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India-Bangladesh to start CEPA negotiations, Indian exports to touch $32 billion

Furthermore, what did these geniuses achieve under the great leadership of Ershad, Major Zia and his illiterate wife!???

Just checkout the bridges built in those days!!

Every single one of them is of shoddy quality!!!

What original research did DU and BUET produce in those days?

Trip from Dhaka was a joke. Every few kilometre a bridge would be out. Forcing you to get out so the driver could risk his life to cross it!

Truth hurts!!
What the hell do you find funny?
Food items import number most likely will remain same as now. I expect it to drop because our farmers are getting educated and mechanizing but Im not sure. We have to import rice if we face large flooding, we don't have the climate to grow other grains economically. We are dependent on india for sugar, lentil and spices. Indian cotton is cheaper for us because of our proximity. India isn't our sole supplier. Best and unfortunately expensive cotton comes from central asia.

Never saw any indian medicine in Bangladesh ever. We import APIs directly from china. Iron and steel? We export a little...

BTW, imports from india will never reach to 32 billions. Except food items and cotton what india can give us cheaper than China?

Question - Why you are importing from India though you have sooo much of trade deficit? What are you importing?
1. Cotton
2. Cereals
3. Naptha
4. Vehicles
5. Heavy Machinery
6. Iron and Steel

These above 6 categories comprise of around 75% of import from India.
1. You don't produce cotton, neither you have correct natural environment to produce cotton. And India cotton is cheapest for you. Its simple economics.
2. Around 80% of them are wheat, corn, Sorgum, Barley, Millet, Oats etc. Again you don't have correct natural environment to produce them. Again India's cereals are cheapest.
But why you import 900 million rice its a question to be asked. But historical data shows the BAL govt has done better than BNP in this respect.
3. You don't have capability of producing Naptha. Neither it makes economic sense to build a 20B+ plant
4. As you have told you have a very small market of vehicles. No economic sense to build a plant for domestic uses.
5. ...
6. You don't have sufficient ore to have a iron and steel plant.

Its on your interest that you trade with India, no one is shoving you to buy from us.
You have many options to buy. Why you are not going to them?
What the hell do

Question - Why you are importing from India though you have sooo much of trade deficit? What are you importing?
1. Cotton
2. Cereals
3. Naptha
4. Vehicles
5. Heavy Machinery
6. Iron and Steel

These above 6 categories comprise of around 75% of import from India.
1. You don't produce cotton, neither you have correct natural environment to produce cotton. And India cotton is cheapest for you. Its simple economics.
2. Around 80% of them are wheat, corn, Sorgum, Barley, Millet, Oats etc. Again you don't have correct natural environment to produce them. Again India's cereals are cheapest.
But why you import 900 million rice its a question to be asked. But historical data shows the BAL govt has done better than BNP in this respect.
3. You don't have capability of producing Naptha. Neither it makes economic sense to build a 20B+ plant
4. As you have told you have a very small market of vehicles. No economic sense to build a plant for domestic uses.
5. ...
6. You don't have sufficient ore to have a iron and steel plant.

Its on your interest that you trade with India, no one is shoving you to buy from us.
You have many options to buy. Why you are not going to them?

These chest thumping idiots don’t understand the setup cost for heavy industries!

Who is going to give them the money?


These chest thumping idiots don’t understand the setup cost for heavy industries!

Who is going to give them the money?



Only the largest and most developed countries like USA and upcoming China can try to do it all.

BD needs to make a choice and it has chosen garments, IT, home electronics, pharma and shipbuilding for now.

As it's economy develops and technological levels rise it will get into higher tech industries, but heavy industry does not really make sense for BD with it's limited land area and resource constraints.

