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control you horseie over there dude. 100 years later everyones gonna forget 'bout this political parties but no ones gonna forget him. Whether you, I anyone like it or not without him we wouldn be bangladeshi right now. There were interference ofcourse but was there anyone else who could pull out a revolution?
He'll blamed for the aftermath but che guevara's also a terrorist to some americans but does any of us care?

If AL does choose he path of slavery(I'm thinking logically here)
then they'll just be thown away no questions asked. But BNP being the brother of pakistanis doesn do the common people of bangladeshis any favor. If there is an uplift in the next election I do think it'll be from the common people.
Please don't synthesize me with your BNP,AL bull crap its just my view.
Probably no other Guinea Pigs more than BDeshis have been experimented by Goebalian tactic of repeating lie until it is accepted by them after the rise of fascism in early 20th century. Even after 800 yrs, people remember Chengish Khan but definitely not for any good. Similarly Marathas, Thogis aren't welcomed in Bengali History. But that trend might have changed by the current BDeshis.

An intellectual Peps Quake, murderous thug that could be easily framed by 'Bharati wish' needed to push on lime light to keep current BD as the largest 'Human Pathological Lab'. Integra's eloquence is the testament on how the product of such Lab would knowing or unknowingly toe 'Indian line of thinking'. BTW Bangladesh existed even more before 1946. SK Mujib was used only to re-divorse it just to make it a Global Whore/Lab as his framers wished.
if you are talking about Language.. then yes.. before 8th century it was called Pakrit the colloquial form of Sanskrit, widely spoken in Bihar, orissya and Bengal and shown its distinct feature from Devangari which is another branch of Sanskrit in Western India later Hindi.

Incorrect. Prakrit is the base language of bengali AS WELL AS hindi, marathi etc. Devanagari is a script and not a language.

More revisionist propaganda.
Here you go.. thats how we ruled India... You got it now.
Cool.. you know ...blah blah


let me paste the article again :

"Magadha (Sanskrit: मगध) formed one of the sixteen Mahājanapadas (Sanskrit "Great Countries") or regions in ancient India. The core of the kingdom was the area of Bihar south of the Ganges; its first capital was Rajagriha (modern Rajgir) then Pataliputra (modern Patna)."

Does it mention Bengal anywhere?

Here is the rest of the article:

"Magadha expanded to include most of Bihar and Bengal with the conquest of Licchavi and Anga respectively, followed by much of eastern Uttar Pradesh. "

Does it hurt???? Ohh I just put an hand on Hindu supremacy thing ... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Im not Hindu :smitten:
Incorrect. Prakrit is the base language of bengali AS WELL AS hindi, marathi etc. Devanagari is a script and not a language.

More revisionist propaganda.

A very disturbing trend, I thought that revising history was just confined to our western neighbour, but the eastern guys are just the same.

But hey, if it helps to keep their nation together by bringing back memories (fabricated) of those 'glorious' days....:tup:
Incorrect. Prakrit is the base language of bengali AS WELL AS hindi, marathi etc. Devanagari is a script and not a language.

More revisionist propaganda.

Sorry my bad.. i messed up in my memory.

Hindi evolved from Sauraseni Prakrit

Hindi evolved from the Sauraseni Prakrit.[6] Though there is no consensus for a specific time, Hindi originated as local dialects such as Braj, Awadhi, and finally Khari Boli after the turn of tenth century (these local dialects are still spoken, each by large populations).[7] During the reigns of the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire, which used Persian as their official language, Khari Boli adopted many Persian and Arabic words. As for the ultimately Arabic words, since almost every one of them came via Persian, their form in Hindi-Urdu does not preserve the original phonology of Arabic.

Bengali and Biharis spoke Magadhi Prakrit spoken by buddha and used by Ashoka..

