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India as a world power?


Sep 7, 2008
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The article prolificly examines the issues that face the country called “India.” This is an insiders look at the cavities, the bumps and the hidden facts about a penury-stricken population stratified by caste, race, ethnicity, religion and gender. Bollywoods panglossian gloss and song and dance can hide the holes, the barrenness, the dearth, the destitution, the need, the privation, and the scantiness for only so many seconds. The puss oozing out of the wounds of the indigence, the insufficiency, and the hardships is now visible for all to see. The destitue Dalits, the maligned Muslims, the supressed Shudras and the women (who survive, foecide, infanticide, slavery, and sati) of India have taken the brunt of the gore and the exploitation. Who were the Untouchables in India: Why They Became Untouchables? by Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar Amnesty International (AI) 2008 report on issues within India (Amnesty Int 2008 report excoriates Horrid “India” )

The underbelley of Incredible India. This is part 1 of a three part exposure on the realities of India.

How long to end poverty in “Bharat” How long to extirpate penury in India? 300 years to end poverty?

Mr. Paragh Khanna says that India has missed the boat of becoming a World Power soon, and China has left the penury stricken island of poverty in Asia (Bharat) in the dust. India is the poorest country in Asia, and the in terms of GNP, the poorest in South Asia. More than 150 million Dalits live is abject destituteness. India has more poor than Sub-Saharan Africa. She has more poor than any other country in the world. It will take more than three centuries to pull the poor out of a sub-human existance.

Is India a failed state? Yes. India is not a state.Amnesty International (AI) 2008 report on issues within India (Amnesty Int 2008 report excoriates Horrid “India” )

Why 1 million Indians Escape from India every year? December 9, 2007 by CyberGandhi

Any crackdown on illegal immigrants abroad or restricting quotas to Indians are a major concern to India’s politicians. The latest statistics from US Department of Homeland Security shows that the numbers of Indian illegal migrants jumped 125% since 2000! Ever wondered why Indians migrate to another countries but no one comes to India for a living? Here are some Indian facts:

Poverty Graph

India accounts for 40 % of the world’s poor (more than in the whole of Africa) and its fiscal deficit is one of the highest in the world. India ranks way down at 96 among 119 developing countries included in the Global Hunger Index (GHI). Ref: IFPRI Country Report on India.

Dhaka Dairy: India’s Illusory Democracies accelerating Humanitys Demise :
Delhi Darbar: India’s hollow secularism & genocide
What happens after elections in a Psephocracy?
Oh, Bharat! Why this pandemic deviltry?
Rebutting Indian fiction of “Democracy”: Indian Dynastic “Democracy” is actually Plutocratic Kleptocracy
Victims of Brahminic tyranny in India: The forgotten Dalits, Muslims, Women

Around six out of 10 Indians live in the countryside, where abject poverty is widespread. 34.7 % of the Indian population lives with an income below $ 1 a day and 79.9 % below $ 2 a day. According to the India’s planning commission report 26.1 % of the population live below the poverty line. [World Bank's poverty line of $1 a day, but the Indian poverty line of Rs 360 a month, or 30 cents a day]

The Current Account Balance of India

“A major area of vulnerability for us is the high consolidated public-debt to GDP ratio of over 70 percent … (and) consolidated fiscal deficit,” says the Governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Mr. Yaga Venugopal Reddy.

According to CIA world fact book, the Current account balance of India is -10,360,000,000 (minus) while China is the wealthiest country in the world with $ 249,900,000,000 (Plus) . India listed as 152 and China as no.1 [CIA: The world fact book].Amnesty International (AI) 2008 report on issues within India

Human Development vs GDP growth

The Human Development Report for 2007-08 released by the UNDP ranked India 128 out of 177 countries, working it out through measures of life expectancy, education and income. Malaysia ranked 63 and listed at under High Human Development category. The report found that India’s GDP per capita (purchasing power parity) is $3,452, far below Malaysia’s $10,882. China listed as 81. Read the statistics from UNDP website.

Dalits: Caste discrimination. Poverty stricken and destitute​


According to the Indian census of 2001, the total population was 1.028 billion. Hindus numbered 827 million or 80.5 %. About 25 per cent (24 million) of those Hindus are belonging to Scheduled Castes and Tribes. About 40 per cent (400 million) are “Other Backward Castes”.

15 per cent Hindu upper castes inherited majority of India’s civil service, economy and active politics from British colonial masters. And thus the caste system virtually leaves lower caste Hindus in to an oppressed majority in India’s power structure. The 2004 World Development Report mentions that more than 25% of India’s primary school teachers and 43% of primary health care workers are absent on any given day!

Living conditions of Indians

89 percent of rural households do not own telephones; 52 percent do not have any domestic power connection. There are daily power cuts even in the nation’s capital. The average brownout in India is three hours per day during non-monsoon months, 17 hours daily during the monsoon. The average village is 2 kilometers away from an all-weather road, and 20 percent of rural habitations have partial or no access to a safe drinking-water supply. [Tarun Khanna, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization]

Around 60 per cent people are not having access to financial institutions in India. This figure is less than 15 per cent in developed countries. (NABARD) According to the National Family Health Survey data (2005-06), only 45 per cent of households in the country had access to improved sanitation.


India has over 35 per cent of the world’s total illiterate population. [UNESCO Education for All Report 2008] Only 66 per cent people are literate in India (76 per cent men and 54 per cent women)

About 40 million primary school-age children in India are not in school. More than 92 % children cannot progress beyond secondary school. According to reports, 35 per cent schools don’t have infrastructure such as blackboards and furniture. And close to 90 per cent have no functional toilets. Half of India’s schools still have leaking roofs or no water supply.

