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India, Bangladesh in border clash

If you all check, war cry against India is one of the biggest weapon for many political parties in our neighborhood....The real reason behind it is to cover up the faults created by the babus of these nations from their people and to ensure that such issues are no longer brought into the attention. Do in India is Pakistan a big political issue during election, do the Indians care about this topic too much in election......We changed a lot and ask our babus to talk about what they have done for us.....

And one point about Bangladesh is its a nation where those who did crimes against Bangaldeshis during their struggle are not yet tried....More than India trying to destroy Bangladesh, there are enough elements in that country which can do it........In this respect, I believe the new government is moving in a better direction..But only time can testify it......
Nafees Bhai,
Yaar why are you so angry with India? I think GOI is treating Bangladeshi infiltrators (60% Mumbai and Delhi footpath sleepers are Bangladeshi) very mildly this shows India’s attitude, though they are becoming security risk of India.

But I feel GoI should support in major way for Bangladesh development, some how GoI failed to do so and facing the heat of poverty from world’s poorest country.
India, Bangladesh trade charges over border firing Thu Jan 31, 8:55 AM ET

DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh's border force said three villagers were shot dead by Indian troops along the border between the two countries on Thursday, but New Delhi denied there had been any firing on the long and porous frontier.


"The shootout occurred near Rothnai border demarcating Bangladesh from India's eastern state of West Bengal," an official of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) told Reuters.

Rothnai is some 500 km northwest of the capital Dhaka.

Another BDR official quoted villagers as saying the victims were trying to cross the border when they were gunned down.

He said the border force had lodged a protest with Indian authorities and demanded the return of the bodies of the victims.

But the head of India's Border Security Force said there had been no shootout on Thursday and instead accused Bangladesh border guards of opening fire on Wednesday in which an Indian schoolboy was killed.

Indian troops retaliated against the firing, A.K.Mitra, the head of the Border Security Force said. "We know that three Bangladeshi soldiers were injured in the firing, everything else has been cooked up," Mitra told Reuters over telephone from New Delhi.

Despite friendly relations Indian and Bangladeshi border guards often exchange fire along their 4,000-km porous border that runs through rice fields, hills, jungles, marshes and rivers.

They accuse each other of targeting civilians on the frontier, which is known for rampant smuggling and illegal migration.

At least 16 Indian and three Bangladeshis were killed in a skirmish in northern Roumari border in 2001.
And about Bangladesh, i always used to feel proud of india for helping them in their hour of need, but after seeing the attitude of some mebers i feel it would have been better if we just closed our borders in 71 and let them sort out their own problems.

Exactly that is what you should have done at that time. You interfered in our internal matters, but its sad for you man you couldn’t break the bond of Islam.:agree:
If the bond was that of Islam, them BD would never have separated!

Therefore, that argument is not quite in order.
Infact we don't need to fear about BDR, infact illegal migrants as well as Insurgents from Bangaldesh are the main source of choas.

All u Indians already showed ur naked attitude towards ur neighbor countries by all those statements u have made.
Exactly that is what you should have done at that time.

We did the same at the time, but it was your guilty to let millions of Bangaldeshi refugee within Indian Territory, and hence it prompted us to intervene.

You interfered in our internal matters,

Question of internal matters doesn't arises, India had simply take some serious move repulse the Bangaldeshi refugee from invending our territory. Desipite repeated reminder to East Pakistan, they didn't take any move and hence it becomes imperative to India to retalitate.

but its sad for you man you couldn’t break the bond of Islam.:agree:

Our motive were never to break anyone's religious integrity, but to conserve it and hence despite repeated remainder of India governement to East Pakistan, governance in east pakistan didn't take a single move.
Yes!Good,so this proves that Bangladeshis were in Pakistani Forces and many of them are Heroes so you didnt teach them how to hold gun.

My point was about Mukti Bahini.

Have you heard anything about Mukti Bahini?, it was rebillions org of Bangaldesh. This rebillions with the help of Indian army liberated East Pakistan.
All u Indians already showed ur naked attitude towards ur neighbor countries by all those statements u have made.

If this is the case then why you people inflitrate 10 million Bangaldeshi Refugees within Indian Territory?

And when our soldiers try to resist this refugee from entering into our territory, your soldiers retalitate us, and hence I had made an offensive statement about Equipping our army with some lethal weapon, so that from the next time onward Bangaldeshi soldeirs would think 100 times before pressing the trigure of his gun.
If this is the case then why you people inflitrate 10 million Bangaldeshi Refugees within Indian Territory?

And when our soldiers try to resist this refugee from entering into our territory, your soldiers retalitate us, and hence I had made an offensive statement about Equipping our army with some lethal weapon, so that from the next time onward Bangaldeshi soldeirs would think 100 times before pressing the trigure of his gun.

This is absolutely ur media propaganda. We never infiltrate our inhabitants to India.
Nafees Bhai,
Yaar why are you so angry with India? I think GOI is treating Bangladeshi infiltrators (60% Mumbai and Delhi footpath sleepers are Bangladeshi) very mildly this shows India’s attitude, though they are becoming security risk of India.

But I feel GoI should support in major way for Bangladesh development, some how GoI failed to do so and facing the heat of poverty from world’s poorest country.

This is an humiliating post that u send. May be u r not aware that how intelligent are Bangladeshis are? In West Bangal of India the cream people like Deshbondhu Chittaranjan Das, Amartya Sen, Sorojini Naidu, Manik Bondopaddhay, Buddhodeb Basu and so on..............that u will be tired to read are of Bangladeshi origin not Kolkat origin. So we are poor in economy but rich in brain that u feel proud now which are actually of Bangladeshi origin
This is absolutely ur media propaganda. We never infiltrate our inhabitants to India.

What makes you think that it is a Media Propaganda? whatever I had said in my previous post is actual fact that I usually used to come across every day.

Let me tell, in my own locality there are somewhere around thousand of Bangaldeshi inhabiting from last 5 years or so and I am not taking into accounting those Bangaldeshi who are living on the steets in shanties. This Bangaldeshi's are living in illlegally and mostly comprises of child labour mostly below the age of 18 year, this Bagnladeshi childerns has been working in very harsh condition relating to the work of embroidary like sweeing smoll plastic pearls on fabric etc. Working hours of these childrens is accounted for 14 hours a day.

Every now and then there is a police raid which took place in my locality who nab the owner of this Bangaldeshi childerens who complled this Bangaldeshi childerens to work intensivly.
This is an humiliating post that u send. May be u r not aware that how intelligent are Bangladeshis are?

From the Post of Indian Munda, he didn't raise any fingure over intellects of Bangaldeshi, instead he point out the conditions of Bangaldeshi Refugee inhabiting in India.

In West Bangal of India the cream people like Deshbondhu Chittaranjan Das, Amartya Sen, Sorojini Naidu, Manik Bondopaddhay, Buddhodeb Basu and so on..............that u will be tired to read are of Bangladeshi origin not Kolkat origin.

The name of the authors that you mentioned were transitioned to India during partition of 1947. And for god sake don't name them of having Bangaldeshi Origin, since before partition East Pakistan was part of India and all of them have Indian Identity.

If you are really so much jumping over the name of these authors regarding their origin, then why did goverance of Bangladesh expelled them from Bangaldesh on the pretext of having Indian Origin.

So we are poor in economy but rich in brain that u feel proud now which are actually of Bangladeshi origin

Pls point me out which personality of Bangaldeshi Origin are you talking about? since I have already prove them as of having Indian origin.
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