit to Afghanistan-Pakistan-India. He was briefed by Afghans and those reports very confirmed by the US Army senior staff. He was stunned by the Pakistani complexity in the continued support (either official or clandestine) to the Taliban.
Pakistani officials are reported to have provided lists of around 80 per cent of people working in the Afghan defence and intelligence agencies who were formerly members of the Northern Alliance, a group that was funded and trained by the Indian agency RAW. A majority remains on the payroll of India even till today.

The Americans were aware of the number of Indian consulates and media centres that were working in Afghanistan. This was expenditure with sinister designs.

The Americans are well aware of who the Indian contacts are in the NA. It was these very chaps who guided the US forces during the initial stages of the attack on the Taliban (after 9/11). These chaps were with the US Special Forces while 5000+ Pakistani Army officers and men were being evacuated from Konduz.

The Governor of Nangarhar Hazrat Ali has strong links with the Indians who have rewarded him by renting his house in Jalalabad for their consulate office at an exorbitant rate of &#036;5000 per month when similar accommodation was easily available for less than &#036;500 a month.

At least five training camps for "terrorists," who attack the Americans inside Afghanistan and make hit and run sorties against Pakistani border forces, are managed by Hazrat Ali. A total of 19 terrorist training centres were operative with Indian assistance in Afghanistan.
The author of the article is quite ignorant about the background of Hazrat Ali. He is not our boy but is a CIA/ ISI contact from the Soviet Afghan days. The CIA used his services as of his (now dead) boss Abdul Qadeer, former Governor of Nangarhar.

The claim about the &#036;5000 rent for the office is rather silly, since Hazrat Ali use to run the drug trade and has his chemical factories. To accuse him of been greedy for just a measly amount of rent when he and his former boss among others were a few of the richest men in Afghanistan is absurd.

A simple google search will prove the author&#39;s falsities and lack of research.

India has about 2000 commandos in Afghanistan who train Afghans and other foreign terrorists so that they can create trouble in Waziristan and Balochistan. The Indians admit the presence of 800 commandos.
There is just one ITBP battalion that was inducted to protect the Border Roads Organisation staff members that are constructing roads and bridges in Afghanistan. Initially there was a company, but after the kidnapping and killing of a driver by the Taliban, this force level has been increased, to include the security of other Indian organizations in Afghanistan.

These are commando qualified troops, but are not part of our Special Forces units.

It has also been reported that in one ambush on Pakistani forces in the Mohmand Agency, the directions to terrorists were being given by the staff officer of the Indian Consul General that were intercepted by Pakistani security personnel and have been played before the Americans who have accepted the authenticity of the tape.
I am sure the Americans will verify the interception, they happen to have excellent resources.

Another factor that has created concern is the dropping of boxes containing Pakistani currency in selected areas through helicopters in both the Waziristan area and border areas of Balochistan.

Some of the boxes that were captured by the security agencies of Pakistan have revealed that India and Afghanistan were engaged in large scale counterfeiting of Pakistani currency and this may soon result in a phased replacement of currency notes in this country.

Even a duplicate coin of Rs5 has been detected that was made in Afghanistan with the technical assistance of Indians.

If we are responsible for this then its a case of just returning a favour. The ISI has been flooding India with fake currency for years.

In case the level of relations with Pakistan remains what it is today, Afghanistan will be the main sufferer at the end of the day when both the Americans and Indians leave it in a lurch.
The author seems to warn the Afghans. However, the current situation of Taliban resurgence is due to the continued support given to the Taliban/ Osama groups by the ISI/PA. Pakistan cannot digest the loss of this strategic depth, hence the Taliban are been kept as a leverage to put pressure in the new Afghan government.

Beside if the American’s reduces their forces the rent money being added to the Pakistani economy will also dry up. So its in Pakistani interests that the US remains in Afghanistan and the Taliban remain active (to a certain degree) and Osama remains at large.

The policy of the Americans is bound to fail because the Indians will deceive them as well and never confront China, a goal that has been set by American policy-makers under the present US administration. American foreign policy was already in tatters in Europe, Iraq, Afghanistan and will be soon doomed in India.
I don’t see that happening. It’s very difficult to say no to Uncle Sam.

Finally, it has to be seen how Pakistan responds to the new emerging scene in this region. But before a tit for tat policy takes shape and a useless arms race begins, the Indian government must come clean and try to save the day otherwise things would once again slide which would not auger well for both India and Pakistan. The damage to Afghanistan will be far greater. Here, the Americans must act, but then were the Americans listening in the first place?

What should India come clean about? What is the author trying to say?
Hmm, seems like india has double crossed the US already in an under handed deal with Moscow hatched sometime in 2005. Perhaps this will confirm the US Congress of india&#39;s ill intentions. Enjoy the Article

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Russian nuclear pellets arrive in India

NEW DELHI: India has received a 30 tonne-consignment of Russian nuclear fuel pellets destined for the Tarapur atomic power station plant, sources confirmed on Monday.

They added that a second 30-tonne consignment would be reaching India &#8220;very shortly&#8221;.

The two consignments would provide India with enough fuel to keep Tarapur&#8217;s units I and II operational over the next five years.

A special freighter carrying the low-uranium enrichment fuel left Moscow and landed in Mumbai last Thursday, just hours after Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov touched down in New Delhi, according to reports.

Sources confirmed that the nuclear fuel supplies deal between India and Russia had been signed by the two sides last December, during a visit to Moscow by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Dr Anil Kakodkar.

The deal was kept under wraps, with the United States only learning about it in February of this year when Moscow informed the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the International Atomic Energy Agency of the agreement. Sources insisted that the Tarapur deal had not been signed during last week&#8217;s visit to India by the Russian premier, claiming that coverage had been orchestrated to suggest that this had been the case.

