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India bans the Controversial book

Banning of book never work in reality.I never would've heard about salman rushdie if it wasn't for the fatwa. If people just ignored the book, he'd be one of the million writers in the world who barely earns. Thanks to some bigoted protesters, now he's a millionaire.
gandhi's message was of love for males and females there is nothing wrong if my great leader gandhi was a bi-sexual...its thousand times better then being a gay....he gave a hope to indians regardless of their sexual orientation:cheers:

i agree with you..being a bisexual is thousand time better than being a gay,but its not your bussines whatever his sexual orientation was:disagree:
Ghandi was and will always be remembered for being one of the greatest personalities of all time. He was a great man, an inspirational leader and truly loved the subcontinent.
He was so pro muslim ..

It's so weird to see pakistanis hate him so much lol

he probably was pro muslim. that doesn't mean that his marches were anything short of foolhardy.

I don't particularly like Mother Teresa. It has nothing to do with India though.
no they dont.

A few major icons include.. Albert Einstein, Abdul Ghaffar, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., James Lawson, John Lennon etc..

---------- Post added at 02:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

he probably was pro muslim. that doesn't mean that his marches were anything short of foolhardy.

I don't particularly like Mother Teresa. It has nothing to do with India though.

LOL.. ok?

It's also weird that Jinnah's daughter decided to stay back.. :azn:
He was so pro muslim ..

It's so weird to see pakistanis hate him so much lol

Ignorance my friend.

Few Pakistanis would ever realize that more than anyone, it was he who fought for equal distribution of wealth between India and Pakistan. Ended up losing his life for that.

But you know, one thing will never change - He was a Hindu. Can never be admired, can he?
equal distribution of wealth? he didnt even want equal distibution of wealth among hindus. he was fanatically for the caste system. These are his quotes.

If the Shudras (low castes) leave their ancestral profession and take up others, ambition will rouse in them and their peace of mind will be spoiled. Even their family peace will be disturbed. (Hind Swaraj).
I believe in Varnashrama (caste system) which is the law of life.

The law of Varna (color and/or caste) is
nothing but the law of conservation of energy. Why should my son not be scavenger if I am one? (Harijan,3-6-1947).

He (Shudra, low caste) may not be called a Brahmin (uppermost caste), though he (Shudra) may have all
the qualities of a Brahmin in this birth. And it is a good thing for him (Shudra) not to arrogate a Varna (caste) to which he is not born. It is a sign of true humility. (Young India, 11-24-1927).

According to Hindu belief, he who practices a profession which does not belong to him by birth, does violence to himself and becomes a degraded being by not living up to the Varna (caste) of his birth. (Young India, 11-14-1927).

As years go by, the conviction is daily growing upon me that Varna (caste) is the law of man’s being, and
therefore, caste is necessary for Christians and Muslims as it has been necessary for Hinduism, and has been its saving grace. (Speech at Trivandrum, (Collection of Speeches), Ramanath Suman (1932)).

I would resist with my life the separation of “Untouchables” from the caste Hindus. The problems of the “Untouchable” community are of comparatively little importance. (London Round Table Conference 1931)

I call myself a Snatana man, one who firmly believes in the caste system. (Dharma Manthan, p 4).

I believe in caste division determined by birth and the very root of caste division lies in birth. (Varna
Vyavastha, p 76-77).

The four castes and the four stages of life are things to be attained by birth alone. (Dharma Manthan, p 5).
Caste means the predetermination of a man’s profession. Caste implies that a man must practice only the profession of his ancestors for his livelihood. (Varna Vyavstha, p 28, 56, 68).

Shudra only serves the higher castes as a matter of religious duty and who will never own any property. The gods will shower down flowers on him. (Varna Vyavastha, p 15).

I have noticed that the very basis of our thought have been severely shaken by Western civilization which is the creation of the Satan. (Dharma Manthan, p 65).

How is it possible that the Antyaja (outcastes) should have the right to enter all the existing temples? As long as the law of caste and karma has the chief place in the Hindu religion, to say that every Hindu can enter every temple is a thing that is not possible today. (Gandhi Sikshan, Vol. 11, p 132).

There are I am sorry to say, many Hindu temples in our midst in this country, which are no better than
brothels. The caste system can’t be said to be bad because it does not allow inter-dining and inter-marriages in different castes. (Gandhi by Shiru, p129).
The caste system, in my opinion, has a scientific basis. Reason does not revolt against it. It has
disadvantages. Caste creates a social and moral restraint - I can find no reason for their abolition.

To abolish caste is to demolish Hinduism. There is nothing to fight against the Varnasharma (caste system). I don’t believe the caste system to be an odious and vicious dogma. It has its limitations and defects, but there is nothing sinful about it. (Harijan, 1933).
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