Japan has 4,000 universities for its 127 million people and the US has 3,650 universities for its 301 million, India has only 348 universities for its 1.2 billion people. In the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities by Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong, only two Indian Universities are included. Even those two IITs in India found only a lower slot (203-304) in 2007 report. Although Indian universities churn out three million graduates a year, only 15% of them are suitable employees for blue-chip companies. Only 1 million among them are IT professionals.


India has the single highest share of neonatal deaths in the world, 2.1 million.107,000 Leprosy patients live in India. 15.3 % of the population do not survive to the age of forty. Serpent attacks kill as many as 50,000 Indians while the cobra occupies a hallowed place in the Hindu religion. Heart disease, strokes and diabetes cost India an estimated $9 billion in lost productivity in 2005. The losses could grow to a staggering $200 billion over the next 10 years if corrective action is not taken quickly, says a study by the New Delhi-based Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations.There are only 585 rural hospitals compared to 985 urban hospitals in the country. Out of the 6,39,729 doctors registered in India, only 67,576 are in the public sector and the rest either in private sectors or abroad, pointing towards the severity of the problem.Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in India. India accounts for one-fifth of the global TB incident cases. Each year about 1.8 million people in India develop TB, of which 0.8 million are infectious cases. It is estimated that annually around 330,000 Indians die due to TB. [WHO India]Economy under the siege of Elite HindusMap of India showing the highest concentration of Brahmins and Hindu extremists known as Hinduvta”]

India Infanticide map: Killing 10 million baby girls before and right after brithAmnesty International (AI) 2008 report on issues within India (http://rupeenews.com/2008/05/29/amnesty-int-2008-report-excoriates-horrid-india)India today allocates lower than one per cent gross domestic product (GDP) to health. According to United Nations calculations, India's spending on public health as a share of GDP is the 18th lowest in the world. 150 million Indians are blind. 2.13 per cent of the total population (21.9 million) live with disabilities in India. Yet, only 34 per cent of the disabled are employed [Census 2001

In India, wealth of 36 families amounts to $ 191 billion, which is one-fourth of India’s GDP. In other words, 35 elite Hindu families own quarter of India’s GDP by leaving 85 % ordinary Hindus as poor!

The dominant group of Hindu nationalists come from the three upper castes ( Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas ) that constitute only 10 per cent of the total Indian population. But, they claim perhaps 80 % of the jobs in the new economy, in sectors such as software, biotechnology, and hotel management.


According to TI, 25 % of Indians paid bribe to obtain a service. 68 % believe that governmental efforts to stop the corruption as ineffective. More than 90 % consider police and political parties as the worst corrupt institutions. 90 % of Indians believe that corruption will increase within the next 3 years. “Corruption is a large tax on Indian growth, It delays execution, raises costs and destroys the moral fiber.” says Prof. Rama Murthi. Transparency International estimates that Indian truckers pay something in the neighborhood of $5 billion annually in bribes to keep freight flowing. According to Rahul Gandhi, only 5 per cent of development funds reached their intended recipients due to hierarchical corruption in the country! [Financial Times]Discrimination against Dalits

Crime against Dalits occur every 20 minutes in India. Every day 3 Dalit women are raped, 2 Dalits are murdered and 2 Dalit houses are burnt down! These figures represent only a fraction of actual incidents since many Dalits do not register cases for fear of retaliation by the police and upper-caste Hindu individuals. Official figures show that there are still 0.343 million manual scavengers in India from Dalit community. More than 165 million Dalits in India are simply abused by their Hindu upper castes for their birth! . [HRW Report2007]

Human Rights

When it comes to Human Rights issues in India, it is not ratified the UN Convention against Torture, its citizens do not have the opportunity to find recourse in remedies that are available under international law. The victims are trapped with the local Hindu caste system, which in every aspect militates against their rights.

India has a very poor record of protecting the privacy of its citizens, according to the latest report from Privacy International (PI). India scored 1.9 points, which makes it an ‘extensive surveillance society’. A score between 4.1 and 5.0 (the highest score) would mean a country “consistently upholds human rights standards”. PI is a watchdog on surveillance and privacy invasions by governments and corporations. [Surveillance Report 2007]

The police in India continue to remain militaristic in design and suppressive in practice. The police officials are accused of favoritism, being discourteous to the public, and ignoring the complaints of the poor. Moreover they are seen as violators of the law, open-handedly accepting bribes and fabricating various elements of investigations. Many victims conclude that a justice system accessible to the poor of the land does not exist at all.

Fake encounter killings are rampant in India. This extra judicial killings are inspired by theological texts of Brahmins like Artha Shastra and Manusmriti which teaches espionage and torture methods. Every such killing of an innocent person, branded a terrorist, has encouraged the killer cops to target socially excluded communities like dalits, tribals and minorities.

According to the National Human Rights Commission, as on 30th June 2004, there were 3,32,112 prisoners in Indian jails out of which 2,39,146 were under trial prisoners. That’s more than 70 %. India’s jails hold a disproportionate number of the country’s minority Muslims, a sign of discrimination and alienation from the Hindu majority. The bar association in India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, has refused to represent 13 Muslim suspects accused bombing courthouses in 2005 . A large part of Indian attorneys and judges appear regularly on the events organized by notorious Hindu militant groups. Prison statistics of Indian Jails can be seen from National Crime Record Bureau, here


About 20 %, or 200 million, are religious minorities. Muslims constitutes 138 million or 13.4 5, Christians 24 million or 2.3 %, Sikhs 19 million or 2 %, Buddhists 8 million or 0.8 % and Jains 4 million or 0.4 %. “Others” numbered 6.6 million or 0.6 %. According to Mr. Tahir Mahmood, an Indian Muslim journalist, “The 2.3 % Christians in the Indian population cater to 20 % of all primary education in India, 10 % of all the literacy and community health care, 25 % of all existing care of destitute and orphans, 30 % of all the handicapped, lepers and AIDS patients etc”.

