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India approves $50 billion naval build-up

:coffee: yes nehru was pain in the a$$, but ccp sholdnt have backstabd , and see ccp relationship with others russia , japan ,taiwan ,usa ,vietnam , meleysia , philipines,..

When you are big, those who stay around you will feel pressure. As reference to India it comes to Bagladesh, Pakistan and Siri lankar.
When you are big, those who stay around you will feel pressure. As reference to India it comes to Bagladesh, Pakistan and Siri lankar.

Pakistan isn't small if you mean territory.

NO; who stay around you will feel the pressure if and only if the BIG one start bullying them or just warmongering. There are many countries out of Asian contex if you want outta example
Why India always call China bully at SCS when IN try to grasp the entire Indian Ocean? Same to you.....

Correction India don't call China bully. The tiny nations that face it call China bully.
IN try to grasp entire IOR no doubt but we don't claim it as our property. Count the number of disputes Chinese has around their background. As long as I know there are only two disputes in Indian territory along IOR. One with BD and one with SL and those two are about small inhibited islands. But these are on talking tables. Unlike a milletry over power
Australia is not that big of a country militarily.

Anyway, if people are going to bring in CCP or any other political parties' attitudes and establish THAT as a standard for relationship between members, then that is a damn shame ^^ People need to get off that sheeple mentality and stop blindly following a country's political leanings.
This will undoubtably lead to worries by South-East Asian nations of an Indian attempt to create a 'Maha-Bharat, since Hindu fundamentalists do claim that most of South-East is theirs, and indeed some have even claimed ownership of the Indian ocean.

We own Indian ocean and IN is heading in that way. Unlike china India has already made it clear in its Naval strategic plan..

Along with this Naval build up India is expecting one Trillion dollars in infrastructure development and there are some highly ambitious plans to uplift economy which are going to be executed at a faster pace in the next 5 years.

For China :P we can see you neck to neck less than a decade from now.
There are some Hindu extremist out there that will make Osama feel like mother Teresa.

There are some Han supremacists in pdf, that "ll make Japanese war criminals and Nazis look like UN aid workers.

Spending about $10 billion per year till 2017, doesn't seem feasible, without increase in defence spending by atlest extra $5 billion (assuming the fact that $ 5 billion is returned to treasury by MoD back to treasury.)

So the question is can Indian economy for next five year sustain an extra of $5 billion with current growth rate?

From a naval point of view, India needs home built AIP submarines IMO.
Why India always call China bully at SCS when IN try to grasp the entire Indian Ocean? Same to you.....

Fact is there are no countries in Indian ocean. There are some Island nations to our south but we don't have any territorial disputes. India is well placed in IN to ensure safety and security of Shipping lanes this strategy will also coincides with free shipping lanes and world peace.

China's case is completely different , China claims entire south China sea even though it signed UNCLOS treaty. It is also bullying small Island nations based on fake historic facts, and in each and every dispute it is following different set of rules which will suit it.
airforce and army are more crucial to nation's defenses than navy... fighter aircraft, artillery guns and soldiers are the the three frontier defenses of any nation and sadly they are nowhere of getting modern.
airforce and army are more crucial to nation's defenses than navy... fighter aircraft, artillery guns and soldiers are the the three frontier defenses of any nation and sadly they are nowhere of getting modern.

But airforce and army can modernized within a decade, Navy takes longer time to do so.

Besides India is a peninsular nation and IOR is India's trade lifeline.
airforce and army are more crucial to nation's defenses than navy... fighter aircraft, artillery guns and soldiers are the the three frontier defenses of any nation and sadly they are nowhere of getting modern.

That's a very simplistic view. You obviously haven't read details of the Indo-Pak wars where Indian Navy shut off supply to Karachi and destroyed the fuel storage areas of the port. Also during the liberation of Bangladesh where the then West Pakistan was cut off allowing the completion of the war in such a short time. These were crucial for those wars!

India's land borders are mainly surrounded by rival nations. In the event of a war, the only route to resupply the country would be the sea. Without a navy, this is impossible. Additionally, Navy is the only arm of the defence forces that can be used to project your influence without landing on another country's sovereign territory. It was high time this force was modernised. It is a much delayed but welcome change.
That's a very simplistic view. You obviously haven't read details of the Indo-Pak wars where Indian Navy shut off supply to Karachi and destroyed the fuel storage areas of the port.

But still, since none of the neighboring countries comes even close to the current capability of IN, their importance in a war in this area is minimal. Even in a war against China, IAF and IA are more important, because defending the Indo - Chinese borders will be the key, not sending a surface fleet to the east. That is the reason why INs budget was lower in the last decades, but why their budget will be increased in future, since power projection and especially the nuclear triad will become important for our defence too. Developing and operating SSBNs and SSNs will be very costly, not to mention at least 3 carriers.
The building cost of 052D is somewhere around 700 millions plus USD, and 054A is 250 millions USD per.

thats bcoz China already has well developed mordern shipyards in big no. as well as good naval Sams like HQ-9 whereas we r in the process of developing our public n private shipyards along with never n bigger port as well as naval sams n missiles like Barak 8, Nirbhay, Brahmos, etc...:agree:
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