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India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap

India is like a child in the playground saying 'Its my ball I wont let you play with it and I am taking it home' before the game is over. The world should press India to settle all outstanding matters with Pakistan where territory is concerned it should be done by the will of the people and where resources(such as water issue) are concerned take in to account the legitimate economic claims of the two countries.
This indian general either seems to me the ex-reporter of that funny indian channel India TV

or has been participant in the Jerry Springer Show:rofl::blah:
Did you read the article?

i bet we are giving the indian COAS urinary incontinence.

Oooohh.. the indians are sooo scared of us, we are such a threat to the world, if that is what you want to listen. Be happy!


Sir its america more worried then india. imagine even 1percent of nuclear material found in terrorists hand and america came to know then be ready for toughest sanctions on ur country and dont role out strikes on your nuclear sites as america knews where pakistans nuclear sites are. America does have mother of all bombs. That would be good enough to melt everything in nuclear sites of pakistan. i think once nuclear material gets in terrorists hands then america wont be having any option but to attack pakistan. Your general mushraaf did said how close america came to attack. He said it was him who told america that pakistan will do anything america wants. So try to protect nuclear weapons from terrorist because its pakistans life line sir. Thank you.
Sir its america more worried then india. imagine even 1percent of nuclear material found in terrorists hand and america came to know then be ready for toughest sanctions on ur country and dont role out strikes on your nuclear sites as america knews where pakistans nuclear sites are. America does have mother of all bombs. That would be good enough to melt everything in nuclear sites of pakistan. i think once nuclear material gets in terrorists hands then america wont be having any option but to attack pakistan. Your general mushraaf did said how close america came to attack. He said it was him who told america that pakistan will do anything america wants. So try to protect nuclear weapons from terrorist because its pakistans life line sir. Thank you.

Dont try to be smart and dont try to teach us apnay asaaaam ke kheer manaao! aur unke who killing your police and call for independence!!!

PS: America India and Isreal ko tension hey baki dunya sakoon may bheti hey worlds knowz who is real stupid and REAL terrorist so stop watching BS bollywood movies and cumout of ur Dream. You go for 126 MMRCA and more 100 Su30 ITS ok but when pakistan talk about even drone tu tumahre pant geli hojati hain i think if eva we go for rafale tumnay tu Unitednation ka jeena haram kardena hey!
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The only cap we will put will be champion's trouphy's cricket cap after we win it , the neculear stock pile will rise as the country needs to have 20-30 extra nucs just in case , for backup :coffee:

Indian general should really focus on their own stock piles being in danger of being captured by Assam sepratist , or Tamil sepratist down south or Kashmiri sepratist ...

Like every one wants to seperate , north , wants to seperate, east wants to separate and south is always better -

Phir I don't know yar, how can Indian waste money on nuclear weapons , and aircraft carriers and weapons of mass destruction.:sick:
Its really dangerous if the Indian nucs fall in wrong hands
why u indians always have habbit of crying when u lost cricket match u cry when we buy subs u cry when we sell G 3 to vietnam u cry when we build our nuke u cry we never cry when u spent 50 times more of our defence budgent we did not asked anyone why ur chief is worried did he think that even indian spent trillons of dollars on weapons they will be useless with paks one strike so keep pissing it is ur same chief whom our retired major now he is journalist gave a sort of answer that ur high ranked general have no answer to reply to our major so stop when we talk it will force u to stop talking so keep quit and watch the show it is shame that the 100 times bigger country lost one war with pakistan whcih is smaller than it it is shamefull that 100 times bigger country worried about 100 times smaller than it and till now u cant matchh with our nukes it is soo shame we dominated u in all fields so shame full u name it we have it both profesionally and pakistan has technecally and etc we dominated u and keep doing it
Brother Super Falcon ;
"why u indians always have habbit of crying"
Because it is their favorite hobby ? Oh sorry Nature Hobby would be better :)
having lot of nuk stuff is not a super power
development in all sector is a way to become a super power
The only cap we will put will be champion's trouphy's cricket cap after we win it , the neculear stock pile will rise as the country needs to have 20-30 extra nucs just in case , for backup :coffee:

Indian general should really focus on their own stock piles being in danger of being captured by Assam sepratist , or Tamil sepratist down south or Kashmiri sepratist ...

Like every one wants to seperate , north , wants to seperate, east wants to separate and south is always better -

Phir I don't know yar, how can Indian waste money on nuclear weapons , and aircraft carriers and weapons of mass destruction.:sick:
Its really dangerous if the Indian nucs fall in wrong hands

Hey hold on. South Africa is hell bent on taking the next cricket world cup so you Asian nations may as well just put your ideas on hold there.

On a more serious note and after watching CNN and Al Jazeera networks, what are the chances of extremists capturing Pakistan's nukes? Before I get some ranting and raving about me being pro Indian, let me remind everybody that my question is based on my watching of those tv channels and all I want is a logical response without childish insults.
On a more serious note and after watching CNN and Al Jazeera networks, what are the chances of extremists capturing Pakistan's nukes?

None actually. Pakistan's nuclear weapons are as safe as any where else in the world. Moreover if you understand what a nuclear device is, even if an extremist gets a hand on it, he would require years before he could actually break the codes and that is close to impossible.
Hey hold on. South Africa is hell bent on taking the next cricket world cup so you Asian nations may as well just put your ideas on hold there.

On a more serious note and after watching CNN and Al Jazeera networks, what are the chances of extremists capturing Pakistan's nukes? Before I get some ranting and raving about me being pro Indian, let me remind everybody that my question is based on my watching of those tv channels and all I want is a logical response without childish insults.

I think, an atomic device is electronically locked. Only the sitting President and probably the Army Chief of Staff know the codes. But, as I understand, each of them knows only half the code. So, one of them alone cannot activate the device.

Extremists have little chance to activate a device, but surely, it is dangerous if they lay hand on such a device.
Well this is interesting why would the Indian army chief want a CAP on our nukes did we ever say anything about capping indian progress!!

indians always cry if it kapil on BBC or indian Foreign Minister when he cries after the mumbai attacks or manmohan in UN....

the best is let us do what we want and you keep doing what you want don't go around making statements about us!!!!
Well this is interesting why would the Indian army chief want a CAP on our nukes did we ever say anything about capping indian progress!!

Indians cant help it be it the ordinary Indian lurking around here or be it the army chief. Best course of action is to take it with a pinch of salt as we can change friends but we cant change neighbors and unfortunately Indians are our neighbors(God what did we do to deserve that:disagree:).
Hey hold on. South Africa is hell bent on taking the next cricket world cup so you Asian nations may as well just put your ideas on hold there.

On a more serious note and after watching CNN and Al Jazeera networks, what are the chances of extremists capturing Pakistan's nukes? Before I get some ranting and raving about me being pro Indian, let me remind everybody that my question is based on my watching of those tv channels and all I want is a logical response without childish insults.

Come on man use common sense, a facility protected by 50-60 tanks and may be 10,000 trops and special codes

Can a sheep herder (so called terrorist can figure out how to launch a nuke??? lol :disagree:

Operating nucs is not easy has making instant noodle

If Terrorist wanted nucs they could just order it from ebay from USA LOL

I read some where that US accidently lost nucs routinely , I mean 32,000 nukes are hard to track , problly some one sold it on ebay you can buy anything on Ebay ...

There were few cowards that attacked a cricket team in Srilanka and the police was brave enought to save all ppl so you can imagine what 10,000 + soliders will do to protect nucs...
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