Discrimination against Minority Muslims

Recently, Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee report admitted that 138 Million Muslims across India are severely under-represented in government employment, including Public Sector Units. Ironically, West Bengal, a communist ruled state reported 0 (zero) percent of Muslims in higher positions in its PSUs! It has found that the share of Muslims in government jobs and in the lower judiciary in any state simply does not come anywhere close to their population share. The only place where Muslims can claim a share in proportion to their population is in prison! (Muslims convicts in India is 19.1%, while the number of under trials is 22.5%, which exceed their population ratio) . A note sent on January 9 by the army to the defence ministry in 2004 says that only 29,093 Muslims among a total of 1.1 million personnel - a ratio of 2.6 %, which compares poorly with the Muslims’ 13.8 % share in the Indian population. Officially, Indian Army don’t allow head count based on religion.

The genocide of Muslims in Kashmir; Kashmiris want to join Pakistan​

A Muslim child attends school for three years and four months, compared to the national average of four years. Less than two percent of the students at the elite Indian Institutes of Technology comprise of the Muslim community. According to the National Knowledge Commission member Jayathi Ghosh, ‘there is a need to re-orient official strategies for ensuring better access of Muslim children to schooling outside the madrasas which cater to only four per cent of children from the community.’

Courtsey: Dalitnation.wordpress.com and Dalit Network

Singh: Achieving Peace in South Asia: Can he overcome…? RUPEE NEWS: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Profound Strategic Analysis: Noticias de Rupia | Nouvelles de Roupie | Rupiennachrichten

Eat Rats:Indian officials ask starving Indians to eat rodents (BBC) RUPEE NEWS: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Profound Strategic Analysis: Noticias de Rupia | Nouvelles de Roupie | Rupiennachrichten

Discrimination in Media

Hindu upper caste men, who constitute just eight per cent of the total population of India, hold over 70 % of the key posts across newsrooms in the country. The so-called twice-born Hindu castes dominate 85 % key posts despite constituting just 16 % of the total population, while the intermediary castes represent a meager 3%.

The Hindu Other Backward Class groups, who are 34 % of the total population, have a share of just 4% in the Indian newsrooms. Muslims, who constitute about 13 % of the population, control just 4 % top posts while Christians and Sikhs have a slightly better representation. But the worst scenario emerges in the case of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes /Aborgines (STs): Based on CSDS study, 2006. Ref: The Hindu, June 05, 2006

Discrimination in Judiciary

India’s subordinate courts have a backlog of over 22 million cases while the 21 high courts and the Supreme Court have 3.5 million and 32,000 pending cases (2006). In subordinate courts, over 15 million cases are filed and an equal number disposed of annually by about 14,000 judges! Every year a million or more cases are added to the arrears. At the current speed, the lower courts may take 124 years for clearing the backlog. There were only 13 judges for every million people.

Recently a parliamentary committee blamed the judiciary for keeping out competent persons of downtrodden communities from “through a shrewd process of manipulation”. Dalits and Indian aborigines are lesser than 20 out of 610 judges working in Supreme Court and state high Courts. “This nexus and manipulative judicial appointments have to be broken, it urged”. [Parliamentary standing committee report on Constitutional Review, Sudarshan Nachiappan]. Among 12 states with high-Muslim population, Muslim representation in judicial sector is limited to 7.8%. (Justice Sachar Report).

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, only 31 per cent criminal trials are completed in less than a year. Some take even more than 10 years. According to its study, Crime in India 2002, nearly 220,000 cases took more than 3 years to reach court, and about 25,600 exhausted 10 years before they were completed. The term of the Liberhan Commission, formed 14 years ago to probe the demolition of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya and originally given a mandate of three months, has been extended again!

Discrimination against Children

According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, India has the highest number of street children in the world. There are no exact numbers, but conservative estimates suggest that about 18 million children live and labor in the streets of India’s urban centers. Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta each have an estimated street-children population of over 100,000. The total number of Child labor in India is estimated to be 60 million.

Discrimination against Women: Women Harassed in “Incredible India”: Persistent ogling, heckling by Indian men. GENDER MURDER:-10 million baby girls killed before & after birth RUPEE NEWS: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Profound Strategic Analysis: Noticias d

The level of child malnutrition in India is among the highest in the world, higher even than some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, says the report ‘Extent of Chronic Hunger and Malnutrition in India’ by the UN’sspecial rapporteur on the right to food. While around 25 percent children globally were underweight, in India the number was 43 percent. A quarter of all neo-natal deaths in the world, (2.1 million) occurred in India, says UNICEF Report 2007 . More than one in five children who die within four weeks of birthis an Indian. Nearly fifty percent of Indian children who die before the age of five do not survive beyond the first 28 days.

According to the 2001 census, female literacy in India is 54.16 % against male literacy of 75.85 %. Most of the working women remain outside the organized sector: A mere 2.3 % women are administrators and managers, and 20.5 % professional and technical workers.

