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India basks in a nuclear afterglow

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Originally posted by A.Rahman@Mar 28 2006, 07:00 AM
They can call it a "Peacekeeper" like US :stupid:
[post=7953]Quoted post[/post]​

You're hillarious!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Bother to check if PNE's are allowed by the NPT?
well lets discuss this topic rather than pondering abt ones day dreams.

Iran cant afford to explode a bomb now as its Pres has been saying he wants N energy for diversifying its energy sources,so he will be playing into the hands of US by doing so.

And not only that,the world opinion would be more united unlike the Iraq event.

The only way for Iran is to back up anmd use its oil/gas to give a better life to Iranians.

For those who think a Iraq can be repeated please think twice as taking out a N est is possible from Air also.

With its ground forces locked in Iraq,a dn iran going ahead with a N blast US/allies wont waste time to bomb Iran to stone age.
Originally posted by SATAN@Mar 28 2006, 09:56 AM
Iran should speed up its Uranium enrichment process and open up newer facilities to produce more uranium for peaceful purposes. Even if it explodes a small nuke, it should call it a "Peaceful Nuclear Explosion" . The iranian bomb should be called "The smiling Persian"

After all this is done, it should ask the US for a similar nuclear deal like it is giving india.

:evil: :evil:
[post=7951]Quoted post[/post]​

Well thats just in yopur dreams mate.Do u think ue own very govt will sit and watch this happening.IF Iran does something then Pakistan will lose the sole owners of Islaimc bomb tag.And ishraff wont like to lose that,so u can bet he will be the first to call Bush for action.
Originally posted by Prashant@Mar 29 2006, 02:36 AM
Well thats just in yopur dreams mate.Do u think ue own very govt will sit and watch this happening.IF Iran does something then Pakistan will lose the sole owners of Islaimc bomb tag.And ishraff wont like to lose that,so u can bet he will be the first to call Bush for action.
[post=8051]Quoted post[/post]​

There is nothing as Islamic bomb, its a term invented by Islamophobic people.

muslim scholars invented theories and Algebra, why isnt its called "Islamic theorm" or "Muslim maths" ?

Its pretty obvious that media creates fear about Islam in hearts of people by using terms like "Islamic bomb"
Ask Zia. :cool2:

In 1974 India successfully tested a nuclear "device." Bhutto reacted strongly to this test and said Pakistan must develop its own "Islamic bomb."

Zia and the Islamic Bomb

I quote him.Verbatim.

Originally posted by Zia
China, India, the USSR, and Israel in the Middle East posses the atomic arm. No Muslim country has any. If Pakistan had such a weapon, it would reinforce the power of the Muslim world.

Congressional Record
After Pakistan's defeat in the 1965 Indo-Pakistani war, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto vowed to retain ............

This quote was enough to discredit your link, Samudra

supplying Iran, Pakistan, and other Muslim countries with medium-range missiles

why dosnt author reffers to US,UK and Russia as christain country or India as hindu country?

I think Author is very bias
Originally posted by A.Rahman+Mar 29 2006, 01:20 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(A.Rahman &#064; Mar 29 2006, 01:20 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>This quote was enough to discredit your link, Samudra
[post=8064]Quoted post[/post]​

What r u sauing?i am confused?

@Mar 29 2006, 01:20 PM
why dosnt author reffers to US,UK and Russia as christain country or India as hindu country?
I think Author is very bias
[post=8064]Quoted post[/post]​

Oh Rahman please ,all these countries are secular countries where all relegions can be practiced while the so called countries are islamic republics,where people call to be beheaded if u swicth ur relegion.

There are many who convert from relegion to another in these countries without getting beheaded.

So u got the diff????

And why r u objecting,has it become that much of an insult to be known as one. :buck:
A.Rahman, didnt you know the whole propaganda over Pakistan&#39;s Atomic weapons program was concocted by hindus? They were scared shitless in 1984 when indira gaandi was planning on attacking Kahuta and Zia sent her a message through diplomatic channels if she went ahead with the plan....Pakistan will bomb every nuclear installation in india with its F-16s. she backed down. As a warning...poison gas got "accidently" released at the union carbide plant in Bhopal killing off thousands.