I would not insult idiots by calling them idiots as they are on a different level of stupidity. :rofl:

Question - Why you are importing from India though you have sooo much of trade deficit? What are you importing?
1. Cotton
2. Cereals
3. Naptha
4. Vehicles
5. Heavy Machinery
6. Iron and Steel

These above 6 categories comprise of around 75% of import from India.
1. You don't produce cotton, neither you have correct natural environment to produce cotton. And India cotton is cheapest for you. Its simple economics.
2. Around 80% of them are wheat, corn, Sorgum, Barley, Millet, Oats etc. Again you don't have correct natural environment to produce them. Again India's cereals are cheapest.
But why you import 900 million rice its a question to be asked. But historical data shows the BAL govt has done better than BNP in this respect.
3. You don't have capability of producing Naptha. Neither it makes economic sense to build a 20B+ plant
4. As you have told you have a very small market of vehicles. No economic sense to build a plant for domestic uses.
5. ...
6. You don't have sufficient ore to have a iron and steel plant.

Its on your interest that you trade with India, no one is shoving you to buy from us.
You have many options to buy. Why you are not going to them?
Did you forgot to read whom I quoted? I my reply was directed towards his claims.

Now back to your claims,

1. You don't produce cotton, neither you have correct natural environment to produce cotton. And India cotton is cheapest for you. Its simple economics.
Yah thats what I said.
2. Around 80% of them are wheat, corn, Sorgum, Barley, Millet, Oats etc. Again you don't have correct natural environment to produce them. Again India's cereals are cheapest.
Again, I said the same thing!
But why you import 900 million rice its a question to be asked.
To keep price low with over supply and for food safety if crop fails because of flooding.
3. You don't have capability of producing Naptha. Neither it makes economic sense to build a 20B+ plant
We should. India never was a reliable partner. Energy safety should be a priority. But as of now we are poor so lets wait for a better time.
4. As you have told you have a very small market of vehicles. No economic sense to build a plant for domestic uses.

These days, Chinese vehicle and machinery manufacturers offer much more price to performance and technology ratio compared to indian. Chinese manufacturers started to enter Bangladeshi market. So lets see the future...

Bangladesh is a small country, we should focus on public transporter.

BTW, never saw made in india machinery piece in Bangladesh in my life. They might exist, I never saw them! Almost everything is made in China.
6. You don't have sufficient ore to have a iron and steel plant.
We don't have Iron and steel plants? Recheck...
Its on your interest that you trade with India, no one is shoving you to buy from us.
Did I said stop buying from india anywhere in my post?
You have many options to buy. Why you are not going to them?
Slowly but surely...

And most importantly please read carefully before quoting...
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I go to the US a lot.

The first generation Bangladeshis in US and first generation British Bangladeshis - couldn’t be more different.

Whilst the first generation in Britain hunkered down, amongst racists, opened thousands of restaurants, making fortunes..,

First generation in US are riven by BNP and BAL factional infighting.

They are more like the Bangladeshis who arrived under new labour. Semi educated lazy buggers constantly whining about BAL and BNP.

Few years ago I witnessed a brawl when a BAL MP was speaking. BAL and BNP thugs had to be separated by NYPD.

You're off by a few decades.

First gen BD did well for themselves and their families, albeit limited in numbers. (Mostly enigineers, pharmacists, dentists, and doctors)

The surge of people from BD in the 90's diluted the educational pedigree of immigrants. (Blue collar)

Not sure where you go when you come visit here.

Probably Bengali ghettos like Jamaica in NYC.

And even there, alot of the kids are doing SO WELL. (The ones that study in school)

For the non academic, the businessess they run make good money as well.



The systemic corruption and nepotism that exists in Bangladesh were responsible for alot of these first gen immigrants wanting to leave BD for the US in the first place.
You're off by a few decades.

First gen BD did well for themselves and their families, albeit limited in numbers. (Mostly enigineers, pharmacists, dentists, and doctors)

The surge of people from BD in the 90's diluted the educational pedigree of immigrants. (Blue collar)

Not sure where you go when you come visit here.

Probably Bengali ghettos like Jamaica in NYC.

And even there, alot of the kids are doing SO WELL. (The ones that study in school)

For the non academic, the businessess they run make good money as well.



The systemic corruption and nepotism that exists in Bangladesh were responsible for alot of these first gen immigrants wanting to leave BD for the US in the first place.

Which decade of of first gen bdeshis are you talking, as there many grey lines.
Which decade of of first gen bdeshis are you talking, as there many grey lines.

I was refering to the mid-70's to late 80's.