There are an estimated 40 million Hindu widows in India, the least fortunate of them shunned and stripped of the life they lived when they were married. It’s believed that 15,000 widows live on the streets of Vrindavan, a Hindu holy city of about 55,000 population in northern India. Many widows - at least 40per cent are said to be under 50 - are dumped by their relatives in religious towns and left to live off charity or beg on the streets. Their plight was highlighted in Deepa Mehta’s award-winning film Water, which had to be shot mainly outside India because of Hindu extremist opposition to the production.

Nearly 9 out of 10 pregnant women aged between 15 and 49 years suffer from malnutrition and about half of all children (47%) under-five suffer from underweight and 21 % of the populations are undernourished. India alone has more undernourished people (204 million) than all of sub-Saharan Africa combined. Nearly 20 % of women dying in childbirth around the globe are Indians. Six out of every 10 births take place at home and untrained people attend more than half of them. 44 % of the Indian girls were married before they reached the age of 18. It added, 16 % of girls in the age group 15-19 years were already mothers or expecting their first child and that pregnancy is the leading cause of mortality in this age group.

On an average one Indian woman commits suicide every four hours over a dowry dispute. During Indian marriage, women should bring jewellery, cash and even consumer durables as part of dowry to the in-laws. If they fail, the victims are burnt to death - they are doused in kerosene and set fire to. Routinely the in-laws claim that the death happened simply due to an accident.

Rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Every hour Indian women face two rapes, two kidnappings, four molestations and seven incidents of cruelty from husbands and relatives [National Crime Records Bureau Report 2006]

Fetus Killing:

Women Harassed in “Incredible India”: Persistent ogling, heckling by Indian men. GENDER MURDER:-10 million baby girls killed before & after birth

Women to men ratio were feared to reach 20:80 by the year 2020 as female fetus killing is rampant. Ten million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, either before they were born or immediately after, told Indian Minister for Women and Child Development Renuka Chowdhuryto Reuters. According to the 2001 census, the national sex ratio was 933 girls to 1,000 boys, while in the worst-affected northern state of Punjab, it was 798 girls to 1,000 boys. The availability of ultrasound sex-determination tests leads to such mass killings in India.

Around 11 million abortions are carried out in India every year and nearly 80,000 women die during the process, says a report from Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI)

Human Trafficking

Out of the 593 districts in India, 378 or 62.5 % are affected by human trafficking. In 2006, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsored study conducted by Shakti Vahini, found that domestic violence, illiteracy, unemployment, poverty; unsafe migration and child marriage are the major reasons for the increasing rate of illegal human trafficking.

95 % of the women in Madhya Pradesh in commercial sex are due to family traditions. So are 51.79 % in Bihar,’ said the study. While 43 % of the total women trafficked are minors, 44 percent of the women are into flesh trade due to poverty. Of the total women who are into sex work in the country, 60 % are from the lower and backward class, which indicates the pathetic living condition of the communities. In Madhya Pradesh, a political bastion of Hindu right wing party, 96.7 % of the women sex workers are from the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.

India has 4 million prostitutes nationwide and 60% of the prostitutes are from the Scheduled Castes and Tribes or other backward caste. UNAIDSsays over 38% of those living with HIV in India are women.

High Crime Rate and Communal Riots

India reported 32,481 murders, 19,348 rapes, 7,618 dowry deaths and 36,617 molestation cases in 2006. As far as states are concerned, NCRBhas found that Madhya Pradesh recorded the highest number of crimes (1,94,711) followed by Maharashtra (1,91,788), Andhra Pradesh (1,73,909), Tamil Nadu (1,48,972) and Rajasthan (1,41,992) during 2006. According to National Crime Records Bureau, there was 1822602 riots in 2005 alone. [ Incidence Of Cognizable Crimes (IPC) Under Different Crime Heads, concluded, Page 2] NCRB website

On average there are more than 2000 cases of kidnappings per year in India. Under India’s notorious caste system, upper caste Hindus inherited key positions and controls all the governmental branches. Violence against victims largely goes unpunished due to the support of upper caste crooks.

Economic Crimes

Economic Crime continues to be pervasive threat for Indian Companies, with 35 % of the organizations reporting having experienced fraud in the past two years according to PwC Global Economic Crime Survey 2007. Many incidents of fraud are going unreported. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ India findings:
* Corruption and Bribery continues to be the most common type of fraud reported by 20 % of the respondents;
* The average direct financial loss to companies was INR 60 Million (US $ 1.5 million) during the two year period. In addition the average cost to manage economic crime in India was INR 40 Million (US $ 1 Million) which is close to double that of the global and Asia Pacific average;
* In 36% of cases companies took no action against the perpetrators of fraud;
* In 50% of the cases frauds were detected by chance. [PWC Report 2007]

Armed Conflicts in India:

Almost every state has separatist movements, many of them armed. A large number of Muslims were killed in the past few years across the country and the numbers are on a steady rise. On top of that India has become a paraya for its neighbours. None of its neighbours appreciate their closeness to India and they all blame it for meddling in their affairs.

The military might of centric Hindu elites in Delhi isolated people of Jammu & Kashmir and the northeastern states. It is difficult for any community to feel part of a larger country when the armed forces of the country are deployed to silence them.

According to an Indian official report , 165 of India’s 602 districts - mostly in states like Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh - are “badly affected” by tribal and dalit violence, which government termed as “Maoist terror”. India’s military spending was recorded at US $21.7 billion in 2006 andit planned to spend $26.5 billion during 2008/09 financial year. 85 percent of the Army’s budget is spent on the enormous manpower of 1,316,000, which is the fourth largest in the world.

