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India, Bangladesh in border clash


Jan 5, 2008
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A heavy exchange of fire between Indian and Bangladeshi border guards lasting seven hours has killed a schoolboy and injured some soldiers, officials say.
The incident happened at a border point in the Dinajpur district.

A spokesman for India's Border Security Force said the fighting began when an Indian border guard was kidnapped by a gang of smugglers from Bangladesh.

The Bangladeshi border force, the Bangladesh Rifles, says it was sparked by unprovoked firing from India.

They say the Indian soldier was caught by Bangladeshi villagers on their side of the border and formally handed over after senior officers from the two sides met to diffuse tensions.

The two countries share a long and porous border which is not properly demarcated.

Over the past decade they have regularly exchanged shelling and small arms fire over the frontier.

Correspondents say that such incidents have not seriously interfered with generally friendly relations between Delhi and Dhaka.

However, tensions increased in 2006 when India began fencing off the 4,000km (2,500 mile) border to keep out what it described as illegal immigrants and "cross-border insurgents".

Sources: BBC News
Only fencing the whole border will solve this problem.

Only fencing will not going to done the trick. We need to beef up our Intelligence system, ELINT survellience system as well as need to deploy Long range filled guns as well short range MBRL which would sent shivers down the spines of Bangaldeshi soldiers who dared to charge indian position.

So far India has shown enough patience to join hands with Bangaldesh with peaceful co-existance, but time has come show them our might.
Expansionism, Man you know what you are talking about? if we had perceive such a mentality, then during 1971 we had merge Bangladesh with India itself.

you did it but Bangladeshis liberated themselves from Indian occupation.
Only fencing will not going to done the trick. We need to beef up our Intelligence system, ELINT survellience system as well as need to deploy Long range filled guns as well short range MBRL which would sent shivers down the spines of Bangaldeshi soldiers who dared to charge indian position.

So far India has shown enough patience to join hands with Bangaldesh with peaceful co-existance, but time has come show them our might.

I feel ashemed to answer on ur psycho statement. But everybody have right to know we r also strong enough.

Time will answer ur brutal statement. If anybody come with this mentality then we will answer them as well. Dont try to underestimate Bangladesh. As a neighbour we showed enoghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh patience. but u always try to make harm to Bangladesh. May be we r small country but we have much more intellect then...........................................................
occupation doesnt only mean physical occupation.

So what exactly does this mean?

Interference in others matters is a form of expansionism.[/QUOTE]

Due to massive political turmoil in East Pakistan as well as Civilian violence by Pakistani army had cause nearly 10 million east Pakistan's Refugee to flood inside Indian Territory. If Politicians of East Pakistan were unable to control civilan order as well as law and order and let civlians of east pakistan to storm Indian territory, then India have every reason to retret them back, so you can hold it anything wheater it is interference or whatever.
I feel ashemed to answer on ur psycho statement.

So What you had expected earlier, I should and come and wreat your bangladeshi soldiers who had learn how to hold the gun from India during Bangladesh liberation war of 1971.

But everybody have right to know we r also strong enough.

Nobody has suspected your strenght, but if someone hurl a stone on our soldiers, then we will have every right to retret them back.

Time will answer ur brutal statement.

Then tell, what your time has hold for us if you can predicate furture?

If anybody come with this mentality then we will answer them as well.

Offcourse you have every right to do so, but looking at your posted news such mentality become imperative.

Dont try to underestimate Bangladesh.

What exactly makes you think that?

We never in our entire history underestimated anyone.

As a neighbour we showed enoghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh patience.

And hence according to your posted news Bangladeshi villagers abducted Indian soldiers and in return in place of showing apologectic behaviour Bangaldeshi soldiers took offensive posture.

but u always try to make harm to Bangladesh.

Why do we need to do so? if we had such an intentions then we never liberated Bangladesh.

May be we r small country but we have much more intellect then...........................................................

Offcourse! small country doesn't imply lacking in stenght and we always reminded ourselves with this notion. But if someone hurled stone to us then we know how to respond them in their own language.
Dude India was always involved in that dirty conspiracy check the below statements.

February 23, 1948
Direndra Nath Dutta, a Bengali opposition member, moves a resolution in the first session of Pakistan's Constituent Assembly for recognizing Bengali as a state language along with Urdu and English.


The education and economy of a country are the backbone of a country’s development and social status. Muslims of Bengal expected an improvement in their general conditions after independence. But the situation was otherwise. Education and economy was completely controlled by the Hindus. In East Bengal most of the government officers, lawyers, almost all the doctors, and school masters, nearly all the considerable landowners and most of the heads of business firms were Hindus.

At the time of partition, they owned nearly 80% of the national wealth of East Bengal. The majority of urban buildings and properties, in some cases more than 85% were owned by the Hindus. 95% of 1,290 High schools and 47 colleges in East Bengal were privately organised and financed by them. The Hindus comprised not more than 25% of the East Bengal population. These Hindus used to earn from here and sent to West Bengal and Calcutta where their relations had settled. While commodities were smuggled to Calcutta, anti-Pakistani literature was pouring from across the border. A report submitted to Chaudhry M. Ali, the PM of Pakistan by H.M. Habibullah, Treasurer of the Pakistan Muslim League, stated that ‘cheap communist literature infiltrated through China, Burma, and India could be seen everywhere in cafes, restaurants, public places, schools ... backed by Marwari Hindus, the communists had a free hand to create confusion, frustration and feelings of hatred’.

One of the most important factors, which sowed permanent seeds of mistrust and bitterness between the two provinces was the language problem. The controversy started when, in February, 1948, a Hindu member from East Pakistan, Mr. Dhirendranath Dutt, moved an amendment to the Constituent Assembly pleading that Bengali may also be made official language.

With whom India or Bangladesh?

Expansionism, Man you know what you are talking about? if we had perceive such a mentality, then during 1971 we had merge Bangladesh with India itself.

How dare u to the unification of India and Bangladesh??????
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