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India as a world power?

Every Country has problems some except it and some tries to hide it. Like china.

:) Still China does not rather never needed to tell the world why she should be a super power.

Nor China has ever told the world reason why she is aspiring to the the world power.

Neither China needed to climb over the top hill and shout how many industries she have, how many developments are there which determined the status of a world power.

And China also never needed propaganda for proving herself a world power.

The world notices itself and that is why it is scared of China.

Discrimination against Minority Muslims

Recently, Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee report admitted that 138 Million Muslims across India are severely under-represented in government employment, including Public Sector Units. Ironically, West Bengal, a communist ruled state reported 0 (zero) percent of Muslims in higher positions in its PSUs! It has found that the share of Muslims in government jobs and in the lower judiciary in any state simply does not come anywhere close to their population share. The only place where Muslims can claim a share in proportion to their population is in prison! (Muslims convicts in India is 19.1%, while the number of under trials is 22.5%, which exceed their population ratio) . A note sent on January 9 by the army to the defence ministry in 2004 says that only 29,093 Muslims among a total of 1.1 million personnel - a ratio of 2.6 %, which compares poorly with the Muslims’ 13.8 % share in the Indian population. Officially, Indian Army don’t allow head count based on religion.

A Muslim child attends school for three years and four months, compared to the national average of four years. Less than two percent of the students at the elite Indian Institutes of Technology comprise of the Muslim community. According to the National Knowledge Commission member Jayathi Ghosh, ‘there is a need to re-orient official strategies for ensuring better access of Muslim children to schooling outside the madrasas which cater to only four per cent of children from the community.’

Well this is nothing but telling the Muslim mentality. Govt Provide Education irrespective of cast and creed. If Muslims don't want to study further then what Indian govt do?

IIT is open to All for those who can qualify " if Muslims students didn't able to pass that exam what Indian Govt has to do? "

If Muslims studies and want to join any job that provided they have to give exams" If you Muslims it dose'nt mean u r exempted from exam because u r minority"

Muslims basically still form stereo type" they dont allow girls to study " Govt Provided free education to Muslims girls"

Muslims couple Give birth more then 10 + Kids even if cannot raise more then one kid and family. due to this he cannot provided care to his family like education, food and these kids after growing up do criminal activity.
:) Still China does not rather never needed to tell the world why she should be a super power.

Nor China has ever told the world reason why she is aspiring to the the world power.

Neither China needed to climb over the top hill and shout how many industries she have, how many developments are there which determined the status of a world power.

And China also never needed propaganda for proving herself a world power.

The world notices itself and that is why it is scared of China.


Oh really? then why china boasted it economic so much and compare it with India.

China dont should because she dont have anything to shout for :cheesy:

Nor India Shouts , For India other people are now Accepting India will become World Power

That is why G7 is not asking India to join. India Played a major role in getting UN Seat to China. and we already seen the China Response for thanking India.

World Notice itself that China is threat to world peace that's why they r worried. Not because of its economic but due to its defense
Discrimination against Minority Muslims

Well this is nothing but telling the Muslim mentality. Govt Provide Education irrespective of cast and creed. If Muslims don't want to study further then what Indian govt do?

IIT is open to All for those who can qualify " if Muslims students didn't able to pass that exam what Indian Govt has to do? "

If Muslims studies and want to join any job that provided they have to give exams" If you Muslims it dose'nt mean u r exempted from exam because u r minority"

Muslims basically still form stereo type" they dont allow girls to study " Govt Provided free education to Muslims girls"

Muslims couple Give birth more then 10 + Kids even if cannot raise more then one kid and family. due to this he cannot provided care to his family like education, food and these kids after growing up do criminal activity.

Wow, Are these straight qoutes from a Narendra Modi speech or from VHP meetings with Pravin Togadia !! Anyways, its something that bigots will continue to believe regardless of how educated they are
For Becoming World Power one need Strong Industry base:

1) TATA, Reliance, TCS are company who is accruing the Gobal companies aboard, Like Tatle, Jaguar etc

2) India has Strong Industrial Base now. Success in Space is one example.