In 2005, Business Week reported that India became Israel’s largest importer of weapons, accounting for about half of the $3.6 billion worth of weapons exported by the Jewish state.

Booming industry of Terrorism Experts and Security Research Institutes


With the emergence of Hindutva fascist forces andtheir alliance with neo cons and zionists, India witnessed a sharp increase in the number of research institutes, media houses andlobbying groups. Together they create fake terror stories with the help of intelligence wing, employ their own terror mafia, manipulate explosions in areas of tribals, dalits or minorities. India, incidentally, has bought military hardware andsoftware from Israel worth over $7 billion since the 1991 Kargil conflict. By creating conflicts in this poor country, Brahmin spin masters get huge commission from the sale of weapons to government forces. To them, ‘National Interest‘ simply means ‘Brahmin Interest’. Their lobbying power bring more wealth to their families as jobs, citizenship of rich countries and educational opportunities abroad.

The Defence Offset Facilitation Agency estimating the expenditure on the sector at USD 100 billion for next five years. At least 38 court cases relating to arms agreements are still pending against bureaucrats and military officers. Hindu fascist forces currently enjoy upper hand in media, civil service, judiciary, defence and educational streams of Indian society. Sooner or later, 25,000 strong democratic institutions in India will be collapsed and the country will be transformed to a limited democracy like Turkey or Israel.

Suicides of Farmers and collapse of Agricultural sector

In the last two years, more than 218,000 people across India committed suicide mainly due to poverty, family feud, strained relationship with loved ones, dowry harassment and health problems. In a research by the Indian National Crime Records Bureau, it was noted that suicide cases in the country were registered at 118,112 and over 100,000, in 2005 and 2006, respectively.

Most of those who committed suicide were farmers, and the victims took their lives either by hanging or consuming poison. Aside from farmers, women also topped the list of people in India with suicidal tendencies. Since 1998 about 25 000 Indian farmers have committed suicide because they could not repay their debts. These debts, however, have largely accumulated because these farmers were severely overcharged by their money-lenders asking for up to 32% of interest.

76 per cent of the nation’s land is belonging to 23 per cent of population. More than 15 million rural households in India are landless. Another 45 million rural families own some land, less than 0.10 acre each, which is hardly enough to make them self- sufficient, let alone generate a profit. 340 million people in India are dependent largely on agricultural wage labour, $1 or less a day.[Rural Development Institute (RDI), Washington]


Recently, a national report on the employment situation in India has warned that nearly 30 percent of the country’s 716 million-strong workforce will be without jobs by 2020. Government of India doesn’t have the resources or political will to find jobs for such a large population.

Retail trade employs 8 percent of India’s population, the largest employer after agriculture. There are more than 12 million small retailers in India, 96 percent of whom are small mom-and-pop stores, each occupying less than 500 square feet, creating the highest retail-outlet density per capita in the world. [Tarun Khanna, Yale]

Call centers and other outsourced businesses - such as software writing, medical transcription and back-office tasks - employ more than 1.6 million people in India, mostly in their 20s and 30s. Heart disease is projected to account for 35% of deaths among India’s working-age population between 2000 and 2030 says World Health Organization study. That number is about 12% for the United States, 22% for China and 25% for Russia.

Internal Migration and influx to the cities

Mumbai, the commercial capital of India is projected to grow into a city of about 21.9 million by the year 2015 and currently is plagued by vast poverty due to influx from villages. There are 5 million living on the street every night, covered only in newspaper, ” says Dr. Werner Fornos, president of the Global Population Education think tank and the former head of the Population Institute in Washington, D.C.

India is spending more than $400 million (£200m) to polish Delhi’s image as a first-rate capital, a difficult task for a city that seems to exist between the first and third worlds. A third of the capital’s 14 million-plus people live in teeming slums. According to crime statistics of 2006, Delhi continues to be the undisputed ‘crime capital’ of the country for the past 5 years in a row. 35 mega cities in India collectively reported a total of 3,26,363 cognizable crimes in 2006, an increase of 3.7% over 2005. Delhi, Mumbai andBangalore together accounted for more than one-third of all crimes reported in Indian cities having a population of over a million people, for the second year in a row.

India, a closed country

India’s share in world tourism map, was hovering between 0.38% to 0.39% for number of years. Irrespective of its huge area and beautiful nature, the foreign exchange earned from tourism was merely $2.61 billion (2006). India, scored only 4.14 out of seven in The WEF’s recently released Travel andTourism Competitive Index (TTCI2007). Among 124 countries listed, Switzerland ranked highest while India was placed at 65th rank, which is far below of Malaysia (ranked 31). India was also listed at the bottom of ‘developing and threshold countries’, which listed Tunisia at 34th place.

Indian immigration doesn’t welcome foreigners to visit India . [VISA requirements, T&T index, India ranked 106, while Malaysia ranked 15] . VOA facilities are not available to anyone. The easier entry to India virtually limited to countries with considerable Hindu population like Mauritius or Nepal. The Hindu elite leaders of the country always concerned about India’s physical boundaries and its holy cows rather than the life of its 85 % poor people. To them, the national interest means their own economical or political interests.

Indian Embassies are rated as the worst service providers around the globe. They are notorious for ‘red tapes‘ and ‘ corruption friendly service‘ a complaint repeatedly quoted by Non Resident Indians itself.