Like other Eastern Indo-Aryan languages, Bengali arose from the eastern Middle Indic languages of the Indian subcontinent. Magadhi Prakrit and Pali, the earliest recorded spoken languages in the region and the language of the Buddha, evolved into Ardhamagadhi ("Half Magadhi") in the early part of the first millennium CE
Probably no other Guinea Pigs more than BDeshis have been experimented by Goebalian tactic of repeating lie until it is accepted by them after the rise of fascism in early 20th century. Even after 800 yrs, people remember Chengish Khan but definitely not for any good. Similarly Marathas, Thogis aren't welcomed in Bengali History. But that trend might have changed by the current BDeshis.

An intellectual Peps Quake, murderous thug that could be easily framed by 'Bharati wish' needed to push on lime light to keep current BD as the largest 'Human Pathological Lab'. Integra's eloquence is the testament on how the product of such Lab would knowing or unknowingly toe 'Indian line of thinking'. BTW Bangladesh existed even more before 1946. SK Mujib was used only to re-divorse it just to make it a Global Whore/Lab as his framers wished.

I kinda proved that in other threads you don't hav to enlighten me on that.Sorry I have given up the name calling thing.

People like you really seems strange to me. If there was any achievement by Bangladeshis then you term it as indian invasion(their credit), Any thing else goes to pakistans court. As if millions of Bangladeshis hav been smokin pots and cigars for centuries doing nothing. They being the lamb of god.

Strange dude, really strange....

Does it mention Bengal anywhere?

No it does not.. but keep on reading this...

Bengali arose from the eastern Middle Indic languages of the Indian subcontinent. Magadhi Prakrit and Pali, the earliest recorded spoken languages in the region and the language of the Buddha, evolved into Ardhamagadhi ("Half Magadhi") in the early part of the first millennium CE

Maghadi Pakrit, named after the kingdom from which Bengali evolved.. To visualize.

A very disturbing trend, I thought that revising history was just confined to our western neighbour, but the eastern guys are just the same.

But hey, if it helps to keep their nation together by bringing back memories (fabricated) of those 'glorious' days....:tup:

LOL, going by this trend, I think the main source of trouble between East and West Pakistan was who really ruled India as both seem to claim it :lol::lol::lol:
LOL, going by this trend, I think the main source of trouble between East and West Pakistan was who really ruled India as both seem to claim it :lol::lol::lol:

No one is claiming anything here.
Palas and guptas were from bengal and they used to rule a significant part of the region that is a fact.
Mughals from the other side did the same thing though they were totally different.
Then theres the british(mr.scew 'em up)
if you are talking about Language.. then yes.. before 8th century it was called Pakrit the colloquial form of Sanskrit, widely spoken in Bihar, orissya and Bengal and shown its distinct feature from Devangari which is another branch of Sanskrit in Western India later Hindi.

Well, language is the unique characteristic that defines Bengalis, ain't it? Else whole East-India almost are of same genetic stock which is an amalgam of Indo-Aryan, Austro-Asiatic and Dravidian. So if you want to boost of Bengali achievement, you should come up with notable things Bengalis did after getting an unique identity as Bengali. And you and I and anyone who had his history lessons know there's no dearth of those!
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No one is claiming anything here.
Palas and guptas were from bengal and they used to rule a significant part of the region that is a fact.
Mughals from the other side did the same thing though they were totally different.
Then theres the british(mr.scew 'em up)

Mughals have absolutely no connection with Pakistan. They came from Central Asia and assimilated to Indian society with time. Only part of Mughals heritage Pakistan have are those North-Indian Muslims migrated to Pakistan after partition, also famously known as Mohajir.
that is dhoti loving bengalis as opposed to the lungi loving variety. Right? what a god dammed, bigoted joker.

What do expect from an Urdu, Farsi, Arabi speaking Ben... oops Bangladeshi! :lol:
"If New Delhi is seriously keen to establish a ‘Pax Indica’ in her neighbourhood and firmly proclaim its dominance vis-à-vis China, then these kinds of diplomatic maneuvers are essential. They say: ‘when you cannot defeat them, just buy them’."

This sentence appears in the original article that started this thread. It suggests that India is still striving for an Akhand Bharat and that Sheikh Hasina is susceptible to bribery to comprise on the national interest and our sovereignty.
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