For every action there is a reaction.
The hindu bomb vs The Pakistani Bomb.
The Jewish bomb vs The Iranian Bomb.
The Christan bomb vs The Communist Bomb

I belive Iran has every right to make its Nukes to counter the Israeli Nukes. Keeps a balance. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by SATAN+Mar 29 2006, 02:50 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SATAN &#064; Mar 29 2006, 02:50 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>A.Rahman, didnt you know the whole propaganda over Pakistan&#39;s Atomic weapons program was concocted by hindus?
[post=8068]Quoted post[/post]​

And the hindus were right&#33;&#33;&#33; otherwise how could u blast a A bomb within days.So it wasnt a propoganda..

Originally posted by SATAN@Mar 29 2006, 02:50 PM
They were scared shitless in 1984 when indira gaandi was planning on attacking Kahuta and Zia sent her a message through diplomatic channels if she went ahead with the plan....Pakistan will bomb every nuclear installation in india with its F-16s. she backed down.
[post=8068]Quoted post[/post]​

Oh really, she backed down bcoz the F 16 s that were busy dealing with the russians in the western front would leave the assignement given to them by their master and fly eat to bomb India.

Originally posted by SATAN@Mar 29 2006, 02:50 PM
As a warning...poison gas got "accidently" released at the union carbide plant in Bhopal killing off thousands..
[post=8068]Quoted post[/post]​

So u r taking credit for killing thousands of innocent lives,well done.u r country is a islamic republic right????

Originally posted by SATAN@Mar 29 2006, 02:50 PM
For every action there is a reaction.
The hindu bomb vs The Pakistani Bomb.
[post=8068]Quoted post[/post]​

Its not Hindu bomb Vs pakistan bomb, its hindu bomb with islamic bomb

Originally posted by SATAN@Mar 29 2006, 02:50 PM
The Jewish bomb vs The Iranian Bomb.
[post=8068]Quoted post[/post]​

The iranian bomb??? you mean crackers....

@Mar 29 2006, 02:50 PM
The Christan bomb vs The Communist Bomb
[post=8068]Quoted post[/post]​

its capitalist bomb vs communist bomb
Prashant writes...
"Oh really, she backed down bcoz the F 16 s that were busy dealing with the russians in the western front would leave the assignement given to them by their master and fly eat to bomb India."

indira gaandi backed down because she wasnt completly nuts&#33;&#33; Pakistan was getting its Nuke Technology from Europe, US, China throughout the 80&#39;s. The sheer scale of it was impressive. Pakistan&#39;s BCCI bank financed the entire operation and after the soviet withdrew from afghanistan, Pakistan was in posession of a modern full fledged Nuclear infrastructure that was second to none&#33; It is more than enough to take care of india&#39;s so called great power hindu ambitions.
To be fair, india also has a well developed nuclear program started by homo bhaba in 1945&#33;&#33; india has enough plutonium to make 200 nukes&#33;

So , keeping all this in mind...i dont think india or any hindu extremist government in power will start a Nuclear war in the south asian subcontinent for it will be the end of india as we know it. Also the peace momentum and the economic boom in some parts of india has given indians a better chance at aiming to be a responsible and civilized country.
Originally posted by SATAN+Mar 29 2006, 03:23 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SATAN &#064; Mar 29 2006, 03:23 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Prashant writes...

indira gaandi backed down because she wasnt completly nuts&#33;&#33; Pakistan was getting its Nuke Technology from Europe, US, China throughout the 80&#39;s. The sheer scale of it was impressive. Pakistan&#39;s BCCI bank financed the entire operation and after the soviet withdrew from afghanistan, Pakistan was in posession of a modern full fledged Nuclear infrastructure that was second to none&#33; It is more than enough to take care of india&#39;s so called great power hindu ambitions.
[post=8073]Quoted post[/post]​

Was that an answer to what i wrote.

