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India, Bangladesh in border clash

So What you had expected earlier, I should and come and wreat your bangladeshi soldiers who had learn how to hold the gun from India during Bangladesh liberation war of 1971.

In liberation war India came since Pakistanis were involved there otherwise they wont bother.

Nobody has suspected your strenght, but if someone hurl a stone on our soldiers, then we will have every right to retret them back.

Dont show big brother attitude towards us that u r trying to...

Then tell, what your time has hold for us if you can predicate furture?

U mention about time frame I wont started

Offcourse you have every right to do so, but looking at your posted news such mentality become imperative.What exactly makes you think that?
We never in our entire history underestimated anyone.

And dont think or act so.

Why do we need to do so? if we had such an intentions then we never liberated Bangladesh.

Liberation came with the hands of Bangladeshi peoples.

Offcourse! small country doesn't imply lacking in stenght and we always reminded ourselves with this notion. But if someone hurled stone to us then we know how to respond them in their own language.

And we do so if we hurt.
So What you had expected earlier, I should and come and wreat your bangladeshi soldiers who had learn how to hold the gun from India during Bangladesh liberation war of 1971.

In liberation war India came since Pakistanis were involved there otherwise they wont bother.

Nobody has suspected your strenght, but if someone hurl a stone on our soldiers, then we will have every right to retret them back.

Dont show big brother attitude towards us that u r trying to...

Then tell, what your time has hold for us if you can predicate furture?

U mention about time frame I wont started

Offcourse you have every right to do so, but looking at your posted news such mentality become imperative.

What exactly makes you think that?

We never in our entire history underestimated anyone.[/QUOTE]

And dont think or act so.

Why do we need to do so? if we had such an intentions then we never liberated Bangladesh.

Liberation came with the hands of Bangladeshi peoples.

Offcourse! small country doesn't imply lacking in stenght and we always reminded ourselves with this notion. But if someone hurled stone to us then we know how to respond them in their own language.

And we do so if we hurt.
Dude India was always involved in that dirty conspiracy check the below statements.

February 23, 1948
Direndra Nath Dutta, a Bengali opposition member, moves a resolution in the first session of Pakistan's Constituent Assembly for recognizing Bengali as a state language along with Urdu and English.


The education and economy of a country are the backbone of a country’s development and social status. Muslims of Bengal expected an improvement in their general conditions after independence. But the situation was otherwise. Education and economy was completely controlled by the Hindus. In East Bengal most of the government officers, lawyers, almost all the doctors, and school masters, nearly all the considerable landowners and most of the heads of business firms were Hindus.

At the time of partition, they owned nearly 80% of the national wealth of East Bengal. The majority of urban buildings and properties, in some cases more than 85% were owned by the Hindus. 95% of 1,290 High schools and 47 colleges in East Bengal were privately organised and financed by them. The Hindus comprised not more than 25% of the East Bengal population. These Hindus used to earn from here and sent to West Bengal and Calcutta where their relations had settled. While commodities were smuggled to Calcutta, anti-Pakistani literature was pouring from across the border. A report submitted to Chaudhry M. Ali, the PM of Pakistan by H.M. Habibullah, Treasurer of the Pakistan Muslim League, stated that ‘cheap communist literature infiltrated through China, Burma, and India could be seen everywhere in cafes, restaurants, public places, schools ... backed by Marwari Hindus, the communists had a free hand to create confusion, frustration and feelings of hatred’.

One of the most important factors, which sowed permanent seeds of mistrust and bitterness between the two provinces was the language problem. The controversy started when, in February, 1948, a Hindu member from East Pakistan, Mr. Dhirendranath Dutt, moved an amendment to the Constituent Assembly pleading that Bengali may also be made official language.


Salman, Do you call it as conspiracy? and even you got to post the article to counter my claim which dates back to 1948. The article included the factor which was in existence during the partision of India and all those were inevitable, since India was divided on the basis of religion.

Still I haven't seen anything as serious as what was prevailing in 1971.
These Hindus used to earn from here and sent to West Bengal and Calcutta where their relations had settled. While commodities were smuggled to Calcutta, anti-Pakistani literature was pouring from across the border. A report submitted to Chaudhry M. Ali, the PM of Pakistan by H.M. Habibullah, Treasurer of the Pakistan Muslim League, stated that ‘cheap communist literature infiltrated through China, Burma, and India could be seen everywhere in cafes, restaurants, public places, schools ... backed by Marwari Hindus, the communists had a free hand to create confusion, frustration and feelings of hatred’.

What would you call it???????
In liberation war India came since Pakistanis were involved there otherwise they wont bother.

