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No one is claiming anything here.
Palas and guptas were from bengal and they used to rule a significant part of the region that is a fact.
Mughals from the other side did the same thing though they were totally different.
Then theres the british(mr.scew 'em up)

I will give you an alternate reality check - Its you who are ruled by Indians, they left, then british took over, followed by Pakistanis. Then its the Indians AGAIN, who freed you. Generations after generations of yours were ruled by someone or other. Its not YOU who ruled India, its the Indians who ruled you and your PART OF INDIA.
It suggests that India is still striving for an Akhand Bharat [/B]and that Sheikh Hasina is susceptible to bribery to comprise on the national interest and our sovereignty.

Not again :hitwall:

Let me tell you one thing regarding this AKHAND BHARAT bs. I am personally going to kill the person who will try to amalgamate Pakistan & Bangladesh back to India. India koi kabaad khaana nahi ki aas paas ka kuda jama kare.
Not again :hitwall:

Let me tell you one thing regarding this AKHAND BHARAT bs. I am personally going to kill the person who will try to amalgamate Pakistan & Bangladesh back to India. India koi kabaad khaana nahi ki aas paas ka kuda jama kare.

Yes, we have been blessed with more than our fair share of psychos, we don't want any more. No thanks.
I will give you an alternate reality check - Its you who are ruled by Indians, they left, then british took over, followed by Pakistanis. Then its the Indians AGAIN, who freed you. Generations after generations of yours were ruled by someone or other. Its not YOU who ruled India, its the Indians who ruled you and your PART OF INDIA.

There was another thread where me and others posted enough of we ruled you,you ruled this and that bla bla bla please read that thread. i don't have any intention to start something similar aagain nor do i have any interest.
And Dude pls CUT THE CRAP of WE Freed You and stuffs. You Indians are very good at taking away ones credit by orchestrating shows. I really wish if any of those living freedom fighters would join this PDF. But they won't be interested anyways.
There was another thread where me and others posted enough of we ruled you,you ruled this and that bla bla bla please read that thread. i don't have any intention to start something similar aagain nor do i have any interest.
And Dude pls CUT THE CRAP of WE Freed You and stuffs. You Indians are very good at taking away ones credit by orchestrating shows. I really wish if any of those living freedom fighters would join this PDF. But they won't be interested anyways.

Nor does I believe in it. But I just paid the Crap being spit out by munshi in Kind. So, the FACT is - Neither YOU ruled US, nor WE freed YOU. Peace
The current AL regime in India is dedicated in its blood and sweat to glorify dubious Indian role in its independence.

What an oxymoronic claim!

But I acknowledge that Pakistan's "great" role in Bangladesh's independece was paramount. Afterall the genocide of thousands of Bangladeshis, supression of their mother-tongue and martial law was Pakistan's priceless contribution.What did India do? Just defeated the mad jaggernaut of west Pakistan and armed the Mukti bahini.

But today atleast Bangladesh does better than Pakistan in the UN list of failed states.
It is not described by world leaders as the hot-bed of terrorism.
It does not beg for handouts and aid aid and more aid.It does ok with whatever it gets.Bangladesh has suffered some of the worst floods in modern times but never made a big noise about it.
Its military does not fight its own people.In that sphere it does even better than India.
It's Sunnis and Shias do not kill each other every other day.
It's military does not rule for 10 years and civilians for 5 years.
It does not say that "the tribal areas are not under our control"
No country launches attacks on it at will(read drone attacks)
It's biggest export is not TERRORISM

Other than the above there are no justification for Bangladesh's independence!
"If New Delhi is seriously keen to establish a ‘Pax Indica’ in her neighbourhood and firmly proclaim its dominance vis-à-vis China, then these kinds of diplomatic maneuvers are essential. They say: ‘when you cannot defeat them, just buy them’."

This sentence appears in the original article that started this thread. It suggests that India is still striving for an Akhand Bharat and that Sheikh Hasina is susceptible to bribery to comprise on the national interest and our sovereignty.

Please then indicate what this Pax Indica is supposed to be about.
Who gave you any hint that India has the designs/capability or Hasina has the right to sell Bangladesh?

Pax Indica is a neighbourhood that is co-operative and not hostile to India.Thats all

Pax Indica means a region dominated and controlled by India. In other words a Akhand Bharat. Physical absorption is not required as long as there is control.
Pax Indica means a region dominated and controlled by India. In other words a Akhand Bharat. Physical absorption is not required as long as there is control.


Pax: n.) Friendship, or a friend; -- esp. in the phrases to make pax with, to make friends with, to be good pax, to be good friends; also, truce; -- used esp. interjectionally.
(n.) The kiss of peace; also, the embrace in the sanctuary now substituted for it at High Mass in Roman Catholic churches.
(n.) A tablet or board, on which is a representation of Christ, of the Virgin Mary, or of some saint and which, in the Mass, was kissed by the priest and then by the people, in mediaeval times; an osculatory. It is still used in communities, confraternities, etc.

What say now?
Pax Indica means a region dominated and controlled by India. In other words a Akhand Bharat. Physical absorption is not required as long as there is control.

Thats a very wrong conception Munshi. Indians historically have been very laid back. This allowed invaders from ancient time to invade India and take control.From Alexander the Great to Alauddin Khalji to Babur to The British.
In recent times India also has been very laid back. It is not assertive unlike china. Right after World War 2 they invaded and annexed Tibet. India could have done similar with Soviet blessings to countries like Bhutan and Sri Lanka and Nepal. Nothing like that has ever happened. On top of that India helped the Sri Lankan army during the civil war by supplying weapons over-ruling the emotions and sentiments and opposition of our Tamil brothers. In one incident a few trucks of the Indian Army carrying weapon were burnt in Tamil Nadu as they were supplying the SL government.This led to the army issuing stern warning to the populace there. SL navy regularly fires at Indian fishermen. But IG just warns them not to venture near SL instead of glaring at Sl like china did with Japan. Moreover India can never dictate any neighbour because the Indian public will oppose it as we have a fiercely independent and vibrant media. An example is Kashmir. After the recent coverage of firing on armed mobs which led to some casualties, there were protests against live ammunition in many college campuses across India.Compare that with say Tibet where no independent media is allowed. One more pointeris the fact that whereever there is repression,persecution and torture, people flee thier homeland in pain and become refugee in some other country. True since the times of Moses. Thousands of Tibetans have fled to India.Happened on a large scale prior to Bangladesh's freedom as well.But show me a Kashmiri who is a refugee.(In fact there are Hindu pandits of Kashmir who are refugees in their own homeland).

Pax: n.) Friendship, or a friend; -- esp. in the phrases to make pax with, to make friends with, to be good pax, to be good friends; also, truce; -- used esp. interjectionally.
(n.) The kiss of peace; also, the embrace in the sanctuary now substituted for it at High Mass in Roman Catholic churches.
(n.) A tablet or board, on which is a representation of Christ, of the Virgin Mary, or of some saint and which, in the Mass, was kissed by the priest and then by the people, in mediaeval times; an osculatory. It is still used in communities, confraternities, etc.

What say now?

Well have it your way then. Pax Indica means a region of peace for India. The means to achieve that is through domination and control.
Well have it your way then. Pax Indica means a region of peace for India. The means to achieve that is through domination and control.

If entering into strategic partnership, cooperating, giving soft loans etc are means of domination and control, then YES. Saawan ke Andhe ko sab hara dikhai deta hai (Everything looks dull through tinted glasses)
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