Anyways u tend to stamp ur foot rt in ur mouth again and agian.

R u openly admitting that pakistan was proliferating all these years. :idiot:

Now answer what i wrote before

@Mar 29 2006, 02:50 PM
she backed down bcoz the F 16 s that were busy dealing with the russians in the western front would leave the assignement given to them by their master and fly eat to bomb India.
[post=8073]Quoted post[/post]​
This quote was enough to discredit your link, Samudra


I have shown you the words of Zia himself.
How does my link prove that those arent the words of Zia? :cool:

So , keeping all this in mind...i dont think india or any hindu extremist government in power will start a Nuclear war in the south asian subcontinent for it will be the end of india as we know it

No Pal, it would be the end of those who used nuclear weapons on us.

If anyone uses nuclear weapons against India, Indian forces, Indian assets at sea, Indian economic or human interests, the perpetrators of that particular outrage will be punished so severely that their continuation in any fray will be in doubt.

“If he (Gen Musharraf) is man enough, correction mad enough, he can use it (nukes).

- General Padmanabhan.

psst : You guys are yet to master the process of enriching uranium.Lets talk about Pakistani nukes later.
Originally posted by Prashant@Mar 29 2006, 05:48 AM
What r u sauing?i am confused?
Oh Rahman please ,all these countries are secular countries where all relegions can be practiced while the so called countries are islamic republics,where people call to be beheaded if u swicth ur relegion.

There are many who convert from relegion to another in these countries without getting beheaded.

So u got the diff????

everyone who leaves Islam is automatically killed is a false notion, I can assure you that this was certainly not the case in many cases. Even though the penalty for treason was the death penalty (as was the case in the Law of Moses as well), there was no targeting of people who simply chose to leave Islam without any implication of treason. To simply kill anyone who chooses to follow a religion other than Islam is against the fundamental teachings of the Qur’an. Freedom of conscience is a fundamental principle of Qur’anic that is clearly stated in no unambiguous terms. I list just a few:

[Had your Lord willed, all the people on earth would have believed. So can you (Prophet) compel people to believe?] (Yunus 10: 99).

[Say, ‘Now the truth has come from your Lord: Let those who wish to believe in it do so, and let those who wish to reject it do so’] (Al-Kahf 17: 29).

[So (people) respond to your Lord before there comes a Day that cannot, against God’s will, be averted—you will have no refuge on that Day, and no possibility of denying (your sins). If they still turn away (remember that) We have not sent you (Prophet) to be their keeper: your duty is to deliver the message] (Ash-Shura 42: 47-48).

[There is no compulsion in religion: true guidance has become distinct from error, so whoever rejects false gods and believes in Allah has grasped the firmest hand-hold, one that will never break. Allah is all hearing and all knowing] (Al-Baqrah 2: 256).

hope this help.

It must be an Afghan thing, as you can see muslims wouldnt do it.

And why r u objecting,has it become that much of an insult to be known as one. :buck:
[post=8067]Quoted post[/post]​

NO, I am pround to be muslim, If I would have found it an insult then I wouldnt keep my name as "A.rahman", I will keep an non-muslim name such as , sukdeep and prataab (lol, from peter russel).

Islam is derived from the Arabic root "Salema": peace, all you see on TV is Islamic terrorist, Islamic attacks, Islamic jihad, Islamic bomb, whats next?
THis is exactly what Hitler did in germany, he started spreading propaganda about Jews. I foresee another holocaust approaching, and this time it will be muslims.

Its not right to affiliate the word Islam with bomb and terrorism, its like oxymoron.

(PS also may I suggest, if you want Some information about Islam go to the source, go to mosque or islamic cneter if u live in NA )
Originally posted by Samudra@Mar 29 2006, 01:12 PM
We have heard all these so many times Pal

[post=8097]Quoted post[/post]​

Apparently Prashant hasnt heard about it.
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