The arrival of the uranium pellets by March had been essential to ensure that their conversion into fuel rods went ahead on schedule, they added.

During Prime Minister Singh&#8217;s Moscow trip, Dr Kakodkar had stressed that if nuclear fuel did not reach the Tarapur atomic plants on time, they would have to be shut down and that it would take months to restart their operations. With the arrival of the Russian pellets, he said, fuel rod manufacturing could be started immediately.

If it was a double cross, then the deal would have been kept a secret. Beisdes where does the Indo-US state that we cannot accept nuclear fuel from other countries?
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Mar 15 2006, 03:29 PM
International sanctions were slapped on India for conducting secretive nuclear tests in 1974 and more recently in 1998. Dissimilar to Iran and North Korea, who are signatories of the 1972 Non-Proliferation Treaty, the recalcitrant India has refused to sign up to this agreement. India has learnt to live with long term in nuclear isolation. With the furore over the nuclear ambitions of perceived pariah states, such as Iran and North Korea, it would be expected that there would also be international condemnation of India&#39;s announced nuclear intensions. It is a state, with a horrendous human rights record.
[post=7068]Quoted post[/post]​

I find some of the things in the article quite extraordinary to say the least.

Lets consider some of the things he mentions in the article.

1. Firstly he compares N. Korea and Iran with India. I don&#39;t know how many western analysts make that comparison - I haven&#39;t come across many. The differences betwn those 2 and India is plain to see. While they signed the NPT, India never did, so how can India be in violation of anything? The world knew of India&#39;s nucler programme since the early 60s - so there was nothing undercover either.

2. Secondly he talks about the "horrendous human rights record," of India. Excuse me horrendous in comparision with what? There are countries with far worse human rights records including some nuclear weapon states. Its plain hypocrisy to single out India.

In summary, there can be no comparison of Iran and N. Korea with India. Iran and N. Korea are NPT signatories - India is not. So,while India hasn&#39;t violated any agreements - Iran and N. Korea will have if they continue their nuclear programme.
Originally posted by Prashant@Mar 20 2006, 03:15 AM
have u seen the video in which he says to the group of mullahs that a divine light surrounded him while addressing the UN council in NY.He is moron who doesnthknow how to play the cards a country which is so rich in gas/oil is going thru such tensions which they shud never.
they shud have used it for betteirng the life of iraniasn than spreading hatred vbased on jingoism
[post=7399]Quoted post[/post]​

so what if he&#39;s a little crazy, I mean US went to war with Iraq because according to bush "God" told him to invade :idiot:
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Mar 26 2006, 11:45 AM
so what if he&#39;s a little crazy, I mean US went to war with Iraq because according to bush "God" told him to invade :idiot:
[post=7788]Quoted post[/post]​

That was just a personal statement he made, the real reasons are known to everyone.
Originally posted by Neo@Mar 21 2006, 12:03 AM
Btw, if the nuce deal with India goes thru, the powerful jewish lobby in Washingtom would want to have a similar deal.
Once that happens, consider Pandoras box to be open...
[post=7437]Quoted post[/post]​

Its quite absurd ti say that neo,

the powerfull jewish lobby knows how to get what they want.Do you think that the Indian lobby is stronger than jewish lobby that they got it before Israel did it.
Originally posted by Neo@Mar 21 2006, 12:00 AM
Its just another lame excuse Hammer.
Russia holds world largest proven Gas reserves and third largest oil reserves but they are building more reactors.
Every country should have the right to diversify its resourses, including Iran.
[post=7436]Quoted post[/post]​

Neoooo sahib ,

Does your country like to see a nuclear armed moron on the western border?

Its in your interest and worlds interest that we dont allow those iranians to get a N bomb or know how.
Originally posted by SATAN@Mar 20 2006, 11:41 AM
Sure Iran signed the NPT, it was a different world then. It can always argue that the NPT needs to be changed , since the US is changing its laws to accomodate india. And it can also cite the Pre-Emptive strike doctrine created by our Donny Rummsfeld.  :thumbsup:

Lastly , iran can leave the NPT and explode a nuke and say that is feels threatend by india and Israel. Its the age of Nuclear Hypocracy, why hold back?
[post=7379]Quoted post[/post]​

Diplomocy and national policies have to be taken after considering all possibilities and overtures possible in the future.First of all Iran failed to do a proper homework before they signed the NPT,and now they feel they are handicapped by the deal their own leaders signed willingly.

If Iran has to get a N bomb bcoz it feels threatened then the whole world will follow suit.And thats not in anybodys interest.

Iran N bomb issue and N deal btw US-India has only one thing in common and thats is the word "nuclear".Other than that nothing is in common.

India and US signed a N deal where US will help india in civilian nuclear tech provided we open up our civilian n reactors to IAEA,while Iran is not ready to do that and claims its for peacefull puropses and then contradicts itself by saying they have the right to N bomb.
Originally posted by Prashant@Mar 26 2006, 11:44 AM
Neoooo sahib ,

Does your country like to see a nuclear armed moron on the western border?

Its in your interest and worlds interest that we dont allow those iranians to get a N bomb or know how.
[post=7799]Quoted post[/post]​

Did I say anything about supporting a nuclear armed Iran?
I support peaceful use of nuclear energy by all, developping nukes is a different thing.
Originally posted by Prashant@Mar 26 2006, 05:44 AM
Neoooo sahib ,

Does your country like to see a nuclear armed moron on the western border?

Its in your interest and worlds interest that we dont allow those iranians to get a N bomb or know how.
[post=7799]Quoted post[/post]​

I want every country to be nuclear armed, then we will have world peace.
According to the theory M.A.D
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