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India asked American tourists on 'conversion drive'to leave

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those who convert by will shall be allowed whether they convert for food or cloths doesn't matter. why deprive the tribals or the one who are suffering from caste system bear the brunt of radical Hinduism. the real Hinduism is pretty orthodox and does not seem to tolerate missionaries especially. I know Missionaries are demonized by the rightwing groups .

not Islam, but Christianity is feared by the radical Hindu groups who use veiled threats to prevent (mass)conversion because of the silent increase in coverted Christians(Who still use Hindu names to save from social boycott,persecution - South India for eg). they believe secularism can only survive in India until Hinduism is the majority religion of India. Sakha classes taught them that Abrahamic religions are all stupid,violent and they can easily prove the fallacy of these. :sick: In north India, Bajrang Dal(A Violent Hindu organization) is particularly against Missionaries.
I know, be it a Hindu or Muslim - No one loves to See their faithful moving to other ship. but, considering caste system is strong in many parts of India and people of lower strata(dalits) gets a chance to save from caste system(to some extent) and education by these missionaries. a welcome move.
brutal, cold-blooded incident waged by mobs/animals

Yes. Mobs dont think. Its unfortunate.

However, atleast it is not state sponsored official discrimination against minorities in the form of constitutional amendments nor does India have any Blasphemy laws discriminating against those which the state officially considers "non-believers"!
Oh well all these Pakistanis getting so concerned about conversions in India which is supposed to be a secular state. I wonder whether it is about the rights of Christian groups to convert Hindus or whether it is really about secular India or just plain "India is evil Hindoo state".

Oh defenders of Islam in Asia, please google the article which discusses evangelists in India and amongst others this claim "More than 10,000 Muslims accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour throughout India during the last year".

Now do you still support deceitful conversions or do you suggest that secular India should just stop the practice of converting Muslims to any other religion ? :D
well i think thats a key reason why there was major communal unrest in Orissa not long ago...

i personally dont believe countries should send missionaries to another country......
Good decision if this has been really implemented. These lunatics come and destroy our culture in the northeast India. Half of our Buddhist culture has been ruined because of these tricky two-timing cheats.
well i think thats a key reason why there was major communal unrest in Orissa not long ago...

i personally dont believe countries should send missionaries to another country......

The unrest was due to the murder of a prominent local hindu leader in a small district of Kandhmal , orissa .Not any other reason.
Good decision if this has been really implemented. These lunatics come and destroy our culture in the northeast India. Half of our Buddhist culture has been ruined because of these tricky two-timing cheats.

Here before you call us hindus bigots , here is a buddhist brother from Sikkim who has the same problem. I am pretty sure there is something wrong with what these missionaries do then.
Oh well all these Pakistanis getting so concerned about conversions in India which is supposed to be a secular state. I wonder whether it is about the rights of Christian groups to convert Hindus or whether it is really about secular India or just plain "India is evil Hindoo state".

Oh defenders of Islam in Asia, please google the article which discusses evangelists in India and amongst others this claim "More than 10,000 Muslims accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour throughout India during the last year".

Now do you still support deceitful conversions or do you suggest that secular India should just stop the practice of converting Muslims to any other religion ? :D

You should know better than post such without sources. People here dont have Google Mojo!! FYI, many cannot use/dont know to use Google!!! ;)

Here it is.

Millions of Muslims Converting to Christianity
More Muslims converted to faith in Jesus Christ over the past decade than at any other time in human history. A spiritual revolution is underway throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. As a result, a record number of ex-Muslims are celebrating Christmas this year, despite intense persecution, assassinations, and widespread church bombings'. These are the words of Joel C. Rosenberg, the author of the New York Times best selling political thriller.

More than 10,000 Muslims accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour throughout India during the last year. The Bible Society of India publishing thousands of New Testaments for the Muslims with their own terminology and vocabulary in different Indian languages and Tazi language. Pastor Paul Ciniraj Mohamed, the Director of the Salem Voice Ministries is one of the key persons of the Bible translators of the Bible Society of India to reach the Gospel to the Muslims. He is in the midst of persecution. Recently also he was threatened by the extremists to count down his days along with the whole family.

Now speak against the anti-conversion laws!!!
Jana Ji.......khapal e-mail day check ka. Barod di war k ;)
Yes. Mobs dont think. Its unfortunate.

good, we can agree on something. 3 communities in your country have suffered due to mob violence. So rather than point fingers on us all the time, fix your own house.

