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Well, language is the unique characteristic that defines Bengalis, ain't it? Else whole East-India almost are of same genetic stock which is an amalgam of Indo-Aryan, Austro-Asiatic and Dravidian. So if you want to boost of Bengali achievement, you should come up with notable things Bengalis did after getting an unique identity as Bengali. And you and I and anyone who had his history lessons know there's no dearth of those!

You are right.. but what about the language before Bengali??? Bengali did not come out of void. Its the same lineage of people, culture and values. Its all part of our history... ;)
You are right.. but what about the language before Bengali??? Bengali did not come out of void. Its the same lineage of people, culture and values. Its all part of our history... ;)

Sure it's a part of our history, but that's a shared history of East India. It's fallacy to say one ruled over another when actually they shared a common legacy. Early Bengali was heavily influenced by Maithili still spoken in some parts of Bihar.
Originally Posted by MBI Munshi View Post
"Everything looks dull and dirty when wading through Indian muck"

Then is muck "golden" in "Sonar Bangla" ? Wow.
What a puerile statement for somebody to come up with; really amazing !

Its your level of intelligence that is puerile. The muck being referred to is the quality of debate being offered by Indian members here and having to read through their inanities makes one feel dull and dirty. It is your inability to overcome your intellectual shortcomings that prevents you from seeing beyond a certain level not far higher than the gutter.
Let me just reassert that strategic realignment with India is not in Bangladesh's best interests as it will mean a future characterized by subservience and servility. Such a course taken by Bangladesh would be undignified and be exploitative in nature. There are no benefits to be derived from such a relationship for Bangladesh.
Well have it your way then. Pax Indica means a region of peace for India. The means to achieve that is through domination and control.

A debate can only happen with a logical person with open mind. But you seem pre-programmed with anti-India propaganda. Dont blame you though. The more logic of freedom shown to you, the harder your stance will get. Thats the rule. So adios!...... If you think shaking India's hand of friendship, you will get into a servitude under India then learn how painful that is looking at Tibet and take necessary precautions.
Let me just reassert that strategic realignment with India is not in Bangladesh's best interests as it will mean a future characterized by subservience and servility. Such a course taken by Bangladesh would be undignified and be exploitative in nature. There are no benefits to be derived from such a relationship for Bangladesh.

If you think that only you are the flagbearer of BD's Interests, why not contest for the PM'ship in next election? do that, and you will get your answer as in how many Bangladeshis agree with your line of BS.
Its your level of intelligence that is puerile. The muck being referred to is the quality of debate being offered by Indian members here and having to read through their inanities makes one feel dull and dirty. It is your inability to overcome your intellectual shortcomings that prevents you from seeing beyond a certain level not far higher than the gutter.

And who are you to judge our level of intellectual maturity? But yes, you are right, our level here in this thread is below the level of "Gutter", because, only if we fall below the "gutter" level, can we engage with you in discussions.
Originally Posted by MBI Munshi View Post
Its your level of intelligence that is puerile. The muck being referred to is the quality of debate being offered by Indian members here and having to read through their inanities makes one feel dull and dirty. It is your inability to overcome your intellectual shortcomings that prevents you from seeing beyond a certain level not far higher than the gutter.

MunshiBabu, there you go again.
Chronic constipation or definite dyspepsia should not be allowed to over-take one's life.
And who are you to judge our level of intellectual maturity? But yes, you are right, our level here in this thread is below the level of "Gutter", because, only if we fall below the "gutter" level, can we engage with you in discussions.

Just turning around what I say does not make you sound intelligent regardless of what you may think. :woot:
That India and Bangladesh have to embark silently on a strategic partnership indicates its unpopularity in the latter country and that it is being done against the will and desire of the people of Bangladesh.
Just turning around what I say does not make you sound intelligent regardless of what you may think. :woot:

I dont care a sh!t about what you think about my intelligence, no matter how much you rant. you are just another creature for me,a weed, who should be subjected to herbicide application.
That India and Bangladesh have to embark silently on a strategic partnership indicates its unpopularity in the latter country and that it is being done against the will and desire of the people of Bangladesh.

how the hell do you know if its against the will of people of BD? its against your PERSONAL WISH maybe.
when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was killed everyone was overjoyed No, not every one, MBI, it was only those of your countrymen who were fathered by Pakistani soldiers or who joined the Pakistanis in slaughtering and raping Bengalis who were happy at the death of the Father of your nation.

Stop blabbing your mouth Bharati . You do not know jack about the history of BD after the seperation from United Pakistan. When a muslim die, we say Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un( We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return) however when the faraon Mujib died, all most all looked up to the sky and said Alhamdulillah (proaise to Allah) with relieif. People came out on the street and distributed sweet. There is nothing a Bharati or Awami can say to change this historical fact.

Bye the way, Mujib is the father of munafiqs and malauns of BD so restrain from this vulgar claim. :angry:
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