Global Warming effects in India

Economic loss due to global warming in India is estimated between 9-25%. GDP loss may be to the tune of 0.67%. Prediction of loss of wheat is more. Rabi crops will be worse hit which threatens food security. Drought and flood intensity will increase.100-cm sea level rise can lead to welfare loss of $1259 million in India equivalent to 0.36% of GNP. Frequencies and intensities of tropical cyclones in Bay of Bengal will increase. Malaria will be accelerated to an endemic in many more sates. 20% rise in summer monsoon rainfall. Extreme temperatures and precipitations are expected to increase. [Sir Nicholas Stern Report]


Despite the much touted economic boom, only 0.8 percent of Indians own a car most are on foot, motorbikes, or carts. And of all the vehicles sold in India from April to November of last year, 77 percent were two-wheelers - motorcycles, mopeds, or scooters. China has built over 34,000 km of expressways, compared to less than 8,000 km in India. According to Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM), nearly 42o million man hours are lost every month by the 7 million -odd working population of Delhi and NCR who take the public transport to travel to work because of traffic congestion during the peak morning and evening hours. India is having only less than 1% of the world’s vehicle population.

Road Safety

India accounts for about 10 percent of road accident fatalities worldwide and the figures are the highest in the world. Indian roads are poorly constructed, traffic signals, pedestrian pavements and proper signage almost nonexistent. The other reasons are encroachments, lack of parking facility and ill-equipped and untrained traffic police, corruption and poor traffic culture. An estimated 1,275,000 persons are grievously injured on the road every year. Social cost of annual accidents in India has been estimated at $ 11,000. The Government of India’s Planning Commission has estimated there to be 15 hospitalised injuries and70 minor injuries for every road death.

According to NATPAC, The number of accidents for 1000 vehicles in India is as high as 35 while the figure ranges from 4 to 10 in developed countries. An estimated 270 people die each day from road accidents, and specialists predict that will increase by roughly 5 percent a year. Accidents also cause an estimated loss of Rs 8000 million to the country’s economy. About 80 per cent of the fatal andsevere injury occurred due to driving faults. According to World Bank forecasts India’s death rate is expected to rise until 2042 if no remedial action being taken. The number of road accidents in China dropped by an annual average 10.8 per cent for four consecutive years from 2003, despite continuous growth in the number of privately owned cars.

Doing Business in India

It takes 50 days to register a property as compared to less than 30 days in China, and less than 10 days in the United States and Thailand. Average cost of a business start-up is over 60 percent of per capita income, much higher than any of the comparator countries.

India has the highest cost of electricity among major industrialised and emerging economies ($0.8 per kwh for industry as against $0.1 kwh in China), result of the highest transmission and distribution losses in the world, or in other words a quarter of the gross electricity output. Transport costs are very high in India. It accounts for 25% of total import costs as against only 10% in comparator countries. [World Bank Report on India]

Foreign remittance from Non Resident Indians

In 2006, India received the highest amount of remittance globally from migrants, 27 $Billion. Around 20$ billion of this came from the Gulf expatriate workforce. Together, GCC countries are the largest trading partner of India and home of 5 million of Indian workforce. Indian government expects overseas Indians to pump in about US$500 billion into the FOREX reserves of the country in the next 10 years, making them the single largest source of foreign receipts.

Foreigners Living in India

Historically, about 72 % of the current Indian population is originated from Aryan race. Prominent historians and Dravidians consider Aryans as foreign invaders to India. The Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) was postulated by eminent Oxford scholar Max Muller in 1882 and later advanced by several western and Indian historians.

Under the current scenario, potential migrants or ‘invaders’ to India include few ‘hired or weird’ Pakistani bombers, villagers aroundIndia’s border with Bangladesh, Tamil refugees from Sri Lanka and Indian import of Nepali prostitutes. 92 year old, Indian Painter Maqbool Fida Hussainlives in Dubai after death threats from Hindu militants. According to Hindu extremists Bangladeshi story teller Taslima Nasrin passed all the tests for an Indian citizenship. Italian born Sonia Gandhi , the Christian widow of Rajiv Gandhi is still considered as a foreigner by Hindu elites while Pakistan born Hindu, Lal Krishna Advani is ‘legally and morally fit’ to become India’s next Prime Minister.

Quit India!

Sixty years ago Indians asked the British to quit India. Now they are doing it themselves. To live with dignity and enjoy relative freedom, one has to quit India! With this massive exodus, what will be left behind will be a violently charged and polarized society.

Hindutva’s fake National Pride on India

A 2006 opinion poll by Outlook-AC Nielsen shows that 46 % of India’s urban class wants to settle down in US. Interestingly, in the Hindutva heart land of Gujarat, 54 % of people want to move to US.

Even Parliament members of the Hindutva party are involved in human trafficking from India. Recently police arrested, Babubhai Katara, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP, who was part of such a racket. He received 20,000 US $ per person for US migration from victims.

When Indians are fleeing aroundthe world to find a job, how can this hindutva idiots can claim on “National Pride of India”?

India is the World Bank’s largest borrower, In June 2007 it provided $3.7bn in new loans to India. Due to the fake ‘India Shining’ propaganda launched by Hindutvaidiots, foreign donors are reluctant to help the poor people in this country. According to figures provided by Britain’s aid agency, the total aid to India, from all sources, is only $1.50 a head, compared with an average of $17 per head for low-income countries. [Financial Times]

India as a world power? Part 1
World power India? Part 2
India as a World Power: Part 3
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India has problems, India is poor -- These are not merit badges, but India aspires and it works it better itself, and that is a badge of merit.

All countries have problems, US is a pwerful and rich country but it too has problems to solve.

Having problems to solve is what human endeavour is about - some do not acknowledge their problems yet India does have courage to acknowledge their problems and the will to solve them -- counting India out is delusion, helping India to solve problems is the way to proceed.