I say this because my uncle was among the first in that wave that settled in the NYC area along with people like him. i.e. pharmacists, dentists and doctors.

The rest of his relatives and friends came over as well in the following years.

Settled in Queens NY.

And eventually established themselves and moved to the suburbs.

Looking back, its actually pretty amazing to have observed the immigration pattern of Bangaldeshis in the NYC area from that time to the present.

Folks coming over prior to the 70's were probably here for niche reasons. i.e. academics i.e. much smaller in number.

I asked my uncle WHY he chose to move here.

He essentially told me a story about being passed over for something due to nepotism.

Thus he and my grandfather set off for the US in the mid 70s.

Fast forward to now, my numerous extended family is literally the American dream.

The empahsis of Bengali society on education (for men AND women) and the oppurtunity for education set excellent conditions for Bangaldeshis to excel in the US.
Did you forgot to read whom I quoted? I my reply was directed towards his claims.

Now back to your claims,

Yah thats what I said.

Again, I said the same thing!

To keep price low with over supply and for food safety if crop fails because of flooding.

We should. India never was a reliable partner. Energy safety should be a priority. But as of now we are poor so lets wait for a better time.


These days, Chinese vehicle and machinery manufacturers offer much more price to performance and technology ratio compared to indian. Chinese manufacturers started to enter Bangladeshi market. So lets see the future...

Bangladesh is a small country, we should focus on public transporter.

BTW, never saw made in india machinery piece in Bangladesh in my life. They might exist, I never saw them! Almost everything is made in China.

We don't have Iron and steel plants? Recheck...

Did I said stop buying from india anywhere in my post?

Slowly but surely...

And most importantly please read carefully before quoting...

These type of Kolkata Dadas are Kolkata BJP guys working in Bangladesh and bad-mouthing Bangladesh at the same time.

Ingrate morons like this give patriot Hindus in Bangladesh a bad name. Biting the very hand that feeds their bhikharee BJP a$$. Nimak-Haram idiots.

These Indian Nimak-Harams should be summarily rounded up, put on a bus and booted back to India. Bunch of gadhas.

Things are getting so bad that I guarantee there will be riots on the streets soon. People are sick and tired of the Nimak-Harami of these Indians minting money in Bangladesh, living the good life, while Bangladeshis starve without proper jobs. This is not ball-less West Bengal cow belters.

Spreading lies and propaganda that Bangladesh HAS TO BUY INDIAN CRAP, and that TOO, FREE OF ANY TARIFF (Thanks to our RAW agent Commerce Minister, TIPU MUNSHI).

As if we are under any kind of obligation to buy Indian when we can buy Chinese, which is far better than Indian garbage.

All Indian products are dhoka products more or less. Indian Banyas looking to cheat and defraud any chance they get.

Ask any buyer of Indian products in any Bangladesh industry.

What, When and Where we buy anything is our business, Indians have zero say so in it.
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Did you forgot to read whom I quoted? I my reply was directed towards his claims.

Now back to your claims,

Yah thats what I said.

Again, I said the same thing!

To keep price low with over supply and for food safety if crop fails because of flooding.

We should. India never was a reliable partner. Energy safety should be a priority. But as of now we are poor so lets wait for a better time.


These days, Chinese vehicle and machinery manufacturers offer much more price to performance and technology ratio compared to indian. Chinese manufacturers started to enter Bangladeshi market. So lets see the future...

Bangladesh is a small country, we should focus on public transporter.

BTW, never saw made in india machinery piece in Bangladesh in my life. They might exist, I never saw them! Almost everything is made in China.

We don't have Iron and steel plants? Recheck...

Did I said stop buying from india anywhere in my post?

Slowly but surely...

And most importantly please read carefully before quoting...
The major items exported to Bangladesh by India during the April-March 2022 period include cotton ($5 billion), engineering goods($2.68 billion), Agri items ($2.6 billion), refined petroleum products ($1.213 billion)
These days, Chinese vehicle and machinery manufacturers offer much more price to performance and technology ratio compared to indian. Chinese manufacturers started to enter Bangladeshi market. So lets see the future...