3) If out of 1 Billion population some 32k Criminal Activity happens then its not big deal. if Crimes don't happen then why all country need to spend on police around the world.

4) Indian had big middle class populations to influence anyone.
McDonalds Only India First has to Customized its Burger according to Indian taste, where it has not didnt done anywhere in world before that.

5) Do Indian goes aboard for better studies and better futures, ISRO, Microsoft, etc hires Indians due top better talent.

6) Intel Bangalore Team in India designed True 6 Core Processor and True Quad Core Processor

7) Adobe India holds patent of many technologies which is developed by Indians and in India.

Super Power are those who can influence the others. Every Country has problems some except it and some tries to hide it. Like china.

Actually to be a world power, you need to over come all those problems which are written above. Kindly dont be ignorant and stop living in a world of dream. Tata inda and all other outcomes of captalistic ecnonmy are just adding more fuel to your civil unrest, which will destroy india in comming decades, rather then making it a power.

And yes, every country has problems, but not as much as 'india' and they dont brag/dream about being a world power. With all those facts above, India is prone to get destroyed rather then anything else.
Wow, Are these straight qoutes from a Narendra Modi speech or from VHP meetings with Pravin Togadia !! Anyways, its something that bigots will continue to believe regardless of how educated they are

1) Not Really, U see Dr. Kalam who headed Indian Missile man is Muslim, Did India said you are Muslim you cannot lead Indian missile prog??

India Made him President, Respected him,

2) Mod. Azar who headed Indian Cricket Team, Did India say you are Muslim you cannot Become caption of Indian Team??

3) Veer Abdul Hamid who is the one that destroyed US made Patron Tanks, Provided Greatest Award , did India said he is Muslim he will fight against PAk.

In India who ever Deserve will take it weather it is Hindu, Muslim , Sikh or Christian. Its for individual who make it off.

If you see no Muslim Country made any strides in Science and Technology? why? You ask yourself this question
Actually to be a world power, you need to over come all those problems which are written above. Kindly dont be ignorant and stop living in a world of dream. Tata inda and all other outcomes of captalistic ecnonmy are just adding more fuel to your civil unrest, which will destroy india in comming decades, rather then making it a power.

And yes, every country has problems, but not as much as 'india' and they dont brag/dream about being a world power. With all those facts above, India is prone to get destroyed rather then anything else.

When US was power then it also has problem of Black and White People, that time also it was Super Power and now also. So you logic is fail when 2=2 law applies to other then here also.

With all facts above its Indian is going to come in league to powers
Actually to be a world power, you need to over come all those problems which are written above. Kindly dont be ignorant and stop living in a world of dream. Tata inda and all other outcomes of captalistic ecnonmy are just adding more fuel to your civil unrest, which will destroy india in comming decades, rather then making it a power.

And yes, every country has problems, but not as much as 'india' and they dont brag/dream about being a world power. With all those facts above, India is prone to get destroyed rather then anything else.

Mr. Ali, All the problem you are mentioning too, cannot be solved if the country is not economically sound. I believe in the trickle down theory, where the economic force creates jobs and stability.

Regarding the civil unrest that problem is universal, whenever you have hetergeous society, and perfect example is US. Where the Africe American people will jumb at any moment, if there is suspision of prejeduce or biggotry.

And your comment about bragging, i find nothing wrong in this. Simply put Indian people feel good about there country and the future it is headed. Regarding comparing to China, that is a form of competition which is health. Just like United States needed competition from Russia regarding space and defense, so does India here with China.
To Indian guys.

We don't need to "prove" anything on this forum. Millions of Indians are proving what we are capable of everyday by going about their job. The world has taken notice. If some out of their sheer hatred would like to remain wedded to their archaic ideas, let them be.

It is obvious this kind of threads are driven by hatred not by any objectivity.

So cool off guys and let the trolls have fun. You will see that most serious Pakistani posters keep off these troll like threads.
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