Religious bigotry does not recognize national borders but India also has a history of religious harmony.

Dir ayad, Durust Ayad, as they say.
Errr yes every country has problems but every country just dsnt have so many of them as this India and then those coutires dont dream and brag about the next super power. I bet if you read the whole article before writing your 'intellectual post'. There are more then 10 things written in that article apart from India being 'poor', the only point you could think of.

Please read before you post.


10 problems only - That simply cannot be true, there are hundreds and thousands and millions of problems in India.

But what are we to make of problems in society other than that these require solutions - and in that sense, how are these of interest other than a version of the pot calling the kettle black.

Religious bigotry attracts my attention simply becuse it is, to me, so vile, so petty, so ridiculous, so outrageous. We as Pakistanis and as Muslims cannot take any comfort or pleasure in pointing out problems but not wanting to be a part of the solution, in fact once we become aware of them, it becomes incumbent, it becomes an obligation to offer assistance to solve them, isn't that so?

And in that light, how do you propose that we help those with whom we share a heritage and a history, with those with whom we are Hum Sayah (share the same shade), Hum Shirah (share the same milk)?
Pls add this to the long & unending list of anti Indian threads on this forum.

Anti India fulminations are expected here & cause no anxiety. A garbage collector or a " Kabari" will only find things relevant to his thoughts wherever he goes.It really does not matter what garbage diggers find each time they visit a dump.

Whether India becomes a world power or not is something India must decide thru its actions . If it fails it shall have no one but itself to blame while India baiters can gloat.

India has failed numerous time & is not scared or unhappy with failures. Neither is it perfect..we do have a No of failings & do not claim to be the " land of the pure" either. We are " impure' coz we allow others to live & speak too. When we get fed up , we have " have it out" amongst ourselves, cry a bit , feel sorry & carry on till the next one.

But this is how we are. Despite all our failings, lousy short sighted politicians, internal dissentions, corruption, we have managed to put satellites into space, are sending a vehicle to the moon, have struck possibly among the largest " finds" of natural Gas in the KG basin, have the cheapest cell phone rates the world over, etc.

Yes we do get overwhelmed by our own numbers, but somethings can't be helped. Can they ?

It may take 50 days to register a property in India, we apologise for our in efficiency but even then people are lining up to register...

We shall try very hard to change.

Till then pls bear with us.If we fail,we shall then take solace in the fact that at least we tried..
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Pls add this to the long & unending list of anti Indian threads on this forum.

Anti India fulminations are expected here

That's entirely unhelpful and unnecessary - we don't need violins in the background.
Err dude? seriously? Do you skip some of the words while reading? Read my post 10 times again, you'll understand that its written 'more then 10 things' - period.

Plus, again, ill say that the above article is not about some 'religious bigotry' it points out everything. If you can bother spending 10 minutes reading the article rather then posting pointless, and something which dsnt makes any sense. The article destroys the false calim of inda as a world power in future.
Pls add this to the long & unending list of anti Indian threads on this forum.

Anti India fulminations are expected here & causes no anxiety. A garbage collector or a " Kabari" will only find things relevant to his thoughts wherever he goes.It really does not matter what garbage diggers find each time they visit a dump.

Whether India becomes a world power or not is something India must decide thru its actions . If it fails it shall have no one but itself to blame while India baiters will gloat.

India has failed numerous time & is not scared or unhappy with failures. Neither is it perfect..we do have a No of failings & do not claim to be the " land of the pure" either. We are " impure' coz we allow others to live & speak too. When we get fed up , we have " have it out" amongst ourselves, cry a bit , feel sorry & carry on.

But this is how we are. Despite all our failings, lousy short sighted politicians, internal dissentions, corruption, we have managed to put satellites into space, are sending a vehicle to the moon, have struck possibly among the largest " finds" of natural Gas in the KG basin, have the cheapest cell phone rates the world over, etc.

Yes we do get overwhelmed by our own numbers, but somethings can't be helped. Can they ?

It may take 50 days to register a property in India, we apologise for our in efficiency but even then people are lining up to register...

We shall try very hard to change. Till then pls bear with us. We shall then take solace in the fact that at we tried..

Kindly dont be ignorant. Please read out the article, there is nothing ANTI-INDIAN on it, rather its jus pointing out the recorded facts that are happening in India with suitable references to creditable sources.

Read before you post.
You are exactly right and your post is not jongoistic but rather factual.
The problem is that India's poor and the weak cannot put their position over the internet or other English speaking forums !
They suffer in silent, die a miserable death and they find no takers amongst the elite english speaking classes. For them it does not matter, Hindu raj, Islamic raj or British raj. All have not allevated them from poverty. For them, the only escape is death. India is a third world country with extreme poverty. That is our definition. Clear and simple.


10 problems only - That simply cannot be true, there are hundreds and thousands and millions of problems in India.

But what are we to make of problems in society other than that these require solutions - and in that sense, how are these of interest other than a version of the pot calling the kettle black.

Religious bigotry attracts my attention simply becuse it is, to me, so vile, so petty, so ridiculous, so outrageous. We as Pakistanis and as Muslims cannot take any comfort or pleasure in pointing out problems but not wanting to be a part of the solution, in fact once we become aware of them, it becomes incumbent, it becomes an obligation to offer assistance to solve them, isn't that so?

And in that light, how do you propose that we help those with whom we share a heritage and a history, with those with whom we are Hum Sayah (share the same shade), Hum Shirah (share the same milk)?