The major items exported to Bangladesh by India during the April-March 2022 period include cotton ($5 billion), engineering goods($2.68 billion), Agri items ($2.6 billion), refined petroleum products ($1.213 billion)

Cotton and light/heavy engg. items can be sourced from China.

Agri items can be sourced from Indonesia, Thailand and other Asian countries and they will be better quality to boot.

Refined Petroleum products will be sourced from Indonesia once we complete FTA with Brunei and Indonesia.

But most importantly, tit-for-tat tariffs need to be placed on Indian imports unless Indian customs eases entry of Bangladesh exports.

Two can play at this game.

You wanna play tough bhakts? Let's play.

Line of credit chhara apnader faaltu nigra maal to keu nayna dada. Ta-o duisho.

Ki Korben.

Tariff ashtesey Indian full build commercial vehicle er uporey.

Tarporey Bangladeshey jeishob AL truck ar bus assemble hoi, ogulir parts er uporeo tariff boshbey.

Kono oshubidha nai. Dhoirjo dhoren, shob hobey......
These type of Kolkata Dadas are Kolkata BJP guys working in Bangladesh and bad-mouthing Bangladesh at the same time.

Ingrate morons like this give patriot Hindus in Bangladesh a bad name. Biting the very hand that feeds their bhikharee BJP a$$. Nimak-Haram idiots.

These Indian Nimak-Harams should be summarily rounded up, put on a bus and booted back to India. Bunch of gadhas.

Things are getting so bad that I guarantee there will be riots on the streets soon. People are sick and tired of the Nimak-Harami of these Indians minting money in Bangladesh, living the good life, while Bangladeshis starve without proper jobs. This is not ball-less West Bengal cow belters.

Spreading lies and propaganda that Bangladesh HAS TO BUY INDIAN CRAP, and that TOO, FREE OF ANY TARIFF (Thanks to our Hindu Commerce Minister, TIPU MUNSHI).

As if we are under any kind of obligation to buy Indian when we can buy Chinese, which is far better than Indian garbage.

All Indian products are dhoka products more or less. Indian Banyas looking to cheat and defraud any chance they get.

Ask any buyer of Indian products in any Bangladesh industry.

What, When and Where we buy anything is our business, Indians have zero say so in it.
It is because of people like you Kolkata Dadas including the Muslims are gradually becoming anti BD.
You are habitual fact distorter , always badmouthing us for no reason. Its disgrace that we have to counter people like you who doesn't have any decency, manners at first place. If you want to put your points be civil.
Who is shoving Indian products to you? You are a free country, buy from anywhere you like. I am also saying the same What, When and Where you buy its your business, we have zero say so on it. Why depend on Indian products and be a cry baby.
Can you establish your claim where Indian products are given free traffic.
People like you jump at the first instance to a foreign land having no foot to your country of origin. Why you didn't stayed back and try to improve your country.
Finally I am a Sanghi as much as you are an illegal immigrant in USA. Hope you are not.
Did you forgot to read whom I quoted? I my reply was directed towards his claims.

Now back to your claims,

Yah thats what I said.

Again, I said the same thing!

To keep price low with over supply and for food safety if crop fails because of flooding.

We should. India never was a reliable partner. Energy safety should be a priority. But as of now we are poor so lets wait for a better time.


These days, Chinese vehicle and machinery manufacturers offer much more price to performance and technology ratio compared to indian. Chinese manufacturers started to enter Bangladeshi market. So lets see the future...

Bangladesh is a small country, we should focus on public transporter.

BTW, never saw made in india machinery piece in Bangladesh in my life. They might exist, I never saw them! Almost everything is made in China.

We don't have Iron and steel plants? Recheck...

Did I said stop buying from india anywhere in my post?

Slowly but surely...

And most importantly please read carefully before quoting...
Got it, I saw your post first.
Chines has entered all markets including BD. But gradually cost benefit of Chinese high grade products are marginalized out due to rising cost of labor in China. Countries including India are trying to take pie on it.
We are one of the largest petroleum product manufacturer in World. We sell byproducts even to Saudi Arabia, China. Cost is another major factor that you have to rely on us.
You have quite a good number of steel plants, but you have limited capability of manufacturing specialty steel.

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