However, atleast it is not state sponsored official discrimination against minorities in the form of constitutional amendments nor does India have any Blasphemy laws discriminating against those which the state officially considers "non-believers"!

no but you do have a caste system which is still very much alive even today, it would appear....

Police register case against school on caste tag issue

Kottayam, Jun 9 (PTI) A case has been registered against the authorities of a private school here after the newly enrolled first standard students were reportedly asked to wear tags specifying caste and other details.

Police said the case was registered on recommendations from the state unit of National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe, and DySP, Pala, was asked to submit the report to Judicial First Class Magistrate Court at Vaikom here.

The alleged action of the school authorities in tying tags specifying caste and other details of first standard students on June one, sparked protests, prompting the Kerala Government to seek a report.

The inquiry ordered by the District collector held that the incident "cannot be justified" and recommended suitable action against the school authorities.


TN dalit boy thrashed for fetching water from public tap

COIMBATORE: Caste Hindus of a nondescript village on the outskirts of Coimbatore allegedly assaulted a 16-year-old dalit boy on Sunday for attempting to fetch drinking water from a public tap in the area.

The boy, A Vasanthakumar, is now recovering at a government hospital in Annur, about 25km away from Coimbatore. A Class X student, Vasanthakumar belongs to the dalit Chakkiliya community. He resides at Nallichetty Palayam, a dalit hamlet outside Annur town. The area is reeling under extreme water scarcity.

As per the complaint lodged with the police, Vasanthakumar on late Sunday evening went on his bicycle with empty pots to Karikkilipalayam, about 4km away from his home, to fetch water. Dominated by Kongu Chettiyars, classified as a most backward caste, Karikkilipalayam is blessed with round the clock water supply as a pipeline of the Pillur water scheme passes through it. He reached a public tap located at around 9pm and started collecting water. Three women of the Chettiyar community, who had come to the tap, started abusing him using caste names. When he protested, they beat him up. The women told him that they would not allow any untouchable to fetch water. A local butcher named P Damodaran Chettiyar also roughed him up.

Vasanthakumar, who sustained injuries in the attack, was admitted to Annur hospital. His father Anandan, a coolie, said dalits were prevented from cutting hair at saloons in the locality and prevented from using mobile phones outside their huts.

TN dalit boy thrashed for fetching water from public tap - The Times of India

like i said -- clean up your own house first. . .
good, we can agree on something. 3 communities in your country have suffered due to mob violence. So rather than point fingers on us all the time, fix your own house.
4 actually.
Yup, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs. All have suffered equally throughout history.

Its a democracy, not everyone gets along.

no but you do have a caste system which is still very much alive even today, it would appear....
Police register case against school on caste tag issue
Caste system is a societal problem. It is being dealt with on various levels, primarily through education and culture. NOT an official government policy. Constitution does NOT recognize it. See the difference?

We are cleaning our house. Its not a one shot thing, its a continuous process. Can you say the same about yours or your all weather friend's?
good, we can agree on something. 3 communities in your country have suffered due to mob violence. So rather than point fingers on us all the time, fix your own house.

no but you do have a caste system which is still very much alive even today, it would appear....

Police register case against school on caste tag issue


TN dalit boy thrashed for fetching water from public tap

TN dalit boy thrashed for fetching water from public tap - The Times of India

like i said -- clean up your own house first. . .

The difference he was pointing out was that in India such people are booked and jailed because their actions are unconstitutional which deters many people from doing it . But Pakistan constitutionally discriminates against its minorities which leaves no hope of equal treatment for them.

But yes , i agree with you we need to sort out our own respective houses. I hope you give the same advice to some of your own countrymen on this forum.
Look at the mad scramble for cover once anyone questions the secular shining India narrative. :lol:

Lol. You seriously have issues. One, you cannot understand the context of the original article on which this thread is based. Second, you cannot understand simple plain English which clearly states Indian Constitution's stand and that of GoIs stand. Third, you drag in unrelated topics and expect pats from your bot brethern.

Lol at your 'sensitive' insecurities. Wonder where does this stem from?
Look at the mad scramble for cover once anyone questions the secular shining India narrative. :lol:

If only China had a free media we could have probably got to know a bit more about the daily life and condition of China's minorites and its people in general but ofcourse us Indians are not that lucky to have a free media in China. ;)

In the words of Limp Bizkit,

Keep Trolling trollin trollin trollin , keep trollin trollin trollin trollin
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