I think thats not the point Ali is trying to make it here. We all the time see Indians bragging about being in the same league as Chinese while condeming Pakistan to be a failed state, this is a reality check for them that they are no where near to become a world power. You see no country is without problems, i agree with that but then again Pakistan also includes in that list, we are a country with problems too but how come that when it comes to Pakistan the only part that is highlighted is our problems.

The article is something written with facts and we shouldnt discount it.
Pls add this to the long & unending list of anti Indian threads on this forum.

Anti India fulminations are expected here & cause no anxiety. A garbage collector or a " Kabari" will only find things relevant to his thoughts wherever he goes.It really does not matter what garbage diggers find each time they visit a dump.

Just because it states something contrary to what you people like to pretend does not make it a garbage. Refrain from insulting someone. Indians are more known of producing Garbage and then pasting it on a pakistan defence forum then anyone else here.
Also instead of whining, it would be better if you counter it with facts and logics. By simply calling it anti India or perhaps garbage will not make it one unless ofcourse you prove it other wise.
Just because it states something contrary to what you people like to pretend does not make it a garbage. Refrain from insulting someone. Indians are more known of producing Garbage and then pasting it on a pakistan defence forum then anyone else here.
Also instead of whining, it would be better if you counter it with facts and logics. By simply calling it anti India or perhaps garbage will not make it one unless ofcourse you prove it other wise.

No one is whining. we simply stand up & admit we full of mistakes, thats all. despite all this & more, we are trying.

There is nothing in the article which is not already known both within India & without. We all produce garbage, since Indians are more in No,the garbage produced will obviously be more.

There is nothing to counter, except as I mentioned..to apologise for the way we are. We are trying...it will take time. With all our failings..some things still work here.

See Ice, I consider what happened at Marriott to be reprehensible to say the least. These things are not happening to 'you' & 'me', they are happening to us. Even now we guys cannot give up our deep rooted resentment & move fwd together...it really is a pity.

My heart goes to the parents of people employed there ( my son too works in a Marriott property), instead of closing ranks we guys are still in the same " Gloat in my neighbours discomfiture club".

It doesn't matter if India is or becomes a world power. If it becomes a " national' power ( i.e. if it is strong within), the rest will follow, if it it doesn't , the hell with it.

Is this the unsafe land our dads left us ? , are we happy with what we leave our children with ?

Will we ever see light ?
Pls add this to the long & unending list of anti Indian threads on this forum.

Anti India fulminations are expected here & cause no anxiety. A garbage collector or a " Kabari" will only find things relevant to his thoughts wherever he goes.It really does not matter what garbage diggers find each time they visit a dump.


Do not swept by emotions Sir. Lets discuss it objectively. These hare naked facts and there nothing anti-India, anti-Pakistan or anti anyone in such kind of aticles.

If there are blams without proofs then one can discart without even uttering a word. (Sir this is the most open minded forum arround the world where all of us have been provided equal status irrespective of nationality. That is why all of you Indians are here instead of your own forums. )

Now coming back to the topic.

Sir indeed India aspires but we need to look at the factors what are the basis for fulfilment of these aspirations.

India has not faced any proxy during all these 60 years of its formation.

Nor India has been subjected to the kind of hate and prejudice by the world power due to only reason that India has never been draged into the proxy wars which has saved her from indulging into things which sometimes realy harm a country.

Nor India was subjected to religious hate due to only reason that it is not an Islamic country.

It is more easy for India to aspire and work for its fulfilment in such a way.

Now in all favourable conditions from the world, the problems prevail in India should have been decreased on fast track which is not case.

Yes we need to realise that its a big country with massive population hence its not easy to overcome these problems in day or two.

The only objection is again with due appology the exclusion of millions of own people on the basis of cast system.

We all the time see Indians bragging about being in the same league as Chinese while condeming Pakistan to be a failed state, this is a reality check

Yes, some do engage in that behaviour however; it is unconvincing, India is not on some other inaccessible planet, it's just next door and we are aware of problems and challenges.

Reality check? - OK, but picture is always complex and there is not and cannot be a monopoly on truth(s) -- just as a picture can be painted with negatives to impart an impression, so a picture can be painted with positives to reflect another reality or truths.

I was hoping to suggest that these kinds of efforts do not help us further along, it merely ends up as a pot calling the kettle black exercise - and at least to me, it's pointless.
Just because it states something contrary to what you people like to pretend does not make it a garbage. Refrain from insulting someone. Indians are more known of producing Garbage and then pasting it on a pakistan defence forum then anyone else here.
Also instead of whining, it would be better if you counter it with facts and logics. By simply calling it anti India or perhaps garbage will not make it one unless ofcourse you prove it other wise.

For Becoming World Power one need Strong Industry base:

1) TATA, Reliance, TCS are company who is accruing the Gobal companies aboard, Like Tatle, Jaguar etc

2) India has Strong Industrial Base now. Success in Space is one example.

3) If out of 1 Billion population some 32k Criminal Activity happens then its not big deal. if Crimes don't happen then why all country need to spend on police around the world.

4) Indian had big middle class populations to influence anyone.
McDonalds Only India First has to Customized its Burger according to Indian taste, where it has not didnt done anywhere in world before that.

5) Do Indian goes aboard for better studies and better futures, ISRO, Microsoft, etc hires Indians due top better talent.

6) Intel Bangalore Team in India designed True 6 Core Processor and True Quad Core Processor

7) Adobe India holds patent of many technologies which is developed by Indians and in India.

Super Power are those who can influence the others. Every Country has problems some except it and some tries to hide it. Like china.
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