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India bans the Controversial book

Demanding a separate nation for Muslim community equals to freedom of religion?:woot:

where on earth did i compare the two? Obviously you being bharti, will be biased. Obviously me being Pakistani, will be biased. I didnt compare the two, however

and in fact yes Jinnah sahib was indeed a role model for the whole world, and his principles and thinking are very much applicable today as they were yester-year. He believed in a progressive, modern and peaceful country that is democratic and where freedom of religion (rather than discrimination and caste) take place. He was a true nationalist and a hero for all Pakistani peoples today, yesterday and tomorrow.

have we failed to implement some of these things? Oh of course. But Pakistan is still a young country and in fact -- Pakistan is an unfinished revolution. That is at least one thing (if the only thing perhaps) i agree with Zaid Hamid about.

anybody who learns about Jinnah doesnt matter who he/she is --they are enamoured by his charisma, tenacity and principles.

so it makes sense that even a hindustani --who served, comically/ironically enough, in a hindu extremist political party -- even he admired our Quaid-e-Azam.....doing so cost him his career!! :meeting:
Absolutely that is right.

minorities are to be treated equally and all are to be free to practice free of discrimination or the ill of caste-ism. Again, we have much to improve on. But those are the principles and goals.

Our national flag alludes to that
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