What does this statement mean?

Anyway, then why didn't kept tab on flood of refugee being storm inside Indian terrirtory?

Dont show big brother attitude towards us that u r trying to...

Why I should do so? I don't have privliage of that, I had only just shown the status of Bangaldesh vs India.

U mention about time frame I wont started

Where did I started about anykind of a timeline? pls point me out? I would like to correct by now

And dont think or act so.

If someone maintain against any offensive postures without any reason, that I have every right to do so.

Liberation came with the hands of Bangladeshi peoples.

Oh really! then why did they came storm in inside Indian territory? It was IA and IAF which helped Bangladeshi rebellion Mukti Bahini to achieve independence.

And we do so if we hurt.

You have every right for your self - defence. But be care to take precaution of not hurling the stone towards India needlessly.
Why I should do so? I don't have privliage of that, I had only just shown the status of Bangaldesh vs India.

I know details of the map and know that how u try to exploit us

Why I should do so? I don't have privliage of that, I had only just shown the status of Bangaldesh vs India.

Yes u dont have privilage at all but try to exert on us.

If someone maintain against any offensive postures without any reason, that I have every right to do so.

We never do any sort of offensive attitudes towards any one. We r peace loving country. And also not to allow anyone to break our peace

Oh really! then why did they came storm in inside Indian territory? It was IA and IAF which helped Bangladeshi rebellion Mukti Bahini to achieve independence.

Indians dont came with good intention

You have every right for your self - defence. But be care to take precaution of not hurling the stone towards India needlessly.

We never do any works needlessly.
I don't get it man, Bangladesh, India etc. should look inside their own borders and try to improve the pathetic conditions rather than fighting over perceived threats.

Learn something from Europe...they've fought a thousand wars in the past, and yet they manage to get along. They learned a lesson from the World Wars perhaps?
I know details of the map and know that how u try to exploit us

Every corner of the boder is on its place and never ever violeted by India

Yes u dont have privilage at all but try to exert on us.

To exert anything by taking Bagaladesh in mind, there is nothing anything benefiting to us.

We never do any sort of offensive attitudes towards any one.

Just re-read you posted article, then you will come to know.

We r peace loving country. And also not to allow anyone to break our peace

Offcourse, nobody ever dared to do it in the past, just read your own posted article by yourself about abduction of Indian soldiers by Bangladeshi villagers, it speaks for itself about your peaceful mentality.

Indians dont came with good intention

If that was the case then you would still remain in exile.

We never do any works needlessly.

It reflects quite clearly from your posted article.
I don't get it man, Bangladesh, India etc. should look inside their own borders and try to improve the pathetic conditions rather than fighting over perceived threats.

Decade old skrimmishes being took place over Indo-Bangla border and hence it is compling us to fight with each other over perceived threat.

Learn something from Europe...they've fought a thousand wars in the past, and yet they manage to get along. They learned a lesson from the World Wars perhaps?

Definetly, but the war they fought were very bruthel and devastative which was the prime reason for learning the bitter lesson of a pieaceful co-existance.
Put fences and mine the damn area! Enough already with the BDR acting like a rogue force.
Put fences and mine the damn area! Enough already with the BDR acting like a rogue force.

Infact we don't need to fear about BDR, infact illegal migrants as well as Insurgents from Bangaldesh are the main source of choas.
That is, to use a cliche, 'just the tip of the iceberg'!
BDR is the one who's actually making the BD people cross over, indulging in smuggling of goods and people and helping these insurgents. You put an end to BDR and this kind of crap stops. When you stop any BDR incursions or put fear in them by use of superior equipment, arms,platforms, you are automatically observing the border a lot better and are thus solving the immigration problem, which is also a derivative of the BDR issue.
we spend billions of dollars on fighters, tanks, ships, subs and all that other high tech stuff when what we really need is a strong border fence that will prevent insurgents crossing.

we should start building a fence and mining the whole damn place. it will cost billions and take several years to complete, but will be worth it.

And about Bangladesh, i always used to feel proud of india for helping them in their hour of need, but after seeing the attitude of some mebers i feel it would have been better if we just closed our borders in 71 and let them sort out their own problems. they were being killed like rabid dogs by the PA, but they are still loyal to pakistan and hate the indians who liberated them. what the hell was the point in sending over 3000 of our soldiers to death?

i am not expecting bangladesh to be subservient to india or something, but atleast they could respect india for what india has done to them. and about claims of india trying to occupy bangladesh, the indian army withdrew in 71 as soon as Niazi surrendered. if we wanted to occupy, we would have done so in '71
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